(2011/09) Sep 2011


Dun worry. Good things r meant to share [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u made them yourself? Wow that's so nice for your dog! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy started wriggling out of his clothe nappy that we used to wrap round him ard 3wks n refused to be wrapped. Will cry blue murder till we removed it so we gave up. Hee he can accept his bean pillows but dun like them much. Not one to cuddle them. His only fav is his big pillow that I bot the very cute animal pillowcases for. He will hug n kiss this everyday ;P


so sorry to see such a harsh comment made by ur gf. It is true that the decision made to have a child is a commitment and there is no way things are going back to pre-pregnancy days. But I think there are ways to work out in terms of dogs and travelling. Though u should keep ur dog away from where baby sleep to reduce asthma issues. For travelling, i dont see why cant travel. I have booked my whole family on a trip to US in Jun. During my first pregnancy, i also made a trip to US. I think in regards to travelling, just make sure u dont do anything funny (sports, adventure, blah blah), make it relax and of course select a location where medical help is easily accesible. Of course, saying this, please get clearance from gynae to fly.

Kyle, try to be positive. Motherhood is a journey of learning and adaptation for all of us. After I gave birth to first one I was so stressed about the change I was quite depressed for a few weeks, felt sorry for myself and baby, cry non stop. Now my girl is nearing 2 and when I look back it felt very strange and my worries were unfounded, and we coped! A big part of what we feel now and after birth are due to hormonal changes. Trust me you will do ok, I'm sure.

kylekyra (kyra) : Pl dun say tat

you r such a wonderful person as i noe u readin ur posts since a wk you are so intelligent and smart... plp always like to talk negative things you need to ignore those negative things n jus focus n ur positive part .. sumtimes plp are jus jealous they cant tk others being happy n by makin such statements they get a sense of satisfaction ... jus stay away from such plp n be in he comapny of positive minded plp

Kyle, of course motherhood is without sacrifice and tough but dont worry, we would all get by it. I cam alone to Japan with my gal when she was about 6 months. She was always the whinning type and tough to take care and during the initial months in this foreign land, i would sometimes break down and cry and even called my hubby during office hours. But jus hang in there when its tough. No matter how bad my girl stresses me, everynight when i tuck her to bed, i feel blessed to have her!

Kyle: please don't give urself so negative tinking. I am oso a 1st time mum to be n my hb doesn't have good hands on experience with kids. But I know he is trying to b a nice one to me n baby now. I ever qnz if we r really ready for baby in our family cause I foresee I won't get helps from

Ils. Alots of tings I had to take care alone which freak me off

So we didn't plan for baby. Baby r god sent gift from heaven. Not everyone want it then will have it. I had frds who r married for 10 Yrs yet unable to convince even with gyane n medi helps. I told god if he tink we r ready pls sent me one.. True enough after 8 mth of wedding life... The surprise came in.

I cannot promise I b a 100% good mum to be but will try my best to bring up n grow with baby in the new journey.

Frds words might b cold but it might b true in some Ways to tink abt. But dun give urself too much stress n pressure due to their words.

U have all our listening ears n supports here.

Kyra : You know yourself best. What matters most is you do what you feel is most comfortable for you and your bb. It may not be the perfect choice. But we learn to adjust over time. Nobody is perfect. Who knows, you may change the arrangement after a while. No doubt some people may say being weekend mummy is no gd or why you dont do certain things for your bb this and that . So long you have thought it through and know what you are doing. You dont have to bother about what anyone says. Of course shd things go south later , we accept it, learn to deal and move on by working on improving the situation whatever it is.

i feel one must always be happy in whatever they are doing. Only when they are truly happy, are they being able to bring joy and love to the people around them. If you perservere on doin the right things for others and yet be unhappy and stressed yourself, it'll have dire consequences in the long term.

By carrying the baby to full term and delievering it is already no easy feat.

Be proub of yourself.

Be in the present and enjoy every moment of your pregnancy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and one more thing

Baby is God's gift to you he has found u capable of handling it tats why he is givin it to you

believe in GOD he is so powerful u will see miracles happening .. even those things tat u think its impossible for u to do u will end up doin it cos GOD will help u to do it he will guide u thru it ....


hugs.. dun be affected by ur friend's harsh comments, one thing to highlight is that dog's fur dun caused asthma unless itz cat's, fur will only trigger asthma attack and if u or ur hubby has asthma then ur bb will more likely got it..

having 4 dogs might not be easy when one more new member in the family is arriving, by having bb expose to dog in early stage will reduce his/her allergy to the dog's fur and in turn might build their immune system so dun blame urself for having dogs.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and yes being a mother has big sacrifice and really there's no turning back but itz a whole new chapter of ur new life with a new member in the household.. after birth all such negative thoughts will go away and u will be proud tat u have bring a new life to the world...

