(2011/09) Sep 2011


yeah.. i am going for the oscar test on 1 mar.. forgot to ask how much..


Hi mummies... Been a while since I posted as not much updates on my end. Other than the on off pukie feel I feel pretty much normal. Food intake normal except lesser meat and sometimes got craving for popiah. Am on leave this week and spend most time sleeping.

Any mummies feeling the same like more tired and sleepy than usual? Me suffering from constipation as well... Sianzzz

Can't wait for my next check up next week to

Check on bb as my last appt was in mid Jan... Hope the little on is doing well =)

Btw I jus bout the cocoa butter lotion from body shop my friend use this and she didn't hv any stretch marks .. I think this kind of things fated one... Will hv will hv no matter wat you do cos it's in the genes... But I think mean while no harm just put lor...

My boobs getting swollen as well... I hope they don't expand too much cos my original size is already consider big for my small built otherwise cannot balance...

babycupid: i tink differ hospital had differ rate.. my gyane had 2 place to go, either NUH which is cheaper or TMC is which more ex.

I havent decided if i wan to go anot coz he said its more for those 38yrs and above/ had high risks over family history and of coz if i wan to do... by all mean.. i had to do the test within 25/2 to 3/3

Am tinking if i wan to do, i will do it at the earlier date so that by my next appt.. my report will be back to him.

I ask gor the rate n itz 300plus at tmc.. So much ex than the first one i did coz mine was send to private lab n itz like 100-200++..

SimBaoBao: that's an interesting observation that you have about meat. Now it makes more sense.

I have practically stopped eating meat.

Also when i smell meaty/seafood stuff, it kinda causes some kind of aversion too.

Mb explains why i dont have too much puking.

Ladies : Do you know that meat (not sure about fish) takes about 36 hours to fully digest? That's why meat eaters or rather protein eaters need to take more fibre to poo properly.

Pink Poppy : I do get a bit light headed if I dont eat every 2 -3 hours. Get tired if I walk or stand for too long..

p3: yeap in tmc is ard 320 after GST. My gyane said in NUH is around 240(not sure if GST included alrdy)

Bunnz: i puked till i wanna surrender and just bring a chair in alrdy to wait there.. haha very kua zhang hor.. but its really terrible..

hi jean, my gynae is dr heng too! do u know she has increase her rates this yr? my no.1 was csection coz i cant dilated. wat abt ur no.1?

p2pp, pinkiedot: i need slimming session after no.2 too! mebe we can all go n sign packages togther n ask for a good deal :p

Lol!!! Yaya but then i have to wait till after a yr of bfing than can go le.. Sianzzz.. Can sign up first n wait till tat long??? Wahahaha!!!


Ya man.. Itz so much ex but wat to do.. Just go lo.. I dun wanna take any risk n my oscar is scheduled on the 4/3/11.. Then next gynae visit is on the 17th.. Wa biang.. Gotta wait so long to see my little one but hopefully by then can noe my bb gender.. Hehe

Hi PinkieDot,

My details as follows:

EDD : 05th Sep

Nick: jng83

BB : 1

Gynae:Dr Poon King Fu

Hospital: Mt. A

Occupation : FTWM

Location: Hougang

Many tks!

p3: sigh ya lo.. hopefully we can be involve in the new scheme coming up... i am seeing my gyane 1st week of mar so if i am doing i will be doing in last week of feb...

Those mummies with dr Heng TL can share her package rate and wat it includes? The last time I saw her still too early so the nurse didnt tell me the pkg.. Any idea if hospital bills can use medisave?


may I ask at what age range does an oscar test required? did your gynae tell you anything? Is this to test whether bb is DS?

I'm thinking if my gynae doesn't ask, i wont go for it. If he asks, i will opt not to go for it.

Hi ladies,as some of u know I hv been given a week bed rest. As I went to poo ealier there are pinkish n yellow discharge. N a bit of red blood. Pls pray that bb will be ok. I need go doc earliest I can tmlo to see him. But the thing is I hv commit to 4 hrs domestic help tomlo a.m ... Hence earliest I can go is Tomlo noon.

Muffin, ask your domestic help come another day. Go c your gynae earliest better. Good luck n all the best to u n bb! Dun worry too much. Cld be hard poo causing the blood..


Wow good tat u can go bk to sleep after waking up to munch. I realize if wake up n eat, I'll become very awake, no way to go bk to zzz. I also hv a lot of wind n air in my stomach. Very bloated feel, must fart alot to feel better. (blushed!) hee hee.


