(2011/09) Sep 2011

Re: Reno

My turn soon, end of this yr.. lol! also at Punggol... lol! mummies, rmb to give me advises and contacts as well as what to look out for leh...


Thanks for everyone's concern. It was indeed a close shave. I just got discharged today and had my DS done.

BB is doing fine, most likely a gal but din mngd to see the 3 lines. However, my cervix is very short, so pregnancy not considered stable. Been ordered to do strict bedrest up to week 28. Therafter, there's a possibility of pre-term labour. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The Sister explained to me that contractions feel like menstrual cramps and occur at regular intervals for more than half an hour. and that i will feel it in the middle of the tummy as well, instead of just at the sides.

Stretching pains are usually at the sides and not in the middle. stretching pains tend be be reduced after lying down.

i'm really praying hard that i can incubate the bb till full term....

now that i have to lie down a lot, does anyone have recommendation on pregnancy pillows?

sleepiey: do take good care.. talk to bb, tell her to stay in ur womb till full term.. my bb responds to my tapping at times..

Sleepiey, dun worry since you are on bedrest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway, since gynae has noted that you are at higher risk of delivering early, they will monitor more closely & give you jabs to make baby's lung stronger in event that need to deliver early. Most babies do well once they get the jabs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Having super bad craving for mala tofu.

Anyone of you seen it recently? It's a small mobile stall that goes from shopping centre to shopping centre or exhibitions (like food fair).

They sell Taiwanese food like oyster mee sua & meat ball soup also.

If you've seen it recently or know where they are now, please please please PM me the location.

Dying for it right now. Had mala steamboat on Sat but still not satisfied...

p00h, I not interested in oyster mee sua... I WANT MALA TOFU!!!

Anyway, I managed to track down the boss of the stall & my hubby just checked with him, THEY ARE COMING TO A PASAR MALAM IN PUNGGOL this weekend!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!

#2: Haha what a weird craving you have! My current craving has moved on from cai tao kway (carrot cake) to crossiants..

sleepiey: Please take care and rest well!

All my cravings have gone.. Mb due to my flu last week. Nalso dare not anyhow eat. I told my yoga instructor I had flu n he sort of scolded me . Said I need to be extra careful of what I eat now. No tidbits . I was so happy to hear actually. Was kinda sick of most people telling me that this is the best time to eat anything I want.

Me too no craving .. My colleague always asked me to suggest where to go for lunch since I'm pregnant sure got craving [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but sadly not much of craving for food.

koume: same here! i drove to esso petrol kiosk at 2am to buy croissant at delifrance. but sold out. damn sad.

im now looking for prenatal massage. played mahjong 2 rounds only backache for weeks..

gilera: during my 12 & 16 weeks scan, my gynae thinks that its a boy but didnt dare to confirm if its the cord or the c**k. but during my detailed scan it was a baby girl. could see the line. just dont hold your expectations so high about the gender cos my hubby was quite dissappointed cos he wanted a boy and was "misled". but i wanted a girl so was very happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd morn mummies,

The weather is getting hotter these days! Pls take care n drinks lots of water ;)

Still puking here n there but feel more like human now. Also my chest is getting bigger n bigger that I need 2 extension. Sadly, my breast didnt grow only the chest. :/

p00h/lydia: Not from Delifrance but now that you guys mentioned it..Haha..I like the mini crossiants from this Japanese bakery called Petit Provence? Or something like that.

Yupz, my craving very weird! But this baby loves spicy food... My #1 hated spicy food!!

Anyway, I got my mala tofu fix last night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hubby cooked for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Having it for breakfast now too! yum yum!!

Thanks Lydia

gonna see my little one later.

Hope Gynae able to give some higher %

wk 12 was 60% gal.

Also wanna ask abt this soreness at bb area.

koume - u mean the wassants from Provence.. keke. But their buns are getting expensive. I frequent their bakery at Holland V.

