(2011/09) Sep 2011

Welcome all new mummies here!

Is it a must to take Oscar test? I didn't hear this test till now .. *blush...

Feeling v weak today... Whatever I eat today, I puke all out... Jus went to see GP... He said my BP is low... 90... ;(

Am finding it diff to abstain from food that are apparently no good for bb. Food that are too cooling, cold.. What about cold fruit juice?

How do you mummies do it?

My side not yet rain.....

Ust come back from gynea today is 9 week 1 day, can see baby leg, hand and head formed so tiny so cute even though this is not the first time I pregnant, still excited when I see my small baby so happy.

I was given another month of hospitalist leave cos I am have cramp, gynea wanna me to have bed rest. My elder baby so poor thing mummy cannot carry her


U can do it one, just think of ur baby health

But there are certain food which old ppl say cannot eat one I also still eat cos I believe to eat in moderate health will do

gina: i will try to take it without ice or leave it on the table for 15min if i am taking it out from fridge..

given such hot weather.. its really hard to resist to it but harding to stop going to the fridge too much.

Hi all

1st post here.. Are cold drinks and liang cha really not allowed?

I'm starting to get heaty, and craving for those ice green tea or mum's home-made chrysanthemum tea...

Hi daddysbao,

My gynae has specifically said no herbal stuff, so i'm not sure if you shld take liang cha..

THanks for the tip simbaobao.. I will TRY. haha

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and I was hoping for a quick way to cool down quickly, before it worsens.. so i guess it's back to more water and honey.

my edd is currently 11 sep, and am still deciding between sgh or tmc. anyone can give any idea to delivery at sgh?

Daddysbao: green tea no no no but the ju hua can take abit.. I asked my gyane Ytd coz am dying to drink it too.

Ju hua if boiled more den 15 min will lost it's liangness if I am not wrong. Tat is y my mum will used hot water to soak the ju hua instead of boiling it if wan to drink as Liang cha.

ok! thanks simbaobao, gonna ask my mum to do just that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi ladies

pls take care as weather seems erratic again.

not sure how many of you drink dairy milk or soy milk.

My personal belief is not to drink too much or not at all, whether pregnant or non pregnant.

my friend just gave me a recipe to make almond milk. tried it just then.

tastes so like soy.

Just need to soak the raw almonds for 3-4 hours to soften them. Then blend them with water and add dates if u want it to be sweeter.

I added manuka honey. Yum!!

As you know, certain kind of nuts provide good fats which we need.

gina : i'm not so sure of absolutely no no foods. some eg would be raw food/seafood/fish limit to mainly cod and salmon/pineapple/not so sure about the melons fruits like watermelon honeydew..(if eat better eat in moderation like a slice here and there shd be fine)

On the other hand, all the berries will be gd. rich in antioxidents.

mb 2nd time mummies can give more advice? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, based on what I have heard..

Watermelon, pineapples, orange, carrot, pear, aloe vera, chin chow are considered cooling.

Raw food cannot take and that includes half boiled egg.

Cold drinks, ice cream cannot take.

Cold cut food like ham and sushi is also not, although cooked.

Not, I wonder if I can still take Sizzler salad.. hmmm.. Speaking of food is making me hungry...

Hehe, I stock up my cubicle now with lots of biscuits, i.e. oreos and wang wang + those instant cups of campbell soups. These are food that I can tahan eating from after 10am, when I get really hungry. I guess that's why I'm getting heaty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am so hungry but dunno Wat to eat. Am so sick of eating outside foods now... Cannot stand cooking smell if not I will cook my own dinner [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hn cooked Maggie mee for lunch Juz nw n the smell made me chiong into toilet...

daddysbao : mb u can stock up with fresh fruits instead like berries and apples. the less instant stuff the better..mb biscuits switch to plain kinds like meiji??

if i dont know what to eat, i'll usually settle for fruits.

anyone knows ok to take grapes/kiwi and pesimon?

realised been eating one too many mandarin orange. Better stop liao.

anyone tried quinoa/couscous? very good alternative to rice if you dont feel like eating much. High in protein.

fast to cook..just boil only.

simbaobao: u mean u tabao everyday??

