(2011/09) Sep 2011

p3: sound so s c a r y...... *faint*

i am olso very scared to brush my teeth too... esp when the toohbrush went in abit.. OMG....


wah brush teeth also will puke?

so far, i jus feel bloated in the morning.sometimes wanna vomit out, but just the sound onlu; nothing's out. no appetite to eat bf. whn comes to 3pm, my hunger starts till night.

im still countdown my 1st appt for 19feb. so far to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ohh so early for oscar. thanks Simbaobao and Pommes

Pray & Love : how many weeks are you now?

i'm letting out lots of gas these 2 days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm going for my 2nd appt tonight. Going in a few days earlier cos hb'll be away next week.

Can I ask something? how do u ladies feel when u have a big sneeze? like stomach also vibrate kind, quite a funny feeling. just wonder how baby willl feel when he or she's bigger? hahah

Bunnz: lol baby will knock knock at Ur tummy n tell u excuse me not so hard... Am shaking inside...

I kept on sneezing too recently. Never had such bad sneeze in the morning. I felt like seeing stars after a few combine ones..

Felt like kicking hb's butt... He called to ask me if I puked today... I told him tis word is very sensitive... The moment he change topic.... I felt something going to come out from my throat.

hahaha..in other words bb start kicking us la :p

my hb sends me mms of his lunches these days which are food that i dont eat ...


i guess im 6weeks now. havent see any gynae yet. still waiting and waiting. so long day and night to go. last few weeks, keep farting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha

this week just appetite keep changing...

my gyane said anything oso can eat wor.. even aleo vera... but of coz moderate.. coz nata de coco very hard to digest.. ate too much will get bloated.

Happy New Year to all mummies and babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Simbaobao: Oh dear, sorry to hear ur MS is so bad. Hope it'll pass fast. Thanks for clarification on coke. Yikes actually I gave in to my cravings and just finished off 1 can.

Crust on nipples:

Glad to hear some mummies also experience this. I paiseh to ask my gynae coz worried that it's because i not hygienic enough when I bf my #1 or what..

Clarins oil:

I don't know it's coincidence or what, I started using using quite early in my 1st pregnancy and didn't have stretch marks initially. Then I ran out of the oil and stopped for 3,4 weeks during my 3rd tri. The stretchmarks started! This time I think I will kuai kuai use.


I still have cramps on and off, it's the sharp jabbing kind. Anyone also?


Sung, I crave for sweet stuff too!

Yay our list of Sep 11 babies is getting longer. My EDD is the latest here, but my #1 was out quite early.

pinkiedot, can u pls help me add to the table? Thanks alot!

EDD: 30 sept


gynae: Dr Douglas Ong

hospital: MAH

area: Tiong Bahru

occupation: PTWM

wan chuen: yeap its really bad... i hope it will end soon soon soon...

i am so tempted to drink zero sugar bubbletea BUT kept tellin mysef must REN!!!! ytd i really bth.. kept tinking of chryst white tea.. i asked the gyane.. can take dat? lol i tink he see me really bth.. told me abit will be ok... hurray... after visit.. go grabbed a pack .. shiok..


of coz.. we dun need to know how to swim just some water therapy to relax our aching body and simple exercise to be ready for delivery...

in fact there's cons n pros for episodomy la..

What are the advantages of episiotomy?

When used properly, episiotomy can prevent more extensive childbirth injury. A single cut edge is easier to surgically repair than an extensive jagged edge, or multiple jagged edges. Episiotomy can shorten pushing by 15-30 minutes, critical in the case of fetal distress and helpful with maternal exhaustion. The use of episiotomy in difficult births, such as shoulder dystocia (trapped shoulders), can prevent permanent and disfiguring injury to the baby. Proponents of routine episiotomy believe it can lessen stretching of vaginal muscles, which can result in long term laxity.

What are the disadvantages of routine episiotomy?

Episiotomy used routinely can result in unnecessary trauma. Specifically, the incision may be more extensive than a small tear and certainly more extensive than no tear. This results in more bleeding, especially with mediolateral episiotomy. Healing after episiotomy is painful and can result in painful intercourse. Opponents to routine episiotomy believe that the stretching of the vaginal muscles have already occurred prior to the time of potential episiotomy, and that the performance of an episiotomy is of no help to prevent vaginal muscle laxity. Kegel exercises before and after childbirth best protect vaginal muscle integrity.

I am going to drink peppermint tea, hoping it will help my nauseous. Dun wanna puke in office *_*

Paging for Sung

You mean you did OSCAR at Dr Tan's clinic? I was given 3 options for screening test. (1) dun do at all (2) do OSCAR (3) do Triple Screening

But I forgot to ask is it at his clinic or somewhere else. Also, do we get the result instantly or must wait? Do you think I can call the clinic and ask the counter staff there?

I scare they scold me, because I also want to ask in details on the package.

i drink juices, eat sour stuffs... watever i can stomach in.. i will try.. if not, even water.. baby oso will get rid of it till no single drop..

pray&love - wow, that's very extreme. suck lemon.

