(2011/07) July 2011

feimei> actually I let the nurse shave me when I deliver #1. it is clean enough for the first month even period come.. in fact.. i found the period is not much heavier than usual.. still quite normal

Yes, it is true that the hair get tougher when they first grown.. but it does take a while to grow.. for me.. I itchy hand, I plug them out when they reach about half cm long.. haha.. then the fine hair will grow again.. but plugging is a bit painful though.. hehe..

I possibly let them shave again this time but I don't intend to shave continuously after deliver.

chujie> ya...plugging will not cos re-grow hair to be rough n pricky....hahahhaa....i plug my under arm before....shi tong de lol....hahahhaa...but i used to the pain when i plug my eyebrow....hv not try plugging below part...i oso hv been shaving becos can't stand the pricking hair...of cos now cannot see...jus hv to 'feel' it lol...hahahaha...nurse will shave for u ahh??? so good meh???

feimei > think will go try spa haven. been procrastinating for sometime.. just that don't know where to go beside 'Strip'. heard they do lots of hardsell of products, additional services and packages. >.< hate that.

ixoral > erm, thought the heat (from the wax) is also unbearable?

feimei > I used to pluck my underarm. result is lots of ingrowns which looks like one huge pimple with all the pus and hair inside.

finally, i went for waxing at underarm (found someone whom i am comfortable with). she helped me to wax and also clear the ingrown.

now, i try not to pluck but go for waxing.

Hey mommies...

Wa, all talkin bout waxin... Me be goin in June.. Like dat.. Home based, near my area. She's gd!

Been waxin all along but stopped since got preggie.. Now, turnin to shavin.. Butt don quite like it as hair grows back faster butt thank God the upper part not much hair... Dunno why.. Guess afta quite a few waxin, some hair juz don grow back.. Hee...

xinyue> after back to work, i wan to try the under arm treatment leh....but that is a long time treatment leh...my col now doing...if it's good...will go for that cos her package quite cheap nia...less than $150...hahahaa...

if go for waxing...which wk shld we go??? will prompt contraction???

chujie...hmm the pulling feel like ur womb(rubber band) in the original shape(round)..then bb inside trying to force into other shape...it come so suddenly n is painful.

maybe as what pinkyrose n ixoral said...bb inside trying to find/explore new site or not enough space for them...hehe

sunshinebb bb askin u to take 5 rest n talk to him hahahaha :p

zachmommy i trying to support your BP hehehe :p

all these waxing talk making me feel like trying it out.. tempting..

feimei, if u going for underarm treatment, jio me too ok! Me oso keen, mabbe IPL bah :p

wendy, thanks! doing this bp really 'xiong'.. dun earn much cos I m clearing stocks summore must entertain those ladies.. haha. Alot of orders coming in but i was thinking how many will turn out to be closed deals..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zachmommy> yeah...using IPL!!! my col trying now...wan to see her result before i decide leh....cos not all r good leh...it attract me partly cos it's cheap...hahahahaa...this shop oso got retail in Japan...soo hope the skills is good lol...

Brazilian Waxing:

I've done it at my 36/37 weeks when I was preg with #1. Did it again last month when I was 20/21 weeks preg. Been epilating the top part every now and then since the waxing. Will go for another brazilian waxing when I'm at 37 weeks in preparation for #2. I don't want to be shaved by the nurses and have prickly regrowth.

feimei> nurse will sure shave for you if you did not do anything to your lower part. they need to make sure the operation is done with our below clear with hair..

Not just for delivery, they also do it for other abdomen operation, e.g. appendicitis

elch> ok to do it soo late??? i scare i might be popping ard 37 or 38 leh...if so, by doing, will trigger contraction???

Zachmommy jia you lah coz u sell v cheap lah so a lot of orders de..

hmm i hope all who say close to close.. but not my NIS09 size 110 hahahahaha :p

Wendy, u r funny!!

Tmr morning 8am if the lady din transfer to me, u r next liao..I alr reserved NIS07 for u oso in size 110. Ur boy love trucks/car? just like Zach.. i bought so many books on trucks, cars, diggers, dumpers etc for him..

I will bring the stuff out and then meet u late afternoon ya..

yes Kath I will c u tdy .. made it to office despite havin slight chest pains.. my son only recognise those stuff (everyday car trucks bus..) lol.. a few more mins i will know wheth e mummy trsf to u bo lol.. :p

hehe Maelyn she has 2 nicks :p

feimei i tink pain will trigger labour.. but i m not sure though.. not too safe to do it at 37 to 38 weeks ba.. i gave birth to bb1 at 38 weeks :p

elch / feimei

i also intend to do BW during 38weeks, abt 3days before my c-sec.

i will go Strip either at Paragon or Wheelock, cos it's nearer to Mt E.

If the pain trigger off contraction, i will go straight to Mt E for delivery liao.



are you in all black today?

tot i saw you walking out of the lift when i came to work just now.

went for breakfast? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei > I have no idea when to go.. intend to ask the gynae for advices on waxing.

Morning all..

Yesterday I nearly slip and fall at the vivo carpart..

Actually it was a weird situation too.. I drove in to the carpart intend to go to B2, a lady stand between the drive way between B1 and B2 stopping everyone said her friend's car stuck at the drive way.. tell us to drive the other way down..

So, after I diverted and drove down to B2, curiousity pull me to check what's up.. a car was at the slop going down to B2, stuck there with a tire at weird, tilted position.. not sure how they can get it like this. The car not even crash to the wall or anything..