just like marriage, initially will be tough and being together with another person in ur life sure makes a big difference to ur pre marriage life but itz all about compromising and love for each other to endure in a marriage so itz the same as motherhood.. and i can be sure to let u noe tat ur love for tis little one will be overwhelming till u totally wun believe tat subconsciously u already prepare to do any and everything for tis little one..u will be amazed by ur own tolerance and patient for him/her.. REALLY!!!

kyra, the other mummies are right.. and so is your friend.. motherhood comes with alot of sacrifices but you'll really be amazed at what you can do just for the sake of your child..

maybe now it seems daunting and even as a second-time parent, i feel your concerns too but having gone through the first-time parent thoughts, what the other mummies said about adapting and surviving the journey is true... somehow or other it will happen for all of us and definitely for you too!

Muffin : can try kneading the area in between your thumb and index area.( can do for both hands) works for me if i feel a headache is coming

Good reads [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i weighed myself last night.

i actually lost ard 1 kg from my pre pregnance weight!

How come ah?

Been def eating much more(like min 6 times a day) than before and no ms at all.

Haha, i think im the only one who put on weight during first trimester.

Hi Kyra,none of us were born to be natural mothers. Us and the baby learn over time. Take it slowly, we're all in the same journey together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 3 months down the road from Sep 2011, I'm sure you will look back at this and smile. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope the rest of the mummies are looking fwd to a restful weekend, cos I know I am.

Gd morning all!

Glad today is Friday. Exhausted plus many situations in my workplace now. Drinking milo now to calm myself.

IFC - Glad I went down for a visit yesterday. Was happy with what I saw. Facility relatively new, teachers are all experienced, sincere and honest. They encourage breastfeeding so I'm glad about it. Cirriculum for infants is gd, better than I expected. No complaint, only thing is I have to walk abit (abt 15 mins walk) to reach centre from my office. But hubby said, take it as exercise. And if hubby cannot fetch us, have to cab home.

Most likely will enrol baby there...

Pommes, I think 15min walk is ok lah. Most impt is you like the place and convenient for you.

If take cab back should be ok. My friends actually take train to work with baby and back home again when their babies were slightly older (they bring stroller).

Another alternative: You drive the car. Hubs take public transport :p

#2 - haha.. me got license but dont drive. Driving is very stressful to me. Haha... yup yup, plan to take bus/ train when baby is older, if needed.

#2 - I suppose it's like that with kids. I'll enjoy the rest of the 6 months x weekends before the lil one arrives. I'm also sure yours is a fun, albeit mad rush. :p

My weekday mornings, on the contrary from yours are the high adrenalined, heart racing ones due to work. Thats why I look forward to weekends, mainly to sleep in.

Pommes - Did you have to wait for a place for the enrolment? How's the waiting list (if any)?

Btw, anyone working ard Tanjong Pagar area?

gina - since they are a new branch, so no waiting list at the moment. Yesterday when I went there, they had only 3 infants. Their max capacity is 19 and teacher: baby ratio at 1:3

The teacher told me, they have quite a lot of enquiries but I think once we have decided, will go down again to make some kind of confirmation/ reservation.

@Pommes - I see, that's good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It is a MCYS requirement on the 1:3 ratio so that's fine. It's the same with the other 3 that I enquired with. 19 is also a good size. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnz, my gynae also never weigh me.. i always go to the weighing scale on my own during my visits.. think after signing package, then they take weight and BP...

guess my bb will be taken care by ils, as we are staying together.. moreover, i am not working now, so can learn to look after bb..

good morning mummies

wat a bright sunny day

had breakfast with hb

went to the temple

going for oscar test in the late noon time

Janet: Ohh…so they knew that your colleague was already pregnant and they still employed her? Are you working in the private or govt sector? Wondering if govt sector may be more pro-family and forgiving…

Pommes: I’ll be 12 weeks this coming Monday but appetite still not there although no morning sickness. Envious of mummies who have so many cravings and feel hungry coz I don’t yet! =(

Simbaobao: I also can’t take any tidbits anymore! Since the start of this pregnancy the chocolate-lover in me has died and never resurrected till now…don’t know whether to be happy that I’m healthier or sad that I can’t enjoy my fave food…

Oh and my cousin-in-law was vomiting every meal for the 1st 5mths and subsequently on alternate days but she still put on 15kg in total strangely! And she is very small built!

Haha I feel so backdated…always reading thru all the archives then replying and all...=p hope you ladies don’t mind!

kyra>> *pat pat* you dun keep thinking about this.. probably later into the pregnancy stages, your mindset will change?

parenting is a very rewarding journey that comes with many changes.. i wun call them sacrifices coz i dun feel these are sacrifices, more of changes i make to my lifestyle for my child's sake..

when you see your kid do all the firsts - flip for the first time, smile at you, only wants you but nobody else, do the first crawl, first step, first sit etc etc etc.. all these will make you forget how tiring being a mummy can be..

and all you want to do after a hard day's work is to rush home and let your child give you a wet kiss on the lips and a huge tight hug and hear him/her call you "mummy"..

nothing beats snuggling to sleep with my girl, carrying her and she rests her head on my shoulder and go "mama"..

