(2011/09) Sep 2011

Hi Kelly , Sama Sama .. think i hv been to the gyn 4-5 times ..yes quite siong. only one of those earlier time there was a small spot of blood near the Uterus where he ask if i want an injection. other then that, was assuarnce to myself n hb that bb is fine.

each time i see bb doing well my appetite will also improve.

Hi Asura,

Yah, dark red blood really scary, thus i rush down immediately. I did ask her if i need to be put on med she says no need becos the placenta is already fuctioning (from what i know, when the placenta has taken over the role of corpus luteum, the placenta will start producing progesterone at great amount)...If she says no need for medication, then i rather not take, cos i think those medication are synthetic, thus i'm not sure if it'll amplify symptoms of pregnancy, e.g morning sickness..

I count trimesters by 14 weeks too. 40 weeks/3 trimester = 13.333 weeks.

For 12 weeks, think it's typical Chinese's calculation of 三个月?

I'm really a confused one. At first I told hb we can tell others after 3 months. Now I am thinking we should keep the news until 2nd trimester.

I'm beginning to enjoy the "privacy" and "security" of this little secret just within our small family. Haha!


I was bleeding last month - amount was too much for a pantyliner but not enough to fill a night pad. Pinkish/Brown. Wasnt very positive then cos sac also looked bad. But gynae said will be more worrying if it's reddish discharge and unbearable cramps. So abit of brownish spotting/menstrual cramps symptoms are still fine. Advised to take alot of bed rest and avoid strenuous activities.


I've confirmed the Msia CL but my parents already volunteered as backup for marketing, nannycare. And they have also offered their place (my old room) for confinement should things dont work out for CL and my dogs. Judging from my mum and MIL, I think they will gladly cook my fav dishes and help buy stuff/groceries as well.


Sounded mum out about it and she is thrilled, except that she wants us to discuss with inlaws first. She's worried that my MIL will want to take care since this is her ONLY SON's first child. I feel very bad but I'm hoping to be a weekend parent only, so this is the detail which I havent mentioned to parents. Not sure if they are ok with 24/5 care.


There is a mothercare babyfair at Harbourfront from 3 to 13 March.

Mummies! I need some help!

I have arranged for a visit later at my workplace's IFC. What are the important questions to ask and important details to look out?

Appreciate some advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks

kyra - why would you want to be weekend parents? Just to share my observation - my elder sibling did that and both their kids have behavioural problems. I attribute that to their lack of parental attention when they were babies. The kids only stay with their parents 24/7, when they turned 2 and started childcare. Before that, was with their nanny from Sun night to Fri evening.

I mean is your personal choice, but I rather suffer for the initial years than to suffer later.

Ladies : hopefully by 2nd trimester , all your spotting whatsoever wld have gone with the wind!!

interesting read about the 14 weeks for 1st trimester. i was planning to go back gentle yoga next week...ard wk11++.

really cant tahan much longer

practically beggin my hb

Kyra : glad u had it all worked out with confinement n infacnt care!

wow weekend mum.. i think put with own mum is better than ils. If anything you dont like, at least you can freely let your parents know. Wheareas for ils, will be quite sensitive.

weather is so warm today!!

Snack time. toasted Blueberry bagel !

Practically looking for food every 2 hours.

Pommes, agree on your observation cos one of my cousin leaves her 3 kids with her mum, only bring home on weekends. Her elder 2 have behavioural probs & the youngest has speech delay due to lack of exposure.

Now they are in primary school & not doing well, she quit to be sahm & trying very hard to play catch up. She did mention tt she should hv at least brought them home daily since they drove.


Currently is my second pregnancy. For my first pregnancy i had spotting from 7 weeks to 15 weeks. I had make records so i can remember. cos everytime spot i will make records. Was on duphaston until stop spotting. I remember dunno whether it is coincidentally, the spotting stopped when gynae also told me tat my placenta moved up.

Spotting was noticed when climbing up stairs, walk too far distance without resting.

Bec of this history, my gynae has advised me not to carry my son during this pregnancy, but sometimes no choice still carry a bit. This round i tink sometimes i had a bit but i am not v sure so just let it be.

Btw, oso spent a lot during 1st pregnancy 1st trimester due to many visits to gynae.

Both my pregnancy 1st trimester got encounter cramps. I tink cramps is not related with whether got spotting or not.. read tat cramps are normal due to placenta is expanding, as long as the cramps are not v painful.

Well if anything to add..i did observe all my students with STHM do have better attitudes to learning and better disciplined.

They inspire me to want to spend more time with my child in future as well.

But still there are some who are very independent on their own while mum is working

But in today's world, it still boils down personal choices and sacrifices.

