(2011/09) Sep 2011

Hi Christine: Is Amore massage good? Anyway, ppl tell me not to go for prenatal massage too early.. better late 2nd trim. Which outlet would you go?

Ya: In my 1-2 months, i was feeling cold most of the times and my hubby and I tot I was sick, maybe down with fever so feeling cold.. haha..


sashimi: i like it a lot.. haha... coz can slp.. wahaha.. oh. i only attend the prenatal massage in the late of 4th month or early 5th month.

i go to woodlands branch de.

thanks ladies for hearing me out... yeah, i know, boy or girl, i will still love. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yah, it can be irritating when people try to force an answer out of you... boy or girl blah blah blah

I love sashimi too .. actually greedy me has been taking salmon sashimi. i take everything under the sun except for pineapples.

as for the heat, it has been really like a pressure cooker, hot, humid, still air

SJ dear, I feel the same way as u, I am dying for a bb gal! My #1 is a boy and I know I won't have a #3. So I really wish for a gal. Yest I went kiddy palace and was drooling over the baby gal stuff. Last gynae check I saw something in between the legs v clearly, but I am still laboring thoughts that I see wrongly. Even had the crazy idea that if I buy a piece of gal's clothing and keep in under my pillow maybe it'll turn out to be a gal after all :p all the best for ur check up tonight!


I ate quite frequently when I was expecting #1, he turned out ok. So now for #2 I ate freely, I think that's bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but I can't control leh, mouth itchy.

Bunnz - That's really an amazing story! I had very sore breasts in the beginning and was often feeling warm. But after W10 or so, no more symptoms at all. In fact, I started to feel cold very often. Yes, have also read some cases in newspaper which are similar, esp teenage mothers who went unnoticed for the whole 9-10 months.

dongle - Haha! Yah, I'm trying to console myself that I wont have that much of weight to lose post-pregnancy. But just abit jittery cos havent seen gynae for awhile, not sure how's the progress. And in office or in this thread, mothers who are due in Sept are mostly showing or feeling baby's movements already. I dont dare to anyhow try medication cos apparently my body cannot take too heaty/liang stuff. But this common cold which developed into a nasty cough should be heaty one. Last week, I coughed out phelgm which had blood traces. This week, I sneezed and mucus from runny nose also had blood traces....

SJ - I wish for a girl for similar reasons as you! Keke! And as I grow up, I think I appreciate the relationship with my mum alot more, although I was much more a daddy's girl during childhood. So it's quite heartening if I have a daughter whom I can share my times with. But for my case, this is #1 and I'm only thinking about 1 kid now, so boy or girl also nevermind. Only hoping no pressure from family after that, regardless of the gender.

In my first P, i can't feel the movements until later part of 2nd trimester, think around 6 months onwards. This time round, i can feel when bb shift position from one side to the other side. Read on the website that mummies having 2nd Pregnancy onwards tend to feel the movements easier as they can differentiate wat is wind and wat is bb movements.

Actually when come to 3rd trim, i am always wake up by bb kicking at midnight and loss of sleep. as my boy now sleeps with me, he always rely on me when he wake up in the middle of night to comfort him. So i woke up by him if he had a bad sleep during the night. Make me so tired. I guess sooner or later i have to persuade him to sleep elsewhere cos i really cannot tahan handling him and bb in the middle of night.

Hello Ladies,

How is everyone doing? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This week I feel more human even thou I puke everyday.... Not so moody and don't feel so sick...

LIkewise, everyone is hoping that I will get a boy this time round knowing I have 2 gals already. I told them what matters most is the bb's health... This will shut them up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies, I think I know why I feel warm. I may have gotten the flu bug! Feeling feverish and when I cough, my head hurts. Either runny nose/blocked nose. I'm not even doing anything vigorous! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Can feel my heart beating very fast also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Going to see doctor later..

How's everyone's day??

