(2011/07) July 2011


It was indeed exciting.. but the feeling of being poke.. is dot dot dot..

I was so happy to have 2 pics to keep.. =)

Shall file it up pretty pretty.. as my baby's 1st foto..


Haha.. I was eating non stop too... I dont feel full de.. just satisfied..

I have put all my short denim skirts aside and wear all those yoga pants .. i event went to buy those maternity stretch pants liao..

Perhaps u can talk to the parents about ur situation and if they can accept it.. u take lor..

I feel that if u kip from them hor.. very CHek Ark..

I am a tutor myself too.. =p

understand that there are students who are very reliant on their tutors de..


v weird.. tested positive this evening using Clearblue digital... stated Pregnant 1-2. However, went to KK n check due to some cramps, urine test stated not preg. ANyone has experience with clearblue digital? is it reliable?

Hi Serene...

I was having the same situation as u last month, but with using the Pred*ctor Brand.

(Thats why i was the thread starter for Jun2011)

Hmmm, if you wanna, wait for a few days before you test again.

When your urine test was negative, did you insist on a Beta HCG test?


I guess clear blue is one of the most sensitive predictor. The ones they use at gp or maybe hospital is not as sensitive. I had such experience during my first preg. Try testing again few days later. But my guess is you're confirm pregnant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wow! your scan + consultation is so cheap!! what a bargain! wow! how is the package there like?

sorrie- wanna just clarify, what do you mean by this: "Perhaps u can talk to the parents about ur situation and if they can accept it.. u take lor.. "

not sure if you understand where i come from... my parents will definitely be v happy with my situation, but it's just that i dun wanna like tell them too early n then have to disappoint them later, or at least that's what my hub thinks la.. so ... that's the concern... (cos based from my past exp mah..but i know i shouldn't think like that, must be positive right) yar, it's quite chek ark, esp keepg from my mom, haha..

oh, so you are a tutor too? yar.. i'm really thinkg of not takg any assignment all together!! how about u? are you still continuing your tuition nowadays?

serene - sounds like it's just a false scare to me.. i mean, you've seen the scans and u've got no bleeding right? then should be fine right.. maybe you could call up your gynae to ask?

Oh I meant on the part that some parents know tutor will be away from July..

They will be worried about their childs progress.. Cos it's hard to get a committed teacher in June/jul.. Hard for the kid to build rapport with new one too..

If I were u hor, 2nd trimester I will tell them.. If they mind, boh pian, give up lo..

U will be surprise some parents dun mind u going off at jul de...

Xiong abit, after confinement go back teach lo..

Hmm... I m in NIE now, will be posted to school next year in jul.. That's when my maternity leave will start.. Hehe

My tut wise, I'll do what I adv u to do too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my migraines are bad...woke up feeling terrible. and yesterday, when i tried to go for a walk i started feeling faint and clammy after 20mins. and then i cried for no apparent reason. only at week 4 but suddenly there seem to be a lot more symptoms! :p

Hi jgwee,

No, my gynae is Dr Loke Kah Leong. 1st time seeing him and he is quite ok.

Hi pillow4,

HI 5!! Actually i planned on the EDD date as both my DH and i was born on july 8th so hope our babies can celebrate all our birthdays together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi wendy,

Thanks. Congratulations to you too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I actually went to dentist for scaling & polishing twice before my planning of TTC as i know unhealthy gums will affect baby & may cause premature birth. Was asked to return back this month but i cancelled the appointment earlier this month as i told them i want to confirm my pregnancy 1st.

Hi sogo,

I am ok now. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I ate Char Siew rice and after 1-2hrs, i started feeling very terrible and puke every half-1hr throughout the whole night.

Hi lynzi,

Thanks. I was so worried it will affect the bb but luckily after scanning, gynae told me not to worry as we can see the bb's heart is beating away though it's really tiny. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congratulations & welcome to all new mummies & july babies......... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Audrey- thanks..i see.. haiz. yar.. i was actually thinking of telling them as well.. and for me, i think i'll just minimise my tuition for now... esp at this time, really feeling the tiredness as well.. v hard to stay focused, even on the comp, sometimes, for more than 2 hrs.. i dunno...

wow.. so once ur posting starts, u'll be on maternity leave? that's good actually.

Bubbles - i think it's the hormones! I had the sudden temp difference feeling too! But for me, was feeling v hot n perspiring.. but dunno why i felt that the 'hot flash' thingy has gone away after i took the medication (horomonal pills). but i'm also getting more headaches now.. more frequent..