Stay at home doesn't mean kids will behave well..sometimes they treat the parent for granted.

most impt is to put at the correct childcare with a good environment, and enforce discipline at home i think.

Dont know leh. I really dont think I am up to the task for juggling so much in life. My work takes up long hours, typically 8-11hours in office daily. After travelling, I think I only have 3-4 hours every weekday evening. I cant manage housework, pets, social circles PLUS a baby. And oh my god, I was just telling a gf that I wish my parents would only return me my child full-time when he/she is 2! I can only imagine myself managing a little person who can already talk/walk. And was thinking since my sis and I turn out perfectly fine, mum might just be the perfect choice. Opps! Maybe times have changed. The more I think, the more I feel I am so so so not ready [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

p/s just nice coz our little ones will be born in the year of rabbit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good afternoon ladies good to read the posts as usual how r u all doin ... had dal(Lentils), roti(wheat bread) & pumpkin vege for lunch ... i m cravin to eat sour food and nt all types of sour only specific but cant think of it ... still brian stromin wat i really want ...

I hv seen sahm who don bother abt their kids...

So being sahm does not mean kids will be good.

Be it sahm or ftwm, all must put in effort to spend time with kids & teach them.

When I was ftwm, I was damn tired after work everyday but I insist must bring my boy home & I will play with him the entire evening. Wait till he sleep then I watch my shows or do my work. & it pays off cos my boy is close to me though taken care by maid & put in childcare for a while [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear kyra,

dun worry so much about not being ready. before i had #1, i freak out about changing diapers. even told my hb, cleaning butts is his duty, i'll just stand there and pass him diaper and wet wipes. but after giving birth, i think the maternal instinct comes naturally. during confinement, i saw cl not cleaning bb's butt properly, still got some poo on it, i naturally just grab a wet wipe to clean for my boy. cl even commented, "you not scared of poo huh?". it never crossed my mind to be scared anymore then hee. it'll be your turn too, so dun worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and jts, after spending ml with your little one, more likelihood, you will not bear to leave your little one 24/5 with your parents. your little one will start to smile, recognise and coo at you around 2-3 mths, it's impossibly cute and just so endearing. i wanted to spend all my time 24/7 with my boy then. i believe when you see your cute little one, you'll feel the same. so make your decision later, maybe can consider bring home alternate days if you really feel you can't cope. after all, i do believe it's best for the little ones to be with mummies and daddies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can i ask you how fenugreek veg look like? rem you posting before that you cooked it for hb? can post a pic? where can we get it?

i'm wondering if eating fenugreek veg is better than fenugreek pills in increasing bm? anyone knows?

Kyra, maybe you can try bring home 2 weekday nights a week then slowly increase.

My hub's friend is a weekend parent & you can see the relationship between the boy & his parents is very different.

And they r regretting that decision cos their boy now got speech & social probs. He says "bus" as "butt", you know like how old ppl who only know dialect speak?

& cos his grandparents everyday just leve him to watch tv & play on his own, he's already 3yo but can't speak. & his vocab is limited also.

Mummies are really amazing. When I gave birth at 22yo, I also nvr thought I could handle a bb on my own but I managed & my boy is also 4yo.

Don't think negatively, give it a try first. If really can't & you need help then consider it after you've tried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sung, fenugreek seed cooked in fish soup helped my milk supply a lot!! My maid put 1tsp of the seed with lemongrass, few slices of Ginger & loads of fish into a pot and boil into soup. Yummy & my milk really flowed out after that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I agreed that doesnt mean staying with ur kid 24/7 will make them a gd child. Is all about how you interact and teach the child.

My sibling is a perfect BAD example for me to learn. Doesnt bother with the kids even they are home with them. So now, the elder one needs to go for special counselling and speech therapy. The younger one, fuss over the slightest thing and so clingy to the mum.

My SIL is lucky that she has my mum as her MIL. Not every MIL will show up asap to help when needed. Hope she appreciate my mum...

Mrswong, I read a lot before marriage cos we wanted to start trying immediately [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] plus I majored in health & nutrition [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

& read up during pregnancy too. I read "What to expect when expecting" during my first pregnancy & it really helped alot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2 - oh wow, that's great to know! can i know where you got the fenugreek seeds from? i must gather all the recipes this time to help prep for more bm! hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm... Come to think about it, your speedy recovery and fast delivery process... maybe these have got something to do with age too.

Could you please share some good books for us to read up too? Thanks a lot in advance!

#2, paiseh, another qn. how long to boil the soup? and the fish must be ngor hee or can any other fish?

hee btw, can we take lemongrass during confinement, is it too liang?

sung (sung): link below shows how it looks like n how it is cooked ...


my recepie is diff than wat is shwon in the link i cook very simple food used to eatin very simple food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually very simple to cook will tell u the recpie..


