(2011/07) July 2011

i love birdnest n hashima...LOL i love all exp stuff...but ho last wkend my dad boil hashima with dried longan...but my mum asked me to take alittle cos she said is "liang"


feimei > i am so suay. buy cod fish, the fish also got tiny tiny bones. -_-

sunshine > ahh.. so hashima is 'liang'.

iv family > which hospital did you deliver ur #1?

Hello all mummies...it's been a slow week..Tues only..zzz.

Re: Waxing

i've been doing brazilian waxing on and off.. recently did it when i was 22 weeks. feels super shiok and clean after that! my next appt supposed to be tmr but think i'll shift it to next week since hair growth not alot yet.

My advice to all is: make sure you girls go to an experienced wax therapist who is experienced in dealing with preggies. My wax therapist (whom i've been sticking with for a year plus) advised me to do waxing after 1st tri. Anytime after that all the way till delivery shd be safe. They will Not press on your tummy while waxing and will Not make you lie on yr tummy when they remove the hair at the butt area (those who did b4 will know what i mean, hee). I would say my pain threshold is v low.. but the pain from waxing is still bearable to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And i find it more hygenie to do now esp when we are experiencing alot of discharge..helps to reduce the smell underneath w/o so much hair ard.. That's my 2c opinion la. hee

sunshinebb yes mine was almost 1 mth.. n hey thanks for "confirming" it's liang to take hashima.. haha

eh.. ivfamily same as u lah paiseh is e reason y i din try it.. i went thru e shavings with no trouble on e regrowth as well for my #1.. i was shaved even though i went thru elective c sect.. my delivery is at KKH

hmm Zachmommy ur hubby can tahan his mummy's endless phone calls?

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pigeon Nipple Care Cream and Breast Shields


Winnie the Pooh Pants (Unisex) 1 pair


Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle


Used Medela PISA Faceplate



my hosp is tmc..gg there for #2 as well..btw, i booked my hosp room liao..


think we r more concerned w bb rather than e regrowth..i think for C sect, gonna shave so that it will not affect the cut? Not sure..did u ask the nurses why the need to shave as well?

Hi mummies,

I am from the June 2010 thread.

I am now doing my 3rd batch spree for Sophie & other brands, the products can be seen on www.sophie.sg. The discount is 20% off price listed on the site.

To order, please send me a PM directly (I will not be referring to the thread postings). I will close orders on 17 April at 3pm. On 18 April, I will contact all mummies to confirm the orders and ask for payment to be transferred before 19 April 11am. Stocks will be available for collection from 20 April onwards at Pinnacle@Duxton or Tanjong Pagar MRT.

ivfamily .. i din ask leh i was more nervous abt seeing my boy shortly haha they ask me to do this then i do do tat i also do lol..

ya more concern abt e bb.. but i tot with e shaving shld b okie ba "cleaner".. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xinyue, feimei> i do my wax at Spa Haven @amoy street. Will be v convenient for those of you working in town.. Can check out their webbie: spahaven.com.sg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Per session is $48. But i share a package w my gd friend so we get 20% off per session, comes up to $38.40 each time. Very affordable compared to those chains like strip, honeypot, etc. I like my wax therapist.. she's v experienced, and kept telling me not to worry cos she deal w alot of working mummies in the area.

Talking abt hosp..i just went for the TMC hosp tour last wkend. Their birthing room look so cosy! I always imagined the room they put u in while in labour is those grey n cold kind..so was pleasantly surprised. Or scarly they show us the nicest birthing room they have (w/ attached toilet)..i also not sure :p

Waiting to go for Mt A hosp tour.. i book too late got to wait till mid-May slot..haizz. Now i try to call every week see if anyoe got cancel their slot not. :X

ixoral > ah spa haven.. does the staff there up sell their package? i went there before. staff keep upsell the packages they have.


u hv yet to select your hosp? It has been a long time since i went to TMC for their hosp tour..so far, their exterior didn't change much..though mabbe their labour room were renovated cos I dun rem it looking cosy leh..hee

any idea where can i book affordable massage session, preferably in the West?

sunshinebb, it depends on individual on the menses flow.. mine was for 2 weeks nia and I onie use 1 packet of maternity pad during my hospital stay. After I discharge, i use normal pad is more than sufficient.

wendy, surprisingly my hb is very patience with his mum.. i dunno if he will do the same with me cos I almost never call him before.. and I usually dun repeat myself more than 2x and if ppl repeat the same thing more than 2x i will be very sarcastic liao.. :p hahaha

thanks, ixoral!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xinyue> mus sign up package de??? i guess i jus wan to go for this time round onli leh....

topic of waxing

I do regular BW at Honeypot (think one of the most expensive, abt $60+ per wax for all-off) because I met a skillful wax therapist who chats with me and she does it clean and fast. What amazes me is that she is a petite young Malay girl but she is good!

I agree that 1st time is most painful, subsequent times get better as the hair becomes thinner, and as you go back regularly, it becomes less painful because the hair are not so deep-rooted as the 1st time.

As with most wax parlour, they will try to sell a bit of their products and packages.

Personally I have a package with them because the "clean" feeling is kinda addictive, as with a haircut. Lol.

ivfamily> havent select my hosp yet.. gynae said to let her know by 28wks..which is my next appt. So now still thinking lo..

xinyue> they didnt hardsell me at all. maybe cos when i first started i already tag along in my friend's package..hee.

feimei> Not a must to sign package. As part of their business, they'll def try to persuade u to take up package for extra savings and ensure customers will return back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u can consider my regular therapist if u decide to go..she's called Lorraine.

pinkyrose i tink she is at bulk purchase so ladies pls support her k hahahaha

eh.. Zachmommy u so impatient one ah.. only to ppl u dun like or to everyone hehehe.. :p for me i do it to ppl i dun like.. mayb ur hubby is used to his mum doing tat..

oh ixoral u haven't select hospital ur gyn can do anywhere is it?

