(2011/09) Sep 2011

must be careful when using ikea highchairs.. coz it isnt really stable.. anyway the best is never leave your kids unattended..

i got my jumperoo at fisher price warehouse sales last year.. now dun have this warehouse sales le.. its really dirt cheap! i got the fisher price music chair for $20 only!! its retailing at $79.90 or even more! only minus point is warehouse environment, so the things are pretty dusty, or the boxes are not in good condition la..

exersaucer i got it 2nd hand from my fren whose girls have outgrown it and hardly use it.. only $80 for an almost BN exersaucer.. so i din spend too much, i guess? hahaha

these 2 items can be dismantled and are in boxes, so they dun really occupy a lot of space currently..

i rented a play yard before, and i just clean them with antiseptic wipes or baby cleaner before letting baby play in it.. worth a rent coz we wun use for long ma.. and dun take up space after that too.. anyway play yard a bit redundant i feel thats why i rented instead of buying..

from oscar results, they incidentally found a 'cluster of fibroids'. gynae said so long as not getting bigger its ok..

still worried though... is this common

tmr's BB fair is organised by who? some BB fair are small scale de, and end up is all the BP sellers setting up booths, with major ones like Avent, Huggies / Pampers and lotsa insurance..

kyra>> your parents want a babycot at their place for? your parents taking care of your baby ah? if so, then get a baby cot ba.. check out baby kingdom and hypermart at kaki bukit, i got my current cot for less than $400 including mattress. i wouldn't suggest playpen coz the mattress support is not very good.. ive did not buy a playpen, but my daughter slept in one at my fren's place during a playdate.. i feel the mattress is v soft and the playpen looks rather flimsy..

Ellysia - So does your boy continue to sleep in playpen?

PinkieMie - My mum will be the main caregiver after my ML. Baby will stay with them during day-time, and maybe even through the weekdays (if I really cannot cope). My parents are now already slowly clearing out my old room to convert into a nursery. Mum said buy them a cot. Baby will sleep there and if he/she stays overnight, they can push into their bedroom. It's quite expensive to get 2 cots at 1 go, so I was thinking if I can get a playpen instead. Then when baby gets bigger, can also play inside when my mum needs to go toilet/do housework/cooking etc.

Looks like I dont have much choice. Mum was saying to get them a cot while we can just buy a mattress for our house. Haha...but I'm "vain" lah. Wanna decor the nursery :p

Kyra, there are quite good and sturdy playpens. I bought a playpen (Graco) that cost $199. Very sturdy. But the 'free mattress' was flimsy. We replaced it with a good quality Baby Safa mattress.

It came with a bassinet so the bed is at the same height as typical baby cot (can adjust height).

& it came with wheels, so easy to push around to different rooms.

But we seldom used it cos it was for my house and end up, we stayed with my parents for first 6mths, then only went home on weekends.

Then we passed it to my friend who used it for her girl (now 2yo) from birth till now.

If your parents are going to be the main caregivers, it's good to invest in a proper cot for them. Unless you can find a good sturdy playpen like I did.

Btw, cot is cooler than playpen. That's why I put the cot at my mum's place (seldom on aircon) while the playpen at my place (confirm will on aircon).

gilera: im going to expo sale tmr!!

p3pp3r: thks for the add. i'll go after expo tmr. so excited. hehe.

i guess for playpen i'll buy neutral colours like yellow, orange, green. will be more gender friendly if my next one is opp sex or pass down to my sis also easier

Watcha planning to get?

Wondering if should have super short hair before giving birth so during confinement won't so messy n hot with long hair. Or short but still can tie ponytail type of length?

Kyra- why do u get a 2nd hand cot from forum or gumtree? Just look for a good 2nd cot n replace the mattress. That wil save u some $$$$.

Gilera - I would prefer to keep my hair either short(just below ear) or long ( enough to bun up) instead of in-between shoulder length..

Gilera: think if you do a c-section then gynae can remove those fibriods for u at the same time? not sure if it works that way la.. maybe you can check with your doc..

re playpen used for sleeping:

best to get a good firm mattress for the playpen if you're intending to use one for baby to sleep especially for night time.. day time naps still ok but best to have a firm mattress as good support for back. playpens not usually meant for long hours of sleep so do take note.

for me i ended up not buying any playpen coz my house was too cluttered!! bought the exersaucer instead during one of the taka fairs.. good toy! PD also advised not to use walker as it might end up slowing down the kid's ability to walk coz in a walker they "sit" and walk rather than learn to balance and walk... just as well i din get coz my kid would be crashing through furniture at the rate he was going!

gilera: dont cut till too short. layer and trim till slightly over shoulder so u can tie up during confinement. else very hot when u BF i think. unless wanna cut till same as hubby then okay la. dont wash also can. LOL.

