(2011/07) July 2011

hehe mrt hard to sleep .. scare miss e stop .. hehe not far coz i tink ur stations not v far apart but a lot of stations ba.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm..i should think so bah..usually #2 comes out faster & easier than #1..

oh yes..ur #1 also 2006? Which mth?

wendy...me just back fr OG orchard....me prefer the tollyjoy $99...cos is higher, more solid feel, wider n most of all i love the col

but i nv buy..cos gg bugis with hubby this sat..gg to buy the NB clothes at the queen st thr...so mind as well go OG Albert together

huhh....if like tat...jialat liao...my CL will not be able to make on time for her another assignment....but gynae oso HOPe i can pop by 38wks lol...


oh..my #1 is April bb..so just turned 5 lately. so urs is boy or girl? this is also your #2 right?

wow... all of u since like prepare the arrival of precious.... mi so anxious but still have nt yet prepare!!! lots of things have nt buy esp. clothes nw!!! hw much qty shld i buy??? confusing ;( playpen oso haven buy!!! hw hw hw???

haha suying...it ok...u r not alone

me oni bought a breast pump and romper r gift fr my sis n mum...my mum got some NB clothes from my cousin.

i still need a playpen, stroller n some more clothes


I had surgery done to remove my appendix before but shaving's not done.


If do early then no point because the hair will grow out by the time you give birth. So for 1st preg, I did it when I was 36/37 weeks. Nothing triggered. In fact, my boy came out only at 40 weeks on his edd!


yes, this is #2... #1 is boy... urs oso right?


i oso still got alot of things havent buy... other then hand me downs, i still have towels, rocker, bottles, nappy liners etc etc not bot yet... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

relax, mai gan chiong, Suying!!! no rush to get all things....at ur own pace...

tink for clothings, i shld hv enuff liao...hahahaha...hv been buying on n off...got hands down on some big items...soo purely left w those shampoo la, lotion kind of things...

mummies, do we need realli need to buy those hair shampoo n body shampoo?? or now got those all-in-one type, right??? beta to use those???

thanks, elch!!!


i got the pureen all-in-one wash... #1 still using dat too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lolzz.... really no rush?? hmm.... really gg spend a lot. n feel that time is getting shorter shorter. hahahhaa.... really lots of thing nt done til nw. im anxious but dunno where to start.


if soaked in only pee can rinse in water and re-use... but i guess liddat can only re-use once... not recommended more than once ba...

XW> ya...my frenx said if pee onli, can wash n re-use, of cos if poo...hahahahaa...how m i gg to wash leh...tink CL wun do it oso....hahahaaa...

so actually fr NB onwards, can also actually use the all-in-one shampoo???


shld be ok ba... cos #1 only use from 1 mth at mil house... at my house during my confinement he using kodomo... anyway not using alot oso... one pea size each time will do...

suying> buy at ur own pace lol when u go out shopping....if u gg to rush n buy everything at one go...u will go crazy n need to run here n there...like crazy woman!!!

i buy at own pace...if come across anything...tink i will need it, i will buy unless i wan to compare price...but usually i only compare price for big items...those neccessary things, usually lazy to compare price becos the diff might onli be a few cents, not worth the energy to run here n there....very tiring....

like last fair...i list down the things i wan to buy...either chk the price fr the fair or if i tink worth it, i will jus buy straight fr fair, so one thing off my list lol...i mean my way of doing is like tat...jus a suggestion to u....

u may NOT need to buy all the things becos do consider when bb full mth shower....ppl sure give vochure or buy things for bb...soo buy those neccessary things for use during 1st mth...dun overload 1st...after got the vochure...u can top up those things for futher use lol....ppl might oso give u big items like stroller or rocker...soo KIV those 1st cos 1st mth...other then bring them go chkup...wun be bringing them out for shopping mah...sooo we still can carry them in arms...not that bad...

of the above...jus my suggestion la...dun gan chiong...

