(2011/09) Sep 2011

Pommes I think it's a good idea to leave Bb at IFC bcos I believe u will find a good 1 and it will makes u feel more relieve that Bb is at good hands. At least the teachers there are using the correct n modern method of looking after baby . When it comes to old folks or parents or parents in law who look after your Bb, I believe it will be another set of concern .. Which I ald started to forsee my problems in future. Definitely will have disagreements n conflicts .

The info abt the maternal sample freaks me out ... Aiyo.. Wan to donate still need so much blood ..


Infant care is the modern's women's solution [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Last time mainly rely on nannies n pil.

bisforbb : i didnt know herbs can have steriods?! i apply mt A card mainly to save on the room charges n the child birth classes.

but my detailed scan is done at TMC .

thanks all for your inputs in IFC. exactly, when hired nanny or MIL take care they will instill the non- ideal stuff that i dislike and yet cant comment.

anyone know the price range for IFC and is it full day?

happen to have any rec in Yishun?

my fren sent her son to IFC after her ML ended too.. now her son is quite smart and mingles really well with his peers.. sending to IFC may not be a bad thing compared to a lousy nanny or baby sitter, isnt it?

im banking the cordblood with cordlife, did that for our first, and intend to do it for our second.. its just like eh.. an insurance in another form, that's how we look at it la..

my daughter is using avent, and we still intend to stick to avent..

there are some who say NUK imitates the teat of mummies, so babies wun get nipple confusion when you breastfeed and bottlefeed your baby.. it wasnt much of an issue for my daughter, she was using both Avent and NUK teats when she was a newborn.. the silicon teats for NUK are harder, the latex ones are softer..

for the milk bottles, my suggestion is to buy 2 first.. your breast pump will come with another bottle too, so dun need to get so many bottles first, until you are sure you wanna use that certain brand..

some pple find that avent bottles leak and find it cumbersome to try and fix that leak coz with precious breastmilk and the bottle leaks, i will breakdown and cry one.. so just be warned.. hahah

but i din have leaking avent bottles la.. oh and avent bottles are the most unfriendly bottles coz they only can fit for their own brand and the size are all different from other brands.. including the avent steriliser, it is designed to fit the avent bottles nicely..

RE: Herbs

A lot of herbs contain natural occuring molecules similar to steriods & hormones in our body.

This is why I totally avoid those I'm unsure of, even during breastfeeding.

My friend who took loads of herbs during her pregnancy ended up with high blood pressure and had to induce at 37 weeks cos her baby got failure to grow. Then during confinement, her mum load her with even more herbs, end up she had no milk.

When she had her #2, she followed me (partially cos she changed gynae and her 2nd gynae told her to avoid all if possible) and minimised herbs. During confinement also only simple food & end up, she had tonnes of milk. Enough to tandem feed also.

RE: Chicken Essence

Can drink as long as you don't feel heaty. I used to drink 1 bottle a day cos I was working during 1st pregnancy. This round, not as tiring as when working in school, so only took when I felt tired. Sometimes we use it in our cooking also.


Ask about the student teacher ratio & also the teacher's qualifications. Most centres will hire teachers who have the infantcare certificate but due to manpower shortage, some may not have the cert. Those that hv will usually display the teacher's certs prominently.

Also, look at their daily schedule and their menu for weaning. Some centres use better quality food and I feel it'll be worth it to pay more considering the child will have breakfast, tea break, lunch and afternoon tea there.


Does the nuk teats fit on avent bottles? I ve bought avent bottles so I'm wondering whether I should buy nuk teats to replace the avent teats just in case Bb fuss over the avent teats. ..

the problem with infant care is that babies get sick easily.

Housework & cooking for babies and at night care, u still need to be done at home yourself if you do not have a maid.

I am still exploring both options.

Btw. which infant care has a low teacher to infant ratio.. what is the rate like?

PInkieMie, Avent bottles will start to leak when the teats/bottles are used for too long. I noticed that when it's time to change the teats or bottles.

RE: Spilling Precious Breastmilk

My hubby ever spilled 250ml of my breastmilk while transfering it to the breastmilk bag after I pump. He kena from me upside down until my neighbours thought I was going to kill him and came over to stop me (mind you, those are my mum's neighbours from 6th floor while my mum's place was on 11th floor).

If my neighbours nvr come over, I could hv chopped him up there and then! Was so pissed with him! Even my parents said that they've nvr seen me so angry before.

And after that, I told my hubby that he better pump his boobs until he get 250ml of milk back for me. Was so angry with him for a very long time. Only stopped being angry with him after I was convinced that my supply was more than enough to not think about that spilled 250ml.

