(2011/09) Sep 2011

Wow Jennifer u detected Ur pregnancy so early???? Li hai eh... I detected mine during 3 weeks but it's symptom came during 1 week too... How amazing..

Very curious how long did u ladies planned for Ur pregnancy?

For me it's an accident... Juz 8mths after wedding n realized tio "zillon toto" kind of surprised cause I had very irregular menst and we didn't try for it. So it's a real blessing from god.

Good morning ladies! Welcome new mummies. Wow so many 2nd time mummies. Must really learn from you all.

Simbaobao - we tried almost a yr. Abt 3 months after the wedding, we went off protection. Then only very serious abt the whole TTC since sept. We were really blessed that God answered our prayer so quickly.

Anyone feeling the same as me? Nauseous especially after meal, tired .. My work productivity went down by 2 levels. Also been battling with a cold for the past 2 days. Feeling terrible so sometimes become easily irritable.

simbaobao, hw many weeks u in now? i dint hav much morn sickness last preg. this one is reali bad, very terrible and nauseous esp at nite... and i feel so tired at wrk.

p3pp, try obimin pre natal vits, can buy at pharmacy.

chine: i am going into 6th week ... i didn't expect MS to come so fast.. now see foods alrdy had the.. will i become merlion after eating..

Really felt very tired during the day and super active @ night..

Regarding vitamins, its best to seek advise from the gyane/GP who know ur body well or else if later you are allergy to certain substances in it then not very good.

I asked my gyane and he said time being.. folic acid is good enough.. then 3rd trimester onwards will have more vitamins to take.

Maybe if u gals are considering vitamins from outside, seek advise 1st.


I'm also trying n realized not easy to get P this time ard. Was abt to give up coz rabbit gonna end soon. I've many wonderful mummies over at march 09 forum n one of them asked me to test if my menses late. For many mths, my menses were v late but tested not + ve. V sad. This time ard, when they asked me to test, I was like, sigh... Test also not +ve. Then, one nite, I can't zzz... So decided to test ... And when I least expected it, I realized there r 2 fine from clear blue but v faint. I dare not tell my hubby at 1st for fear of wrong info.


jennifer: hahaha yeap tat is the prob with iphone.. it always happened to me..

for me i test twice as well... one time after my symptm appeared but no line then towards end of dec.. i really felt "weird" so test again.. OMG nearly faint on the spot.. II lines shown and HB not ard too... took photo to check with my sis.. she said 80% cfm lo.. next day when HB came back from work den went to check with GP..


I m currently on obimin.. Getting frm pharmacy is in fact much cheaper than frm gynae.. Lol..


Yes tatz wat i m on.. Hehe...


Dun worry, itz the same multi vits tat my gynae prescribe from my last preg.. So itz totally safe, u can try it too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


!!!!!! * waving hi!!!!

p3pp3r: i see... thanks.. i will ask my gyane abt it.. i doesn't dare to anyhow take medi cause since young.. even vitamin made me sick


hihi hunnymummy

Hi mummies! I did smth crazy. Taka was having a huge sale so I already bought the baby stroller. I know it's super early but the cost savings is almost 500 bucks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeap our 1st baby.. mmm i dunno.. am battling.. one side i wana boy.. so tat i still had energy to chase.. but on the other hand.. if baby is galgal.. wow lots of $$$ to spend on dolling her up... haha HB said will know in a few mths time.. as long as is a healthy baby... doesn't matter la.. leave it to fate.

Hi gina, got taka sale?Till when?I also wan to buy stroller.Bought my first Graco Stroller @ taka sale too.big savings hor??Kind fix my eye on Capella...

hi all mummies, talking about stroller...I been aiming for the quinny stroller since my first bb till now...so now with 2nd bb.....in sept....think will like to have a quinny stroller or maybe a twin stroller....i using combi stroller now for its one hand function and lightweight.....but I think bigger size stroller allows bb more space to sleep.

Hi gina, got taka sale?Till when?I also wan to buy stroller.Bought my first Graco Stroller @ taka sale too.big savings hor??Kind fix my eye on Capella...

@simbaobao: I got the Quinny stroller. I saw perego on sale too but can't recall the price.

@ hunnymummy: yes, Taka had a 4-day sale since Thurs. Ends today. We came yesterday to see but couldn't decide if it was too early to buy. End up, came back today to get it. Didn't see Capella today tho but many other brands. I was just at mothercare yesterday, same stroller I bought is close to 500 bucks more at MC.

gina: oh thanks for ur info.. dun tink i wan to go down to town today.. will wait for the next sale to come.. hehe no rush..

Wah!!Thanks Gina for the info.Really good savings!hmm...my DH is off to work liao...think i missed it this time.should have more of such deals in the months to come[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Not yet.. wanna to see how the gyane we seeing is.. only met him for the last time last week.. so wanna to see him a few times den decided.

@simbaobao & hunnymummy: no problem, I'm sure there's at least 3 more sale periods until Sep, I'm prolly too gan cheong. Hehe. Enjoy ur weekends anyway! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will update again after my gynae visit on Tues. - fingers crossed-

simbaobao:hmm..yalor, which gender is ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]girl girl also not necessary very exp.for me, i dun buy alot of clothes for her cos my sis bought for my niece alot of nice and branded clothes den babies grow very fast so we wholesale everything lor.til now some also never used at all cos too many and usually the seasoned ones are more comfortable for her and convenient for us.haha..i also hoping for boy boy this time so i can complete my family.But girl girl also good lor. 2 girls are closer than 1 girl 1 boy especially their age gap will only be 1 yr.

gina: buy earlier also good...one thing less to do in your to-do list.the more you see and compare, the more undecided you can get[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You enjoy your weekends too!Everything will be fine, we will all have our babies 9 months from now!no worries!Enjoy every moment!