I've just added 1 more stressor to my stress list: I'm writing assessment books for publisher and he needs my full manuscript by MAY.... -_-"

No choice, need to build up more savings before baby arrives cos will definitely lose income during maternity leave...

I LoveSashimi: I'm one week ahead of you!.. I hope i get to know the gender in 2 wks time.

I agree.. Best part of pregnancy is to be able to feel the movement from the bb. This is my first P. Excited to feel it!

Hi all, I'm back after a 3 day hiatus.

Was away at Universal Studios on Sat celebrating my bro's 21st birthday. It was fun although I couldnt go on 90% of the rides. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thankful that the weather held up.

Super busy today cos going on leave end of this week for a short holiday. Gotta rush my work out no matter what. It's gonna be worth it.

My belly kinda ballooned since last Friday. From barely there to almost there. People have been asking, it's been pointless to hide or conceal anymore. Has anyone experienced this sort of 'surge'?

The surge comes with its occasional crampy and aching feeling. I hope its normal.

@Chine: Congrats on knowing the gender! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Time to start shopping!

@koume: Take care, I really think you should consider taking an extended break from work to rest.

@ SJ and Pommes: Hope to hear about your good news soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have not been feeling warm, in fact have been feeling cold since start of pregnancy. I dress like a polar bear at night when I sleep. Haha

Gynae appointment this Friday before the holiday. As usual, I hope all goes well.

Ok, gotta get back to work. Have a good evening everyone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi christine, can the standard Amore packages be used for prenatal massage? I still have package with them but I haven't gone back since I found out I'm pregnant.

Regretted cleaning a mold-infested incubator without wearing mask today (I work in a laboratory). After tt I had stuffy nose and now I'm coughing. Din realise it could be so serious.

Yating - isn't it exciting that in 2 wks time u would know? :D

Food: for my 1st p I was eating very well and my gal came out to be pretty good size. Now the 2nd one I've been eating junk food and fast food. Felt very guilty. Worried baby may not be good size or unhealthy. Haiz.

Asura: dropped you a PM

mummies, someone was mentioning about lack of something if get calf cramps right? i used to get calf cramps in the middle of the night during my 1st preg.. this time round have yet to experience but today started to feel like left calf muscle feels tight.. like the cramps are starting kind of feeling.. it's lack of what huh.. can someone refresh my memory please..


how's everyone? hope all are well...

i went to Taka bb fair yesterday. Biggest mistake! start to feel cramps near V and cervix area from last night til today. went to see gynae in the afternoon and gynae worry is womb contracting and forbid to do any more shopping from now on. feel so scared and worried now. now will be on bedrest for 1 week and hopefully by tomorrow no more cramps. otherwise, the condition will be very worrying according to gynae. please pray hard for me... sob sob...

my stomach also quite big now, like 4-5 months but gynae says it is more of bloatedness coz womb has not start to shift upwards yet.. so basically is fats i think..

i was scared of cold in 1st tri. Now that weather has become more hot n humid, i start to sweat easily again. think is more of weather, not really hot flushes... i start to have bad constipation too, been eating tons of fruits and veg but still badly constipated.

kinda worried since i came back from bintan.. duno isit i overexerted myself there or wat.. b4 i went, i tot i started to feel some movements in tummy. now it's like totally no feeling leh.. appt got postponed to this sat instead of last sat coz i was away so gotta wait one more week to see doc and hear if bb is ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i felt so guilty last night coz of how relaxed i've been in this 2nd preg.. eat and drink like nobody's biz.. and haven't been drinking my mamil milk like i did during 1st preg... i avoided tea of all forms (incl bubble tea etc) and was so careful to avoid all cold stuff till i was in my last tri then i did relax and take a bit.. this round is like i jus take everything as per normal (except sashimi and my loved half boil eggs) although something at the back of my mind keeps nagging me to watch my diet..haiz...

speaking of feeling cold, mum told me there's an old wives' tale that if during beginning of preg you start to feel cold easily, means most likely carrying a boy hahaha.. how true i also duno.. just something to share.. maybe after mummies know the gender can see if it's true la!

