(2011/09) Sep 2011

Muffin u also cannot sleep? My gal wake me up to make milk for her n I also cannot go back to sleep, sure a nice weather to sleep

Morning ladies! Another rough night for me..., woke up at 2am to a growling stomach and had to take bread before going back to sleep... But..... TGIF!!!

Looks like it's really more sense for bb to sleep in a cot..., I worry about bb safety if left on the bed with us and also how to train bb to sleep alone when gets older...,

Muffin: the flu jab cost me $25 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning ladies! Yep, I fell alsp at ard 4am.

Yep Ade, I hv to agree it's a nice weather to slp but just can't slp hence made myself bread w nutella n played games. That's how I zzzzzz.

Thks B!

Good Morning Ladies

Bunzz im really impressed ... i guess you are really into it tats great my MIL is also into it i will defiantely attend the shivir keep me posted on the up coming dates.. and wuen i join u for th eshivir wud luv t noe abt the miracle BB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihi... i have the following to let go...

WTS Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



Natal Care Triplus (625mg) : Each box of 30 capsules at $28.00 (U.P. $32.10)




All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

morning ladies.

In sweater today. Really chilly.

slept right thru the night.

i realised if i slp ard 11plus,i usually slp thru the night till 6. but if i sleep earlier ard 10, wld wake up in bet.

was planning to go town this morning but think i better b gd and stay at home.

Muffin : u must be so tired. do grab power naps in between. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i miss nutella!

blossomsbb : dont let bb sleep with you thru the night.if just naps in the afternoon is fine.

just cant recall at the moment the reason why. some -ve health effects for the bb

Swollen feet: so far not yet..but i usually wear sandals .

btw regarding water rentention : a tip is to drink more water during the day. i was told water retention occurs because body thinks it's goin to go short on water anytime, so retent water.

VirgoMTB : next shivir is in late aug in KL. I was actually considerin of going because it is THE one that i am waiting for. but it's too close to my EDD for comfort.

Will tell you more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

supposed to have more meditations/satsangs coming up in the next few months. will keep you informed.

BlossomsB>> actually i feel that a cot bed is necessary.. coz the cot bed can convert into a toddler bed when your kid reaches a suitable age to sleep on their own..

i am against sleeping with baby on the parents' bed coz you never know when accidents (CHOY CHOY CHOY!!!) will happen.. only now that my girl is big enough do i allow her to co-sleep with us on our bed, but also only when she is not feeling well and needs lotsa cuddling from us.. other than that, she sleeps in her own bed..

as to sleeping on mattress on the floor.. eh.. once the baby learns how to flip etc, then in the middle of the night, you wun know where your baby has rolled / flipped to right?


I got the reply from Philips.

So the Avent Isis IQ Duo is actually The Philips Avent Twin Electronic Breast Pump SCF304/02 Retail price is $899.Selling at major dept store..but i think it'll be cheaper to purchase from singapore philip's family rewards site (If you want the warranty) Cos we'll not get any warranty if we buy direct from states.

Morning ladies

@ Kelly thanks !! Some1 from the august thread is selling avent Isis for $460 , discount for multiple purchase. Warantty for 2 years started from last year late quarter . Says brand new, sealed. Did Phillips tell u how many years warranty ? think I will wait for the Phillip sales since we not urgent to use . Really tempt to buy from states since it's only ard$280 . But read from reviews the motors tend to spoil easily so better to get 1 with warranty.

Gals I'm interested in cord life banking too! My hubby said muz buy ! Lol

I slept at 930pm last night, only to wake up at 130am and couldnt sleep till around 4am. For water retention, I havent experienced it in the feet (TOUCHWOOD) but I get it every morning in my palms. Both palms will be totally numb upon waking up. Have checked with gynae and was told it's water retention =(

Igop : you can go for the workshop on 26 mar.

We are still considering. also need to check out both companies.

any other mummies has comments regd cord banking?

kyra: did this occur durin preg only?

first time i heard. any remedy?

morning mummies,

Having friday mood today.. whahaha.. even though my working days this week is only 2 days.. lol... shall work harder next week. Well satisfied with my congee from noodle palace yesterday nite but still feel like eating congee.. wonder if i should go back to noodle palace today again.. heh

hi Igop,

nah, they never state how long is the warranty..

by the way ladies, i read from many sites that it is not really safe to purchase a second hand breast pump even if you were to change all those tubings and parts. Becos most of the pumps are having open system (only ameda is closed system, and those rental sets in hospital are closed sytem meant for multiple user) wherby they may be possible points of contamination at the diaphragm of the motor (cannot be sterilised nor changed)....thus u run a risk of transmission of infectious diseases to your baby!

Hi mummies! It's Friday!! Today is my boy's bday but hubby couldn't take leave so we will make up for it when we are both on leave next fri when his Childcare is closed. Then following week headed for a 4D3N getaway to club med bintan. Will be my boy's first "overseas" holiday haha. We haven't attempted to bring him onto a plane cuz he can't keep still so thought probably wait till he's older.. Although I really don't know when our next holiday will be now that #2 is on the way!!