Hi mummies,

Have any of you already know which method you are planning on delivery, natural or caesarean? I am first time mummy here..but haven't really make up my mind.

Nilebaby, natural is always the best way to go unless there's emergencies or medical reasons, then no choice go to C-section.

Recovery for natural is faster than C section. C section considered major operation which cuts through your abdominal wall/muscles & uterus.

Sing Yee: Yes post natal massage. Is it recommended? Heard that it’s very helpful in being a 1st step in helping reduce water retention and all…

Wow these few days the forum is getting a little quieter...mummies using FB group more? =)

Thank you mummies for your replies...3 of my sisters-in-law all opted for caesarean reasons of their own. I am not sure about my threshold of pain for natural delivery though caesarean is quick but the pain lasted longer after delivery..

Nilebaby, if you are worried about pain, then just opt for epidural right from the start :p That was what I did for my #1. & honestly, I felt no unbearable pain at all. I asked for epi once the contractions started to intensify (but not very pain yet).

C section recovery takes MONTHS. Compared to that few hours of pain during labour (and if you take epi, probably less than 1 hour of pain).

For #2, I'm thinking of saving $$, so maybe will TRY without epi. But we are prepared to just go with HAPPY-DURAL again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Made the whole birth experience focused on pushing & welcoming baby instead of on the pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, the thread is slowing down. Most mummies prob moved to FB chat liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hee actually csect is not that bad. Prob only horror stories esp if any infection or tearing of wound then will tk months to recover.. Else recovery not that bad, should be almost painless by 2nd wk but must watch coughing/sneezing. Not too forceful n best to wear a binder at all times to protect. Only 1st 2/3 days r painful enough thar require painkillers. Start walking as soon as you can to aid recovery. I was squatting everyday to bathe my #1 right after confinement mth n this incl moving the tub of water. No issue with csect wound, it has recovered well by then. So dun be too scared or worried abt it.

Given all that, I think first time mums should try natural birth. Whether for reasons of faster recovery or better for the bb (read an article recently that claims naturally birth bb rec good antibodies from mummy that csect bb wun get), i guess it's something natural [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Was my original intention too.

Re. Jumperoo

It looks really fun for the bb but I read some negative reviews abt this before. Some paeds were remarking that the bb's toes n feet bones r still very fragile at that age n the jumping could cause very mild cracks in the bones that could go unobserved, causing pain to the bb later on. Not sure how true but i think it's like the same case as walkers. Some believe in it, some don't. For info, walkers r also said to hurt the bb's feet n delayed their learning process of how to walk. I personally dun believe in hving walker either. Mummies interested can google n find out more before deciding whether to get.

Pommes, I think Doc Tan is the very prudent type. Both in terms if being very careful in his chks n diagnosis, as well as being prudent in terms of spending $ ;P still his clinic n equipment r well maintained although old n things r very clean [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I feel comfortable n reassured there so I guess it's most impt this way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee din know he use iPad though, cool!

Gilera, am going cut my hair to shoulder length type, juz ling enough to tie. Would be irritating to hv it in my face during confinement.

Kyra, if your Bb is going yo spend more time at your mum's pl, makes sense to buy a good cot for them. This way bb is comfortable. N the investment is worth it too over the long run. Personally, I think playpen is better coz softer material, dub hv to worry abt Bb knocking head on cot rails, even with bumpers on, Bb can knock fairly hard on the rails. Can play longer n stay longer in playpen too as Bb grows older. Also lighter n easier to move ard. But then must add that my #1 dun sleep in either his cot or playpen, only stay in it for short periods during the day :p

RE: Hair

I just cut my hair ultra short before concieving, so will let it grow out so can be tied during confinement.

Anyway, I've already discussed with the hair salon at my place. I will go there to wash my hair twice a week. Will go at 9.30am (when they open) before they turn on the aircon. They will wash with warm water and quickly blow dry for me :D

So I will still hv neat & clean hair. Yay!!


U still travel out during confinement to wash yr hair?

Why not wash at home then dry clean immediately with hair blower?

Ellysia, wash at home can nvr blow dry properly (will still look very messy & in the rush to not catch a cold, sure can't wash properly).

My mum allow me to take short trips out for quick hairwash [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cos it's just below my block. But she expects me to wear long pants & long sleeve when I go down.

