(2011/09) Sep 2011

jen: i had tat too.. worst is sometimes eat in the morning den at nite still can feel it.. hate it..

bored @ home alone... dun even know wat to eat for dinner...



Hugs... I know the feeling... Sigh.. Really hope 1st tri pass quickly... Now think of sept still so far really scare me off ... This is going to be my Last P. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jen: yeap tinking of sept is like so far away n eveyone is telling me i will enjoy preggy when in 2nd tri.. i really hope so...

Hi Simbaobao, had yr dinner liao? i just cooked porridge and had some fried silver fish by my mum. hope u had something u like.

I had bailey cake b4 that.. sld be ok since the alchol shd hv all evaporated?

Simbaobao : 1st trim ll be over soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I m sure every moment ll be worth it when u finally see your bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muffin : din sounds yummy. I had veg bee hoon at the temple. Soup at home .

Ladies : any Chinese soups to recommend?

muffin: haven't taken.. dunno wat to eat and doesn't feel like putting anything into the mouth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ur bailey cake is baked or non baked kind.. my gyane told me even in cooking oso best to avoid for time being...

bunnz: yes still have a few more weeks.. am so looking forward to it..

i like peanut + lotus soup / cranberry nut + lotus soup / veg soup / ABC soup / potatoes soup/black bean soup..

waiting for hb to come back.. so bored..

i am going to get into trouble with fil's side of relative for sure now... hb told me i doesn't have to go.. i tot is he told them i am preggy.. but is mil said i dun have to go... -_-" things will get more complicated now..

Muffin: heard the bigger and longer banana that is less sweet cannot coz it’s cooling, but if you want the shorter & sweeter kind is okay, I’m taking it too. Helps good bowel movements too!

Good morning everyone! My MS is getting more intense, though I am entering into week 9. Those after taste I also got it. But I am taking that bb is growing well with more intense ms n preggie symptoms, I will endure anything for bb sake. >_<

Simbaobao- dun care abt what others say. So long Ur MIL back u up, dun worry. Hope u have better appetite today!

Bunzz - thanks for the info.

morning ladies.

Pommes :like u i'm just approaching 9 weeks too .agree bit more intense. suddenly feel more last night.woke up 4am this morning. usually it's ard 5 plus.

Simbaobao: yes all u have to do is take care of yourself now. any other thing all comes thereafter.

I had a pop corn overdose yesterday... Finish a regular pack while watching movie and feeling like shit till now. No puke for me so I think pop corn still inside bah. Drinking lime juice helps abit

Any good remedy to rid air? I got so much air now that you can even hear the sound externally...

hi ladies, my gynae is very liberal. just told me no raw meat and alcohol. so i've been eating practically everything, including sushi, cos I had a craving for it. I also find that I like cold and sweet drinks (when I'm not pregnant I prefer just plain water). Anyway with my bad morning sickness, many things put me off so if there's something I actually feel like eating, I'll eat it.

Pink poppy,

U may like to apply Ru Yi You on ur tummy to get rid if wind... I have been applying it almost every night n it helps to get rid of wind....

pommes: problem is My mil din told them or tok to anyone abt it. She isnt in gd term with anyone there. Her labelling there is bad dil/sil.. Even ytd she went... Hb said 3 of them sat there like status... So She took the decision herself tat I dun have to go.

super hot today... feel like having some real COLD icy juices... haha kept tahaning till really bth le..

Bunnz: Oh yes! Try to moderate and not take too much kiwis. Kiwis are very high in oxalic acid, which is the most acidic of all food acids to the body. More for general health lah, oxalic acid is linked to kidney and other stones in the body…

Pink poppy: I also take lime juice! And chen pi plums etc…helps digestion for me. I’ve not been able to sleep well, will wake up every hr till I’m afraid to sleep coz of the wind in tummy causing lots of pain. Recently tried to take gassy drinks, since I started on it, it has helped me burp very well and I’m no longer gassy! But of course can only take a little coz of the sugar content…=p

Jennifer Chng: oh can use ru yi you? I used it twice and got scolded by my mum coz she said the oils may penetrate the skin and affect bb…but I agree! It works wonders and is very soothing!

Err, i also use Ru Yi oil. Think can use lah, cos if can use on bb when they born, no reason why cannot use now right? hee hee

but use on bb is also supposed to be indirectly when they're born, cannot rub on them with the oil. i dun dare to use, and try to eat more gingery food to get the wind out.

i also realise tat the more fruits u eat, the more gas in the stomach too. bloated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi ladies, am thinking abt the after childbirth .like who is gg to help me to look after bb.

the following concerns keeps popping on my mind when im more awake.