Thank you all.

ivfamily> I wasn't at the slope.. but the oil track started from the slope and was very long trail.. I was walking on the road right after the slope, where the oil trail was, at the carpark as my car park opposite to the mall entrance..

anyway.. we all have to be careful..

eLcH> Maybe different hospital different practice.. but I believe delivery they will shave if ours not clean yet..

nappy liner (disposable) not expensive.. better not to reuse la.. unless like you all said.. for wee wee.. no need to change diaper yet.. then do you consider reuse or just not change yet?

main reason for nappy liner is to change frequent if they poo on it often because they drink breast milk right? (nearly once / twice after each feed).. so can don't change the diaper so fast as they are expensive..

But I tried to use liner last time.. still can't change fast enough to avoid the wet poo sip through to the diaper.. end up still have to change both.. wakaka.. and with liner sometime it leak easily.. that's my personal experience


to me, liner is to catch more solid stools or to lessen the stain made by BF stools on nappies or cloth diapers... so if pee can wash n reuse once... disposable diapers no need liners...

thanks hehe anyway i dun realli care abt e colour lah..

eh.. nappy liner can wash like cloth diaper if wee wee leh i did it after bb turns 6 mths .. coz quite waste like almost new coz jus pee ..


I hv the same mentality like u when it comes to buying things!

So far only left with nursing bra (which is too early to buy now I think), bb's toiletries, replacing the breastpump parts for my handed-down pump, BM storage bags, and stroller there is no hurry to buy can wait till confinement over.

Any mummies thinking about storing cord blood? It seem like a very commmon practice these days.

thanks feimei for advise.... get wat u mean le.

think for big items will get a playpen to put at my mum place for her convenience lo. the rest will plan to buy & put at her side first as she will be looking aft for mi & oso do confinement for mi at her place ;) so nw concentrate 1 side first. otherwise buy 2 side very tough ;)

Nappy Liner,

I also wash n reused the Nappy liner if urine only. I throw away those with poo together. After wash, the nappy liner is still in good condition leh, so I think can reuse. Save Mother Earth!


You use nappy liner with dispoable diapers?? I was using nappy liner with cloth diapers coz nappy liner traps the poo and its easier to wash the cloth diapers. That was the main reason why I use nappy liners. Nvr thought of using nappy liners with disposable diapers leh.. hmm..

Woww...if need to use liner on disposible diaper...then will be double expenses lol....i oso will use liner on napkin nia~~~

Hi^5, Lady!!! thou i m 1st time mummy but i implement this way of doing as i used it when planning for other events as well...like that time prepare for weddings....i'm not good in planning big things but when i plan for my own things...i wan to be organised n smooth becos i m those common gan chiong spider type...moreover, now got lil one inside...cannot get gan chiong too much...ltr she come out like me...gan chiong spider...no good lol!!! hahahahhaa....

suying> planning n decision still come fr urself...how u want things to go...u can jus take our suggestion as consideration so u wun gan chiong urself with sooo many things not done yet...Relax!!!

Arghh... Hw mummies??? we r nt allow to stick/ paste/ cut or etc... on our bed rite. But my BIL bring his son up on my bed & cut & stick his loose pampers. Hwhwhw!!! Will it affect my precious... Aft he stick dan he told mi according to old ppl cannot do anything on bed. Yet he knw he still nt auto & nv remind mi & yet he still do on my bed! I have actually forgotten & allow him to do dat. Oh gosh!!!..........

regd nappy liner>> hehe.. I actually didn't buy that myself.. that was hand over from a friend who can't finish it.. she told me can use on disposable diaper too.. as I didn't buy any washable nappy..

Breastfed baby tends to poo a lot.. really a lot.. so she said can help reduce changing number of diaper.. haha.. if you are fast enough before it sip through the 2nd layer.. but I found it leak from the side lor.. hehe..

