(2011/09) Sep 2011

Calcium binds with iron and prevents the absorption of iron. Not recommended to take calcium rich food like milk with iron supplements cos it defeats the purpose of taking the supplement.

Good to have +/- 2 hour interval between milk/calcium products & iron supplements (usually in prenatal vits).

Thanks #2, thats right.

I remembered milk cannot combine with iron pill. But i wasnt aware even milo also cannot. i just called up the gynae and she said better to avoid.. i am now so sad.. very worried that all these while, my iron pill didnt get absorb into body.. wonder what will happen to bby then..

Although this is my 2nd bb, I have been really careless. So angry with myself now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow, I didn't know that..In any case, I finished my iron pills yesterday so I have 3 days of iron-less days until I see my gynae on Friday.

@Sashimi: Don't worry too much.

I'm also trying to keep my cool in office, some things are making me irritable but I know it's more damaging to baby.

Congrats Pommes! So exciting! And you can start doing massive shopping soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kylekyra, as for letters for travelling, my gynae says there's no need until a much later stage (or if your stomach is very big and prominent). I have travelled 3-4 trips since i became preggers, all around APAC, and it's been pretty easy so no worries!

I went to the gynae yesterday and doc asked if i wanted to know the gender and i said YES PLS! he zoomed in to the thigh area and said, nothing is sticking out so i assume it's a girl! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to all mummies who have found out gender hehe. Mine's coming up this sat. For #1, we didn't find out till bb was born. Told doc we keep it as surprise. This round hubby says he wants to know if I don't! I was like huh.. If u know then I will wanna know la. He say if I insist he don't mind asking doc in private haha. Sheesh. So anyway will c if bb is cooperative this sat. Altho detailed scan next month should be more definite la.

@rumi: I'm also always hungry but I just eat. I do feel that my overall build is becoming bigger rather than the usual fat. My legs and arms and face still look the same. The main changes are with the shoulders, waist and of cos, belly.

But I can't stop myself also, I can eat up to 2 servings for dinner and shock my hb cos I used to be a smaller eater. So far, my weight gain from preg to date has only been <1kg.

Next week is my 4th month so I do think my eating habits are okay. Haha. Maybe all really go to baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rumi: Im always hungry too! and have huge appetite. I have put on 1KG as well. and usually one to two hrs after a meal i need to munch on something again. I guess its normal!

Hi Mummies.. Thank you for your concern! The cramps have subsided (for now I guess). Maybe I'm thinking too much. Guess it could be the stretching of uterus like what some of you mentioned? Fever has subsided now but the runny nose and cough are back with a vengeance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Mummies please take care if yourselves!

Many of you seem to be taking iron n calcium pills. All given by your doc? Or taken on ur own? I m only prenatal pills though. Finishing the last of my folic..

I'm definitely been eating more since the day I knew I was pregnant. Not afraid of getting fat though. Just focused on keeping healthy n energetic.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnz: Same here. I'm finishing the last of my Prenavit and Folic Acid..wondering why not starting on iron/calcium/dha pills..

Thanks for ur info, Christine.

bunnz & koume: I'm still on folic acid. Asked gynae yest whether I need other sup and she said no.

Hi Mommies,

I'm from July 2011 thread. I have a Brand New in box unopened bottle sterilizer.

BRAND: LUCKY BABY "Jazzy 6 Bottles Steam Sterilizer"

MODEL#: 602942

Features included:

*Suitable for all types of Milk Bottles

*Fits 6 Wide/Standard Neck Milk Bottles

*Shuts off automatically

*Light Indicator clearly sttes heating status GS/TUV & CE approved

*Strelize thoroughly to prevent bacteria from building up

Letting go for $50. Please PM me if you're keen. Thanks


can I ask if it is common to have back pain at 15 weeks +? Last night, I suddenly start to feel the right side of my back (near waist) aching and with poking pain. til now, the pain is on and off. is this common? i know backache is common but not so sure about the pain. anyone can advise me? also, is it safe to use heat pad to help to ease the pain?

Hi Mareike, I'm tossing and turning in bed now because of back pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I wonder can I put salon pas..

