(2011/09) Sep 2011

Chine, you are right.. boys usually show earlier cos it's easier to prove the presence of penis & testicles then to prove the absence of them...

I'm hoping for a girl this time round, so really hoping that gynae can't find any birdie during scan!! hahaha!!

its raining...

suddenly Long john silver fries kept appearing in my mind... cannot tahan so went outto buy.. -_-" now i truly understand why my frds will go mad when they had crave...

pooh: yeap i tink its ard there too.. but had to discuss with hb.. he seem to have dat !!! when i told him..

Asura, after 1st trimester can start to eat liver?? i've been avoiding since P..

Kelly, yes yes.. i have those pimples..

Gina, detailed scan usually at week 20 -22....

They will scan all the organs in detail & take a lot of measurements... I remember I spent a good 45min - 1hr being scanned and staring at my boy :D

Usually any organ defects will be seen during detailed scan... E.g. hole in heart, missing kidney, etc.

simbaoabo, i also want LJS fries.. wish they have drive-thru, then can get hb to buy on the way back..

told hb abt engaging CL, he is still considering.. haha

Gina, your gynae will actually help you book the appt with the hospital for the detailed scan.... Usually around week 12 they will make the appt already...

Oh, I thought to be done in the gynae clinic. Haha, ok thanks! Shall look out for it on my next visit by then I'll be in week 16. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pooh: pity they don't have dat eh.. if only all the fast food had dat.. hehe

my detail scan will be done @ 22 weeks.. in may

the nurse @ NUH arranged it when i did my oscar test.

Hi gals

Saw gynae yesterday, and finally sign package with him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pooh, please add me to the list? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB# : 1

Gynae : Dr Adrian

Hospital : TMC

Occupation : FTWM

Area : Buangkok

EDD : 12 Sep

My edd has been fluctuating from 7 - 19 Sep.. decreasing all the time... not sure which edd to use actually

Hi mummies, i'm back frm taka sale [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] spent an hr happily n casually browsing. Bot 2 little toys for my #2 - a rattler n a rubber duckie. Hee old ones spoilt by my #1 n I tink every Bb shd hv these 2 toys hee hee ;P

Got lots of avert bottles too! Avent having promo - buy abv $100 hv a free gift, n then diff gifts for the next $100. One receipt valid for one gift only. I like the $200 gift, a very cute playmat for Bb to lie on so grab lots of bottles n teats for #1 n #2 hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] never saw avent with promo, first time hee. Also I find the bottles price worth it to grab esp since we intend to change all the bottles grrrhhh costly affair!

Not sure who ask abt playpens n Bb cots? Quite a few selection there. Price discount usually $100, somemore. I saw some playpens going for $100 to $200+. I rem getting mine but without any accessories at the daily specials of motherhood fair at expo then. Much cheaper at $50+. But int mummies can always go down n tk a look.

Not too crowded this pm. Slight queue to pay but lots of space to navigate. Think Tom will be very packed. Enjoy shopping!


EDD is usually variable. My gynae confirms with me at wk 12. But not many pple give birth on the actual EDD. It is just a guide on when it is safe to give birth.

My boy and his silly quail....

Me: Baby, bacon-wrapped quail sounds delicious, ya?

Him: Yes! it is delicious.

Me: Can I cook your quail?

Him: No... use the dead one...

Me: So I kill your quail and I can cook it?

Him: No... my quail must be alive. Go buy a dead one to cook.

Haha, massive craving now for Changi Village nasi lemak. You girls have cravings for dinner yet - apart from the BBQ quail? Shall pray hard for parking later.

i love quail egg but never eat quail before.. my uncles n sis love it.. they ate alots in HK.. i was freaked off.. haha

No craving for dinner.. intend to cook porridge for dinner.. something light..

I have been craving for good cantonese porridge since tuesday. Hb brought me to eat frog leg porridge yesterday lunch but still did not satisfy my craving. Later going centrepoint. Think will go Noodle Palace for porridge. Cant wait!

simbaoabo, yah.. pity that spore dun have much drive-thru..

#2, ur boy is so cute..

having bad headache now.. dun feel well.. so sad...

gina christine,

yup yup, shall work for a while more than off I go for my porridge... yumz... nice way to end my day.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow from 44 to 51 so fast .... this forum rocks man

hi ladies how are you all doing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] miss chatting wif u all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies, can someone advise me of the guidelines on the number and size of milk bottles needed say for first 6 months???? And how often do we change the bottles???

I have 1BN 8 oz and 1 BN 4 oz bottles only....

Just now went to buy bottoms..., tummy bulging like don't know why suddenly!!!! Old clothes no longer fit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Generally bottles supposed to change every 3mths. For the first 6mths, only use the smaller bottle. Buy more if you don't want to sterilise non-stop. But then if you intend to be breastfeeding exclusively, won't need the bottles....so I'd say stock up 4-6 small bottles first :p

simbao work is good happy to be back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yea i will nt tire myslef

hope ur ms is better now

pooh cheer up

Ladies i wud like to share my experience and benefits of BELLY BELT (only 23 dollars) i can re use my pants back cause of this belt so had to spend less on maternity trousers IT REALLY WORKS but nt available at all shops ....

for me these 2 days..i feel very good in the morning but after i go out for a while in the afternoon.. start to feel the chills even though already wear cardigan.

dont like this fluish like symptons.

Yuuri : precisely. i was like that in my younger days. then when i grow older and start to ask my mum the same qns..she also give me one worded answers..i start to understand her frustration from before. plus i get the same one word answer from my sis when i ask her things. can be frustrating to have to keep asking qns. cos i dont like probing.

but situation have def improved. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw we have the same gynae. how's Dr Adrian 's birth skills like? is he the liberal kind? as in i can bring my own resources to labour..does he mind?

sung: i was just thinking abt buyin bottles also. need to change bottles every 3 months?? may i know how often to change teats? any different types?

just vomit again.. dunno what happen.. been some time no ms symptoms liao.. now come back again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pooh: don't worry, I also puked on Tuesday after having no ms symptoms for a week or so before that.., just treat it as bb sending signal to u that he/she is growing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Try to take some food after u puke and u will feel better...,

Chatted with my colleague earlier who is expecting her #1. She told me shes not intending to buy baby cot and let the baby sleep on a small mattress anywhere like the bed or floor... That got me thinking whether a baby cot is really necessary? After talking to her, I feel so kiasu! Shes super zen and told me the only thing shes looking to buy is a car seat! Groan...., I feel so obaasan now with my kan cheongness!!!

hehe blossomsbb : u r not the only one.

baby cot is better i think. bb shdnt slp tog with the parents on the bed.

some cots are gd in the sense u can convert to a bed kind...

virgomtb: Shivyoga is great!!!! certainly changed my life. I can speak for hours about shivyog but words cant express exactly how i feel. you have to truly experience it for yourself. pls do take the opportunity to attend the shivir at least once [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I practically live my life based on shivyog. my hb thinks i've gone mad but he has certainly started to turn ard . He has even offered to take leave to take care of bb should i need to attend a course next time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Best testimonial of shivyog is our miracle bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Simbaobao: i signed up with i-kare last weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we met up with May & chit chat & go thru her list of CL. I felt comfortable with her, her knowledge & their terms & conditions. The plus part is we get to choose the CL which other agency do not provide.


Wow... This thread is moving sooo soooo fast!

Does anyone of u experience swollen feet? I tried wearing my heels to work & the shoes feel tight. Anyways to prevent legs from swelling or look "bloated"??

