(2011/09) Sep 2011

Pommes: Me too..actually yesterday and today on MC because of skin inflammation..my rashes got quite bad because I itch and scratch a lot. But boss ask me go back to work today. So frustrated because a lot of work to clear also. Sigh. 2 more weeks..must bear with it.


Had an irritating journey on the train today! Dun expect pple to give up their seats for pregnant ladies, but dun expect them to push n squeeze pregnant ladies too!!

Sorry mummies, just feel frustrated with all the inconsiderate people.

Drama...ordered to bedrest for the next 3 days..

story started on wednesday when i worked late and wen home and discovered blood clots during shower.

next day morning immediately wen to see gynae.

He did a check and he discovered a polyp and removed it instantly. Asked me to rest for the next few days as he saw an opening in the womb and risk of miscarriage is there..

hopefully the opening he saw was due to the polyp and everything will be fine!

so if you have spotting or bleed..cannot take it lightly..must run to gynae..

Jennifer: I have this problem when trying to get off the train..when people behind can't see my tummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning ladies!!

Gilera: Is your mil buddhist? Think buddhist people do lots of chanting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So long sa they don impose funny fu shui or smthg like that is fine.. Otherwise chantings are good. Helps to raise good vibrations in and for the whole family. So cute of you dog to join in ..He must enjoy it as they are super sensitive creatures who can sense the vibrations. naturally attracted .

Woofie: have a gd rest!! i'm certainly keepin an eye whenever i go toilet.

Ellysia: Bravo of you to ask!! I was just thinking if i ever got caught in such a situation, i may just kneel down on the floor or hold my stomach and drama a little :p

Sung : seems like u have done lots of packin! i still need to clear my backlog of paperwork(which i have no patience with) at home..need to file my taxes!! goin to be a crazy weekend.

Kyra : Drink tons of water!!!

Last night i did a silly thing..i started tapping my belly a little more than gentle to disturb bb..i said smthg like hello! wakie! something like that.i felt movements stirring the next sec. Hilarious! Hb felt it too and then gave me that glare like why i am disturbing his bb. Try it!!

Hi mummies, I have a brand new set of Ameda Dual Pump & Avent Single Electric to let go. They are still sealed in original packaging. PM me or call me at 83680846 if interested.

sorry this is out of context but...my poor darling dog need go for spay tomorrow. i very gan cheong for her...

hope 19th will arrive soon for check up and scan, i wanna see my BB!!! gynae's DHA fish pills are so ex $50+ per month, are the GNC ones good enough?


My hb and my boy was disturbing bb yest. My boy poke my bellybutton again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then after tat my stomach immediately tighten and i have to tell bb to relax.

Yah i was standing until aching all over, have to ask tat lady to give up seat to me. But v paisay bec' she was sleeping. Her neighbour who was pretending to sleep was too far for me to call her.

During #1 P, i also did tat before at 3rd trim by asking a guy to give up his seat to me.

Most of the time i put on tat pitiful looking. I realise actually those who give up seats are usu aunties or malay/Indian, rather than young Chinese ladies.

bunnz: yes..when u place ur hand on a particular part on the tummy..the baby seem to feel the warmth and react. fun rite!

gilera:understand ur gan cheongness for your dog. my neighbor has a dog too..really treat her like a daughter. i assume you'll b keeping your darling dog when your baby arrives..

Hey Gilera,

Spaying sld be quite safe..i spayed one of my dogs at 7 years old...my heart really pain thou...cos after the op...i can feel her in pain...she whines and her eyes are teary...BUT spaying is good for her...cos my the other dog develop pyometra (womb infection) after her heat and she nearly died..she was in the icu for a week which cost us a bomb...pyometra is pretty common when the dog gets older...so better to do it when they are still young...Thank God they're both well and jumping ard now..=)

Hey mummies - not sure if you all have checked the fb. I just called up Marche somerset - they have a function room for up to 60pax. No min charge or min headcount. They can reserve for us. The only thing is we have to start our party at 4pm which i think should be fine right? We can also stay as long as we want.

The lady, Kay needed 2 weeks advance notice of the # of pax, and the date and thats it!

Tks mummies! This morning feeling very emo, lol. Here we r trying to protect our tummy, then people r pushing n squeezing u. Just disapointed with their actions. Felt better after I alight from the train. Blame it on the hormones. Lolz.


Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



Natal Care Triplus (625mg) : Each box of 30 capsules at $28.00 (U.P. $32.10)





All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

P00h: Oh okie thanks! Hmm I was supposed to do my detailed scan at NUH but then my gynae said can also do at Mt A so I switched for convenience leh…maybe now have? Hhaa…then does it mean the health screening centre will give 15% discount for my detailed scan there too? =p How much does the card cost?

Bunnz: I also didn’t know haha. But I guess maybe not all have, but gynae told me not to take coz better to be safe than sorry I guess…but she was advocating bird’s nest which I was shocked coz I thought westernized doctors are not into this…=p

#2: Ohh…then does it mean that during confinement if we are BF, then we shouldn’t be taking herbs like danggui too? Does it have any negative effect?