Hi mummies, din log in for a few days. Dun know y but my #1's been extremely clingy these few days. Everything wants mummy do for him or only mummy play with him else cry n cry. Abit frustrated but also feels bad for him coz he also has not been sleeping well, wakes up crying in his sleep unless I stay with him. Wonders if this is a phrase n hoping very much so!!

Now he's tossing n turning like cannot sleep well, half lying on top of me (his fav position since young is to drap his legs or arms over my body while he snoozes, like making sure mummy is lying besides him ;P)N I can't sleep since waking up to pee 2+. Considering to "remove" him from my body so I can sneak out for some food, am feeling hungry after lying awake so long.

Haha hee self talking to myself here, paiseh mummies. Juz kinda Bo Liao when cannot sleep at night n no one to talk to so pop by the forum hee hee :p

Hope all u mummies hv been keeping well!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take care, weatger's really hot these few days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sung : mb it s just one of those days.. children hv their moods also . Haha I m early bird today as well. Woke up at 4am to do both big andsmall biz. Just didn't log in la . Did meditation n went for 6 am yoga. if not, I ll start disturbing my hb ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feeling really gd these days and hv not

woke up in the middle of the night for a while already.

Btw what s the triple test for? Dun think dr ask me to do..

Good morning mummies,

Gosh! The weather is v hot these days! Used to feel cold so no air con, no fan when we sleep... Jus the natural air when we open the windows n it's more than enough... But last nite was so hot (not warm!) that we switched on the air con... Once the timer is up, the whole room gets hot again... Scary weather... ;(

yeah jennifer...the weather a bit crazy recently...yesterday i was taking an afternoon nap with juz the fan on...i guess it was so hot that i started dreaming that i was skiing!!haha...but dun remember seeing any snow in my dream ..

Yating i am dropping alot of hair, think my case is because my hormone is all hay wire cos after the last child birth now i suppose to be still dropping hair one, but get pregnant again so my body is hay wire, i drop alot alot of hair now

Buunz: Typically 1st trimester only need folic acid. Iron, calcium or Fish oil will kicks in from 2nd trimester onwards.

For my 1st p, gynae only prescribe Iron pill. Towards the end of 2nd trim then she gave me fish oil. She is very reluctant to give fish and calcium as she preferred for me to take more fish and drink 2 glasses of milk every day. But because I am not eating fish alot or drink alot of milk hence she has no choice but to prescribe these to me.

For this 2nd p, during the initial bloodtest (from 1st visit), i think my blood count was low so she prescribe iron pill. For this preggy, i hated fish and milk so wil most prob get the vits frmo gynae next mth when i get to see her.

Koume: I wont suggest salon pas. I remembered reading from some of these medicated plaster and found a statement that says something along the line of "use at your own risk during pregnancy". CAnnot remember the exact word but when i google, it basically mean there is some minimal risk so i always play safe and avoid it. You can use heat pad to relieve pain or maybe go for prenatal massage. Make sure you find 1 that is reliable.

Hi kelly & koume, so it is common to start feeling back pain at the beg of tri 2? I was worried if something is wrong with me.

Koume, cannot use salon pas! I juz called gynae and asked. He said ok to use heat pad thou.. Maybe you wana try heat pad?

Ya, the weather is really very hot now. Must drink more water and take more fruits to prevent being heaty!

My gynae gave me iron pill, calcium pill and fish oil to start in 2nd tri. Coz I got problem taking milk and fish. But he did not say should continue folic acid or not so I just take.

Now waiting to see GP. Yest start to have 'red' patches on my thighs n bum n don't look like rashes. Hb was worried and insist I should go and see GP. Hope it is nothing serious.

i got a qnz...for those mummy who went for nature birth without epi... when the doc do the cut and stitch.. do they put injection to let us feel numb????

ytd HB suddenly asked me, do i wan c sect or try nature.. i stare @ him.. speechless...

he said alrdy not much hair.. wait i pull his hair den.. cham.. botak liao..haha

thanks ILove Sashimi.

I also dont drink milk and mil was concerned.She asked my dr whet i wld get enough calcium. Luckily he told her it's ok as some mothers wld get allergies from milk and stuff. Also sugggested calcium tablets .