Rumi, I hv no idea which IFC has better ratio cos I've maid, no intention of sending to IFC but my neighbours were telling me that they found a few IFC with good ratio.

Another factor that affects whether the kids will fall sick easily or not is the teacher's hygiene. If you notice a lot of sinks or hand sanitizers around for convenient washing/sterilising hands, then high likelihood will hv lesser illness.

Also, if they hv an attached childcare, is it linked and are they using the same staff? cos if linked and they share staff, then the risk of passing illnesses from older kids to younger kids increases. Cos babies not very mobile, so initial stage is the teachers interacting with them.

Wah #2 that's a lot of milk!!! Spill A little ald v heart pain

Btw, when u use the avent pump , does it give u squarish nipples?I read some some reviews , she ended up with spongebob nipples leh.

igop, squarish nipples?? The funnel is round what, how to become square? hahahah! I dun hv that prob lei. I like the massage petals on Avent - helps stimulate letdown. A lot of my friends actually buy the Avent massage petals then put onto their Medela.

I have only one choice in my area. sending my little baby to cherie hearts near my work place. teacher : infant ratio is at 1 : 3 and is a new branch. The only bad part is recently they are in news for financial difficulties, so we are holding back on enrollment and assess the situation first.

If the situation is no good, i have no idea what will be the arrangement.

Pommes, check out if the centre you are keen in is franchise or under main management.

For franchise, worst case scenario is that the centre will just change name if Cherie Hearts goes 'byebye'. Usually staff will remain cos their direct 'boss' remains the same, unless the franchise owner does not want to become 'independent'.

Those badly affected ones will be the centres under the main management.

igop>> nope, NUK teats will not fit onto avent bottles.. avent bottles only accepts avent teats, thats why i say they are unfriendly.. hahaha

but NUK teats can fit any other kind of bottles, medela, pigeon etc..

#2>> how often do you change the bottles? i changed once so far only, my daughter is 18months now.. actually i change coz there was this promotion at kiddy palace for 'recycling' bottles..

250ml of milk! thats a lot of milk.. my supply was so pathetic manz.. i hope this time i can have so much milk! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PinkieMie, teats suppose to change every 3 mths. Bottles every 6mths.

But I change both teats & bottles every 6mths cos always forget to change the teats. Have to change often when you sterilise cos the heat will also cause it to go out of shape.

After we stopped sterilising, we change every 9mths - 1yr (when I remember) :p

Milk bottles - if u buy steriliser they may give u free bottles.

gilera - IFC ranges from $600+ to $1.9K after subsidy depending on wat centre u put in, for full day. My first skool is cheapest from the ones i reckee but v hot and no vacancy. Those branded centres esp near my workplace are all v expensive starting from $1K after subsidy. I am being told tat there are no place and they give priority to existing mummies so i am put on waiting list, only to be confirmed after giving birth.

Rumi - i checked with most IFC and their ratio r quite standard 1:3


Suppose to change every 3 mths but i only change whenever the teats look worn out/get bitten by my son.


actually usu nipple change shape mostly due to bitten by baby rather than the pump.


I throw away 10 bottles x 150ml of Frozen BM before, bec expire plus some contain dairy (i drank dairy) and when i found out my son has dairy allergy, i have to throw away those bottles and start pumping new ones for storage.

*faint* after all the rackeeing and what not, still put on waiting list?

next challenge is if HB also reject IFC and if insist on MIL *double faint*

have any of you booked massage lady yet?

pls share reccomendation.

feel so lost that cant even settle one item.

HB insist on CL to come cook in day time. WTF?

price not yet include the marketing for food lor.

mind as well just get catering isnt it.

HB also reluctant on maid. so theres noone to look after my poor BB.

i give up.

BTW, for IFC, you can use the CDA account. So indirectly, it's '50% discount' cos govt matches the amt you put in (up to 6k for first and 2nd kid).

Infantcare only until kiddo is 17mths. 18 mths can change to childcare already (much cheaper than infantcare).

cham liao.. i nv change the teats every 3 months.. but so far still ok.. but coz initially we had to 'upgrade' the teats, so the teats are relatively new la..

gilera>> actually getting a CL to cook in the day time i feel is a waste of money.. really lo, might as well get a neighbour or someone who can cook confinement food to cook for you, or go for catering.. my reason for getting a CL this time round is coz i want the CL to take care of baby at night, do household chores and wash baby's clothes so that i can rest properly.. my first confinement was done by my mum and i felt it wasnt a proper confinement coz i was very stressed by her antics and comments and i din get to rest properly..

any aunts or your mum who can help you with baby? my suggestion is to go and look ard the IFCs, go ahead and be put on waiting list.. if not ask for recommendations and look for nanny. some nannies have many years of experience and are well-trained in heating up breastmilk etc..


