(2011/09) Sep 2011

I didn't bother to use flash cards bec' r suppose to read out every cards when flash the card and not just flash only. Dun have so much time at home being working mother. I feel only those stay at home mom can have the time to use flash cards. Anyway if put at infant care i understand teachers will use too.


My boy ended up liking baby TV on starhub TV, especially Louie World where he learnt many English words. He stopped watching baby TV around 1 yr plus and switch to playhouse disney.



Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



Natal Care Triplus (625mg) : Each box of 30 capsules at $28.00 (U.P. $32.10)


All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

Koume: Think you can get raspberry leaf tea from any organic herbs store. I get it from my friend who works as a clinical herbalist though hehe. Took for a few months before preggie, then stopped. Remember to take only in last few weeks of last trimester coz it’ll aid in contractions, which you don’t want now! =D

Weight gain:

Do we calculate weight gain from the initial pre-preg weight or from our lowest weight after the horrors of 1st trimester? For me, my pre-preg weight was 52kg, then lost 4kg to become 48kg in 1st trimester. Now am 53.5kg. So did I gain 1.5 or 5.5kg? Haha…*stress*

Oh...when can we scan for 4D? Heard it is not too good for baby...regarding what, I am not sure. When I went for my DS, I can't see much of the baby's feature only slight side profile.

Hi Ladies

Been so swamped at work & at home! Hope everyone is doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Need to check with you ladies --

1) How does your bump look like now?

I had a very unobvious bump until last Thursday. Went on a roadtrip from Fri and suddenly the bump grew really big over 1 weekend. I'm quite worried, did i eat too much unhealthy food or drink too much sweet stuff? Or could it be due to my 1 week constipation? Does a bump grow that quickly overnight? Also experiencing cramps on and off.

2) How does your bump feel like?

Mine is VERY bloated and hard to touch. Is that normal?

I just visited my chinese sinseh. She's abit worried that I'm carrying the bump abit low. And that she still said I have lost weight.....

I read tat from 2nd trim, tummy will grow bigger and significant so it shd be normal.

I experienced such 'growth spurths' in tummy size during no 1 pregnancy too.

Bloated is normal. U can read babycenter.com, i read tat bloatness during 2nd trim is normal.

Maternity Bermuda and pants at $5 & $8

I have a lot of Maternity Bermuda and pants. Some is brand new, some only only worn a few times.. Can SMS me for photos at 96922155. Can view in Bukit Batok too..



I like to check if its too late for DS at week 24?

Coz I'll only be beck in SG at week 24 and I'm not sure if the DS I do in Taiwan is sufficient.

How much do TMC charge for DS?

Week 20 today but only gained 2kg so far....abit worried but looking forward to going back to SG for durians..haha~

miho: wk 24 is too late.. DS is done in wk 18-22.. cos when bb is bigger, very difficult to scan (the sonographer told us) i've been having durians for past 2 days..

Too late ah...haiz...thot of going back to do another round so that Dr Adrian will have clearer picture.

Craving for durian but TW only thailand durians not nice..haha~

sorry to disturb...

any mommy here keen to buy over my dhaxtra fish oil? expiry 02-2013..

selling it at $40 inclusive of postage. pm me if keen!

hm i think it all depends on ur pre pregnancy wt.. skinny pple tend to gain more coz not enuff fats.. bigger size pple no need to gain so much wt. the body will auto detect bah

my friend was in the low 40s.. gained 20kg and lost it all. another gained 10 and only lose 5kg.. so it doesnt mean gain more lose less.

kyra: yeah i had that sudden bump increase too over one weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and is hard to touch.

now hearin your sinseh talking about carrying your bump too low.. i get concerned too.

Btw sometimes i feel a slight little pressure on my pelvic area or rather vagina area these days(but only very occassionally like few secs sort).

do any of you get it?

