(2011/09) Sep 2011

bunnz: yeap an amazing relationship between both of them.. baby can cramped me till i wanna cry for help den i will ask hb to tok to baby.. amazingly within sec.. baby will be guai guai

now whenever i dun wan listen to hb.. he will threaten me.. wait i ask baby to disturb u ar... -_-"

#2: for the extra funnel for breast pump... is it only available in their main branch? we can't get it from the mall?



I think I am not in ur list. was very busy at work to look at the sep mtb fb. Will do that this weekend.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] by the way, is there somewhere which links the nicks to the fb?

Simbaobao, the extra funnel usually must go to their HQ one. Don't think available in stores.

But I know a lot of ppl buy from online cos cheaper [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simbaobao : hehe..oh yeah your bb has lots of character one. in cahoots w your hb liao.

mine still super mild as of date.only thing gainin weight. I put on 1 kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my hb is always better w young children than me.

they love to listen to him speak somehow. better i spend more time bonding w bb first. :p

bunnx: me too!! i also intend to attached $68 cheque..

simbaobao: at least ur hubby is good buddy with ur bb.. not like mine, snore almost immediately when lie on bed..

#2: oh ok.. i will take note on that.. thanks for sharing.. i always tot its a one size ting n always had tis ???? coz breast comes in differ sizes.. those with biggers ones won't suffer using meh.. hehe so tat is a bigger one..

Bunnz: haha ya.. next time both of them will gang up to bully me.. i told hb.. GREAT! i can planned my own thing.. he can spend more time with baby when i need my off time.. no nid to worry if he can handle baby... my gf can't even go out for a proper hair cut coz her baby is super glue to her.. her hb will kept calling her to ask if she is done...

Pooh: u know my hb snored too and is those thunder kind... i had to put ear plug to make sure i can slp "peacefully" beside him..

I told him, i nid to prepare one for baby too... haha

bb can recognise voices from womb..

I been singing the same song to my boy during P, when he is infant and i sing the same song, he will smile. Now i try to get my boy to tok to my no 2.

Ellysia, every morning my boy will talk to my tummy & say bye before he goes to school. Complete with kiss & hug on my tummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pooh: haha i cannot dun put on ear plug.. coz i will become a panda.. worst is when he slp close behind my back... i felt like kicking him out of the bed.


oooo so sweet.

My boy sometimes didn't bother to bye bye to us when he go to childcare. Always have to be reminded by the teacher.

My hb asked him to kiss goodnight and he kiss my hb but pretend to kiss me.. (with the muck sound but not touching).. then i be frustrated and he looks happy (purposely make me angry).


i m light sleeper and put on ear plug also no use will hear thunder snore.. even if hb sleep outside, with door closed still can hear v loud... faintx*


I am keen on the event but dont know where to input my available date. Can add me? I have just updated my details in the sep 11 FB list. Too busy at work recently. Report is finally out... yippie! A nice start to the weekend.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simbaobao, so nice that your hb is bonding with your bb.. my hb only talks to my tummy on weekends. weekdays, he always say he is very tired from work... so i think hb's voice is stranger to bb. :p

bunnz & pooh, ok, i shall follow suit and just send cheque for $68 then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

there seems to be less reviews on ameda breast pumps as compared to medela or avent. i'm thinking of trying ameda coz cheapest and intend to only breast feed for 6 months. anyone used ameda breast pump before?

Mareike, I used Ameda before (bought it cos it can be battery operated).

The suction is not as strong as Avent/Medela. I personally find that it did not totally empty my boobs like my Avent could. But it's very lightweight and portable. I used it mostly in the car [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I sleeping with my boy now n hb sleep outside.. i plan near to no 2 deliver, let ah boy sleep with hb outside and i sleep with no 2.

Christine, I tried:

Ameda Lactaline

Avent Duo

Avent Uno

Medela PIS

Medela Single Electric

Pigeon Single Electric

Avent Manual

Pigeon Manual

All the Single Electric (Avent Uno also) are very noisy. Sound like grass cutter! & the suction is not fantastic.

hello mummies, went for detailed scan on tues and im having a baby girl! hehe. im so excited. anyone can tell me when is the next fair coming? i wanna get a playpen and breast pump also

#2: impressive! And i finally found u! LOL!

So far, among Avent and Medela PIS, which is better in clearing the milk?

What's the difference be Avent Duo and Uno?

#2, wow, you have tried so many types of breast pumps! Is Avent Duo electric or manual? I'm considering between Ameda lactaline or Avent Isis duo.

lydia, congrats on having a princess!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey Mareike,

I'm also contemplating btw Ameda Lactaline and Avent Duo Electric pump...but Ameda is much cheaper leh...saw a few days ago at robinsons..with 20% off..its only 320....but didn't want to buy so early...cos din want the warranty to just lapse like that....Think there sld be a philips carnival soon...i guess the price sld be similar to the taka fair ba..(599 with many other stuff bundled together)

Ellysia, Ameda is better than Medela Single Electric. Ameda is dual pump, closed system.

Christine, Tried out different ones to see which one works best cos so desperate to get a good pump that can help me increase my supply. Borrow from friends/colleagues to try out.