1 tbsp musturd oil

1 tsp corriander powder

1 tsp cumin powder

500 gms of fenurgreek leaves finelly chopped (you cna get it in wet market easily it comes in transparent boxes)

2 nos of potato peeled and chopped in cubes


Heat eh musturd oil till it burns off ... then add potatota and fenugreek leaves .. stir and cover the pan wif lid... let it cook for at least 10-15 mins until potatoes are tender on low flame ... mk sure pan bottom is heavy so tat vege does nt burn.. once the vege is tender and the potato then add all dry spices stir cover and let it sit for few mins then turn off the heat and serve wif bread

NOTE: Fenugreek leaves has bitter taste to subside tat taste we normally hv mroe quantitiy of potatoes or sumtimes add gram flour (roasted) to the vege


oh wow, thanks for your detailed inx [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee i'll check out the youtube video later. my little boy napping now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


We used to put our boy at my MIL house before 20 months then put at childcare after 20 months. We fetch to and fro every day. Morning woke up at 6.20am. Night time we go MIL house to eat. After my boy attend full day child care after 20 months, hb will fetch him and i go back home to cook my son dinner + buy dinner for me and hb. Every day have to rush back home after work. when too much work i bring back home and got 1 instance i have to wait until my boy go to sleep then i do work at home and sleep at 2am then woke up at 6.20am again.

If u wait until yr son is 2 yrs old then u bring back home.. yr son may be too close to his caregiver than u. He may not want to go back to your house too. These are cases i read in the forum.


Actually I think it really depends. My brother has 3 kids. All were taken care by nanny till they are about 2-3 years old. They only took care of the kids during weekends (sometimes once a fortnight or once a month if they are too busy to go back to kampung). Now all the kids are with childcare and staying with my bro and sil and they are still very close with my bro and sil.

Also, I do have many friends who leave their children in Msia while working in Singapore. They only see the children once or twice a month. But I think they are still very close. The bond is still there.

Having said that, I would wish to spend more time with my kid and see them everyday. It's really an individual's choice and preference.


For our case, my MIL once looked after my hb's cousin and her mother only took her back on weekends. End up the cousin quite rebellious. So my MIL dont allow us to not bring back my #1. Even if it is an hr or 2, there's interaction, the child will feel love. Dont worry, just try daily and see how u can cope.

My MIL is really the best MIL i could ever have. Sometimes, i want to go out or we want pak tor dates, we just leave my #1 with her. She never make any comments or try to interfere with how we want to bring up our children.


I never thought of putting fenugreek seeds in soup. Will get a bottle and try putting this round. Last time i had a lot of blk ducts, had a case of mastisis. U mentioned clean with olive oil? need to scrub?


hahhaha.. trust me, u dun have to be worry that u r not ready, becoz when tis little stranger is out after 40 weeks of gestations, u wuld love to see him/her every single min n daily.. but i agreed with wat ellysia mentioned, some children can be very sticky to their caregiver till they refuse to stay with their own parent, so whenever it comes to going back home, they will cry badly like ganna abused.. i've seen a few cases even as a stranger byseeing other kid going back parent's home crying n refusing to get into the car.. it depends on individual kids i guess.. for me and my hubby's gene, i thk mine will become like tat if we din spend much quality time with him.

like for myself, i love to see every "first time" milestone tat my son achieve, so heartwarming and really tis depend on individual oso.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pillows - sung, the pillows are sooo cute! anyone buying soon? The BP will end by 9 March and I have originally told myself that I wont buy anything until 3rd trimester....

Infantcare - Being a SAHM has never crossed my mind. Besides being unable to visualise myself taking care of a baby, I still enjoy my job and paycheck (haha) and feel appreciated as a contributing member in the team. My mum quitting her job poses lower opportunity costs to us.

I was also thinking the right environment is of utmost importance, compared to who the caregiver is. And to be frank, I think my parents may be able to inculcate better values than me, people of our generation tend to be more task-oriented and have less 人情味 compared to the older folks.

11yrs ago when I had my first puppy. I wanted to give up after 1 day. But my then-bf (now hb) convinced me to hang on. Slowly, I became really hands-on and my love for dogs grew. At 1 point, my parents ever did mention that I should make a good mother - cos I can handle their pee/poo, clean ears, clip nails etc. All very delicate work. But now...somehow I cant help but keeping thinking of taking shortcuts for this pregnancy or baby. On the poo part! I was telling my sis that I wont be able to handle. She reminded me I clear my dogs' poo too. I reasoned it by saying dogs' poo are on newspaper, babies' poo are glued to butts! :p And I also dont recall having any strong liking towards kids/babies. My hb even pointed out during CNY that when a kid talked to me nonstop, I switched off. Really hope some minimal maternal instincts will surface in me soon. Perhaps I may think of giving up, I may hesitate to even try, but after a 4-mth ML, hopefully I may grow attached to the kid, just like how I became inseparable with the puppy that I almost gave up (now old dog).