Hi Audrey,

Congratulations to you! Actually before i read any of your posting in this July thread, i read & followed all ur postings in your June thread before i started this july thread! I was so happy for you when your positive posting came in here after the disappointment in june thread. Really feel happy for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let 'jia you' together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Audrey

Congrats from me as well!

May I know how is the refferal from polyclinic to kkh is done? You have to request or you would have to go through antenatal care with them first? And after that, are u still able to choose the gynae or wards at the time of delivery since you were refered by poly?

@Audrey - Doc did a blood test and V-scan when my urine test was negative. Didnt say much,. She said at the moment she cannot see anything. I asked her in that case can i consider myself as not pregnant? she also cannot confirm anything.But she suggested that I be warded for observation... I rejected! And went home.

My LMS was 28/29th Sept.

@kimifin: I dip the tester into the cup for 20sec as indicated in the instructions. Waited for about 3mins, and results indicated- Pregnant 1-2

Lynzi: Congrats!!! Smsed you yesterday but no replies from you.. take good care of yourself.. =)

Wendy: Happy to see you here too.. =) Take good care!!!

Hi Girls!

For those of you working in CBD area, please walk carefully. Its raining very heavily. Not too sure if its raining in other places but do take care ok ?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday night, I was craving for Wonton Mee from Downtown East and Wonton Mee from Far East Plaza around 7pm LOL. Hubby wasnt amused la.. LOL Cos we are living in Woodlands and its quite far to go to both locations heee. In the end, MIL suggested we go to a place in Marsilling. i decided not to be difficult and we drove to Sheng Shiong near Woodlands Checkpoint to satisfy my craving [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Both mother and baby are happy!! ;)

This morning, mmmm craving for mee siam with LOTS of ku-chai hehehehehehehehehe!!

morning mummies....

rem to take ur med worr....and drink lots of water....


i belief u go back for dinner so for now, we hv some food to avoid, like seafood or other food that u feel like puke...soo ur mummy shld get ur hint bahh...hahaha...or show her that u eating some sour thing...arrh huhhh~~~like that shld be more than obvious ler bahh!!! ;)


u r soo clever...go thru polyclinic!!! my previous preg was with KK but this time round, i go to sgh as i hv diabetic, my doc advice me to go sgh, so that he can work with my gynae to better control my condition...ytd saw my gynae...quite humble man...shld be ok bahh~~


i used clearblue digital...shld be quite accurate bah...but u mentioned ur doc did blood test for u as well n show -ive, but by doing blood test is also very accurate one becos from there, they can see if ur HCG has increase anot. did ur doc ask u to go back for another round chkup? dun worry...*ping chang xin*...dun give urself too much pressure...


i also hv migraine for the past two days...out of sudden, it came...thot i hv migraine history but it does not relapse for a few yrs ler...suddenly it come back...and rosegal is right, it's our homones!!! during preg...alot of changes, u can get very emotional, easily frasturated...all these happen, u wun aware de....so..just relax lol...when at work, abit difficult to relax la, i know...try go toilet...close ur eyes n relax for 5mins...it helps!!!


the heartbeat is like twickle little star...blinking, right? i saw mine in my last preg but it did not last...it stop beating at wk 6th.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope this round, i can hv it for long term....

Morning MTBs,

I've tested positive last friday and the clear blue predictor shows 3 week +. My LMP is 19th Sep. Anyone ard the same date?

I had made a booking with LC Chang from TMC (also my sis's gyna) but as he is too busy. So I will be seeing another gyna for the 1st visit then subsequently all the follow-ups will be under Dr Chang.

I'm kind of worried as the nurse that I spoke to said that I should see doc earlier (meaning my 1st vist should be 2nd visit) and I will have to choose a package. Anyone care to share the package price and what does that includes? And is there anything I should look up for on my coming visit?


Im working at Tanjong Pagar :p Near Southpoint heee.. Soooo heavy rain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Raffles Place is also very crowded! But got delifrance!!

Also to all MTBs, my friend's wife went to see her gynae and was given 1 mth Hospitalization Leave to rest at home. I wonder if I see my gynae, I will be given that :p


ah...u at tanjong pagar...that area oso quite crowded de....walk slowly ya~~~

tink shld based on diff condition, that the gynae will giv u hospital leave....but if check n scan shld that both mummy n lil one r doing good, dun think can convince gynae to giv u leave to rest.... :D my ex-preg, was unstable, my gynae only giv me 5days MC....hahahaa...very stingy...

Rose - Actually, kindda planned this pregnancy de (Hee hee..) cos 1 month term break in NIE (June), 4 mth Maternity leave (Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct), followed by 2 month school holiday (Nov, Dec).. I think this is gonna be a good 7 months of rest for me to have a good start in January 2012...