Hi all,

Talking abt package, I'll sign up with my gynae pretty soon. He said will give a special discount since I'm 3rd time there. ;)

Hi Mummies. I am getting rid of my maternity clothes cheaply in exchange for wet wipes. Brands are Noppies Maternity, Spring Maternity, Perfect Mums, Motherhood Maternity and etc. For tops/ dresses, any 2 items for 3 x 80s wet wipes from Pigeon or Tollyjoy. For pants or bellybands, any 1 item for 3 x 80s wet wipes. Please pm or email me at [email protected] Photos can be viewed at


For purchase above 9 packs of wet wipes value, I will throw in free packs of herbal baths. Thanks.

jenn - hee hee hee! congrats to u anyway!!! kekeke... hope u get a boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

p3ps - lol. u MIA olredi. KNSssss!!!

hope to join this thread but i dont think can make it on time.. maybe will join oct thread ba... WAHAHAHAH =x

Hi all Sept mummies to be.

I just tested positive today using Clearblue. If this is confirmed, I think I should be sept mum too. I am so excited and at the same time worry too. Afraid is a false alarm. This is my 1st and I am not sure what to do next. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Confirm with GP or make appt with gynae?

Congrats MZ!

Is up to u. I din go gp instead I made an appt with gynae. This is also my #1. but I am more paranoid than u. Tested with 3 different brands. Haha.. Now waiting to see gynae to confirm this fri.

Mz Congrats. U can Cfm with either. I had it done by my gp den booked an appt with gyane for scanning in my 5th weeks.

Good morning....mummies....

Jennifer, yr gynae is so kind to give u discount being 3rd time there. Does this mean this is yr 3rd pregnancy? Mine is 2nd one...but I doubt my gynae give discount for patient returning to him again.

Gina, which Quinny stroller model did u buy and how much? Can I ask why u choose Quinny huh? Last time I want to buy but the big wheel size hold me back for a long time.

Hi Annie, we bought the Quinny Buzz. We also find it bigger and heavier than most strollers due to the wheels but we prefer something more stable for the newborn. We also confirmed with the sales person that it can still fit into the car boot so we got it. The promoter from another brand told us Quinny gives better support to babies cos less flimsy. And the stroller can take newborn - 4 years, up to 20kg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Gina, yes agreed with what u said...so how much did u pay for it? Did u buy the convertible seat for the infant as well? The other time I hesitated about this purchase cos I know I only will use it on weekends and when using it...need hubby to be around too otherwise difficult to handle baby and stroller alone. Is this your first child?

hello mummies... can i join you in the chat here?

i tested positive yesterday, 2nd child. My no. 1 is a 15 mth old boy, so hope to have some girl baby dust for no. 2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Pommes, Simbaobao,

I read that gynae appt always full and usually takes a while. I think I’ll check with GP later after work then make appt with gynae after that since both GP and the gynae are at the same clinic. I am staying in Sembawang, planning to go for Dr Lawrence Ang. I think I am in my 4th weeks this week. Hopefully bb is doing fine inside.

Oh yes, I paid $800 for it after discount and further discount from my taka card. MC is selling at $1200. And I got quite a bit of free gifts amounting to more than $100..

Have you bought yours or considering any brand?

I haven't got the convertible seat cos no package promo. Maybe will look around when there's further promotion. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yes, first child. How about u?

Just a note, even though it's heavy, it's pretty easy to collapse and restore even if mummy is alone with daddy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gina, thanks for your info. Will check out if Taka still has the good price promo...and in fact I was at Taka on Saturday but I was shopping at the Atrium looking at the CNY goodies. MC is selling about $1198 and I thought of buying it now so that my first one can use it till sept then the newborn will use it....but if I convert it into infant seat than elder one cannot use it.

No worries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yup, you can take this time to get used to it before bb arives.

Missycandy: thanks! For a moment I tot you also had news to share!! Jiayou! Still got time for rabbit bb!

Welcome all other mummies who just joined. This thread is really moving very fast! Have a good week everyone!

Re: strollers,

I bought the peg perego P3 for #1 n although it's heavy n bulky, it's very stable. Also can b used from newborn stage cuz can lie flat all the way.

wow, you ladies are fast. Talking about strollers already.

I have a Mclaren Techno XT for my no. 1, but i didn't feel it was too comfortable. He didn't like it, and now it's a white elephant, sitting in the car boot

Quinny buzz is my dream stroller... maybe i should go physcho my hubby this time round

As for gynae, most likely i'll be at KKH as they have my records first time round. But the earliest appt i can secure is 7 Feb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] what a long wait


thanks! u have time.... quick BD every nite. Jia You! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I am sure yr gynae will also give a discount to u since this is yr 2nd P. My gyane gave me all 3 discount coz 1st P, my friend recommend me to him. 2nd P, discount again.. 3rd P also... U tell yr gynae it's yr 2nd time with him/her and u r v loyal to him/her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