Yah i very pei chey over this. Bec of tis i ask MIL to standby few months in case cannot get IFC. I really dread fetching bb to and fro to office area bec' i work in Shenton way and morning train is very crowded and not viable for hb to drive to her due to ERP etc.

Most of the IFC also dare not commit as they tink tat its still v long from delivery. I guess have to check again nearer to delivery or after give birth.

I ored reckee 3 neighbourhood centres & 2 city area centres (near office).

Cherie Hearts is charging me $1450 before subsidy. My last check with them for enrollment, I need to place a deposit of $1450 (refundable upon one month's notice) plus $150 (registration fee)

Besides checking the teacher/ baby ratio, check the full capacity the centre is taking in for infants.

I really hope cherie hearts can ride through their financial storm. *crossing my fingers*


My tinking is if u wanna IFC, u can reckee now and get into waiting list lor. At least now got energy, can look around first. Make sure u check on the travelling time from work to IFC bec' u have to reach there by 7pm as some centres will charge penalty for late fetching.

My scenario is worse bec' my #1 is in childcare who doesn't have Infant care so 2 kids will be at difference centres so i still have to figure out how to cook for #1 while having to fetch #2 and take care of everything. Tingkat is one of the option but not sure if healthy for #1 as he has food allergies n food choice is restricted.

Recently hb also late in fetching #1 and he always end up eating v late at close to 8.30pm by the time finish ored 9pm.. like supper ored. Then my IL are moving house to west area end of tis year so everyting clash together. Haiz.

If yr hb dun want to co-operate on the CL issue, then u ask him to be your CL lor... for 1st time mummies better to have extra help lah.


My colleagues who kids r at cherie heart mention tat cherie heart has sent them a letter to assure tat everything will be as per normal and its only their overseas operations affected. Maybe u still wanna go ahead as its v hard to get vacancy at IFC.

Ellysia - vacancy is another thing I worry too. Now the branch I enquire is new, but by the time I send baby there, is already next year. So dunno want to risk and place deposit with them or what. Scared they close down, scared they suddenly have so many intake, i have no place.

so many things to vex!


Yup.. can understand.

those centres i enquire near my office - has vacancy but need to place deposit to secure place.

those neighbour centres - no vacancy and ask to put on waiting list

I prefer neighbourhood centres. If really no vacancy and desperate then put near office. I also scared if i put deposit at those centre near office, then not sure if can get back them since time is so long from now to when put our kid and also not preferred centre. same dilemma lor.

HB wants CL, but day time only which is useless.

cook and mess up my kitchen only lor.

received quote for yishun infant care.

after disc etc $577

got one cherir hearts at harbourfront, but cannot imagine take mrt with BB in morning.

90% predict in the end HB will bring BB to MIL, which i dread....

wanna laugh...

here we are all so worried what the future holds and arrangments we ought to make for our lives and all HB is worried is to pass present stage of angry birds game!


IFC nearer to home is better, cos if u r on MC, dun need to travel so far to send bb to IFC. If dun send, also hard to rest at home.

The IFC near to my home, cannot make it. So crowded with 22 babies and is 5 bb to 1 teacher. there's one time saw the teachers bringing the toddler group out. Dun really bother with the young kids.. they are left crying on their own. So ke lian like that.

Neighbourhood IFC - i have a Myfirstskool few bus stops away, another consideration is Learning vision 1 MRT stop away. The rest are all at other avenues and v difficult for travelling. Prefer LV though is 1 MRT stop away bec' my house is near MRT. The MFS though is few bus stop away still need to take bus to and fro.

Pommes - oh dear ... do IFC have bonds that if wanna discontinue how... they also no offer guarantee LOL

MIL - HB will sure park BB there mon-fri

else if every monring ask HB drop at MIL will have morning crowd then work YIS> AMK (jam)


FIL smokes, MIL too religious

so how....


oic. Yr MIL religious is it the type who taoist n go temple type? I have a colleague who MIL gave "fu shui" to bb.

If put bb 5 days didn't fetch home, bb next time when grow older may not wanna come back home bec' not familar.

My FIL also smoke but he will smoke outside house.