But I don't understand.. you all said reuse nappy liner.. it is kind of paper type.. do you mean wash and use again? but aren't they suppose to be disposed?

hmm chujie it's washable e nappy liner.. like maelyn i nvr tot of usin liner on disposable though jus let e bb poo direct on e disposable n liner will not help with pee though...

poor suying mental torture ur beliefs not e same as the ppl in e house.. mayb u shld lock ur door when u r not at home so they dun intrude ur room.. already give them a roof yet they r not v frenly to stay with..

feimei n lady i also believe not in rushing to buy things for bb .. jus get some neccessities n buy e rest according when bb is out or when u c a good deal.. diff bb diff needs :p

w160879> yalol...diff bb diff need...cannot all follow ppl...jus take as suggestion from ppl n hv to c wat ur bb wan too...

not every human being in this world appreciated wat they r given, like her BIL n wife!!! they take things for granted and yet treat ppl with their 'black heart'.....if i m to live with such ppl....and hv been giving in millions of times and i still get such a pay back....i will scream out of my lungs and either they leave the hse or i leave!!!!

suying> possible for u to move back to ur mum's hse n hv a relax n enjoying mood to complete ur pregnancy journey??? understand that hv to separate w ur DH but he can move w u....leaving those idoits behind....anyway, sooner or ltr, u gg back for confinement...now is jus moving back abit early lol....

see u like that...also feel heart ache for u...after a tire worked day...at home shld be relax n resting n yet was disturbed by such idoits!!! WTH~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wendy.... they r very pangtang too. but worst is. stupid BIL knew it he still do it & then tell mi he bo pian. WTF is this excuse.....

feimei.... cant move back mum place r full too. dan hubby wrk oso nt convenience. if too move things will turn up worst.... later they sleep in my rm hw???? they can even go in my rm use my laptop lo.... when i & hubby at wrk.... haizz.... is like the house r thiers the rm r thiers too ;(

im paying everything but they r enjoying... WTF is this. Curse them for being so blackhearted. treat them well but wat they did???

aiyoh mus set some rules for these ppl leh.. they knew yet they r such incompetent ppl.. e laptop u using set password then it's like they walk into any computer shop can't use..

actualli realli best to lock ur room.. n prevent access.. i can't image if i hav to tolerate all these i might murder someone..

my MIL gt t he hold of my rm key. so when ever the lazy bum need use toliet or wat. if my door r lock they will ask my MIL open. haizz....

mi & hubby lo..... haizz... MIL gt key is becos in case i left out keys or need her do things she can help up. although i dun like her but really bo pian lo... still feels staying together is nt a great idea ;(

Hi mummies, I have a brand new set of Ameda Dual Pump & Avent Single Electric to let go. They are still sealed in original packaging. PM me or call me at 83680846 if interested.

suying> tink ur PIL still barable thot u oso dun really like them but at least they not gg over-broad ur limit....but these two idoits...keep trying to cross ur limit n make ur blood boils...they really up to no good during ur pregnancy....they will hv retribution, let god do the job!!! so now, u hv to be strong w ur stand n make sure they dun tap ur limit again!!!!

we know u dote the kids but tink again....their own parents dun dote them as much as u do...how much more u can do after ur gal come out??? soo pls, tink for urself n ur gal....i not asking u to be bad person but set ur limit...dun becos of little thing n u soft-hearted....trained urself to be FIRM!!!!

lock ur door n take back the keys fr ur MIL....!!!

hmm guess wat sunshinebb said is rite dun dwell on it n add on frustrations ba.. think it's not u.. i know though it is ur bed.. these ppl dun respect others .. but jus voice out to them ba do u some good leh otherw u jus continue to b push over by them ..


Thanks Feimei... ya to kids im soft hearted le. Since like the boy will look for mi & hubby automatic lo. think when he grow up if kana beat sure find mi or hubby too. ;) I dun like my PIL & the 2 idiots lo..... i cant stand them. i only can accept hubby youngest bro & sister. At least they r sensible.

Pray hard & keep finger cross my precious will be fine. like wat u say wat has done already done. Take key from MIL i think i wont lo. cos sometimes need her help too. MIL sometimes ok sometimes nt lo. dat depends on her mood too. lollzz....