Yesterday went for the routine check-up and gynae went through the OSCAR result. For DS, the ratio was 1:331 ... my wife now uncertain whether should she go for the amnio test??

@jenn i also have water bubbles at my fingers .. We have excessive saliva, vomiting til now n now water bubbles...

Talking about junk food, I have craving for cheezels n I can finish 1 big packet at 1 go. But Bb doesn't like potato chips , always make me puke Like mad ...

Mareike - take care and don't worry too much. Hope everything turn out well.

Hi bananarita - what did ur Gynae says? Usually they will advise. Actually 1:331 isn't considered as high risk right? Amnio has risk of miscarriage although the risk is really slow but still need to consider carefully.

Go bananarita : what did ur gynae suggest? I thought more than 300 shd be fine.. Unless u want more peace of mind.

Gina : yes my tummy simply exploded out over the weekend. Everything felt tight. Suddenly tummy is so firm n today for first time cld feel movements so much longer!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just had my gynae visit. 15wks plus!! So quick! 9.2 cm

90% princess but told not to do any shopping yet. Hb was overjoyed n mil can't believe totally as she prefers s boy . Haha . Has results for ds test . Was ok.

Choco15:be positive !! Perhaps bb Tired. I didn't feel anything for z while too.

Mareike : god bless! Rest well!!

#2 : wow u r really chionging . I only focus on maintainin n improving my energy level physically n mentally. also too many extra activities coming up other than teaching.

morning ...

koume and Mareike: Take care and rest well..

Last night check up. Gynae scan ... Looks like it's a boy! Well, we are happy la, but knowing how much i was looking forward to a princess, my gyane ask me to try again the next round .. But my husband immediately reply "factory stop production lo" We are still very thrilled to see the fiesty little one wave and throw punches in the air, bouncing like an energizer bunny (unlike his kor kor who was always snoozing during his scans). Immediately, our heart went all out for this little one .. Praise God.

As for the spotting that went on for the past 3 weeks, Dr says could be a low lying placenta. She said normally they will shift up by the 4-6th month. So need to monitor. Advised lots of rest and to stop the Duphaston. Folic acid also can stop liao, moving on to fish oil, calcium pills and iron pills.

In all, everything is well, next visit will be the detailed scan liao.

chocolate15: you are not alone. I am eating everything under the sun (except for half cooked eggs (i took a few gooey sunny side up though :p) and pineapples) I do feel guilty after the binge but i feel happy at the same time too. I always worry about my sugar level and exploding weight.

Gina: yeah, my tummy also popped out all of a sudden. And one friend actually came up to ask me about the sudden weight gain. Time to get my maternity clothes back from my friend liao.

@SJ: Happy for you! I'm sure kor kor will be excited to have company soon.

@bananarita: I think it depends on how much the results mean to you. If you are going to keep the baby regardless, no point going for further tests since amniotic does pose certain risks. And 331 is not low, it's actually a good indication. My friend who had 1:82 also gave birth to a lovely child. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Even if the results are 1:10,000. There is still a risk of DS. That's what I feel.

wow wow... early morning wake up with good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnz / SJ - congrats!

I'm going for gynae appt later. Hope baby will not keep us in suspense [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Janice: i rmb the consultant told mi if i cannot finish my prenatal massage, i can use it for normal massage after i have given birth... but i'm not quite sure if the other way is possible. i think if possible, might have to top up a bit for the price differences if prenatal is more expensive than the standard Amore massage...

Re: Postnatal Massage

Mummies ar.... any suggestion to this?

Morning mummies!

I woke up with bleeding nose past 2 days cos the aircon is too dry... Hubby bought an air humidifier last night and this morning, only 1 side of my nose was bleeding (improvement from both sides bleeding)...

gina, no shopping la. will be recycling all the girls clothes from no.1 kekee.. will save the $ to invest in a gd pump instead.