May i ask what's the reason for changin teats? besides physical wear and tear.. unseen bacteria?? same goes for bottles besides their physical wear and tear?

cherie hearts IFC is quite ex..

i have also recently checked Pat's school house IFC rate. It's $1700 for 7am to 7pm and $1600 for 7am to 5.30pm.

Due to the cost, i'm not sure if still want to visit them and put myself in the waiting list.

MIL chanting type. Even catch my dog chant with her, so u can imagine ba.

Cherie hearts is 1k after disc , heard from my coll.

At tis rate just hope HB will come round to idea of maid.

gilera, my girl also stay at my inlaws house mon-fri when she was a bb all the way till 2yrold. then i sent her to childcare. she is still v close to me n her grandparents, i tink the kid can feel mummy love, so dun be bothered abt ur kid nt close to u! wat important is ur child is in safe hands!

i mus let u know, kids in childcare or infant care tend to fall sick easily, so u mus be prepared of the high PD bills and of course, taking frequent leave to lok after ur child if he is unwell.

to add on, my broinlaw also smokes, but ever since my girl stay at inlaw house, he dare nt smoke when my girl is ther! i guess somehow the adult will 'zi dong' if they see a bb is home

One prob after another [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Constipation with a big pile. Wanted to buy a Chinese ointment which is very effective but medical hall said not safe for pregnancy. At the GP again....

Pommes, dun worry abt your decision for IFC k. One thing I realized from 1st preg is that preg, motherhood n child rearing always got alot of diff views. People will always comment n some with strong views may bug u. Bit what is most impt is to find your own way, that suits u n your Hubby. As ling as u hv one another's support, others' views dun matter so much. Their ways needn't be your way. No one correct way bit just find the best way for yourself k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When I resigned to look after #1, also got people comment stuff like why so silly, give up my pay to be stay home mum, waste of degree, etc... Evn my mil who said can't help with my boy coz too taxing said it's a waste coz of the loss of my pay. But Hubby n me never regret our decision n looking at my boy now, I think that's one of our best choice in our marriage life [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kyra, try papaya/small banana/prune juice/yakult/yogurt drink? This shd helps n better than med laxatives... Think one of the mummy recommends a stool softener/fibre powder that was good but I can't rem the name. Hope it gets better for u soon!

Simbaobao, sorry for the delay. I couldn't find my disposable maternity panties stock (haha getting really bad memory) n only managed to find it in store today. The brand is called "Impression". I know can find in Bugis deptal store n saw it today at Metro Compasspt. Cost abt $5.50 per pack, metro hving discount now, $4+. One pack I can't rem 5/6 panties. Very soft, cotton like. Going stock up in another 2/3 mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hee very happy today, managed to clear out 3 vacuum bags of #1's clothes. Dug out all those 0-3 n 0-6 mths ones for Bb. N managed to pack nicely those 6 mths -2yrs clothes for easy retrieval in future. So satisfied with an afternoon's work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, any mummies here know how to get rid of yellowish stains on clothes? Realize quite a few pieces got stains now. Wondered if I soak them in Bb detergent n handwash later, would it help in getting rid if the stains? Else all cannot use liao, really wasted coz still so cute. The clothes were all nice n clean when packed, no stains, think developed over time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies! My #1 went to IFC since 2.5mths when I went back to work. But he didn't quite like the childcare at the same school so we sourced another place for him. His current Childcare dun have IFC so I've already put my name on waiting list back at his previous IFC for #2. Kiasu right haha. But at least I'm familiar w the teachers there so ok la. Hope can get space!

sung: aiyo.. so paiseh.. make u got to go find the label.. thank u so much.. i will go and check it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That's the no. 1 top line I keep hearing when people heard I'm sending my bb to IFC. "Go childcare, will get sick easily"

Hais... I'm not so fortunate to have parent's help and I also prefer MIL not to interfere too and not that she is willing to help too. Maid is out of question. How do leave a maid at home alone with a young infant? I think is more dangerous than putting my child in IFC.

so moody today. Think about the amount of work I have in office and the need to go back to work on weekends again, is making me very pek chey. Wanted to attend those baby talks/ seminars but never get to go.

Then the cleaning lady is getting more and more difficult with me. Becoming very inflexible in schedule. I need to source for another one soon. But where to find? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I tell myself not to get so stressed with work. Can do, do. Cannot do, then just don't force myself. At the most, no promotion, no gd bonus, no gd increment. I dun want the stress to affect my pregnancy, really need my baby to be borned of full term, healthy and strong and of a gd weight.

Hais... just want to rant it out today. guess the preggie hormones is getting into me. feel so emotional!