I just popped in one sour plum. Hope it will help me to tahan until 5.30pm

My colleagues have been asking, how come I look so pale nowadays? I guess people has been speculating liao.


havent suck the lemon yet. but just now I have Double Filet O Fish... then so full, takes so long for digestion. make me wanna vomit...

Now im feeling better after taking sour plum, cranberry juice. Later, will eat orange... haha

i am missing the fillet o fish BUT my baby cannot take it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] last time just starting.. i still can have a lil fish n chip.. now the sight of fish turned my stomach upside down...

Hi ladies!

Have been following this thread since I tested positive in early Jan and loved the way you gals support each other and so I've decided to be a part of this network! =)

Pinkiedot, to trouble you abit...:

EDD: 12 sept

Bb: #1

Gynae: Dr Esther Ng

Hospital: MAH

Area: Toh Guan

Occupation: SAHM (hopefully will become FTWM/PTWM in 2nd trimester!)

I'm going for my next appt this coming Mon on Valentine's Day! Anyway, any mummies have mood to celebrate Val's Day? For me, I already told hubby to skip it, no mood to celebrate with all the preg symptoms and all. Haha...keep the effort for wedding anniversary instead! =)

Any mummies here taking the anti-nausea pill here called Maxalon? My gynae gave me that and for a month I took it diligently. Kept complaining about restlessness and indescribable discomfort after meals but I didn't attribute it to that on Tue when hubby got me to stop then I researched on it. Apparently, it causes restlessness, panic and anxiety, and depression! Just be careful yea, mummies...

Looking forward to early deliverance from MS, dizziness, indigestion, poor sleep etc! May all of us move into the glorious days of pregnancy coming up soon! =)

i tot anti nausea pills are for SOS case till u really cannot take it then take?

I doesn't dare to take any even i am puking like merlion now.. worries abt the side effects etc

Pommes : i just need to eat every 2-3 hours. helps in chasing the ms feelin away..

Also my gynae told me to avoid coffee and tea.

I read that caffine will raise baby's heartbeat.

i'm so longing for milk tea.

currently only on folic and prenatal vit now.

Regarding Milo, just wanted to share that my doctor said milo is safe for babies. The caffeine amount is too insignificant. Although he advised to keep to only 1 cup of tea / coffee per day.

Bunnz - You can go have your milk tea already.

A happy pregnancy = a happy baby.

Cheers all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This yr will b our last valentine day alone... In the past few Yrs we didn't get to celebrate due to my work so am planning for a dim sum lunch with hb... Any recommendation?

Simbaobao, you're making me hungry. My cravings are for salty food and dim sum is super salty. Hahaha

Crown Plaza's Imperial Treasure has fab dim sum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i juz washed down a bowl of koka black pepper instant mee goreng

i also crave for food at 5pm and have to eat cos cannot tahan until go home

jean, are u doing oscar or triple blood test? i tot of skipping both eh.. coz i am afraid of needles and reali hope to avoid pricking myself if possible. u visit dr heng at esh or bedok?

Gina: the crownz plaza is at change airport there? If yes I will skip... Jurong to there is really no joke...

Yeap am craving for dim sum... Juz had Xiao long bao last week before cny... Yummy

Simbaobao: Ohh.. sorry forgot you stay in Jurong, the distance is prob not worth it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I stay in the east so frequent there quite often.

I just had it last week so the craving is back. Haha, there should be lots at Jurong Point. The place is packed with eateries.

So hungry now, need the famous Chai Chee pork porridge! Have a happy weekend mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome B.isforbb. Cute nick!

Gina: if in the past.. yeap will go all the way for it.. now? haha big no no...

Am sick of foods in jurong point.. haha always packed esp after 6pm or wkend so i always siam dat kind of timing... prefer to cook my own but now.. i cannot stand the cooking smell.. so tried to cook simple soup dish/ taobao from outside.

Hi Everyone

I've been following this thread since my gynae told me my edd and finally got down to join all of you after we heard my babies' heartbeats.

EDD: Mid Sept

bb#2 & #3 (twins)

gynae: Dr Kek Lee Phin

hospital: Mt E

Area: East

occupation: SAHM

I feel vomitty all day long, I wish I have food cravings.

Wan Chuen,

Hi-5! Hee sweet stuff r so yummy now but we must be careful n drink more water with it. Sometimes too much water makes me pukey though...


Hee as mentioned above, I'm not sure if what I did was Oscar. Was just ultrasound scan n I rem lots of blood tests. Think cld be the triple blood screening Jean mentioned. I juz did what Doc Tan recommended n likely this time round will juz do the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup at his clinic. Only 2 tests r done outside - detailed scan at 5mths at Camden Medical Centre n the glucose tolerance test at 8mths at the Parkway clinic on 1st flr Gleneagles. All the results can onlybe known at next visit. Hee the nurse always said if no news is good news coz they will only call if results got something n we need to know earlier. Else just get results from Doc Tan at next visit. Rem to keep the results. Gleneagles labour ward will ask for them later. Hee hee u will likely rec a photo of the lab test in your polyp next visit too. Shows u the measurement of it ;P

Sure sure call the nurse lah. They can clarify your doubts on the package. I din pay much attn to it this time, juz rem is same amt $1.2k before GST n to be paid in 2 amts. Abt 60% at point of signing up n balance at edd. Same as my #1's time. N it incl normal supplements n doc chks n scans. Any addtl tests or if u want to get fish oils, hv to all pay separately. Hopes this helps.