Simbaobao: Haha blame it on my kiasuism. It worked for me initially so I didn’t dare to stop to prevent the nausea from coming on. Yes, lesson learnt: check any medication before taking!

As for dim sum, you can try Red Star @ Blk 54 Chin Swee Rd. It serves nice and authentic dim sum…=)

Gina_Christine, Sung & Bunnz: Thanks! =))

Muffin: Are you working in the private or govt sector? I think govt sector tend to be more open and pro-family so it should not affect. But private sector, to need to give 4 months maternity leave to you is really a big big deal. I’m planning to look for a job in the govt sector next month after working for 4-5 yrs in the private sector.

Oh yah I found out from my TCM practitioner friend that barley is a strict no-no, coz it ‘lubricates’ the womb too!

ptv sector.. advertising firm ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i hope to look for govt too after bb arrive.hopefully can cos govt more pro local certs wo..

oh ya , chinese bammboo shoot aka also known as soon gua is also a NO no.

i went mom website and check..it seems preggy mums are only safe when they are in their 6th mth cos coy will still need to cover u the 4 mths ML. That is as long as u are still working there 90days prior to childbirth , u r entitled to the 4 mths ML

huh! Why no papaya? isn't that supposed to be a good fruit? Just had a few slices, cuz it's so sweet... :S

wat does it mean by lubricating the womb?

Bunnz: [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] almost everyday now unless I am able to stand in the kitchen cooking. And my neighbors everyday cooked dunno wT heavy smell things until I can't take it.. ESP salted fish... The smell sumy made me moody to stay in the kitchen to do any cooking after dat. And with ms following made it even worst.

@muffin - first trimester. He was very strict about herbal stuff. He was even willing to relent on 1 cup of tea per day but no herbal. Bird nest is okay but too much will cause phelgm.

@B.isforbaby - No barley too?

Wow, really a lot of food cannot take...

I heard papaya take in moderation cos can cause jaundice.

Hi PinkieDot, you have missed me. Sorry to ma fan you...below is my details. Thanks :D

EDD: 18 Sep

Nick: MZ

Bb: #1

Gynae: Dr Lawrence Ang

Hospital: TMC


Area: Sembawang

Papaya cannot take cos got one enzyme in papaya that can cause miscarriage.

I only raw and uncook food I don take, I still take salad

Daddysbao: It’s a TCM term kinda thing. The practitioner said it’s smooth in its effect, so it can be too lubricating and cause baby to ‘slide’ out. Not sure how to express in English though haha…

Oh yes, my gynae also told me no papayas and pineapples too!

Gina: yes! This is the 1st food that she warned me against taking so better take note haha. And I agree! A lot of restrictions…I can’t wait to feast after Sept! Haha…

Hi mummies! Just went gynae checkup today n am now 10weeks. EDD has been brought fwd to 9th sept instead so gotta trouble pinkiedot to change my EDD on the chart.

For 1st preg I've learnt totally no-no is those raw stuff like sashimi, no mutton (ppl say can get fits) and no cold stuff as much as u can help it in this weather. Cannot take too much vitamin A so guess that's where the papaya no-no came from?

Now for this 2nd preg I'm trying to keep to the same I did for my first. Think the cold stuff is really true cuz many ppl tell me. Even those with more "westernized" thinking. Guess just try to avoid cold or for those drinks from fridge just let it stand a while before drinking so not so cold..

Have a great weekend mummies! Take care and try to rest more!


*blush! Hee juz sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, why no soy milk? I like tat very much .


Glad to hear everything's fine. U rest well!


Hope u rest well n feel better too. Take care!


Can do it one! Hee some tips, skip all ice for your drinks ordered outside. Eg. Fruit juices, the fruits r usually already chilled so even without ice is still abit cold. Get hb to refrain from eating food u like but cannot eat now in front of u else makes u craves for it no good. Haha best get him to tk same food as u sometimes for support ;P N lastly like Ade said, keep thinking if your little one n all the bearing will be worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U rest well. Juz hug hug your gal n let her lie with u yeah.


Me too. Planned to avoid wat I did for #1 for this preg too. Hopefully can tong even more n dun sip any Chinese tea throughout n no ice cream dis time!