- it seems that it's more economical to hv a domestic helper than to put bb in infant care.

but who can help me supervise the maid while am at work.

hub and i dun own a car hence to transport the maid to my mil is also diff. besides mil has her life to led too..

Finances is also a big concern ...

But i ll walk step by step n trust that things will fall in plc. any one has similar concerns?

here's something to share for flatulent foods

Food That Cause Flatulence

Foods that can cause flatulence (gas) in some people may not produce flatulence in others. It all depends on the amount and type of bacteria each person has in the large intestine. Gas producing foods may not need to be eliminated completely, unless you have problems of food intolerance (or food sensitivity), sometimes eating smaller amounts will help to reduce flatulence.

* Broccoli, brussels sprouts

* Asparagus, carrots

* Apricots, raisins

* Cauliflower, radishes

* Bananas, prunes

* Sauerkraut

* Pan fried or deep fried foods

* Rich cream sauces and gravies

* Eggplant

* Bran, nuts, popcorn

* Tuna

* Cabbage, celery, cucumbers

* Prune juice

* Kohlrabi, rutabaga, turnips

* Fizzy medicine

* Garlic, leeks and some seeds such as fennel, sunflower and poppy all produce a lot of gas in the colon.

* Sodas and other carbonated beverages

* Beer causes belching because it produces gas (carbon dioxide) in the stomach. It produces smelly hydrogen sulfide in some people

* Fatty meats, fatty foods can delay stomach emptying and cause bloating and discomfort, but not necessarily too much gas

* Legumes (very gassy) (all types) especially dried beans and peas, baked beans, soy beans, lima beans. Beans pass through the * small intestine and arrive in the large intestine undigested which causes flatulence (gas) to occur, also, beans contain more indigestible carbohydrates than most foods.

* Raffinose is a sugar found in mushrooms, beans and in smaller amounts in some vegetables and grains. The human body lacks the enzyme called alpha-galactosidase to digest this sugar, so it ends up in the large intestine undigested which causes flatulence (gas) to occur.

* Fructose is naturally present in onions (very gassy), artichokes, pears, and wheat. It is also used as a sweetener in some soft drinks and fruit drinks.

* Lactose is the natural sugar found in milk (very gassy), cheese (very gassy) and ice cream (very gassy), and processed foods, such as bread, cereal (somewhat gassy), and salad dressing.

* Sorbitol is a sugar (which humans can't break down) found naturally in fruits, including apples, pears, peaches, and prunes. It is also used as an artificial sweetener in many dietetic foods and sugar free candies and gums.

* Most starches, including potatoes, corn, noodles and wheat and wheat products including, pastries, bagels, pretzels.

me me!!!

I've been thinking of the following options too:-

1) Infantcare is a lot of $$

2) No one can supervise the maid too

3) My mum doesn't want to full time look after bb, and wanna share the care with mil, but mil stays in woodlands, and mum stays in tampines while I stay in sengkang. I'm going to need a car to be able to do transport. Having a headache on this too, and it's not possible for me to quit cuz we'll need the $$... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks bis fobb. Will cut kiwis out the n.

Daddysbao: what fruits do u eat normally? I only know I keep letting out gas. Neverattritube to fruits ..

Muffin: I m just thinking wheth to engage confinement lady. My mum suggested looking for part time.

I have started thinking also about after birth care. We do hv a domestic helper now but I want to be more involved . May cut down my working hours. Like u , also bit concerned financially. I m even thinking of reducing workin the 3rd trimester. Some more shifting house mid year.


looks like we r in a simlar situation.

im trying to find a gd chance to discuss w hb. he is concern abt $ but not taking actions ..

we still hv outstanding loans to clear

But am excited a bb! cos bb is miracle as we hv been trying for a while and was seeking treatement for fertility

bunnz: Usually i eat apples and now clearing the mandarin oranges.

Wow, shifting house while pregnant? stressful...

Hb and I are considering getting a van cuz cars are a bit out of budget with the crazy coe now..

Thanks guava for the detailed list. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muffin: one thing I ve learnt is to be always in the present n enjoy every second. HE will not give us something we can't handle.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

What abt confinement ladies? Anyone given a thought ?

hi bunnz, nods*

HE will provides, i need to remind and afirm myself on that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] feels like s soothing honey after reading yr post. thks

Anyone did their own confinment?

