(2011/09) Sep 2011

@asura - I think she will be changing her gynae. At the end of the day, I think some Docs can be too clinical in treating patients and come up with solutions that do not consider the feelings of the family members or the mother. Poor thing, she will be paranoid until delivery becos of 1 bad experience. SO we should be smart mums even when we receive advice from gynaes.


chine, ic... i only need to do the prenatal blood test.. so i just no need 3 test tubes.. keke

i also dun bother to dress up now.. feel so ugly after P..

#2 b Asura,

Today, when they ask again, I'll say, it the wind la... *laughs...

I'm applying T3 pimple cream now.. Can't stand the big n painful pimples/acne on my chin n nose....

Feeling hungry now... What do u have in mind for lunch today? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

noticed more 2nd time moms here with Dr. Joycelyn Wong. were your #1 BBS delivered by her as well? please feedback.

bought the 6 hr avent sterilizer from HBF Mothercare sale. includes 3 small bottles, 1 big bottle and 2 pacifiers $130+. did not realise that waranty might run out by the time i need use it. i am in week 10.

wonder what do you do with the boiled water for those who use big pots to sterilise? surely the water cannot be re-used.

anyone here who could find out gender by week 12? whats the earliest to detect?

@igop - I think so! My whole mind everyday is only about shopping for new clothes cos I am growing out of them very fast!

Hahaha, and my hb nags at me everyday for that.

And we managed to get our new car during yesterday's COE bidding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Happy, cos the huge boot in the big car can fit the huge Quinny buzz nicely. The boot of our car is only considered only just nice since the stroller is pretty big.

is it too early to get stuff at this taka sale? will there be another one later this year. dun feel like joining the crowd when tummy bigger though.... yet dun wanna jinx it by shopping now... hai

what are the must buy items? anyone has a list?

Congrats Gina!

Which car did u get? 7 seater too?

We intend to change too but the COE costs more than the car itself .... With family members growing... It's good to have more space [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Annie: thanks for sharing. I been to the hq at Tp before but we fun drive n gg to n fr will make not much differ to get from

Ntuc alrdy...

I need a pedi soon my frets r aching badly n I

Look like a la Pi Xiao xing nw... Need to go thread my eyebrow soon...

Thanks Jen Chng. We got the new Renault. It's still a saloon but it is huge in its capacity and power. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I agree the car comes timely becos there will be so much things to bring out in future with the little one. COE fell slightly in yday's bidding to $42,600. It may drop further, so good luck to all who are looking to get a new ride as 1st gift for baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How come you need to take flu vaccination?


Am abt 15 weeks now. Won't try for #3 liao, too taxing! Just have to accept 2 boys lor, but still hoping it will change by detailed scan :p I think now only Hb is happy. #1 and I both want a meimei!


Your cousin very brave! I cannot imagine having 4 boys!!! Where got time to breathe?


Haha until now my #1's clothes are still packed in shopping bags on the floor!! Think I should get those toyogo cupboard also :p


The toyogo warehouse allow us to buy in small quantities also?


During my #1 time, I only started to show when I was around 5 months! A couple of weeks before I gave birth, my insurance agent thought I was only 3 mths pregnant!! But my boy came out 3.5kg...


Thanks but nooooo cos my darling #1 has been telling me it's a meimei since the beginning so I was already mentally planning girlie stuff...


You can go to any departmental store's baby section and ask them for a baby shopping list.

Yuuri: hahaha yeap th HQ allowed to buy in small quanity.. dat time i went.. ibought back alots of stuffs which we used to pack for wedding stuffs...

nw time to shop for baby... but gg there is so far from the west without a car... so i tink i will get it from ntuc...

Yuuri, yes u can buy small quantity at the toyogo warehouse. For eg, the 5 tier cupboard with wheels, I bgt like $39.90 but at the NTUC it can be selling like $59.90..I compared the prices and is not savings by a dollar or so...but quite a bit. Also, I buy extra pail to use to hold the hot herbal water that I brew to bathe during confinement and I throw away the pail after the confinement and is not so expensive to throw away. U won't feel so sayang.

Plus u can buy those hanger with 16 to 20 mini clips for hanging those tiny booties/mittens to dry after wash. They are many useful things to see and look around and I do noticed a few expecting couples buying plasticware during my last few visits there. The workers are nice to help u to load your stuff into the car boot after sales...so if u go NTUC sometime from the cashier to carpark...u still have to manage a short distance.