On the language part, just to share: My relative adopted a baby when she was around 45yo. The couple was chinese-educated. Though she was of my mum's generation, she subjected herself to pressure coming from younger parents whom she interacted with. From young, they felt the child must learn to speak English like all other cousins. It was a very wrong move. This child can only manage broken english now because that's how the parents speak. It doesnt help much when the other aunts/uncles who arent fluent in the language also tried to speak in English to him. Some of us (cousins) pointed that out and advised the adults to only speak in proper Mandarin to the child. Let him learn English from proper channels -- educational programmes, in school, at tuition, holiday enrichment courses and with cousins who can speak proper English.

Asura, wow u really hv a very good mil [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun worry, now u r just in 1st tri, so like dun feel the bonding yet, when bb started to kick inside u, u will feel tat he/she is starting to make connection with u n bonding starts liao.. itz very natural, especially when u start bfing, itz an amazing bond tat only u n ur bb will share in this entire universe.. on one can replace it not even daddy.. :p

actually i felt tat cleaning up babies is really easier than cleaning up dog's poo le.. hahhaa... i use to have dogs too...

so since u r already so patient in toilet training ur dogs than to handle bb shld be not as bad as wat u think.. itz all about patient.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i believe u will make a great mommy.. dun worry..

Kyra, seriously... you can train the pups and look after them, you won't have prob with kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe you can train your little one to not talk so much :p Mine loves to talk but he knows not to disturb when I'm busy, but I will allocate time to let him talk all he wants to me :D Quite cute to listen to his little boy talk :p

kyra>> actually being a weekend mummy has never crossed my mind coz i cannot imagine my kid closer to anyone else other than me or my hubby! hehe.. im a bit possesive..

anyway the pillow hor, nearer our EDD then buy la.. by then will know is boy or girl.. anyway hor, if you all wanna buy normal beansprout pillow, my sister is making to sell.. www.3v3craft.blogspot.com if you all keen, can drop me a PM, i will let her know at a special price for you all! hehe

she used to put on our BP to sell, but i had to help her maintain it, end up i no time to maintain the BP.. hehe


Am sure u can do it! It will be difficult at the start but at the end of the ML, u will want to see ur baby everyday. There's at least another 6 months to go. Ur maternal instinct will definitely be higher by then.

some hospital advise not to let young infant use pillow in case of suffocation.

there a lot more big ticket items to buy later on so dun buy too many things now.

I did not let my boy use pillow until he was around 4 mths old (could flip himself). Cos there's a risk of suffocation. We only folded some new cloth nappies as pillow. And his first pillow was a babysafe pillow that can still breath cos got small holes.

my daughter until now still doesnt use a pillow.. only when she drinks milk, we will prop her head up with a pillow.. other than that, she sleeps w/o pillows..

but she is very attached to her bolster which she has been using since birth.. i made 2 bolsters and 1 pillow for her, end up only the smaller bolster is in action now.. hahahahahha

im not trying to pull business here, in case you all misunderstand me la..


The pillows r really cute hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I intend to buy only later after gender is cfm. Juz tk down the seller's email. Can ask later.

Re. Pillows

Yup not safe to put under head or on newborn's bed. I intend to put only beansprout pillow on tummy when Bb sleeping on the tummy coz older folks said is 压惊 but must chk Bb frequently.

Sung, I only snuggle my boy tight tight in cloth diapers cos he dun like the pillow.

I made beansprout shell pillows. End up, my hubs hug hug to sleep... and since I collected A LOT of bean sprouts shells, wash & dried them, I made a beansprout bed for my dog too :D


Thanks Ladies for your encouragement. I just spoke to a gf and she made the below comments on the various issues:

1) I’ll be frank – the conscious decision to have a child means there are sacrifices to be made. There is no way your life can be as per pre-pregnancy days.

2) Your dogs are a problem……4 somemore. It really is no good for the baby, in fact it is no good for you now, much less for the baby when he / she is born. It is potentially asthma causing and as a baby, their constitutions are not strong enough and are more susceptible to illnesses. Even something like wrong milk powder can cause phlehm (happened to my boy) much less dog hair.

3) I didn’t dare travel because I had spotting in first trimester. Even when the pregnancy stabilized, I didn’t want to risk it because I figured if I’m overseas, I may not have access to doctors. I love travelling so for me that was a big sacrifice. But like I said, pregnancy doesn’t come sacrifice-free. It’s the mother’s responsibility to take care of herself and the fetus. That’s how I see it.

I cannot help but feel abit sorry for the unborn child. So unfortunate to be borned by me.