My mil pushed it to my mum.. and i oso dun wan her to do for me.. i cannot stand her cooking.. lots of oil and salt...

my mum nagged alots and always kept calling me tis n dat.. i tink i will end up having depression with her ard and her health not very good.. somemore someone had to fetch her to and from..

i tot of a CL but HB doesn't like the idea of having someone extra in the hse and we doesn't have extra room for the CL to stay over..so HB suggested/asked me to do my own.. -_-"

Daddysbao: not too much mandarin oranges . High in sugar. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

House was decided n bgt just before we realized I was pregnant. Just as well cos No space for bb in current condition. Also well be staying w my parents but mum is working full time. Think she can take leave to help me out.

But still hv to renovate house n manage bb exp . Can be little intimidating.

Muffin- me also facing same problem.

1) if get maid, no one at home to supervise. I won't want to risk my baby's safety. N maid at home can cause inconvenience at home too.

2) if get maid, send them up to my mum's place. Not on our way to work. Must make a huge detour so not convenient too, plus my mum also never say she wants to take care for me.

3) send to infant care. There's subsidy but still quite a hefty sum every month.

4) if I quit, also not worth it.

So our final conclusion- send to infant care near our place or near my workplace.

bunnz: dun be around when they r doing the reno.. not even when they are moving in the furniture.. you got to make the arrangement with you hb to settle all these to play safe.

I'm getting a CL. My dad's fren's wife happens to be one, n apparently she's quite knowledgeable in herbs etc, and is quite ok.

Already booked her liao.

I don intend to get a CL, cos don like some stranger in my house walking all over also hear alot of scary story abt CL.

I intend to order confinement catering only cos my MIL will be helping me to bath the baby and husband will do all the house work. And I will be breastfeeding so I don need a CL as baby will stick to me most of the time.

And I also think it too expensive to engage CL, not worth it.

actually am not very interested in the confinment foods and my mum insisted to make the rice wine which i dun fancy as well... very heaty for me...

heard the CL rate now is 2k to 2.5k.. really very ex.. was jking with hb.. maybe next time i should go and work as one.. he *rolled* his eyes

i think her rate is about 2k now, but she hasn't told me how much she's charging me yet, but she'll give me a discount.

my mum booked her for me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Daddysbao: you are fast.

Will go check out day time confinement lady.

Simbaobao : yeah my gf told me the same thing about the renovation, cant be ard when they shift from the old house and not be in the new house when they reach. my mum 'll be doin most of the work with the domestic helper.

Hb also blur blur one.

Today he went overseas..usually i pack his luggage for him.This time, he says he'll pack himself .Last night, he happily put all his things on the bed and ask me how to start ?!

But i think u need at least one person to help you out. Cos my mum was saying cant bend up and down after birth esp when bathing bb..cant touch cold water plus need to boil water in special way etc

had fish fillet and fries for din. now regretting the fries :S

Muffin : you are welcome. Chanced upon the phrase in a book and remembered it eversince [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we have also been trying for more than a while.. but preferred to leave it up to Him.

But funnily,the bb was still so unexpected for us.(in a good way of course [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] )

When do u all intend to start booking CL? I am looking at confinement agency but hubby prefers recommendation by word of mouth. Like that, must wait till past 1st trimester then can start asking ard. Will it be too late?

Does anyone know what duties do the CL perform exactly?

not too sure when is the right time to look for one..

for what i know.. beside taking care of the baby, cook for us, some helps to do some simple housework like cleaning up the hse, do the laundry etc

think better to book at least half year ahead to get the one you want. I'm sure the good ones will be booked early.

I'm planning to book by perhaps end mar or beg apr. but not sure a day one or full time one yet..or perhaps just to cook? my mum is not confident of bathing the bb. dont want to tire her also.

Mainly take care of baby and mummy's needs

Some better ones will do housework and cook for husband's meals also

That's what i read online.


anyone of the 11th sept mummies strike 4d?

no. opened up BUT we didn't buy.. HB came back stare-ing @ me asking me HOW COME DIN BUY THE NO.

when i saw 0911... i was like OH NO!....

lol actually i didn bother coz this is the edd on the 3rd scanning but alots of ppl told me the 1st den is the one.. so i didn take note lo

Simbaobao, ha ha...great mind thinks alike....though mine wasn't 11 Sept, but when I saw this number I immediately think of 11 Sept mummies....and best part for me...I got a fren who told me she is going to get married on 11 Sept.

Morning everybody,

Went to work n within half an hour pack my bag n now on the way home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This morning ms is really bad hv been puking since morning. Puke till I tears. Really hope ms will go away real soon.


I saw number n number didn't jump out at me. Hehe

Jennifer: pls take care. I think ms is strong as we approach the later part of 1st trimester.