Got ur PM, thanks!

Me too can feel the beginning of leg cramps.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My legs feeling stretched and tight at nite. Sign.

Can mummies who have gone for the triple blood testing advice if we need to fast before the test? I'm going for mine this Fri and it's late afternoon so want to be sure otherwise I may have just finished my afternoon tea before driving down. Haha

Thanks in advance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2 - Did you have a history of nose bleed?

Daddysbao: yes! These few nights are reaaaallly hot. Actually it’s more like the whole day. So warm till I’m losing my appetite and patience already haha…

Koume: Still vomiting? Remember not to get too stressed and take care of yourself at work! And the flu bug is very rampant! Horrible for us mummies to get it since cannot medicate too much…do take lotsa care and take lotsa vitamin C yea?

SJ: Haha I’m the same as you! Guess we all want a girl to doll up and buy lotsa pretty clothes etc…=p Have wanted a girl all along but somehow, since the start of this pregnancy my instincts have already told me baby is a boy. Well, it better be that way coz now I’ve conditioned myself for the whole pregnancy till date that boys are cute! And now I like the idea of a baby boy better! Anyhow, happy and healthy baby still the best gift! =) And congrats on your precious boy! =)

Chocolate15: It could be due to a lack of potassium. Try to take more bananas (the small kind) as they are a natural source of potassium! Natural mood lifter too! =p

BTW do we know which mummy is maintaining the list of all mummies details? CAn share the list please?

Wanted to know which mummies are seeing the same gynae as me and/or living near me.. can arrange for playgroup next time.. keke..also the due dates of bbs as well etc..

Tis week has Robinsons sale for members, 20%+20%

Tinking to buy some stuff but hb said too early to buy and no space to store.

it may be movements due to wind and may not be movements from bb.. i still tink its too early to feel at this stage.

hellooo all...

thanks for the concerns and encouragement. my cramps is slightly less intense now and the frequency reduced. hopefully will be gone 100% by tonight. took gynae's medicine to relax the womb but the side effects are not good. heartbeat become much faster and trembling hands. already pre-warned by gynae this will happen. now thinking if i should bring forward my gynae appt coz it will only be on 21st Apr which seems so far away plus feeling worried.

@ bananarita, since the cut off mark is 1:300, should be not much issue. what did your gynae suggest your wife to do?

pommes, hope you will see the gender of your bb later! so exciting.

bunnz & SJ, congrats on finding out the gender. so exciting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

igop, i also love tidbits. i can eat nonstop chezels and potato chips and fries. but hubby limit my intake coz too unhealthy. hahaha..

Hi Ellysia - do you know when the sale starting? I love robinson sale - always stock up alot cos my stomach usually by mid- end 2nd trimester will be very big, making movements difficult.

Hello Hello everybody! I'm back from gynae visit.

My update

Today in the gynae's room more laughters and the mood is lighter. Feel that gynae has warmed up to us, and so do we (especially my hubby). Baby is growing very well and we got to hear little bb's heartbeat. Wow..sounds like outerspace.. "bob bob"... like that... haha

Measure bb's head diameter and circumference and abdominal's circumference and bb's little thigh bone. Gynae mentioned now in 15 weeks, no longer measured the top to bottom length. baby is very active too...

And finally.... the moment we are all waiting for... little baby is a BOY! .. Happy.. happy... but then girl or boy, we are also happy. So as promised to baby, we bought baby present. Got him a new set of clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, also got back from OSCAR result after one month. 1:8093 Thank God everything is well. Next visit is one month later... hope little baby will grow more and be healthy and happy.

Now looking forward to his little kicks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sashimi - POOH is keeping the list. Have you listed down your details? She can update the list when she logs in.

mareike - oh dear! Think you should see gynae soon. Have more rest.