#2 - your hubby really good to you ah. And still can cook somemore.You must be in a bliss now - eating ur mala tofu, doted by your hubby n loved by ur son [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

People r telling me not to eat too much. bec my #1 is 3.6KG n i weight gain 14KG the last round. Trying to cut down but not much, cos i can't tahan hunger and temptations heee. just trying to skip ice-cream and cakes stuff like tat which fatten v fast.

Not much special craving, food preference similar to pre-pregancany. only dislike broccoli and some food totally dun like. Prawns which i used to love a lot, doesn't like so much now.


I only know cannot exceed 18KG weight gain for average weight people.

TCS artiste Vivien Lai gain only 8KG for her no 2 pregnancy.

Oh dear.. I gain 20kg during my 1st P n 22kg during 2nd P. This time ard, I Shd gain more manz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

For 1st P, 1st trim together weight gain 3KG.

2nd trim is weight gain of 2-3 KG per month..

by 3rd trim especially from week 37 onwards, my weight gain is 1KG per week. The weight gain at 3rd trim is amazingly fast. I even need to wear a maternity belt due to the weight of the tummy.

There was a checkup during 2nd trim where weight gain shot up v fast tink 3-5KG or someting like tat, due to me eating 2 portions for lunch & eating cordyceps.

I saw a few threads here people complaining not enough weight gain. My thinking is now is still early so try to control weight gain.. didn't gain much now nevermind.. wait towards the last trim weight gain will shoot up very fast.

Beyond 18KG is unhealthy, if yr weight is average weight before pregnancy. If u underweight, u shd gain more. if u overweight, then u shd gain less.

The common thinking is eat a lot will gain a lot. not really. It actually depend on wat u eat. if u eat a lot of sweet stuff, dairy/milk, fast food, junk food, pre-natal milk powder, durians, cordyceps, u will gain more. More carbo than protein also.

If gain more and bb gain more, still worth it. if gain a lot and bb gain little but most of the weight gain goes to mummy, its will be horrible. How much bb can absorb also depend on the placenta. Some pregnancy placenta not healthy enuff, bb can't gain much from mummy eating, some stories i read, mummy eat a lot but bb stop growing ored... then got fren eat a lot but weight gain mostly go to herself so sad, then her hb still complain tat she eat so much never go to the bb.

how to know if the wt goes to the baby or the mom? until now, i still dun really feel the baby's movements yet... wondering if the baby is growing onot.. sigh...

but when i step on the weighing machine, i did see the wt increase... but i din increase my food intake...

Weight may increase due to water retention also.

Best is to ask gynae during scan on the estimated weight of bb.

If mummy starve or didn't eat much, bb may take nutrients from mummy and affect mummy health. For e.g. if u dun eat DHA or food tat contain DHA, bb still will take yr DHA. So yr DHA will reduce after giving birth, which is why our memory worsen after giving birth. Same for calcium. even if u dun eat calcium, bb will still take from u, even from yr teeth. so the vits taken during pregancny is more for mummy than for bb.. if u dun eat well nutritional, mummy suffer more.


I personally feel it after no 1 pregnancy. Memory loss also. Have been diligentally taking DHA after pregnancy.

Hee nice topic today, weight gain! I din gain any weight during first trim this time round but lost abit coz no appetite n ms. Think due to my craving only for fast food, fried stuff n cakes, weight gain in second trim is fast, already 3kg+ now in 17wks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gynae said norm shd be 2kg every mth for second trim but ok my weight gain hee.

Not sure how much I'll gain for this preg but my overall gain for #1 was 16kg. First 10kg lost very easily, by the timeif discharge from Hosp, already gone. Last 2-3kg was stubborn, took me almost eight mths from delivery before I regain pre-preg weight. N almost a year to be able fit back to my old jeans coz even when weight was back to old days, stubborn fats remain on thighs, hips n stomach, legacy of pregnancy haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

during my 1st tri, i put on 0.9kg. my gynae laughed and said u dont have MS but u hardly put on weight as well! anyway i asked him what's a good weight and he said, for my size, i should put on 12-15kg in total. i think that sounds reasonable?

ask your gynae (based on your size) and he should give you a gauge so you will know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so far, gynae didn't say anything abt weight lei.. hmm.. only manage to gain 3kg, as of wk18.. not sure abt now liao.. opps..