Did that for #1 & was very happy during confinement. My mum also say need to go out to walk to prevent post-natal blues.

But she say cannot go on rainy days.

Also, arm very tired holding the hair dryer cos my hair is THICK & hard to dry :p

My hubby also agree should go down to wash cos it's cleaner than if I rush at home. But I will bring my own shampoo (warming herbal shampoo meant for confinement).

#2 - that's a good idea to keep the hair clean.

gilera - have already started to cut my hair till shoulder length. Just long enough to tie into a pony tail. I dun like bob style. Feel that hair tucking behind my ears makes me feel hot too. Best can just tie up.

sung - yup, I like Dr Tan for his cool composure. Gives me a very good impression he is fully in control of the whole situation. Very assuring. Going to see my bb next Tuesday!

Pommes, I can tahan if body just use wet wipes to wipe. But I can't tahan if hair is dirty cos trap a lot of oil & dirt. Plus the scalp will be oily & itchy! So clean hair is most impt to me.

I intend to go full body waxing in third tri, so will be less hairy during confinement (cleaner & won't feel so hot).

#2: ur mum & hb so good to let u go salon wash hair.. my mum still tell me not to wash my hair, faintz

pommes: i am going to see my bb next wednesday!! yippy.. looking fw..

p00h, I told my mum that not washing hair is damn disgusting. & the logic is that they dun want use to catch a cold or get 'wind'. So as long as no cold water, no cold air, wash hair is ok what.

& my mum agreed. Thankfully, my mum quite modern one. Will listen to what I say also.

e.g. I told her cannot put cereal in milk cos baby might choke, she said last time we also brought up like that. I just tell her, be thankful I am still alive cos I din get choked, so I'm not gonna risk it with my kid. Then she just follow & nvr mention already.

Good morn mummies,

I'm into my 20 week now... Will be having DS this coming Thurs. Really looking forward to it...

This morn, I feel a 'tightening' sensation in my tummy. Water bubbles getting more n more... More n more itchy now....


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pinkiemie, p3, daddysbao - my DS is also on 27th at TMC..mine is 11am. Do u think still able to make it for the 2pm hospital tour? Then I have to go straight to gynae's clinic to look at the result n also regular monthly checkup.

#2: How much does your massage lady charge? Can recommend? =) Hee wanna book early to avoid disappointment. =p Do they travel all around SG or do we have to find one for our area? I stay at Jurong….

Haha you are sure quick in even booking your hair salon for confinement period! I was telling hubby every other mummy seems to be very ready except us, still in clueless and floating around stage. =|

b.isforbb, this is my #2, so more or less we know what to expect & what needs to be arranged :D

My massage lady told me she's full for sept/oct already cos I posted her no here some time back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe you can try other mummy's massage ladies?

We went to Ikea last night to get 2 shelves to keep baby's clothes & items. Happy with the purchase :D

Anyone around? I have been working since morning... still can't go home yet. So sianz!

#2 - we also went ikea (alexander) last night for dinner and walk around. Ikea has quite a lot of ideas for children's room. We are thinking of buying a junior bed next time instead of converting from baby cot. I think no matter what, baby cot still seems rather small for a growing child.

Pommes, I'm using my #1's cot. This time we are putting it beside our bed, so we will take off one side (look like toddler bed) so baby's cot will be same height as our bed (no frame, mattress on floor type).

Actually there are some junior beds which I find can be used as cot cos they got higher side rails.


Did u eat at ikea too? I miss their chicken wings n hotdog... Hehe.... I went pizza hut last evening with family members. The waiting time was crazy... 1/2 hr!!!

Went toilet ytd n twice this morn... Now tummy seems to have flattened a bit. Mum told me it's of the 'wind' that makes my tummy bloated. :p

Any mummies can't login using iPhone app? I can't seem to login since ytd.... Feel handicapped not be able to see the news feed... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jennifer, you using StinkTel? My mum & bro hv this prob, both using StinkTel. My SH (iPhone 3Gs) & M1 (iPhone 4) both ok, no prob...

Haha... Jennifer C. Yup, had their chicken wings and the baked salmon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes dear gal! I'm using singtel... Lol! ;) It was ok till I downloaded the latest version. Shdn't have use the latest... Think still not stable...

I jus had my LO last Thurs. Glad it's over. ;)


Now I have craving for Korean food!!! No choice, eat Korea instant noodles now... ;)


Not many mummies login here during weekends.... V bored... Can someone here chat with me pls? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