Pommes: Yes now our greatest responsibility is to stay happy and provide the best environment for our little guest so work is always secondary! You jiayou and remember to relax and take deep breaths whenever the going gets tough yea!

Ellysia - how u ask. sometimes i act damn preggie n rub tummy but still they remain seated

bunnz - some kinda buddhist - everything can eat and do but need spend time chant. my poor dog was forced to join her , looking at me for help and whining. all is good with her except this issue very persistant and annoying to us.

FIL is loud , chinese-ed, and witnessed how he offered cig box to relative children saying its SWEETS...

so how much can you stomach should they do the same to your kids. moreover its not my place to tell them off directly.


its like tat.. i almost cried when i ask tat lady to give up seat to me.. sudd v emo and tinking me v pitiful.. lol

woofie - was in huge dilema over keeping dog. very tiring to pick up after her and still need wake early on weekends due her whining at 7am everyday but cant bear to part with her.

HB was concerned over BB health and wanted to give her up but as time draws nearer for BB arrival and less time remaining for seeking new owner, HB nv mention again.

sometimes he see dog owners he say wanna ask them if want our dog. what makes you think they need 2 dogs?

thats why if have maid will conquer all these dog, IFC , MIL issues. it fits all solutions. of course maid and BB will be sent to my dad place (nearby) when i return to work.

HB was against maid idea saying theres no need but when i showed him IFC fees, he said maid is that price and his colleague also advise him that maid would suit our situation.

why he dun listen in first place.

Bisforbb : the mt A card shd be $68 now. Still see the price on the website. yeah health screening also has discount.

If i have to ask..it has to be i'm almost ready to black out .

Woofie : yeah def fun for me.. but hb thinks otherwise. even so scared to rest his hand on my tummy.

anyone where gg to the mums and babes warehouse sales @ toh guan???

bunnz: haha ur hb scare to place his hand on ur tummy? my hb will lay on my tummy to tok to bby every night.. they have their pte session daily if he is @ home.


Just ask lor. "Can i have this seat please, very tired standing". 2nd part is optional and you can throw in if u see tat person a bit reluctant. Pick a friendly person, dun pick those uncle v fierce type. Best is to pick tat seat with the sign on top so they cannot argue.


Maid also has maid issue.

anyway fyi, my colleague oso has dog and bb. But she let her dog stay at different house by keeping it at her parents house/in-law house alternatively so tat it doesn't disturb bb. Cos her dog will play with her bb toys (tinking tat it is dog's toys), scratch bb etc.

b.isforbb: the usual price of the card is $98, now promo $68.. health screening packages also applies to ur hubby, parents and in-laws..

bunnz: yes yes.. my hubby is same!!! he is so scared to rest his hands on my tummy.. but got once, he felt bb's kick when i ask him to rest on my tummy.. he say feeling is yucks!!! hahahaha

simbaobao: i wish my hubby can talk to bb lor..

Ellysia - LOL will try if one day very confident and tired. sekali they reject and then very paisay etc. we should try those fierce type, more challenging. at most just break down and cry lor.

sad thing is, this should be a gracious and automatic act. not only those seats with the signage.

esp students / youngsters so glued to games / music... oblivious to others ard.

bunnz & p00h

my HB also dare not touch, why ah. as if thier hand so powerful can detroy BB. he also nag at me when i "piak" my tummy, he said "piak" too hard. eh refers to the app that ears have not function so he reasoned that sing to BB also cannot hear yet.

other night he in mood to sing and sung WE ARE SINGAPORE to BB. he was very into it and started to wave my hands. OMG la. i thik he is doing his best to annoy me.

pooh: hehehe try to ask him to do so.. last time hb tink i am mad.. alrdy mumble to baby.. after he accompany to all the check up.. seeing how baby growing.. he started toking to baby too.. haha very amazing feeling.. baby always respond to him...

Big hello everyone! Feel better today! Must be the preggie hormones that made me so emo yesterday. But had a giddy spell this morning, not sure if is due to poor sleep last nite or din manage to eat my breakfast in time.

Is Friday Friday!! I am determined to leave my office sharp on the dot.. hee hee. Going for the OG baby fair. Hope it won't be like the Metro fair.

simbaobao - hubby went to rakee for me yesterday. initially wanted to buy the Mendela mini electric pump, limited to 10pcs at $19.90. He reached there at 9.12am but already all taken up. He walked around and said that the warehouse sales is small, nothing much.

bunnz + pooh - how many weeks are you in now? I'm at week 18 today but I don't feel anything at all, not even when I shake my tummy or poke my belly. Hubby is reading bedtime stories for bb everyday now but no response leh.

simbaobao: hubby also accompany me to all checkups. his thinking is bb dunno who is he :S

pommes: i'm in my 20 wks.. i felt bb movement at wk18.. initial is some weird light movement in tummy.. now can feel his kicks, esp i lie on bed

pooh, where did you see on Mt A website that the Mt A card is $68? I tried to search on the website but the application form indicates as $98.

bunnz, that's nice.. your baby is so interactive! my hb tried to poke and tap but bb never respond to him at all.. i tend to feel the fluttery movements during meals when i'm sitting down.

gilera, so is your hubby now more open to get a maid instead? sometimes men are like that, they only listen when others (except the wives) tell them..

so glad today is fri. so deadbeat. received a sad news yest. hb's granny passed away suddenly and now everyone is busy with preparations for the wake. FIL called and tell me not to attend but i feel like abit unfilial not to go but yet scared about pantang. dilemma! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mareike: i went for the tour in Mt A, and the lady told me.. Since FIL ask u not to attend, better listen. cos i am told we shld avoid going to funerals.. condolence to u and ur hubby's family

Pommes: WOW so early and all taken up.. -_-" like dat i better dun make hb go down OR he will murder me..