Have a good weekend mummies!

bunnz yea water retention occurs during preg and i rem my sis had blown up cos of tat ..but prenatal massages can get rid of the water retension to a certain extent


I like Dr Woody! What kind of resources are you referring to? Just tell him beforehand, think he's usually everything also ok one. His stitching skills quite widely recognised as good. My #1 was e-csect, so got no firsthand experience on his natural birth process :p

Hi Chine, sorry, but wat's the triple blood test for? Dr Adrian only asked to draw blood on my last visit, but I forgot to ask what it's for...

Btw I dropped by the Taka fair last evening, and was quite tempted to get the Philips Avent set consisting of 1 steriliser, 1 baby food/bottle warmer, abt 5 bottles of 2 different sizes and I think some baby bathing products. It costs $188... Wondering if it's too early to buy now?

@Kelly Thanks ! will update you again once i get a reply from UK phillips. Because according to their website, they provide internationally warranty . UK is still cheaper than sin lor.

@chine I haven go for any tests yet . My next visit will be when bb is 13weeks+ so most likely gynae will do a test then. Terrified of the blood drawing part. Ouch


have a nice trip. How much u book for club med bintan? I brought my boy to Lotus Desaru resort, just need to travel by boat & short drive. He can't tolerate long journey.

good day mummies...

ytd was told a news dat my babymoon will be gonecase.. HB recieved new wrk loads @ wrk.. super sianz

muffin: i still took them.. my gyane said no problem.. i depends on it for calcium coz i can't drink milk..


My sentosa trip was great! Bb loved it with the beach and swimming pool and songs of the sea for the fireworks. In fact, she requested me to buy tickets for the songs of the sea. "Ma ma mai pop pop pop"... lol

Am sure it is alright to make it up for ur son next week. They actually dont know the difference. lol.. but they will definitely enjoy. Happy Birthday to ur son!


how abt a short weekend beach trip? I was actually considering langkawi before we thought of going to US to visit my mom.


Wah... the project is so long! so sad... maybe try to get a nite or two for staycation at good hotels during one of the long weekends? There's a few coming up. Can be quite relaxing also.

Asura: am not pinning high hope alrdy coz even public holiday they got to wrk if they r in tat shift... Super low mood ... Even cny he had to go bk to wrk

Hopefully he won't kena next yr cny... I dun wan to bring BB go pai nian alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

igop, r u still changin gynae?

daddybao: triple blood test for risk of downsyndrome. and their is another prenatal compulsory blood test for all

Muffin: yea think kraft cheese is fine. Jus need to avoid those unpasteurised(?) cheese n soft cheeses like the kind that u take with wine.

Ellysia: we thought of Club med cuz since it's our first time traveling with our boy tot would b better to go to a child-friendly place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] club med has some promo where theres $300 off. Go club med website and see. Think it's still on if I'm not wrong.

Then there's a promo where kids stay n eat for free. But I think if kids below 2 is free anyway. Go check it out. We paid abt $1500. There's a $150 fee for the kids club. Kind of like a Childcare centre.

Asura: C must have been so happy to see all those fireworks! Can imagine her happy face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] are u intending to do a getaway w hubby alone b4 bb comes? Hubby n I booked a weekend trip to Bali sometime in May. Last holiday b4 I pop!

Sorry it's $1600. And also cuz we r travelling on a weekday. I tried the different dates online to check the cost n realize depending on which day u go, the cost is really v different!

@Chine: I did my triple blood test and Oscar test 3 weeks ago.

Basically, from what I recall when my gynae went through the report with me was that the blood was drawn to test for HIV, STD, Haemoglobin count, german measles antibodies,and other levels like certain hormones etc.

Oscar test will return a risk ratio of 1: X,where X will depict the number of cases of Down Syndrome based on your age group.

Another more important thing about the test is also for the detection of Trisomy 18, which unlike Down syndrome, is usually fatal, with most of the babies dying before birth and those who do make it to birth typically living only a few days. However, a small number of babies (<10%) live at least one year. Again, this is depicted using a ratio of 1:X.

@Muffin: Hard cheeses such as cheddar and semi-soft cheeses such as mozzarella are safe to consume. Avoid all others.

Talking about Kraft cheese, I just bought the discount bundle from NTUC last night- 3 for $9.95 HEHE...

blossoms, ur gynae explained so much to u? mine dint say much, so i dint know oscar test so critical. and i was below 35, so i tot not compulsory... hw many wks r u in?

anyone of u still having ms? me 15wks liao, still experienceing ms, last nite cant sleep at all and went see GP juz nw to get medicine


haha i think i will stick to my gynae. That time was considering another gynae bcos a 'master said my bb not strong which upset me and i want to seek another opinion. Anyway, i chose to trust my gynae and i will stick to him!! Thanks.


simbaobao: like what asura79 says. can have a staycation in spore or even sentosa [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

plus it's good he has projects cos it means economy is doing well and more $$$$

so long as he takes care of his health.

u can plan for a well deserved trip after pregnancy. just that you have to keep yourself occupied and in happy thoughts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