Then I just go on for my shopping.. when I finish, I walk back to my car with my husband.. which will pass by the road just after the slope where the car was stuck.. they already left..

Didn't pay much attension, also didn't assume anything is wrong on the road.. I suddenly slipped.. lucky I can balance back and also caught hold of my husband.. otherwise I will fall on the floor..

Then, we realise that from the slope down.. all the way there was a trail of oil.. 2 feet wide and really long path of oil.. could be hf km..

Really scary though.. after that I can feel my lower back a bit ache.. possibly use too much strength tried to catch back my balance.. the ache continue till now..

Thanks God I didn't fall.. wooof.. sweat..

chujie> Glad that u hold ur balance...how come oil on the floor...some car's petrol leaking?? oso the cleaner all sleeping...did not do any clean up...shld hv email to their customer service n complain!!!

by the way....for 1st pregnancy, realli will pop early???


wah... luckily u din fall... ya, really have to complain... so dangerous...


not definite... i know of some who pop late for 1st pregnancy...

XW> i tink i saw u in mrt jus now...u wearing strips pink/white t-shirt w 3/4 jeans??? i was sitting at the reserve seat, sleeping, when i open my eyes, i tink thats U n wanted to tap u...u get off at tanjong pagar!!! it that U????

Hmmm~~~like tat ahhh...my CL got surprise becos i onli told her i will pop end jun....did not tell her my actual EDD....that time when she called again...i told her my actual EDD n she very surprised....cos she tot i will pop end jun n she accepted another assignment in aug liao...if i pop in jul....she die liao....hahahahaa...sooo i m tinking...how true is that 1st preg will pop early???

feimei, XW>> I think the oil is for sliding the stuck car out of the slope.. and they possibly drag it all the way to another location.. cuz the wheel is tilted.. looks like the bar between is broken..

They possibly just left and the cleaner not yet notice about the oil..

anyway.. I am fine then ok la.. next time if you all see some wet patch don't assume is just wet.. it could be oil like what I experience.. must be careful..

But that at the car park also dangerour lor.. cuz it can even slip the cars that drove around.. specially if they break..


yes, its me... saw u sleeping dun wanna disturb u... hee... i came down from pasir ris and overslept then got down at tiong bahru... board the train at the opp direction back to tanjong pagar... hee... too tired liao....


oic... must be really careful when walking wor... esp in carpark...

w160879> hahahaha...i working in raffles plc....XW in tanjong pagar....

XW> i noe u stay in pasir ris....thats y abit strange to c u in West line...not sure if it's U mah...sekali wrong person!!! thats y in delima whether to call u anot....hahahhahaa....ya...my sleeping spell is back in 3rd tri...soo i sleep in train....but will auto wake up by tanjong pagar or raffles plc becos my gal will kick me....hahhahaaa...she recognized to the broadcasting in the train....hahhahaa


hee... i usually sleep in the train de... to catch up on lost sleep... and ya, my sleeping problems came back too... cant sleep/dun sleep well at night resulting in sleepy day time... usually if i overslept the most get down at outram park... today worse... 1st time heard tiong bahru in my dreams... practically jump up!!! hee... last night cant sleep loh... slept only at 3am... haiz...

yes Shernice I saw the email.. i m keen on e playpen with bassinet hahahaha ... :p looks like gd deal so many things but i tink still need mattress.. hahaha

w160879> journey not that far, still ok....

yaa...i oso caught by surprise when she actually kick n i realised i gg to reach office lol....hahahaha...same apply when i on the way home...she will kick by boon lay or pioneer stations...i told my hubby...he said she got soo smart meh...i meant how to explain this kind of things leh...is the bond between me n her...hahahahaa...

XW> my sleeping spell is opp as urs leh....i can sleep n will wan more sleep....thou i dun sleep early, maybe earliest will be 11.45pm...n on n off got pee sessions...i still can sleep!!! wake up 7.15am when hubby bathing...then off to work in train, i can sleep again...hahahhahaa...that's my sleeping spell!!!

hi wendy, yes, alot of good buys this time! =) happy shopping!

hi mummies,

why not donate your bb's cord blood? to save lives?? and if any of your kids ever need it(choyx3!!!), you only need to pay minimal fee, even if u only donate for 1 kid. and they'll inform u if yours are needed.

i would encourage mummies to seriously consider abt donating their bb' cord blood and help your bb to save lives! dun throw away just like tat!

to read/know more:


do call and arrange early as it takes some time for administrative works to be completed.

chujie... thats dangerous. must be careful ya. lucky u manage to balance ;) god bless.....


haiz... most of my 1st tri problems came back... sleeping problems and eating problems... if i sleep early (dat is when i m tired), will toss n turn and drifting in and out of sleep till i fed up, wake up to drink a glass of warm milk then go back sleep... if not, i would not be able to sleep till late at night... poor appetite oso come back... haiz...

hi ladies

suddenly bb made a turn & caused me to jerk..scared me man..luckily rarely he does this..


luckily u didn't fall..else cant imagine the consequences..somemore on a slope? nowadays, i also open my eyes big big when i walked..hehehe..


wow..ur bb sooo smart..know when to wake u up..mine only kicks when he hears classical music or when i'm hungry..hehehe..

btw..1st preg seldom pop early..2nd preg will pop earlier..my #1 was exactly on my EDD as i opted for induced labour. Think he had such a nice time tt he dun want to come out..not sure abt #2

i also need my 8 hrs of beauty sleep..but usually, my #1 will come & wake me by 7.30am..but i will still laze till 8am then wake up..hee..