July - Last month a disappointmented to me, but i guess it was my 1st month trying.. too gan geong.. thats why I had this case of a false positive... Haha.. Thanks for tracking my post lehh.. =p Very Drama-mama hor?

Dee - My KK referal was given by polyclinic last month during my false positive and a tummy pain, only to realise it is Ovarian Cyst due to late menses. They gave me an appointment in January to follow up on my cyst. Den on Tuesday, cos i Gan Jeong wanna see the U/S of the baby.. den I chow geng I have tummy pain and went in KK lor.. =p, so they charged me as a follow up case from my last month's polyclinic referral.

This following is gonne be a lil confusing, cos they just found out I am pregnant, and my ovarian cyst is gone ( YES!! Gone !! ^^) They have to regard me as a new case for my next appointment and charge me the private rate. So, to save $$, I need to go polyclinic these few days, and get a referral again, for my pregnancy, not ovarian cyst..

I intend to follow KK or SGH for my 1st trimester b4 deciding anything for my 2nd trimester, cos I am sure very gan jeong de, a little bit tummy pain i wanna see doctor.

For me to go private gynea, consultancy + U/S is at least $120 liao.. This $25 de fee, still very affordable..

Serene - I strongly understand how you feel, doctor cannot confirm anything until you have your menses de.. Must stay positive..

I need to ask everyone here ahh ..

Are you all beginning to experience swollen breasts?

Hurts so much, I tried wearing my sports bra.. but.. it made me breatheless..

Den for maternity bra, what size to buy? the current size or must up by 1 cup?

hi all...i got to know on monday that I'm expecting,fr my family doc..roughly 1mth plus..I chose my gynae two days ago..fr Thomson Women's clinic @ Sengkang..EDD : 12 Jul 2011..

so excited.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ahhh...blood test not out yet...dun worry la...can trust clearblue...as the test strip that hospital use, not very accurate, i tested with that strip as well, it's giving me faint reading but when i use clearblue digital, it showed i preg n 4-5wks lol....dun stress urself too much, when result out?

Thanks Audrey!

Just to confirm. In that case, i should go to poly, confirm pregnancy, then if yes, immediately ask the doctor to help me do referral letter to kk right? No need to go for antenatal care at their poly?


no need to buy maternity bra yet, still early stage. yes, feel painful when touch but it's tender! :D nipple very sensitive and the dark circle will grow wider n darker....u may feel pain n itchy sometimes...i think sport bra is not suitable for u now...too tight, will affect/restrict the growth of the breast. shld buy maternity bra from 2nd tri....


i'm at raffles place too.

maybe we can meetup for lunch next time.

btw you mean clearblue digital will tell you how many weeks you're preg??

so advanced ah?

Congrats Noor Ain!

Dee - I am not sure about that cos I have get a ref for my pregnancy yet... But that was what the KK staff nurses taught me to do de... =)

FeiMei - My boobies are beginning to over flow.. or ratehr, cos i always wear full cup ... can this time round i feel my boobie got squeezed badly =( ... Yah.. itchy too..

hello starry,

soo qiao...ok, we shall meet up for lunch in ltr part...will be great!! :D

yes, thats the new 'toy' to cfm ur pregnancy...now technology very adv lol...they can come up wif all sort of invention to meet the consumer need!!!

My clearblue digital showed "2-3" means i was 4-5 weeks pregnant =)

It is very accurate...

Know u are not asking me lah... since i see ur question.. i answer lor.. hehe


@.@ but sport bra is not a healthy choice leh...Hmm~~~try getting a bigger size bra but if really no choice, u may wan to buy maternity bra 1st lol...if the price din diff much...

Feimei - Hahaha.. Shall buy a few cheap de first lor..

The digital clearblue is a very fun toy..

Showing "Pregnant" is not enuf.. must see how many weeks.. LOL


wow! didn't know there's such a thing.

if i had known earlier, i wont need to spend money seeing 2 gynaes.

1st one tell me i'm abt 8weeks from my LMP, and i told her my cycle is erratic.

and she panick when she couldn't see anything from the scan.

so that made me panick too.

i went to another gynae, though she also couldn't see anything, she was reassuring and told me i'm prob only abt 4weeks.

just these 2 consultations, scans, medications, vitamins cost me $900!!



Which place u went? Its ex ...

Is she a branded gynea?

