(2011/09) Sep 2011

sleepiey: my ex-colleague had been married for 9 over yrs and no kids and didn't want to have them anyway then few years back she suffered a miscarriage. Then a year later she got preg again but doc ordered complete bedrest as she had bleeding and a short cervix which needed to be stitched up in order for her to carry the baby to full term. So she had to take medical leave for almost the whole of her preg and couldn't move around too much. Her girl was born via c-section and now is a healthy 1.5yr old!

Do take care and lie down as much as possible and you should be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Afternoon ladies

Pommes : I will avoid electronic till they get older. As i think the screen is not good for their eyes yet. I saw my friend entertainin his less than one yr old bb with iphone as he has dl lots of children's songs.. i thought was weird. but that' my personal opinion.

Weight gain: I thought 7-10kg is ok for full term pregnancy. or rather max up till 20 % of our weight. My gynae is not fussin over our weight yet.

Ellysia : no wonder.. i'm not eating all the food you mentioned for weight gain. even carbs i also dont eat much, even though i have doubled my usual carb portions.

#2: how to have mala tofu for breakfast? i mean with rice or just plain tofu..

Asura79 : your face were one of the first few that popped up in my memory..i thought of clarice and wendy too.

But when i saw your name, i knew straightaway. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lydia: i also just played mj yest. been so long since i touched the tiles. was just wondering whet bb wld be disturbed. I was telling bb to cover ears before game started. hahaha but i leaned into the back rest most of the time. so no back ache at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but bit troublesome lean forth and back if you are not used to it

i'm on mc at home today due to sore throat. Nothing serious but since doc gave me a day's mc to rest at home, i decided to take it and literally just plonked myself on bed now to rest and of course work my fingers on the laptop haha...

Looking forward to DS tomorrow afternoon. My weight gain this round seems to be more steady. For #1, I put on about 18kg lor! and bb was only 3.185kg when doc thought would be much bigger.. end up all the weight went onto me and c-section always harder to lose the weight it seems.. oh well.. Partly my fault coz I really ate like a cow during first P. My stomach was so huge people thought I was having twins!

choco15 : a form of exercise also! :p Have fun at the DS. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] well the lady whom i was playing mj yest was surprised i was preg. when i told her i'm 18wks ..she went hah..so small only. didnt know what to say! but luckily my student's grandma made it up this morning by askin if i'm preg. Said my tummy is showing

i'm hoping to only gain 10kg but seems unlikely.. now i already put on close to 5kg and i'm only in wk 18. my colleagues are quite funny, first they commented my tummy dun look big but yet they asked me if i'm expecting twins. lol..

koume, you are asking about raspberry tea? before i got preggie, i bought organic raspberry tea leaves from this online shop, http://babydustshop.blogspot.com i was drinking it to ease my menses cramps back then and is quite good. i tried some other brands such as Holland & Barrett, the raspberry tea leaves are mixed with other tea leaves and the taste quite 'siap' and sour. but the one i bought from the blogshop, quite nice fragrance and dun taste 'siap'.

choco15, good luck for your DS tomorrow. hope can confirmed the gender of your bb.

bunnz & mareike: thanks! will see if can confirm gender tomorrow haha.. although gynae already say likely to be another boy! but my hubby n i think nothing is confirmed till baby is born.

My Mil's friend had the doctor say it's a girl all throughout the preg and baby turned out to be a boy lor!! It was a good mistake though coz they already had a girl and wanted a boy.. but really leh, until baby is born, no one can really confirm I think!

bunnz: don't worry about tummy size la.. from my past experience it really doesn't mean anything.. as long as you are eating ok and baby is growing well, that's all that matters. Some people are generally smaller in tummy size than others.

thanks p00h! doc also ask me drink lots of water haha.. hope the sore throat goes away soon.. i'm prone to tonsilitis which is really not a good thing so decided to go doc asap instead of trying to self-medicate at home! doc says not serious so no need to take antibiotics and just gave me anti-inflammation tablets and lozenges.

Bunnz, we cooked it with cabbage and fishballs. So I had loads of tofu, cabbage & fishball [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No need to buy so early. Only drink in last tri (after week 36).

I bought from iherb cos it's cheaper [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2.. do u happened to have a link of how the avent pump's built in massage ting look like? was telling my gf not to waste $$$ to get a new pump where she can get tis t put into her medala..

I already gained 5KG from 1st trim and now is already 8KG gain. But i am not sure if my 5KG gain from 1st trim is really due to pregnancy or part of it are already gained just prior to pregnancy. I only took my weight during 11 weeks pregnancy.


I read tat a forummer child eyesight is affected suspected due to iphone.


wat raspberry tea brand do u buy?