I also hv a little tummy left over from #1. Haha I was thinking of going for Malay massage after#2 to c if can get rid of tummy coz I din try after #1. Any mummies who tried before can share how it's like? Helpful? I'm worried it's really a very oily affair... Not keen on slimming center coz I noticed friends who goes, only lasted while they r still in the programme. Once it ends, their weight slowly ballons back :p my boobs no change in size, juz saw the crust n i noticed they feels very tender n tingling, sometimes got the tingly feel like when bb bfing time hee hee.


Wave!!* so nice to see ur post here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also hopes we get include in new scheme, but I dun tink in time for us. Study only completing in jun then must wait for discussions, recommendations, blah blah blab. Slow work there, wun be so fast unless they aims to make it for national rally announcements this year than good for all of us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re. Cravings

I seem to like sweet stuff better eg kelt wanting to eat sardine fish in tomato syrup n fast food with lots of ketchup or mayonnaise sauce ;P I can keep them down better than savory food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re. Oscar test

I rem doing a scan to measure n a blood test to chk. Is this considered Oscar test? Was done at my gynae pl. Anyway, I just followed his recommendation on what to do.

Re. MS

Mine's like a silly vicious cycle. Feel hungry, eat. Eat, feel nauseous n bloated. Nausea n bloated, either puke (food or gastric juices) or need to burp out really loudly to get rid of wind to feel better. Then hungry again. Sigh..happens very 2-3 hrs or so. Sometimes I dun eat to prevent the cycle but can't be too hungry or will also want to puke.

Haha paiseh realuse I'm posting alot at this time. Best timing for me coz #1 asleep, later he wakes, I got no time again.

2nd time mummies, anyone noticing change in sleep behavior for your #1 now that we r pregnant? I wonder if it's linked but my #1 has been refusing to nap in the afternoon n is crying alot in his sleep (both naptime if he does nap n during night times) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] no other changes in his routine. He kept crying like every 1-2 hrs n need to be comforted (hug, carry) before he can go bk to sleep. Am worried as well as frustrated coz I get so tired in the pm n hopes to lie down with him during his nap while he juz wun sleep now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] only started this 2-3 wks...

Oh yes last one, mummies having constipation like me, can tk abit of prune juice. Helps to poo. I dun like the taste so I dilute with lots of water. Just be sure not to tk too much. Can results in diarrhoea instead ;P


I also 2nd time mummy but my elder one is just 9 month, she also become very very sticky to me after I was pregnant, don know is because I was pregnant or because she more aware of her surrounding now


My #1 also extra sticky to me. I'm SAHM so he was already sticky in the past but now doubled. Everything called mama mama. Endearing but frustrating too. I'm juz very wirried abt his sleep now. He's only coming 23mths, still too early to stop naps n not sleeping well at night makes it worst [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Oh your #1 still very young [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Now I dun even dare to brush teeth... Will puke each time I brush teeth n tongue... Nowadays I zzz w/o brushing teeth ... V Xin Ku to puke ESP at night or in the morn... Do u pike when u brush teeth too?

So far, I crave those food which bb has not tried b4... This time round... Once bb has tasted the food.. Bb will not try again... If I eat the same food... I'll puke... Sigh.. Now must really think of something new everyday for bb to eat...


I also have a lot of wind now.... Worse ... Pimple attacked [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Count me in if mummies intend to go 4 slimming session... Intend to stop after this P. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chine, ny no. 1 is C-section as my baby was 4 kg..so i opted for it. so this time i'm opting for c section as well. Amazingly that time I didnt experience much pain. Sleep and baby was beside me when awake. Just after 2 days can walk as per normal. So luckily i went for it!! Yes dr heng increased her rates!! but still so many customers..her package now is 700 compared to 600 and her specialist fees for c section also increased by 100.


Ya my galgal so small this pregnant is not planned one, It accident one cos I was still breastfeeding all the while and also got use protection never think tat accident will happen.