#2 : may i know where did you get your flash cards from? I wld prefer gd wuality ones as well that can last. I saw some baby dvds(like baby einstein) in robinsons today but they never really say from what age can be used.

saw the exersaucer you mentioned...is ard $200 the usual price for it?

btw saw high chair for feedin ..is it the norm to get a gd one that can adjhust the position as bb grows bigger? saw one that is ard $200 from graco

babay cot: all the cots look so small and crampy to me... even though they are like 4 in 1 that can be converted to toddler bed next time :/

Think bb knows i went bb window shoppin today, was kinda active then..haha

bunnz: if you want a bigger cot you might wanna consider the one that taka dept store is selling..rociobebe or something like that.. also 4 in 1 can convert.. my boy is skinny but tall and he still fits ok in the cot.. but now we getting him a bed so baby can use the cot then we won't have to buy another cot and be left with 2 cots to get rid of eventually..


I got the flashcards from a BP. But the lady doesn't have the BP anymore. Thankfully I bought 2 sets that time (1 for my house, 1 for my mum's place). So I still have 1 brand new set though my boy's set is still very new.

You can get from Glenn Doman Singapore. But the complete set is way above what I paid :p

Recently I saw this baby flashcard website, but not sure about price and whether theirs is complete set or not. www.flashcards.com.sg

The exersaucer is around $200. Very good investment. I don't like walker cos not good for their leg development (for walking). But the exersaucer is entertaining and since they can't cruise around, it's safe. Good brand: Leapfrog or Evenflo'

For highchair, I did not buy those exp one cos most of them got cloth which gets super dirty and messy with kiddos.

I bought those cheap $49.90 type that can fold away easily. Used by my boy and now it's with my friend's girl :p Used for so many years still sturdy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

& you won't need it till baby is 6mths old, so can slowly shop ard for it

Bunnz- U can find baby stuffs at baby kingdom or baby hyperstore at Kaki bukit. Got the info from forum that they carry lots of baby cots/strollers / hair chairs / car seats n price cheaper.


I’ve 2 x pre loved Bamboo Belly Bandit to let go.

Condition: 9.5/10. Washed twice only.

Kiddy Palace selling at SGD $129.90 each.

Am letting go at $50 each or both for $90.

Size: XS – 28 to 32 inches.

Colour: Beige

Our best selling eco-friendly Bamboo Belly Bandit® has been the most popular Belly Bandit to date. Maybe its because it is inherently antibacterial*; moisture wicking*, and three times more durable than cotton.

Maybe it could be that Bamboo is a sustainable crop that requires no pesticides; fungicides; herbicides, or additional water. Fabric made from Bamboo is one of the softest; all natural; and GREENEST fibers around. 

Our specialized graded elastic Bamboo style helps to aid in tightening the belly, minimizing stretch marks and supporting core muscle structure.

This is definitely a perfect balance of outstanding comfort and compression.

 The Bamboo Belly Bandit® is made for the "green" mom who spares no expense for the environment, or her comfort. Ecological; smart; unbeaten, and all together our comfy coziest! Being earth-friendly never felt so good!

Can refer to:


Deal at Seng Kang / Punggol MRT or mutually agreed location…

Sms 98460422 for fast deal or PM me…

okok thanks choco 15/#2/jojo88

will check out the hypermarts and taka [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

even at the taka baby fair, the strollers come from hypermart also

Oh the high chair i saw is from evenflo(advertised in papers today from robinson sale) not graco.. apparantly the seatcover is water proof and be washed and stuff.

but will take my time to look for it.

I saw Bp selling cards supposedly from shichida .

Told my hb abt the flash cards. He asked do we get to learn how to use the flash cards ourselves first haha....

do the cards come with instructions?

Yest after i bot dinner, i put on a table to arrange the packed food while a auntie is sitting next to it. She ask me how many months then before i ans, she ask is it 7 months. I am surprised and i say 'no, no'. Then she ask is it 8 months... faintx.. then i told her is 5 mths and she then say "Last time my tummy also v big during pregnancy one"... alamak i feel even more embarrassed!!


Yes usually come with instructions. The words will be at the back of the card so u can show the pix to the bb and read the words at the same time.

