(2011/09) Sep 2011

Simbaobao (simbaobao) : the addition of sour cream sounds interesting but i guess it will go well if you use it to mk a dip

they also add jalepeno peppers to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im plannin to mk chicken sandwhich for lunch but nt the grilled one but the salad type sandwhich i rem i ws hooked to thsi salad from spinelli near my work place i used to hv it almsot everyday and got a spinelli friends card too since i ws a regular there

no more Indian good cravings for past few days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am going out soon.. will let u know later when i am back

enjoy the HOT afternoon ladies...

Estella - hi wlecome to this big group

Gina - My gyne advised me nt to use the products (I use Clinica products from Jean Yip)since research is done only on few ingredients so now i hv a big task of hunting for other products im lookin out for organic facial products for oily skin i rem #2 had given a website link but forgot #2 can you help to refresh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]thnks

BTW jus listed following names for organic facial products does any of these names ring a bell to anybody here, kindly advice thnks:

1. Nurture

2. Alba

3. Tea Tree(I noe this as im using their body wash)

4. Bare Minerals

5. Mary kay

6. Avalon organics

7. Bod

8. Cure

9. Essentials damage Care

10. Korres

11. Natio

Have fun simbaobao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Prerna : u can cook so well too!! drooling again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kelly - this is one question i missed out yesterday. But I suppose the practice also differs from each centre.

Bunnz - Now no waiting list, but dunno in Jan 2012, will there be vacancy for my bb ;p

Another IFC called me just now. In brief, they can hold up to 20 babies and teacher:baby ratio at 1:5. Fee is much cheaper than the first one we visited yesterday. This IFC is near to my house. Principal sounded confidant and told me best to visit them when there are babies still around. So probably will pop over next Friday.

She also mentioned no problem for Jan 2012 intake.

simbaobao - all the best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoy "scanning time" with bb

good news for you then . Pommes

1:5 wow the teacher wil be very busy!

btw u menitoned curriculum..what curriculum do they have for this age? just curious

tot mainly napping and drinking milk :p

Btw there's goat formula avail in the market(KariHome and Holle) , should any mummies want to avoid using cow's milk for their bb.

I was researching on how to avoid giving their bb dairy. So far these 2 brands were given thumbs up by the mummies who use it.

just prepared my first brownie ..so hopefully it'll turn out edible and not so sweet!!

i can already smell the sweetness from the living room.omg!

Prerna : These days, watsons even sell such products, if you need them urgently. affordable too. duno how gd they are. Sukin..trying out their moisturiser.

btw just a question : would you circumcise your bb boy? Is it better to? i asked my hb this qn and he stared me blankly.

i think circumcision is gonna be so painful....=[

don't think many men will agree to have that done to their boy...haha

bunnz - they start to do flash cards when babies abt 3-4months old. Then when they can sit with the special baby stool, they do reading and singing with babies. Encourage them to join in. When they start to walk, teachers will bring them walk walk... see the surrounding.

I think if I'm a baby at their centre, I will be happily entertained. Didn't expect them to do so much, also thot babies eat and sleep only. haha...

Pommes : wow cool!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kelly : THat's what my hb said.. he couldnt imagine it.

But just wondering..

any baking experts here?

my brownie is done..the top is just nice.crispy!

but inside still a bit soft..

any idea how to improve it?

Bunnz, try covering with aluminium foil and bake on low heat a while longer to let the insides cook [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But i like my brownies soft on the inside and crispy on the top!!

#2 : okok..will try aluminium foil and adjust the heat next time.

errr.. i eat outside always crisp and warm mah.

never knew soft can be accepted.hehe

if can reach sponge cake quality! happy enough

let's see what my hb comment later.

Have you ever baked protein bars before?

Bunnz, eh... brownies suppose to be rich and thick... cannot be like sponge cake lah....

Those you eat outside is cos they reheat before serving, so not as soft already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've only made teething rusks and muesli bars for my boy...

bunnz (bunnz): wow brownie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]i hv never made it bu ti watch a lot of cookin shows and wat i noe is tat it has to be crisp on the outside and soft in the inside

Thanks Prenra im just wondering if my normal Faceshop products can still be used..

My colleague's sister who is around the same time as us alr found out about the gender. Very fast right?

Also found out my older cousin in Germany is also preggers. Happy esp cos we re super close even tho we are 13 years apart. Haha, This will be her 3rd kid and she has 2 sons. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow didn't know know the DS scan may take so long, when I did it with my #1 it went ok at the first attempt. Oh for the blood test my gynae said there is this PAPP-A test that costs $300, is this the Oscar test?

Re circumcision: I didn't do it for my #1 but I once read that there is this new method that the doc just put a ring around it then after a few days the skin will dry off and come out tog with the ring when removed. At least sounds less painful. Eh also heard that after circum can enjoy better..

Wan Chuen, sex with circumcised penis is less shiok than with a penis with the foreskin intact. This is from a guy friend who recently circumcised cos he become Muslim.