Ellysia, I always buy this brand: http://www.iherb.com/Traditional-Medicinals-Organic-Raspberry-Leaf-Caffeine-Free-16-Tea-Bags-0-85-oz-24-g/6797?at=0

Even the breastfeeding tea (to increase breastmilk) I also buy this brand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's available at BROWN RICE PARADISE at Tanglin Mall (organic food shop) but they are selling at S$16/box. If you order from iHerb will be much cheaper [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Plus I got discount code: YAF688

Pommes, I still believe that you should try to protect their eyes. At home, I use physical flashcards. The iPhone is only to entertain him when we go out (while waiting for our food at restaurants) so that he does not disturb other patrons.

Also, my hubby ensures that the brightness of the screen is not too glaring plus he will ask my boy to hold the iPhone further away from his face.

My boy is a TV fan. But we ensure that he sits far away from the TV. We tried limiting the TV time but quite hard. Though he does spend a lot of time reading, playing & writing, he still loves his TV :p At least 1hour a day :p

We started off with educational programs only. Now, he does watch some cartoons (Mr Bean, Tom & Jerry) and of course, his fave Disney cartoons (RAPUNZEL).

Ellysia + #2 - oh thanks for the reminder. I guess then I should invest in physical flashcards.

Hot day again! Been drinking lotsa of water to keep the headache at bay.

Pommes, flashards not cheap. I spent over $1k plus on his set of flashcards (pictures, words, numbers, multiplication, addition & subtraction)! & that's English only. Have not ventured into buying Chinese cards yet.

But worth it cos he can read and recognise a lot of words plus can do simple addition/subtraction already.

yup, i know about it (not cheap!). my friend got her #1 a whole set and her son now, 5, a very bright child. But of course, must use it diligently everyday. She said she came home from work, no matter how tired she is, she used them and taught her son.

I'm worried if I will have the energy!

Pommes, the thing about spending so much on the cards: YOU'LL DEFINITELY BE MOTIVATED TO USE IT!!!


Sometimes I'm lazy, my maid will go through with him. :p & his current kindy also uses their own flashcards which are rather difficult (can you imagine a 3yo reading 'bread'?).

re:weight gain

my 1st preg i gained like 17kg in all.. itz so big tat the nurses thought i will be going for c-sect during my delivery.. nobody believe i can do natural birth due to my petite frame with such a hugh tummy.. lol!!!

i think for this one, wun put on so much since i only gained like 1kg for being in 18th week now... haiz... pathetic as compared with the last preg..

re: flashcard

i didnt spend alot on flashcards becoz my boy just simply more interested in ipad's flashcards than the actual flashcards that i flashes in front of him, he will always try to snatch the flashcards away from me and throw it all over the plc.. -.-" but surprisingly he will follow n echo back on the flashcard app in ipad everytime daily.. so it save my time in flashing in front of him but of coz i also try to limit his usage of ipad as well..

p00h, got cheap ones but the quality not good (pictures very lousy). I bought the whole set at one go, so like very exp. If you buy little bit by little bit, you won't feel the 'pinch'. But the problem is, you may not get the complete set.

Another way is DIY. I actually bought the PPT in which you can print on your own but got no time to print.

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Brand New Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump


Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


p3pp3r, there are a few methods to flash the cards. I started when my boy was 3mths. He was not mobile then so we did Glenn Doman method of flashing. Just flash & read.

When he became more mobile, I let him play with the cards. That's why it's better to get good quality cards. From playing the cards, we taught him:

1. No folding/destroying

2. Handle with care & must keep back into the plastic after use

3. Form sentences with the cards

My friend also don't like flashing cos her girl super rough with cards. She use My Baby Can Read DVD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahha.. yah.. i saw ur name and wondered if it was the same name as the girl i met during first 3 mths in JC. Then i saw james the list of mutual friends. So more or less confirmed. The world is so small! Chocolat15 was from CJC also but different class. not sure if she was ard during the first 3 mths.

re: weight gain

I gained 15 kg for #1. Unfortunately, i was super hungry during bfing, ate like nobody business and gained more weight during bfing. heh.. still had 5 to 6 kg stuck on me before i got preggie with this bb. So far, have gained 2.8kg already. This time round, i need to control on sugared beverages as I have identified them as main culprits. Food wise, i will just eat as I please. hee hee

I m lazy to use flash cards. Have a few packs but after reading awhile, lazy. esp after work and time bonding with child is limited. Most of the time now my hb read books to my boy instead.

My boy doesn't like my bb can read video when he is small, but recently i played it again and he seems to enjoy.

Ellysia, my boy didn't like My Baby Can Read also. But he likes Wink to Learn. Especially the chinese version. He learnt the names of many objects/animals from there. Perfect pronunciation too!


