(2011/09) Sep 2011

Hi muffin,

Oh really! hee.. hmm.. not sure too.. could be the setting of the machines.. the age is based on the measurements ma..

yes.. it will show the number of beat per min.. 170.. then she let me hear the heartbeat.. it very loud,clear,fast and consistent.. which is good according to my gynae..


yeah yeah.. urs too right? yup it will keep changing.. but gynae will just keep the 1st due date.. along the way it will +-..

No MS so far.. keeping fingers crossed..

haha am hoping to have a 9/9 coz its fri den during weekend.. my family can come and spent more time with me.. if not, weekday they be too busy with work loads.. my hb went.. -_-" how come i got so much weird thinking...

arlo mommies!!

so tired and ms is getting worse.. haiz... hate tis stupid MS..hope it goes away faster!!!


hugs.. mi too.. i was like puking in the middle of the night till nothing liao.. and so tiring.. wa biangz...

Hi all, happy cny!! I'm a sept mum too. Got abit of ms during cny and feeling so bloated that I can't really eat much. So I have alot of small meals. Can I check with u all if u have any package with the gynae? Normally when does it starts?

Pinkiedot, can u add me to the list too??

EDD:11 Sep

Gynae: Dr Yvonne Chan

Hospital: TMC

bb # 1

Area: serangoon


Hi ladies

Can I join? Happy new year!

I tested positive abt 10 days ago. Had my first visit with gynae last mon. Heartbeat was detected already. Shd be abt 6-7 weeks? Cant remember which one. Will have another appt this thurs. Not much ms ,in fact I m eating more and more..

Pinkiedot can u add my details as well?

Edd : 21st sept

Gynae : dr Adrian woodworth

Bb : #1

hospital : mah

Area : cck

Occupation : ftwm

Hi jaelyn

Think the package depends on the gynae u choose. Mine starts his package as early as first visit if u choose to have it.

I took the package on first visit itself .


pls help to update mine:

Nick : BabyCupid

EDD : 18 Sep

BB : #2


Hospital : KKH


Hi mummies HAPPY NEW YEAR!! been so busy the past week haven't posted at all.. jus trying hard to catch up reading all the posts..

welcome to all new mummies who have joined us..

pinkiedot, trouble you to update my details:

nick: chocolate15

EDD: 17 sept


gynae: Dr Lim Yuin Wen

hospital: MAH

area: Jurong West

Hi pinkie dot,

Here's mine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nick : Icebabylious

EDD : 10 September 2011

BB : #2

Gynae : Dr Joycelyn Wong

Hospital : TMC

Area : Tanjong Pagar

Thank you...

thanks Pinkiedot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Gina!


I realized my nose is beginning to get v oily! So oily that that there's a big pimple plus pus on it... I start to get water retention esp on my face n hand now.... Sigh.... All these Syptoms come so fast..... ;(

helo mummies,

im back to sg from kl... so far everything considered smooth still, just that nasty sorethroat comes to me. gp prescribed lozenges only for me. ant get any antibiotic. think it will be long recovery process [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

got pimples come out. can i use pimple cream??

hello everyone!

just got back from lunch, weather so hot ~_~

Pray& Love - try gurgling with warm salt water. It worked well for me when I had sore throat. And I drank alot of warm honey lemon water too. Full of Vit C.

Re : Pimple Cream

Dunno can use or not, but i still use mine occasionally.

Re : Prenatal Class

Not yet, haven't research on this yet.

Re : Stretchmark Cream

I bought the Clarins and have been using it since week 6.

Hubby n I are now researching on Infant Care Facility. We are going to the open house by Little Skool House International, think is next Sat. But dunno what to take note too ~_~


ya im drinking honey now but not warm.

forget gargle with salt water. later will go try try...

wah week 6, use clarins stretch mark cream aredi? where u apply? tummy? i dunno in what week I am now. yesterday went to GP, she said 6+weeks. but babycentre.com.sg said 5+weeks only.

Im still so excited for my first appt on 19th feb. guess by then aredi 8weeks??

pray&love - ya, I kiasu..haha.. I dunno if I apply at the right area, on my tummy and my outer thighs. Dunno if applying the cream will help too. I read that drink lotsa water will help hydrate the skin and allow the skin to stretch easier, hence reducing the risk of stretch mark.


ok ok i go drink more water. helps to cure my sorethroat also. which clarins u use? i also wanna buy. how much? is it good?

clarins stretch mark cream din help much for my first pregnancy.. they say its the oil that is more effective.. anywway since already so much stretchmarks liao, i think this time im gg to forgo applying anything.. hahaha.. very lazy hor..

pimple cream>> oh im still using pimple cream coz there are occassional outbreaks leh.. i tink no harm ba..

I use the Clarins Stretchmark control cream, is at $82. For pimple, I use a gel from Ginvera or Follow Me. Can't remember. Cheap and effective for me.

The duck rice during lunch makes me feel so sick now.

im using oxycover.. just apply a little bit on the pimple or affected spot nia.. so i tink quite ok la..

i had subway, and im feeling queasy too.. in fact im feeling pukey since this morning.. bad choice to have subway.. should have taken fish soup..

Just to share with u mummies... this is what happening to my nephew...

Form teacher not happy daddy scolded her for so many miscommunication & treating the kid badly! She scolded the kid after daddy left & make him stand behind the class & not letting him take his nap!!!!! Pervert teacher!!!!!!

This sch is a kindergarten + childcare in the WEST.

Chris: my bil will be going to the sch demand an explaination plus pull the kid out...

if no satisfy explaination, they be prepared to be FAMOUS!

wat a disgrace the teacher had done to the name of a pre-sch edu...

My gynae appt just ended. Baby's hb was detected and beating strong. Baby is growing well too! Me put on 1kg though.. Hehe

Thanks mummies for your prayers!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow that's good news gina_christine, happy for you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how many weeks are u in now? you oredi put on 1kg? i wonder when do mommies usually start to put on weight.

Hi guava, thanks!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am in my 8th week, 2nd month. Yah, maybe I eat too much so put on.. Haha, but Dr assured that it was a normal weight gain but my clothes are already feeling snug.

Looking fwd to when we all cross the first trimester mark. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

it should be 12 weeks. Simbaobao, you can use the link to the pregnancy calendar i just pasted. it's very helpful to help you keep track!

I'm a huge fan of preg apps on iPhone too. Go check out iPregnancy. It's only usd 99 cents but super interactive and useful! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi all, I'm a sept mum too. Just went to gynae today. Heard the heartbeat of bb, beating very fast! Very bad MS, lousy appetite and even lost weight.

Pinkiedot, can u add me to the list too?

EDD: 11 Sep .

Gynae: A/Prof Mary Rauff

Hospital: NUH

bb # 1

Area: Bukit Batok