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] is it me??? my MS seem to be lingering on the fence again...

Mareike: dun feel bad.. my hb granny oso passed away in feb.. i didn't attend too..

I rather be safe den to be sorry.. even if its own family... who can assure nothing will goes wrong.. and who to take the blame IF something bad happened.

RE: Dogs

It is possible for dogs and babies to get along well.

1. Train your dog well. Bring your dog to meet children more often so that your dog is familiar with kids.

2. Set up a 'safety zone'. No choice, have to limit the dog's activity area for a while until baby is older. Mine is kept in the kitchen. Only get to come out when hubby is home.

3. Maintain good hygiene. I would recommend that you invest in a good vacuum cleaner which is easy to use on daily basis. Best if it's those using water system as filter.

4. Brainwash your dog too! Keep telling your dog that there's gonna be a new addition to the family. Remind your dog that you will still love it no matter what. But must be patient initially when everyone is busy with baby.

5. After delivery, bring an item with baby's smell home first. Let your dog get used to the smell.

6. NEVER LEAVE BABY & DOG ALONE UNATTENDED. No matter how 'mild' or well trained the dog is, nvr allow them to be alone in the same space unattended. Even for small breeds.

Mine is a big mongrel and my boy nvr had problems with her. In fact, my boy can bring her for walks (hold her lease) and she won't tug or run off cos she knows he will fall.

Gilera, so now his colleague also tell him maid is a solution to his problems?? I agree that maids also got problems, but if you find a good one (and close 1 eye on certain things), it can be a real blessing!!

Choose Indon, ex-Msia (preferably for large family with cars & dogs), ard late twenties, preferably married with kids. Best if parents already pass away or are not too old.

Based on my experience with maids my entire life (looked after by maid since I was born), the above criteria will have higher chance of getting good maid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

&, MONEY IS SECONDARY. If the maid is no good, CHANGE! Don't wait, don't give 'chance'. Don't worry about having to pay extra for this & that. Once you find a good maid, you'll be so glad that you paid to chase the bad ones away!

Also, since you need not leave the maid alone at home for long hours (can bring over to FIL's place), then maid is worth considering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simbaobao - u r eyeing on the breast pumps? That's the daily offer. Everyday has different offers so check out properly before rushing down.

Pommes: not really i am still deciding on avent or medala... plus the hot weather.. haha i dun tink HB will wan to go down to Q before the opening time too..

Forgot to mention (related to breastpumps):

If you have large nipples (sorry if too direct), you will need to buy a different funnel (bigger one) so that your nipples won't keep rubbing and feel sore. Just for you to take note in case you wonder why the pump gives you sore nipples :p

So before you decide on which brand, also check out if it's easy to purchase the larger size funnels & other spare parts. I know for Avent just go to Philips at TPY. For Medela I know they sell but not too sure where.

Pommes : I am in 17weeks now. Current Edd is 20/9 But i started to feel movements very early..waiting for the super kicks now hahaha but my bb is mild as of date.

Mb nudge your stomach more ?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Even if i so call try to stretch/bend forward a little in front of hb, it's too much for hb already. When outside he'll remind me not to sit too close to the table in case i squash bb. omg! if he comes to yoga classes w me,he'll faint within 10mins !

Mareike : sorry to hear about your hb's granny. My own grandpa passed away last week and i was not allowed to go as well. My fren even checked with a master abt it. same answer. not even on the last day just to pay respects.

She'll understand and you still can pay respects to her in your thoughts .

simbaobao : what warehouse in toh guan? i have no idea about. your hb is so interactive with bb. Cool! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mareike : hte application says $98 but website says $68. I'm goin to just send chq for $68 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnz: mums and babes is having warehouse sales till sunday. Not sure what is available but my gf went down.. she said alots of things r sold out early in the morning..

yeap my hb is super buddy with baby now... both of them had their pte time and i felt so jealous.. haha they have their sweet whisper when i got to guai guai lie there to let them chat with each other.

oic. thanks simbaobao then i shant bother going down. wait for the next few fairs. not in the mood for shopping also. so hot!!

wow so close ah.

Simbaobao, good that hubby is talking to bb cos they will recognise voice one.

My #1 will be soothed easily without carrying him once he hears my hubby's voice cos I made my hubby read a story every night when I was preggie.

with #2 now, my boy is the one who likes to read to baby every night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