Ellysia, ths ks for the info on contractions exp differing amongst diff ppl. I'll tk note [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, I also hv memory loss after #1, memory is not as good as before. So much so that Hubby took over CFO role at home coz i can't rem the details or some purchases anymore :p

Ellysia - Thanks for the pointer. Will diligently eat my DHA and all my vitamin supplements.

Sung - I was surprised to see the weighing scale at Dr Tan's clinic. er herm... hmm... really antique leh. hee hee

Pommes: Are the wassants the soft ones with custard or chocolate? The ones I crave are the croissants like the ones from Delifrance, but mini. Getting quite pricey and the siZe getting smaller! Haha..

I started off with 69kg, didn't gain nor lose during first trimester not sure why. Just weigh myself I'm at 72kg. Trying not to gain more than 9kg because I'm obese to begin with. Maybe that's why sick so often.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Any recommendations where to buy raspberry tea? Or which brand?

Christine: Me too..can't feel baby's movements yet. Wish I had an ultrasound machine at home! Haha..

Ellysia: Thanks for your tips! Must diligently eat the pills..

Actually before pregnancy I hate to eat pills..now can swallow the Prenavit and DHA pill relatively easily..hope baby is proud of me! Haha..

Bunnz & p00h: Okie thanks! Will be doing that today! =)

Sleepiey: Please do take good care and thanks for explaining too!

Jojo: I too have no cravings…read somewhere that it’ll peak in month 6 though…do 2nd time mummies know if this is true?

Ellysia: I’m taking DHA regularly but my memory is reeeeeaallly bad! Hubby always say that it’s my donation of goodwill to baby so it’s worthy sacrifice…=|

Sung: Wow!! You lost 10kg so fast?! I want that too!

So far gained 1.5kg in total from my pre-pregnancy weight…am 19wks now…feels a lot coz started off with 52kg, then lost to 48kg in 1st trimester, and now am 53.5kg…

Phew felt so relieve after reading the above posts.. Guess I'm quite normal to gain 3kg at 18weeks.. Am feeling paranoid each time pple ask me y my tummy so small.. Bb growing or not.. Must eat more... Aiyo..

Pommes, haha yes very antique type hor. I never saw such a machine till in his clinic. Was trying to stifle my giggles during first few time on it. N I kept wondering how accurate ;P

igop, dun worry about the small tummy. Ytd I asked Dr Chong too why my tummy is small and he said I should be happy and lucky to have a small tummy and in fact is the size of baby that matters more than the size of tummy. ;-)

Sung - I personally don't think is accurate. Wonder why they dun use those digital type. But then hor, I think Dr Tan must be those very sentimental type. His examination room (inside inside)... wah... the equipments also long long time ago.

But luckily he is not old-schooled. My hubby caught him using iPad. hee hee

Bisforbb, haha yup. Think the first 10kg alot if it was water coz my #1 was quite light weight, only 2.8kg. I had bad water retention towards the end, so much so my ankles were badly swollen but all gone after delivery so I guess that's what contributed to the 10kg. Haha hope this time too can shed at least 10kg quickly ;P

I downloaded those flash cards on my iphone, intending to use them on bb. But my colleague thinks is not good for the eyesight.

Hmm... would u use electronic device i.e iphone, iPad, to entertain ur bb?


Annie thanks for reassuring .. I find him funny leh.. My last visit was a drama 1 cos need to take the triple blood test.. N was a sat , it was super duper pack .. Any idea whether he has multivit instead of the individual ones? I cannot swallow the pills ...