I still prefer my Avent Duo. Duo is dual pump, Uno is single pump.

You already hv PIS then why not use it again?

Mareike, Avent Duo us dual electric, but it comes with parts to convert to manual when you need. If budget is not a prob, I will suggest Avent Duo or Medela PIS (depends on your personal preference after trying out).

Kelly, big price diff cos the power of the pump is very different. If you have a chance to try both, you’ll not want the Ameda already :p

Oopps, din read that you found it painful. So you are like me :p I found the PIS painful cos it felt like my nipples were being ripped out :p Avent is more gentle.

Before you decide to buy the Avent, why not you buy the petal massage cushion from Avent and fit it onto your PIS to try? Cos feedback from other mummies is that they like it better with the Avent massage cushion.


PIS i keep at office. Need 1 to keep at home. PIS too heavy can't carry to and fro due to my bad back and also need to fetch no 2 in future.

I have a Medela single electric for home use but its v lousy and sometimes malfuction resulting in funny suction. So looking to replace this medela single electric but definitely not spending another $600++ to buy another 'high grade' pump since home use won't be a lot.


The one at home is use either than bb not at home (on leave/on MC) or use when bb sleep and i dun want to miss one feeding session so has to pump it out, also for taking it out to use occasionally.

Previously i use medela single electric and it take 45mins to empty 1 side = 1hr30mins for both sides.. too slow.. and it reduce my supply somehow bec' can't fully empty out.

When I use Ameda I needed 45min to empty both sides simultaneously. With the Avent only 25min. Ameda's suction not very strong, so if you are used to PIS, you might find Ameda's suction not efficient.


When i use PIS, i use only 15mins to 20mins for both sides.

But maybe its a good idea to get a dual pump anyway since it should save the time somehow.

For avent, is there only 1 model for dual electric pump?

Ellysia, yup, only 1 model for dual electric [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

with PIS also need around 25-30 minute to clear my boobs :p Cos I have previous operation to remove breast lump before, so it sort of 'block' the flow of milk out, need longer time to coax the milk to come out :p

#2:ya lor.. a few times, my nipples area bled... sigh... oh... can jus buy the petal massage cushion from Avent and fit into PIS one ar? i din know abt it.. haha...



how much is the avent dual pump? Heard a few colleagues say they r good, esp those who can't tahan medela. But there are some who like medela PIS.

Christine, you should moisturise your nipples early. Can start now so that won't get cracked/bleeding nipples later.

Yup, alot of ppl buy the Avent petal cushion to fit into other pump funnels & it works [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When I use the Ameda, I also do that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ellysia, not too sure about the price now, but when I delivered in 2007, Robinson was selling it for $799. I think recent Taka fair the price was $599 with bundled alot of stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like I said, everyone's tolerance level is different. Some ppl like the hard suction, some feel that it's painful :p

the discussion on breast pumps are very informative for me. thanks gals! i decided not to try PIS after hearing about the super strong suction coz I think i will find it painful and i got low threshold for pain. :p

how much is Avent duo selling in Singapore? anyone knows? was considering ameda as it has the option to adjust the suction power. also, i worry if I have milk and will be able to breastfeed or not. hence, thot getting a more affordable so that if in the event got problem breastfeeding, the loss is less as compared to getting a PIS.

#2, you mean if we have done ops to remove breast lumps before, it will be more difficult to pump the milk? why? i thot with the removal of breast lumps, the flow should be 'smoother'?

Mareike, Avent can also control the suction strength [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually, it's good to try in hospital. If your boobs are engorged after delivery, it means you sure got milk :p So you can invest in whichever pump you fancy after you've tried it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For removal of breast lump, they actually cut through your mammary glands and the ducts. When they sew you up, they do not match all the ducts like blood vessels. So it takes a while for your body to 'reroute' the milk ducts and due to the scar tissue from the operation, might get blocked ducts. I had problems with the spot near the op site cos keep getting blocked. Had to go back to TMC parentcraft so the nurse can help me massage out the lump.

#2: oh... eh... moisturize nipples so early ar.. lol.. ok ok.. i go see see over this weekend...

Actually, i'm very tempted to get Avent coz a few gfs tried Medela and Avent, then they said Avent is better, and can clear the milk faster. somemore less painful...

By the way, Avent petal cushion got sizes de ma? lol! (opps!)

Detailed scan today, only 1 word: Disappointing...

Hb and I went with great anticipation to see the gender (or rather to confirm the gender since gynae mentioned bb looks like a girl). Baby refused to budge an inch. No amount of disturbance can rouse him/her from the deep sleep. Sonographer said that bb's legs are closed and private parts are blocked, no way to determine the gender, can only wait for future gynae visits to confirm. Ugh, this is like the 3rd time we are hearing this! Exasperating!!

Consoled myself by telling myself that bb wants me and hubby to build up our house first, instead of buying bb stuff. We'll start to renovate our new flat next month, which will cost us. When it's done, hopefully bb will let us know gender.


jessica: u renovating your flat?? me too!! collecting keys next sat, so gonna spend a big bomb there.. so far, i have not bought bb things