Also, if do it too young and cut too much skin off, it will hinder the normal growth of the penis. In some cases, the penis will hurt during erection cos not enough skin for it to expand.

I personally still find that if no religious or medical issue, then no need to circumcise.

And yes, the new technique is to put a plastic ring which clamps off the skin. Once the skin does not have blood circulation, it will auto die off and drop off together with the plastic device. Heard it's less painful and lowers the chance of infection.

i am back from the oscar test.. i must said i am so proud of sim baobao... everyting was done within 40min including blood test...

Even the person said baby was really good.. well behave.. though actively playing swinging inside.. sliding up and done.. hands and legs dancing... really love the 30min spent in there...

Hehehe simbaobao must be scared of my everyday "naggy" that we must get it done fast coz our appt is late.. mummy not going to spend 3hrs there waiting to get it done... *hurray* within 30min we are done with the scan.

The nurse taking blood test for me as well trained.. she was joking if Hubby oso taking blood test cause he followed us in... she was super fast.. 5min done.. love how she joke to distract me coz i am very scared of blood.. *chrippy mood*

prena: yeap if you like it richer, you can replace with cottage cheese as well but i perfer the sour cream.

Mmm bunnz

the avocado pasta sauce... i tried blending the avocado and olso oglie oglie style where you just sliced the avocado and toss it in

or the cooked sauce

2 tsp olive oil

120g veg stock ( if u like creamy ones, you can use whipped cream)i like to use half of each

1 handful of baby spanich(optional)

some pasley chopped

2 avocado

Salt and pepper to taste

Bring soup stock/ milk to the boil, add spinach(optional)

leave it to cool completely

Use a blender to blend in avocado, season it and toss with the pasta you prepared.

Ladies that like cooking, you should watch Junior MasterChef. The kids are 8 - 12yo and they can cook like pros!! Very inspired to teach my boy to cook [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy likes to help out in the kitchen and takes interest in baking (when I bake).

#2 yes i watch tat show isnt it amazin gosh those kids can cook an amazin meal .. i luv watchin it .. i watch all the cookin shows actually on tlc

nigela feasts, jamie oliver big fan of both of em , kyle kwong.. tats nice tat ur boy is facinated by cookin

Simbaobao (simbaobao) congrats glad to noe all is well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Prenra, I give up on Nigella and Kyle Kwong. The show is more on their boobs than the food :p

Jamie's recipes are too flavourful for my liking too! hahah!

hahahahh come on hahaha by the way my hb calls nigella fat cow ... ok nigela i cna understand but nt kyle kwong she looks so studious .. hahahah

#2- hahaha! The boob comment is hilarious. My hb enjoys it too and I highly suspect it's not because of the food or the cooking.. And so I don't like nigella too. Haha

Oh we can eat fish oil now? Mb I shd start .. But it always makes it burp ..

Brownie rich n creamy? Hehe

Passed hb s standard ! Makin without flour . Mainly butter n eggs ..

Oh yeah saw masterchef ad.. Keep forgetting to watch.

Which channel is it? Timing?

Too much to keep up these days

Simbaobao: ur bb is so cute!! Dancing!!

Can't wait for mine but just scared of blood taking.

Ur avocado paste a bit many steps. Will make the do first beforeproceedin on to pasta. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2, think i may try this and the s mark oil.

In yr opinion gd yeh? i read some where is gd too.

And Guess wat? i think we r both staying in the same cluster at pg ;)

Tomlo Mr Big shot visiting yeh?

prena: yeap am really happy to see baby for 30min today.. unlike the usual scanning with gyane... hope the results will be a good one too though the lady who did the scan said everything look ok..

bunnz: yeap alots of steps to do own pasta sauce.. i only do it when i am in a really good mood..

yeap baby seem to know we are looking at baby.. den waving hands... like its doing some dance.. happily playing inside... very co operative.. today hb notice the nose.. went.. WOW baby got big sharp nose.. i stare @ him... told him.. he went maybe baby is boy boy. Lolz.. i told him.. well will know in 1mth time.. i went if is gal with big nose.. den will be OH NO!. i ever teased him before having baby... baby can have his nose coz its sharp.. unlike mine is flat.. lolz but i wan baby to have my eyes.. though its small.. but still can see when i laugh... his is totally cannot see when he laugh... i still remember our wedding photograper kept telling him to smile and OPEN his eyes... keke

Gina: yeap... and i hope ms will goes n dun come back.. haha

next week can see baby again.. though not as long as the detail scanning.. but @ least can see baby soon....

Muffin!!! Yes yes!!! Tomolo got blk party!!!

Maybe we've met before... Or maybe you've heard me scream at my boy before!! Hahahha!!

Btw, I know someone nick is Muffin from punggol forum... R u the same person??

Dear mummies,

I have 4 bottles of home made confinement red rice wine to let go at $12 each bottle.


no preservatives added

best for confinement, blood circulation and remove wind "qu fong"

pm me if interested


Muffin, cos ur nick always remind me of Foooooood!!!

I get approval fm gynae when taking during pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But the stuff are good quality. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] same as those selling in sg shops (but much higher price)...