Am on leave today. Quick update via iPhone for simbaobao:

The test today went hassle free! We reached at 9am and everything was completed within 1 hour. Did detailed scanning and drew 1 tube of blood. Staff and doctors were all very friendly and patient. From scan, the baby looks fine but they discovered 2 fibroids growing next to the sac [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] They roped in a 2nd doctor to ascertain my scan. That prob explains why the sac was in such a bad pressurized shape at first and how I had some queasy tummy feeling and gynae ordered a PAP smear. Full report will only be out this afternoon and they will fax it to my doctor. Total cost only $250+. Already given next appt date - 4 May.

b.isforbaby: yeap hb was so amused when i told him dun buy me anymore tibits, no more snacks etc which i will ask for.. even cakes.. i siam it now.. beside chiffon on small occassion.. i used to smell butter smell daily and now i hate the smell of it..

really a big change in routine now...

kyle: thanks for the update..

dun worry, everytings will be ok.. @ least they discovered it early so something can be done if needed to do so...

Take good care and spend some good time with ur hb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kyra, glad that baby looks fine! I think fibroids quite common. I read from other forums that a lot of mummies also had that and continued to deliver healthy babies! Just that they chose to remove the fibroids during delivery, so I think they took elective C section.

Just rest well and follow doc's recommendations :D

Don't worry too much :D

Hi Pommes,

could i check with you, when we make a reservation at the infantcare centre, do we have to make any kind of payment?

Kelly, usually there's no payment until you confirm the registration. I know of some infantcares that will ask for registration fee to be placed on waiting list.

good mornin ladies how r u all doin

kyra good tat all ws ok for you nice to hear tat

Simbaobao (simbaobao): good luck

i made pan cakes and omlet wif bacon & cheese for breakfast ... hopin to hv a avocado salad later anybody mks avocado pl share recipies

#2- downloaded the app "Wat to expect" looks good will chk out the website "Preg Bzz" & "The Bump" apps are also quite handy get ans to ur questiosn very fast and its global so get answers from everywhere

anybody usin "Korres" face products ? any reviews

Prenra, I love avocado!

I normally cube it then mix it with cubed tomatoes, cubed ripe mangoes, some chopped shallots, lime juice, some sugar if your mango isn't sweet and yum yum!! Used to wrap it in smoked salmon but now gotta stay off smoked salmon.

#2- thanks in fact the salad i ws goin to mk is very similar to the one u mentioned except tat it does nt hv mangoes its similar to "guacamole"

yummy, i love avocando too esp blended with ice cream...den add in some gula melaka sauce.. OMG... but now baby doesn't like the creamy taste

my dip is like dat.. i always ate it with chips last time during movie ( haha yeap i made my own dips and bring it along)..HB will shaked his head till he -_-"

1 ripe avocado, peeled

1 ripe avocado - tiny cubed (optional)

60-70g sour cream

1 tomato, diced

1 shallot

1-2 tbsp of lemon juice

a pinch of salt

a dash of pepper

1 tsp of chopped Coriander

1. Using a fork, mash the avocado. Add sour cream, chopped shallot, Coriander, lemon, salt and pepper and mash some more.

2. Just before serving, add the chopped tomato and mix.

my not-so-authentic version.. you can forgo the cubed avocado if you doesn't want it.

Enjoy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow simbaobao : awesome. will make the dip one day. Avocado is good for us. good fats!

I was just thinking what to eat avocado with.

I used to spread it on wraps together with omelette ..

I also went to temple this morning

Which one did you go to?

I went to Buddhist Lodge.

bunnz: no prob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope u will like it as well..

cooking it with pasta is..... so.... healthy as well... replacing the normal tomato/creamy sauce..

i went to the temple @ Jurong west... we were there quite often whenever we go there for breakfast...

Pooh : I already took the package on first visit. gynae collect half only. Without package is already like $160 for first visit. 2nd visit never pay anything . will pay the balance on my 3rd visit.

welcome estella : i have the same Edd as you as of date. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pommes : lucky you. new IFC. no waiting list. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah my friend and hb rotate to bring their bb to IFC last time.. also take public transport home. My friend is also petite size. I always wonder where she got the strength!

Like #2, my weekends are mad rush..but usually sundays , and half days sats.

weekdays are my quiet times.

Was waiting for bb to use as an excuse to stop teaching/or get students to come over on sundays.. :p


oh never knew there's a temple there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how do you cook it with pasta? just make the paste and mix it together?