Am looking forward to see baby next week... hopefully we can check out on the gender.. HB is so persistant tat we get clothing after knowing the gender -_-"

My gf just gave birth 2 days ago and i got so freaked off by her story... labour pain for 16hrs.. end up had to do Emer c-sect... ouched..

i was sharing with HB.. he kept laffing when i told him... if given choice like dat.. i rather chose a date and get baby out den to yell and suffered.. end up.. getting cut and end up with pain again... it just freaked me off when she is in pain even with the injection and almost fainted...

yuri, i tot kids prediction v zun eh! my girl also tell me she wan a didi, i v scare if bbis meimei, she wont like.. she so young, favourboy liao...aiyoo

Anyone here used I Kare confinment service before? I just got their reply on the cl. 2050 for 28 days service. + 168 for the work permit. The lady said we can chose the cl n replacement will b foc if we want to change after she comes in n we decided she is not the one we want...

They will standby her 3 weeks before n 1 week after according to our edd... But if BB is pre mature den they will send someone who us specialize in taking care of pre matured baby...

Sound good? The price definitely is very very "good" hehe

u mean this Cl price is considerd cheap?what the market rate now?

I am thinking of asking mum to help out.

Bad feedback from friends abt Cl dirty, very long winded, like to brag abt how many babies she take care before.. blasting aircon like foc.. and very dirty!

Unless u getting CL to feed baby at night, I feel is quite expensive to engage such help.

@yuuri: My gynae said that MOH gave the red alert for flu so pregnant women considered as high risk..., there is a flu bug going round in my office so I just went along with what he said...,

Basically I trust my gynae alot hehe... he makes me feel safe :p

tiny pimples on my fore head have ceased..

but this morning discovered some red spots on my back!! plus somehow skin under underarms turnin darker :S otherwise if anything, i love to dress up even more now.

will plan facial soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

make-up:i dun use much pre pregnancy days. perfume also never stopped for few years already.

oh flu bug..no wonder i got the siffles yest. but better today.

but flu bug or not, def vaccines for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simbaobao : market rate is ard there. ard 2k- 2.3k for 28-30 days.

gina: congrats on your new ride!!!

opps i meant to say i stopped using perfume for few years .

rumi, if u go to the Toyogo website, under the product list, click Furniture, click Cabinet & Drawer, click Cabinet (8 series) or (9 series) and u wlll see a series of those tier drawers with wheels...so that in future when u move the drawers, it will be much easier with wheels on.

Not sure coz every cl had their own rate or agency had theirs.. My Gf paid 2.3k abt 2yrs ago

Sigh if only my mum can do but seriously I dun wan her to do so neither my mil..she simply Bo chup till nw..if dun get a cl , later not only to take care of BB n myself.. I got to serve them as well... No nid to experience or trial out. I alrdy know how it will be like...

Was telling hb, likely I will have to move to buangkok after dat if either of them do it...


that's quite a good price. Dont worry abt cl being not good. Just dont be paiseh to dismiss them if they are not doing a good job. There's always newbaby catering if last min no help. They delivered the next day when i called them for SOS.. lol.. and the serving was good... I love it that i told them no pig liver and all pig liver dishes became pig kidney.. yum yum..

By the way, too much pig liver consumption after birth is known to reduce the milk supply so i skip pig liver until my bm supply is more than enough for my gal.

Asura: oh u used their service before?

Hehe i doesn't take offals de.. cant take mch Ginger too...

My mum was saying my meals will be like normal days to my hb.. Confinment meals will killed me..

Simbaobao, I also don't take liver/kidney...

So my confinement food was super simple...

Mostly soups for breastmilk...

Pan fried fish/chicken, vegetables...


U mean Kare confinement? No.. i never tried Kare confinement. I tried New Baby Catering. I think the food was fantastic. Good variety. if u dont take offal, just let them know, they will change dishes for u.

simbaobao -i checked on 2 confinement agencies. Both quoted me at $1950 + $168. I am going to talk to them in details in April. Now too busy with work.

Just got off from lunch (which was not a heavy one) and already feel like my dress is gonna burst. :x Haha

Thanks Bunnz, am looking fwd to collect it next mth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnz, no vaccines for me too..

simbaobao, i think the price is ok lei..

asura, liver reduce milk supply?? i like liver.. guess got to eat less after delivery..