Think ur elder one might know there another baby coming to share mummy tat y wanna all ur attention now

dear mummies,

i am falling sick again. this is my 2nd time of catching a cold since pregggie. should i be alarmed? I have been gurgling with warm salt water and drinking warm honey lemon water. Hope will get rid of the cold soon.

keep sneezing and runy nose [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

actually oacar test is simlar to triple blood test, except it has the extra procedure of measuring the baby neck circumference to determine DS. But the price of oscar is 3 times that of triple blood test which is also to test for DS. So it depends what u want.

dear mommies

i emailed KKH regarding the aqua fitness and they replied me liao.. we need a total of 6 pax to start the lesson will be starting on 12th mar.. I've got the registration form in pdf, those who r interested may pm mi.. I was thinking it will be nice if the 6 ppl r all sep11 mommies.. cool right?? hehehhee.. sorry i m a bit kaisu.. anyway i think even after this 4 lessons, i might wanna join again on the next 4 to prepare for delivery which is in my 3rd tri.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

coz i got very very bad experience n bad torns during my natural birth.. so tis time will tyr all means to get a much smooth n easier delivery..

p.s. wahahhahaa.. who noes scarly bb breech n i need to go csect... :p

anyway i still think tat such exercise is good especially for mommies who has very bad backache n i forsee myself is under this group.. becoz i already is experiencing backaches liao.. maybe due to my small build..n 3rd trimester will be even worse..

Aquafitness In Pregnancy Programme

Commencing Date : 12 March 2011 to 2 April 2011 (Once a week, every Saturday)

Time : 1.00 pm to 1.45 pm or 2.00 pm to 2.45pm

Duration : 4 sessions

Cost : S$111.30 (inclusive of GST)


Wow then this bb is fated to be yours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway bbs r blessing so u n ur hb r very blessed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah he knows there's a little one on the way, sometimes I ask him sayang stomach, he will do so n kissed it. Other times he will go "pa" to indicate want to beat bb *faint!


Hope u get better. Our immunity is abit lower now so must tk care.


Juz to share. I joined in KKH's aquafitness for #1. it's very relaxing n fun. But somehow feels once a week n 4 lessons r too short. The warm water really feels good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feel so lousy n awful today. Hv a stomachache since morn n kept wanting to puke. Only came out gastric juices. Luckily my mum is here to visit so can rest in bed while she helps take care of my little one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi p3pp3r,

What is this aquafitness thingy? Would like to find out more. Also we can join anytime during the pregnancy or like gotta wait after certain trimester then we can join?


really? ya tat time actually wanna join but then miss it so tis time round joining lo..hehehe


itz like a swimming therapy for pregnant woman, best to go for it during ur 2nd tri.. sad to say, they dun always open but itz on schedule one..

P3, yeah very nice relaxing exercise to do. Haha I wanted to go natural for #1 n read tat it would help so I joined.

just booked my oscar test on 25 feb. will be doing in NUH.

Was telling HB abt the aqua aero.. the moment he heard KK.. he went WOW so far... haha u can forget it.. the travelling journey will killed u coz i know u won't take bus-mrt-bus... hahaha


ya.. even though i had my natural delivery for #1 but itz a bad experience, maybe lack of exercise tatz y ba.. so tis time round going to do more at home n take up aquafitness.. my first delivery is a horror.. my tear down there is near to my anus... T.T


hmmm.. how bout taking cab? if too ex than better not la.. oso bo hua..

p3: hahaha my cab fare to and from chow chow will be $35 to $40 to and from esp tat road there always jammd de... tat is why HB tink super bu hua...

P3, oh Tat's scary! I tink tear is the most awful thing in natural birth. I had csect for #1 n is choosing csect for #2 too hee.

ya.. it took me nearly a month to heal.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow lots to read today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

many 2nd time mummies i realised

May I ask around how many weeks do u have to do oscar? since a few ladies are doing it this mth.

journey to kk also too far for me for aquafitness.

Timing also no gd for me.

Will make do with simple swimming n yoga [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This morning i couldnt resist it and went for a short swim.felt gd.

simbaobao : poor thing. lucky u can rest properly at home. i puked once and i already feel so xin ku already. that was before i realised i was pregnant.

jennifer : for a few days last wek, i get the feeling to want to puke while brushing teeth in the morning. I just brushed very quickly lor.

but no such issue at night. mb baby hungry in the morning :p

My gynae dun do episodomy.. So mine was natural tear.. Some say good some say not good but anyway i haven ask y he din do episodomy.. Actually i like all natural without much intervention la.. Hahahaha

bunnz - OSCAR is usually perform during week 11 to 13.

I'm also another one that struggle in the morning when brushing my teeth.

These 3 days, I have been feeling terrible. Extremely nauseous... want to vomit out, but nothing.


My gynea do episodomy for my 1st one and my wound heal very fast abt 2 week I think so. And the best is I am able to walk 6 hour after delivery, I don feel much pain at all