Lizzie - Yes.. 4 Days makes alot of differences..

thanks Audrey, Fei Fei & all for the encouragement. V lost now le. hahaha.. Blood test result shd be out today. KK supposed to call me. i kan jiong, called them earlier, but the nurse said she need to check n get back to me. ahhh...

i went east shore and mt e.

the one at mt e is quite popular.

she was my gynae for my #1 and #2.

i thought of trying out another gynae this time round, but looks like i'll stick to her, despite her rocket high charges....

Star - yah... My friend went there..

Actually i didnt research much.. I have another friend who spend 5 digits of $ even b4 baby comes out, just on seeing doctor.. $_$

Serene - How come u didnt get ur results immediately de? Dun be lsot =) Must be positive..

*fainted* when u mentioned ur bill, starry!!! @.@

diff mummy will hv diff stage...i m also 5wks, but ytd scan, only able to see my sac n gynae say it normal cos too early but somehow, Audrey mentioned she also 5wks, during her scan, she able to c her lil one worr....soo cannot compare in such way...maybe during next visit, u able to see ur lil one lol...


unless doc stamp the word "Urgent", otherwise, they will process the blood test as normal, which will take one or two days lol...

omg, the mummies here are so active! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

iko, i realise that i cant really take fried food now too, especially with the one where oil is visible. if it is not too oily i still can. it used to be my fav. i wont vomit, just dun feel like putting it into my mouth. good also, since we can cut down on our weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now i just take soupy stuff, plain stuff. even oily vegetable also cant.

to everyone who is concerned abt my gp, yeap i am gg to change to lynzi gp in sembawang. kekeke

rosegal, i also very thirsty le. every night sure wake up 1 or 2 times to drink water. before preggy, i can sleep all the way like pig.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] think for the assignments, if u can tahan better dun take cos u wont kow how u feel then.

audrey, that is very cheap! i wonder if i am using my hb civil service card, will it be feasible for me to still go get polyclinic referral. Since i already have a doc in mind (in KKH). audrey u so cute, can chow geng to go and see doc for scan haha. as for my breasts, it was swollen for few weeks now better le. not so much. wondering whether shld we have sore breasts all the way or on and off one?

bubbles & audrey, both of u slept so late? aiyoh... bubbles, no worries. sometimes i also feel so loved, sometimes so lonely, sometimes just wanna cry. hb said its hormonal change n entertain me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

july_baby, wow all 3 same birthdays? better talk to your bb to come out on that day.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wow, u can see your bb heartbeat now? so u must be feeling so relaxed now that u know he/she is healthy... i am scared cos next tue is mine. hopefully can see heartbeat. i dun wan history to repeat itself. stay positive!!!

Lizzie, u want wonton mee can go to marsiling market. they have one stall very nice. ytd i on leave, hb bring me to eat the nice bak ku teh soup noodles... yummy. seems like he can read my mind. he ask me wat i wanna eat i said dunno but am actually thinking of bak ku teh in some place in jb but too far. then he suddenly bring me to this place to eat. scary hor. maybe he has a machine that can read my mind...

Lizzie, what happened to your fren wife that she have one month leave? serious ah?

brainy smurf, how come your LMP is 19sep and u only 3 weeks plus? shld be more right?

noor ain, congrats!

feimei, it is norm to feel itchy on breasts ah? phew... then i feel better. but mine not so sore liao. so still ok?

wow everyone, i have updated myself with this fast-moving thread! scroll up and down. like writing a report. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] phew!


Im Muslim so there are very limited things I can eat despite my cravings HEHEHE :p

Also My friend's wife is a bit weak la but at the point of seeing her gynae, she was ok. But he still wanted her to have bed rest. Good hor. I dunno if I will get some days HL. If yes, good le. My friend's wife gynae is also from KKH. :p


u on leave today??? :D

it's normal to be itchy n painful as our breast r developing n get ready for bb...after 1st tri, shld not be so painful ler bahh...even if not soo sore, it's ok de, dun worry. :D

starry, my gynae for my previous preg (which ends up in m/c) charges me $450 for 1st visit lor. and i just chanced upon the receipt ytd, the medicine alone (folic acid & 2 type of hormone pills plus hormone injection) cost $220!!


feimei - I can see the sac with a little dot.. Just like how the "Black eye pea" should look like.. the doc ask me to go back 3 weeks later to see again.. =) Hopefully by den can see heart beat..

the beta hcg de result.. means last month, mine was urgent lor.. cos i got the result about half an hour later..

pillow - haha.. about the chow geng part.. i went there say i dunno is my cyst painful or my baby giving me the pain.. =p=p end up.. cyst also bu jian le..

I dun sleep early de.. NIE alot of assignments to do.. =(

Just had my 1st round of MS.. puking is fine.. just hate the bitter after taste.. =(