Re. Food to avoid

If u goggle on it, ripe papaya is ok but unripe papaya is a def no no. I took some last time coz really bad constipation but of coz safer remedy is still prune juice

Herbal stuff def no no for 1st trim. Can tk abit in 2nd trim eg after 5mth as tonic but not too much in case become heaty.

Hmmm I always tot barley water is ok. Planning to drink abit come 2nd trim coz very refreshing, prevent heatiness n good for our urinary system [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mummies, let's all jia you in our "control mission" together!!!

Thanks sung!

Wow... A lot of food need to be avoided...

V's Day is coming .... Do u intend to cele this time round? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my vday will be cancelled... mil juz called dat Hb's ah ma juz passed away...

Was told not to go down... but i tink i will go down when the funeral is nearer if not such kena gossip by those 3 gu 6 po that this grandchild in law got no manner... esp we just wedded last yr..

during wedding alrdy kena said that HB didn't visit them.. always MIA..


No celebration for me since my #1's born. Haha now V-day no longer a priority for us ;P


Better dun go esp if your family's elder folks r pantang. If not anything happen, they blame u even worst. It's ok not to go since your mil approves liao n knows y. The other aunties will know later n then they wun say anything. My families somewat believes tat not good for pregnant woman or bb to come close to 'white' matters coz bbs r very sensitive to these matters. U consider k.

Yeah tok first also good. So all in agreement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And I forgot the most impt thing we cannot take is any kind of medication. Woke up with a very bad flu and without medication, I m almost like a walking zombie with dripping nose.. Haha

What an active mornin! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gina : perhaps u can drink hot water with lemon slices. good for body. in fact lemon helps our body to stay alkaline. Gd even for non pregnant people.

Simbaobao : poor thing..just be more selective of your takeaway food. some too oily/salty

I ate one bowl of fish slice ee mee before i realised i was pregnant. the very next day, i vomitted.

That was the only time i vomitted.

why dont u ask your mil u can go to the funeral a not? See what she says.

Dont need to bother about what other people say at all.

muffin : Soy is cos it'll increase our estrogen level and affect our hormones. something like that.

Actually before I'm pregnant, i'm already selective of the foods i eat.

So i just continue the same diet even when i'm pregnant.

I just logged in and read thru all the postings. Thanks gals for the reminder on what not to eat!

Can I check is sunkist orange syrup the same as eating orange? Not supposed to take?

V day - not celebrating on that day itself. Still thinking what to buy for hubby. His birthday also around the corner.

muffin : just do your best in your work for now, so they wont have any excuse to try anyting funny.

daddybao: my aunt told me papaya no good when trying to get pregnant. so i just better to avoid when pregnant. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she mentioned it's a "liang" fruit

We dont really celebrate vday.

we only celebrated once before we got married, cos still dating mah.i was thinking shd hv dated longer to enjoy more vdays. hahaha

anyway it s too commercial for us.

best is to be loving and bring out our best everyday . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] why is there a need for a special day to do special things?

Pommes :eek:range juice is quite contradicting.

cos i read orange juice has lots of vit c.

maybe drink in moderation and not too chilled.

Foods that provide vitamin C include:

•8 ounces orange juice: 124 mg

•8 ounces grapefruit juice: 94 mg

•1 kiwi: 70 mg

•1/2 cup raw sweet red bell pepper slices: 59 mg

•1/2 cup sliced strawberries: 49 mg

•1/2 cup boiled broccoli: 51 mg

•1/2 medium grapefruit (pink, red, or white): 44 mg

•1/2 cup papaya cubes: 43 mg

•1/2 cup cantaloupe 29 mg

•1/2 boiled cabbage: 28 mg

•1/2 cup raw mango: 23 mg

•1/2 cup mashed sweet potato: 21 mg

•1 baked potato, with skin: 20 mg

•1/2 cup boiled beet greens: 18 mg

•1/2 cup raspberries: 16 mg

•1/2 cup cherry tomatoes: 10 mg


Sigh... Why do I always get the after taste each time I eat? The taste will leave in my mouth for so long n it becomes bad/sour after that... The feeling is terrible....

Do u have after taste after eating too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