Hb commented before I am only impatient to ppl that I dun like and to him.. cos he saw the way I talk to my family and my son is different..even tone oso different..i dunno if it is true cos i never look at myself at the mirror. Mabbe i did..lolz.. i have different expectation towards diff ppl mah, i suppose that is normal?

pinky, me selling bb clothings. Will post them up tonight.. i din tell u gals much earlier cos those clothes are mainly for older kids, not NB..hehe.

i bought those stocks previously and sold them but now got leftover stocks so i tot i better clear some space at home.. :p

iv> hahahhaa...errr...into 3rd tri liao...how can we relax??? i hv been ren on my hips pain...lucky is one side lol...but the pain onli come when wearing pants or toss to sleep on left side...i got no prob in walking n sitting leh...i still can walk very fast to cross traffic light w my big tum tum...hahahahaha...my col was like..."dun walk soo fast....be careful ur ball"....hahahahhaa...


ic..no wonder..i kinda settle for TMC since i delivered my #1 there & was rather pleased with their general service..


hah..me too..i'm not exactly the patient type too..esp to pple whom i dun like/found irritating..hee..but sometimes, at work, bobian..got to put on a diff face/tone.

oh..u selling older kids clothes? How old?


me too loh..esp my job demands a lot of walking around & squeezing w pple :p my working partners all concerned abt my ball..but bobian leh..what to do..my job req me to do so..unless doc orders bed rest :p

i had a massage session done when i was preggie w #1 at nanyang estate (900 series) but think that place no longer there already..it was rather relaxing ^_^..wonder the JP's Jamu massage got massage for preggies a not hor..i badly needed a massage for my aching hip

Hi mummies

Sorry for gate crashing. But I have a really great deal to offer.

I have a Medela Swing (Singapore set) bgt last year. Currently still under warranty till Nov 2011. Used less than 5 times as I plan to use this whn I m outside. Bt in the end I didn't really use it cos my supply wasn't really fantastic. Letting go full set with original packaging at just $210. As gd as new, can't even tell it has bn used b4. To make the deal even more attractive and worthwhile for MTB, I will b throwing in a brand new pk of Huggies NB diapers at my own expense.

Grab it b4 its gone! PM mi for the unbeatable offer.

i tink it's normal to b unkind to ppl u dun realli like.. i m too but i m quite traditional ba old ppl i will try to b more patient..

feimei > when are you going for it??

ixoral > spa haven like changed.. last time i went here, it was purely for spa sessions and facial. now they are into slimming and beauty.. hmm.

hihi all mtbs

oh dear my boy is doing alot of work inside me...feel the kicking, pulling and punching.... me can't concentrate on my work sia...LOL

thats a good one, sunshine!!! like my hubby said...they boring inside...soo self-entertain lol....i get used to mine already...roughly know her timing...

haha Feimei...actually i enjoy the feeling but oni if he kick or pull real hard is painful...as wht ur hubby said they must be boring in thr...

i know his time...always around 12-12.30pm n 4.30pm...

so feimei n xinyue confirm going for the waxing?

think im going for it...cos if really menses come as what zachmommy said is 1mth....then best to keep the v area clean...haha easiler to maintain

but ho 1st timer...sure very pain de

last wk, she damn funi...doing tusnami stunt inside...hahahaha...a few times...then i pad my belly, ask her if she ok, then immed she stopped... -,-"

i oni know m gg for it...but still hv not decide to go which 1

wow tusnami stunt...or maybe playing some sea sport sia

mine is pulling n tearing feel...think he wnt to tear up my womb loh

but 1st time hor....quite pai sey to 'show' that part...hahahahhaaa...if not doing...then hv to be diligent to shave lol....

this morning i felt quite strong vibrations inside...not like the usual kicks. maybe she's wriggling about trying to find a new position..hee. Even hubby felt it and was amazed by it :p

can't wait for the bb fair next week..told hubby we cant procrastinate any longer liao..we havent been shopping for bb stuff for the past 2 mths i think. hee. May i ask u all, is it cheaper to buy cloth diapers at those old bb shops at Queen St for eg or at these baby fair?? This is 1 major item which i havent stock up yet.. and wet wipes and bottles too..

xinyue, feimei, sunshinebb> pluck up the courage n go for it! ha.. i admit (from the bottom of my heart) that it can be quite painful esp for 1st timers.. but tell yrself everything will be clean n smooth after 20min and it'll be worth it.. =D In fact i find that i dont smell so bad down there after i wax.. maybe my 'thick bush' previously is causing alot of bacteria to be trapped given our heavier than normal discharge.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinky/sunshine> u gals smaller build la...maybe the feel diff as mine...i m giant build...tats y my gal can perform tusnami stunt...hahahahaa....

jus now went for lunch then go into a shop to look c look c...the sale gal asked me how many mths...i told her gg to 7mths...then she like keep 'admiring' my tum tum....hahahahaha

ixoral> shld be cheaper to get fr wholesale shop but sometimes, fair will hv good offer....maybe u wan to drop by the shop to check out the price 1st then proceed to fair...if fair got better offer...then u can buy straight fr there lol....if fair turn out to be more ex...then u can oways go back to the shop to buy...the shop will oways be there mah....but again...wat in fair...maybe of better quality becos they got brand mah....shop may come in gd quantity than quality!!!


sunshine> how you feel the pulling? tummy sunken in?I always feel is that she is drawing picture inside of me.. the little poking feeling to-and-foe here and there..