#2 : How's yopur nose bleeding? chanced upon an article just now saying it's normal and it's due to the increased blood supply.

Bunnz, a little better after hubby got the humidifier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but this morning still got some small strands of blood in my mucus...

Ladies! I'm starting to feel worry now. I think we all experience similar muscle pulling n stretching around the abdominal area which is a sign of uterus expanding .

Last night when I was getting up to visit the Loo, I felt a 1 sec pain in my abdominal which is more intense !! I was shock for that sec. It felt like a sharp pull. Is it normal? My hubby asked me to visit my gynae. N I tried calling my gynae but his clinic is close today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i'm in my 15 weeks comin to 16..and gynae didnt prescribe any fish oil/iron pills/calcium pills

shd be ok right?

But i did show him my own fish oil and he said it's ok to eat.

no aches of any kind whatsoever at the moment, except for feelin more movements in tummy and tummy is getting harder! esp after meals..tummy feels so tight!

not even sure whether i'm droppin more hair. :/ as hair wld usually drop when i wash hair

igop: I also felt that sensational pain.. but if it is not frequent i think its okay. I also feel the tugging feeling (tightness) when i wake up in the middle of the nite to the loo. I feel extreme tightness after every meal. do u mummies have that too?

Bunnz & Koume: I’m taking a lot of supplements. Guess gynae is the kiasu kind. Everytime I ask if I can take less, she’ll say ‘depends on you, but it’s all for your baby’s sake…’ Like that how to say no?! Anyway, I’m taking the following:

- Multivits

- Calcium

- Folic Acid

- Iron (coz my haem levels are slliiiiiightly low)


- Vitamin C (to aid iron absorption and boost immunity)

The former 3 I’m supposed to take all through the pregnancy. Don’t understand why need to continue folic though but since it’s small and easy to swallow, just go ahead lah. =p

Koume: Don’t use salonpas! The pharmacist told me that some like Salonpas uses Salicylate as an ingredient that is not suitable for use in pregnancy. Use those with natural ingredients instead…I use one that has capsicum oil or sth haha…from Watsons…

Igop : u can observe a while more. did u get up up very quickly or sudden pressure when u get up?

I do hv all the pulling and have cramp like feeling but not pain.just secs here and there.

I cant squat fully for more than a few secs these days cos i wld get intense feeling in abds area. and there was once i got up quickly i felt the intense "cramp" .

@yating occasionally I get that sensational pain. But last night that 1 sec pain caught me by surprise . Have u experience a more intense 1 sec pain ?

@bunnz though the supplements are recommended, my gynae was worried that I will puke them out so he ask me to take when I feel better. But I still bought the vitamins from him n I take when I feel alright . It's really difficult to stomach the big pills at 1 go ...

yating : i do have the tightness. that it feels like it's goin to explode any time.. haha

bisforbb : oic. i'm only prescribed prenatal vits . no more folic. just taking my own wolfberry juice and fish oil on the side

yating : u are frightenin me abt the hair :p

let's see whether the gynae will reco me any supplements next visit..but it's end april . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

i better supplement more on my own as and when i see fit with foods and supplements

@bunnz yes, yst I was a bit chor lor when getting up. Til now, everything seems normal. Did u ask abt the triple blood test too? My gynae gave me an option to take Either standard or that triple blood test. It's to check for down syndrome n other abnormalities .

#2 : oh yeah u reminded me. I also have some streaks of blood in my muscus last week. I thought i was blowing my nose too hard after the fateful yogurt night .hehe

Igop: i had it few days ago.. was much longer.. piercing pain. twice when i went to the toilet. Was quite worried. i was wondering if it is due to too much wind in the tummy.

Bunnz: YA! so uncomfortable if u are moving ard.. so TIGHT. hahaha.. but ironically, i like it too so it makes ur tummy looks bigger n rounder. hahaha..

igop : i thought DS is separate test from triple blood? confused now. opps there's only 2 main tests..one for the DS and one detailed scanning right?

yes yating..esp sittin down and getting up fr the bed and those low chairs with the tight tummy. took it for granted last time.


b.isforbb, what Vit C pills are you taking? Any specific brand? My immunity has been really low and i think i lack of vit c. thanks!