I agree that the price quoted for the CL is reasonable; my friend's colleague hired one on her own (private CL by word of mouth) for Jun and was quoted $2.2K..., I guessed its inflation???

@Kelly are u interested to try that out too? I think major departmental store shd have . I also wish to go n take a look after I feel better.

So far, breastpump direct has the best price. Not even $300 bucks aft conversion. Only thing is we have to pay for shipping . 1 year warranty but within US only .

yeah, i went to s'pore philips site and can't seem to find that model, had already sent an enquiry to Philips asking if local dept stores carries it. if not, I'll have to ask my fren to help me buy it back..


U mean Kare confinement? No.. i never tried Kare confinement. I tried New Baby Catering. I think the food was fantastic. Good variety. if u dont take offal, just let them know, they will change dishes for u.

Simbaobao, my MIL told my hub that shes thinking of creating another extra room in the yard area so that we can stay there. There are 2 empty rooms at my parents place so really, does she have to go through so much jus to die die make us stay with her? The thing is the new room would at most accomodate the 3 of us but when the baby comes out, i will still have no space for the baby cot and the CL. My MIL also same as yours one, everytime ask me where i am going, who i am going out with. I feel so stiflened when i stay with her, my mum dont even question me so much! Sigh, when i had #1, we had such a big quarrel and drama that nearly resulted in jia bian lor..my hub very worried that history will repeat.


yah... some of my friends tried eating liver also find that bm supply reduce. For me, i happily eat until give birth then avoid at all cost. Actually i avoid liver now because too high in vitamin A. Will start eating again after my first trimester.

My colleagues also ask me why i look like 5 mths preggy when only 3 mths. I remember during my 1st pregnancy my tummy also bloated during 1st trim and look like 2nd trim. So i guess this time round is the same, plus i drink cold water so will bloat much more than 1st pregnancy (didnt' drink cold water in 1st P).


My no 1 is delivered by Dr Jocelyn Wong. I am seeing her again for this pregnancy.

Liver - be careful dun eat those half cook or not fully cook liver.. read tat P can't eat half cook or not fully cook food due to bacteria.

New baby catering - i ordered during 1st confinement. Nice food and good serving. Only thing is i dun want to eat Dang gui as nurse advise will reduce BM so i ask them to remove but they still give.


I think if yours is girl, maybe we exchange? lol! Cos my boy now keep saying "DON'T LIKE DIDI!!!"

I also thought kids sure accurate :p

i think mine is a girl...which is what my hubby and i hope for.

Asked the gynea just now, he said cannot confirm still young. but my previous child, he could tell me much earlier that it was a boy...i think boy has that 'bird' so easy to tell...whereas girl, doesnt have, could also mean ganna block...so still have to wait for detailed scan


yah loh...mine also quite big..saw another woman at the clinic just now. over heard that she is almost same month like me...also big...

Hvin tea time at m o s. Starving. Corn soup n nuggets.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yum. Hd unpolished porridge for lunch only.

Iluvjp: think ur mil scared she gets left out or miss out lor. Older generation usually mouth hard heart soft . Some more you guys hv been livin abroad.

I also grow up in a family with almost no questions asked.

But when I met my hb s family, different breed altogether. They really express all opinions n thoughts. Hb ll auto update them with almost everything. Whr we go, what we buy when out, to even food eaten etc.what x r we coming back . Says it s way of improving communications plus parents ll not worry.

This is how we want to raise our bb too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My mil already feels she s missin out even when bb is nt out yet.

does anyone has tiny pimples on the chest area?? I started having these tiny clog pores kind of red dots...so ugly!! then itchy hand sure scratch...then now got slight marks liao....sian...


Haha speaking of no communications, my family is like that. Last time in sec sch, my parents ask me where I go, I will answer "Out". What time I come back, I say "Later".

Nowadays, my mum retired liao so whenever I ask her where she's going, she also reply me "Outside" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, any of you got cheap/reliable contacts for reno? Looking for license company cos it's for HDB shopfront. If you have, PM me k? Thanks. Looking for reno for my shopfront...


yuuri, do u hav the same symptons for no.1 n 2?

for my cases, no1. was smooth, now no.2, i got ms, and even pimples...sianz

janet, usus for girls, gynae will onli confirm if they see 3 lines. else, it will be ard 16 weeks or detail scan. boys usu earlier.