Princess Fairy,

Congrats, u r having twins!!!

Welcome to bisforbb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

P.s. Just a ks point of view. Avoid caffeine for 1st trim first coz it's been known to increase miscarriages if consumed too much. 1st trim very impt for our developing Bb as they r still very small n fragile. If want to drink, 2nd trim onwards can tk a little a day. I believe it's worth it for our precious little one to bear for a while. Though 9 mths seem long, it'll actually pass by very quickly. N while we r still not sure n can never know if there is a link btw food we tk during preg n the effects on our bb's health later, better to listen to caution since 9mths' control for us may affect the bb. It's a worthwhile trade. I rem being told no cold stuff by tcm as it will affect the bb's respiratory resulting in sensitive airways n phlegm. Couldn't tong in 3rd trim n I had ice cream a few times, ended up my #1 really has sensitive respiratory. Till now I regretted wondered if I control, wld it help coz it's so much more painful to c your little ones suffer n sick. So I strongly believe in control this time round. Not sure if it'll help but anything is worth a try for our littleones' sakes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee juz sharing my ks views. No offense to anyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning Everyone!

I feel much better today, except for a slight headache.

Sung - Thanks for your reply. I think I will give the clinic a call, after I have consolidated all my questions.

Morning ladies!!

Welcome Bisforbb and Princess fairy!

Princess fairy: twins..woww. bet u must be waiting for their gender excitedly.

Sung: thanks for your advice! yeah i'll skip on my tea/coffee ..not only for first trim but till perhaps next year.

I just had my 2nd appt last night. 8 wks already!

Bb does grow very fast.

Edd moved forward to 19/9

But i guess it may keep changing few days here and there.

Doc recommended me to do oscar test for peace of mind. be doing mid march.

Anyone skipping it? my mum said she skipped it last time, didnt apply any cream also. My eyes opened big.

I went for my first visit. 9 weeks, EDD 13 Sep. I hope it will have the same birthday as me if not the same month. My birthday is 11 Sep.

I have already arranged for the OSCAR test for 3 Mar

bunnz: our mother's time.. they don't have so many scans and tests...

ytd was telling my sis i be doing the test.. her reaction is super big.. telling me NOT to do so... i understand where she comes from... but after talking to HB ... though my age is not in tat cat. to MUST do.. but i decided to do it JUST IN CASE anyting happen.. @ least we can make a decision and won't blame each others later on... *touchwood*

I had come in contact with DS kids and honestly i cannot handle them.. its really a huge responsibilty and need alots of supports from family and friends... * i pray hard everyone of us here will have healthy baby *

muffin: glad to hear everytings is alrite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

have more rest.

ladies.. can coy discrimate u bcos u r preggy?

last yr my department had 3 prggy ladies.. out of the 3 only 1 return work. my boss is now veri sentitive to prggy. his focus seems to be on those who are single and chiong all the way for him n can work lots of ot.

yep, he is aware that am prggy ..cos i need him to hv back up when am not ard.

simbaobao: i'm also not in that cat. did ask the doc whether oscar was necessary. he just said many do for peace of mind. no side effects on baby right?forgot to ask him

any of the early sept mums bgt maternity pants or change their bra size already?

just bgt one maternity pants.cldnt resist.

can wear till full term or after birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes may all mummies stay happy!!


I think it is not the coy that discrimate, it is the people. my workplace also has...pass on promotion loh...because you are gone for 4 months, so cannot do anything, blar blar....

Muffin: they can b sue if they do dat when they know u r preggy. It's the Govt encouraging mothers to go back to work society and asking ppl to settle down n start

Bunnz: ya no side effect if not I oso won't chose to do it. Really is for the piece of mind to stop the worries.

Muffin : the govt has work laws protecting pregnant women. think somthing like they cant ask u to leave when you are 3 mths or more (cant rem the exact no. of mths) , but if less than the min months, they still can ask the employee to leave.. quite silly.

But i wont blame your boss for being sensitive. afterall to him, efficiency needs to be there.

It's just one of those situations which bosses n pregnant ladies cant help it. like there's really no one to blame after all.

hmm can sue meh.. mom only handle those below 1.8k 0r 2k yeh?

hopefully they dun be fuunie. the reason y im asking was in b/w the 3 ladies there were one more .. but she and the other guy was ask to go. reason was under performing.. then they already knew she was 5 mths preggy


Sigh I wish someone will come out to give some benifit to stay at home mothers too do dat we can at least get some benefits and stay at home to take care of our young ones...