Drink more water and rest well! Good luck for ur DS tomorrow..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Asura & bunnz: i was in CJ for 1st 3 mths too haha... small world!

thanks for the wishes for tomorrow.. don't think i can work tomorrow morning haha.. only took 2nd half day off..

my boy watches his nursery rhymes on our old iphone before he sleeps.. less than 15 mins each time then he turns over and falls asleep.. he also likes to watch nursery rhymes and songs on the computer but strangely enough, he doesn't like to watch tv.. he can't sit for more than 2mins in front of the tv! then again, he can't sit for more than 2mins almost anywhere!

sleepiey: i can't remember which week she gave birth but i think almost full term..

AH!!! polling day is on 7 may! my bro's wedding day hahaha... think he will have to go vote in his wedding attire!

My 60% girl turned into 90% boy within a month!

BB was cross legged but Gynae said there's definitely something between the legs.

Also verified with a blood detector that it wasn't cord. But still dun allow us to shop until detailed scan done in wk 20.


thks.. will try tat out.. but abit hard becoz now he got his own set of mind.. haiz... but definitely will try out on #2...hehhehe

bunnz: when i pplay mahjong i keep leaning back and forth thats why aching. but im now banned by my kakis cos too "ong". we played very small but i won more than $200. baby power. lol

Gilera: congrats! can start thinking of baby names. my hubby and i shortlisted a baby boy and girl name before DS. Natalie or Ethan. So now when i talk to my bb i will call her Natalie.

i signed up for the pigeon breastfeeding workshop. theres lunch and door gifts. any mommies going? maybe can meet up there


Mareike/#2: Thank you for the tips! Thought can start drinking now to curb tea craving..Haha..

Sigh..reading the forum sometimes makes me very stress. When I was a toddler/child, I remember listening to my nanny's radio blasting oldies and going to PAP to learn English/Mandarin. I don't remember having to go for enrichment classes etc! Oh. Maybe just one! Computer classes using the flat floppy disk. Haha!

I'm wondering so many things; can I just buy sarong instead of cot? Can I don't buy Babyplus but just talk to baby? And now flash cards..oh gosh I don't even know about flash cards! I think in our world today, all these is necessary?

Gilera: ours is 90% gal but gynae still says dont go shopping yet. hahah.. we had strong feeling it's goign to be a boy n mil stilll slowly accepting it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Koume: No stress .. I'm also not using baby plus [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]not thinking of flash cards now. just focus on your preg first like keepin yourself happy .till you are comfy with planing/researchin more stuff

i'm taking it very easy also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] leaving all the buying till june/july. (shiftin house by end june) when you stop work, you'll have lots of time for all these

choco15 & asura79 : yeah really small world..hehe

Avoid deep fried stuff too besides sugared drinks. the oil used is already not healthy not to mention the food itself. somemore dont know how many the oil is being reused.

Koume: i wanted to get babyplus cos my friend used it and said his baby girl learn things very fast but read very negative reviews about the product causing deafness in newborns also. so scary so my hubby dont let me buy.

hi all,

looking to sell some brandnew clothes



Brandnew Disney baby pyjamas Set.

Selling each set for $10. retails at $18.90/set. size 0-6mths. i have 2 designs (ladybird or stripes)

Take 2 sets at $18. (Free postage)


Brandnew CottonOn Baby pants. size 000 For 4-6mths. Selling at $6. Retails at $10


Brandnew Mothercare mittens. Selling 2 pairs for $7. Retails at $10. free postage


Brandnew (washed but not worn) Max-kool baby sets

(Top/bloomer in pink or Top/skirt in white)

size 3-6mths. Selling at $6/set. Retails at $6-8 per pc.


Brandnew Combi Socks with anti-slip soles.

length measures 9-12cm unstretched.

Selling 4 pairs for $10. or $3 per pair.


Brandnew Mudpie Seersucker socks trimmed with seersucker ruffles and grosgrain bows.

Selling 1 pair for $7 only. retails at $11.

giving away free postage if u purchase $10 and above.

pls PM me if interested. thanks.

My #1 I put on 13 kg n lost 10 kg after giving birth to my boy at 3.3 kg.

I had gained only 0.50 kg on my last visit to Gynae at 17 weeks.

I dont want to gain too much weight since I'm alredi plus size.

1st trimester at week 12 gained 1kg

one month later week 16 gained 0.1kg

is it normal to gain so little: 0.1kg in a month?

Total 1.1kg

Hi. Sorry to interrupt.

I have 2 spare bottles of Clarins Oil to let go. They are brand new, and unused. I bought too many, cannot finish.

My price: $58/bottle (30% discount!)

Retail price:$82/ bottle

Do pm me if you are interested. Or email to [email protected].

Can meet up at Bishan or Raffles Place. Other options can be discussed. While stocks last!