I have jumperoo (fisher price) instead of exersaurer. Can't move around too but can jump up and down. good for exercising legs. can use when bb turn 5mths old.

i have both the jumperoo and the Leapfrog exersaucer.. the jumperoo was really good for her legs, she's got pretty strong legs now from al lthe jumping! hahahaha

the Leapfrog exersaucer is good too, kept her entertained for a good half hour at times.. we used the exersaucer for her mealtimes until she turned 1 year plus.. only bought the highchair when we found out she knows how to climb out of the exeersaucer on her own.. :0

i have flash cards, but hor they are still brandnew, wanted to be a hardworking mummy, but ended erm... hahahahhahahaa

thanks ellysia

hehe.. just ignore auntie la. they have their own perception of how big stomachs shd be at certain mths.

okok will check out jumperoo..all these are so new to me! oh gosh.. needs lotsa space for all these. they are not small and can be tucked away kind

jumperoo is $150 i tink. Exersaucer more expensive..

bunnz - u no need to buy now. when yr bb turn 4-5mths old, u can bring him/her to kiddy palace to try it out. they have samples sets. then pick the piece he/she like most. tats how we pick jumperoo after letting our boy try out over 2 trips to ensure tat he really like, before buying. cos its not cheap.

my colleague rented from an online shop though. she sterilse the set before use. hee.

high chair

i bot a nice one from kiddy palace. No cloth but plastic cover. still have to wash the plastic cover and take it out and in, i find lei chey. regretted shd have just buy Ikea high chair at least easy to wash and clean. afterall, they dun stay at high chair too long just eat and go already.

okok ellysia: thanks for advice. so basically from 5 mths onwards..not buying now def. just doin some sort of budgeting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah u do budgetting until so far. I only do budgetting for items to purchase before delivery last time. tis time round is assessing which items need replacement.

In the beginning stage below 1 yr old, dun have so many toys to buy. esp below 6 months nothing much on toys. 2 yr onwards then they will request for toys.

Bunnz - For the low bump, I really hope it's common. I am making conscious efforts to hold my tummy more, esp if I bend/squat/sneeze/cough etc. Yes, I get the pelvic pain too. Not nice at all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wanna check with you all, where can a baby sleep in? Cot, Mattress, Cradle, Playpen? We intend to do up a nursery at our own place but my parents are also requesting for a cot over at their place. Saw in Mothercare that a simple cot can cost up to $500. We are thinking if babies can sleep in playpen instead? Then I'll buy one for my folks.


actually u can rent these toys if you wan, becoz i felt bb outgrow super fast n if u have big storeroom, go ahead and purchase so u can keep inside after bb not using.. as for me, i dun have too much space to store such bulky toy, so rent the toys instead of buying... :p


here you go:

Baby Hyper Store

69 Kaki Bukit Avenue 1


6844 1123

Open Mon-Sat 11am-9pm; Sun 11am-7pm

high chair:

dun have to buy now, just wait.. like i mention, if u have alot of space to store stuffs, then can just go ahead with all the purchase, for me, i got the ikea high chair...

oya.. ask any of the mommies here going for doula and water birth..? i felt like trying since tis is my last preg liao...

P3ppr : thought abt doula n water birth . But gynae doesn't support water birth .. If I want hv to change gynae n also over budget for water birth n doula . U can check out fourtrimesters online.

Ellysia: I like to hv a rough idea what we need to have n buy .. So I will be mentally prep when the time comes n knows whr to go to find them. Haha can slowly intro to hb also the items bb needs. He has not a single clue.


I have a cot at my own house and a playpen at my MIL house. We find that playpen mattress is not as stable as cot (not straight but can be a bit curvy) but it has a zipper which can be open up for my boy to play during the day.


I only make up a list but didn't budget the cost cos dun want to stress my hb out. if he see the cost he won't buy! haaa.

Ellysia: Okay thanks! That’s a relief…=p

Anyone has a good massage lady to recommend? I know this was discussed earlier but lazy to go and scan through hee…Am looking to get one to come to my place at Jurong during confinement for maybe around 5-10 sessions. How should I go about doing it? =)


actually my gynae is one of the few who does waterbirth but then like wat u mention, it might be over my budget as well to engage a doula.. haiz.. so maybe will have to forgo such idea...

Dear Mummies,

I am from jan 11 thread. Bought too much similac mum and I have stopped breastfeeding. I have 3 tins of unopened similac mum to let go at $14 expiry is 2013. Pls kindly call or msg me at 94550525 if u are interested.



Hi Pooh, u can update the gender to Prince for me and EDD is moved to 4 Sept.

Anybody has any feedback between Mt Alvernia and TMC. Still deciding which one to go for delivery.

