(2011/07) July 2011

lizzie, oic. hmmm.. causeway point has banquet. i love the malay food there. yummy. esp the ayam penyet. thought i cant eat oily food but i can eat ayam penyet. hee. oh then maybe when i see my gynae in kkh next tue i can hint hint to him... hee.



your friend also went there, meaning east shore or mt e?


wow! which hosp?

so this time round are you back with this gynae?


by that time shld be able to see the heartbeat lol...its very fun...it's like twickle little star, blinking all the way... :D

feimei, tks for the assurance. i check it everyday and pinch to see whether still painful. then ask hb whether my breasts still big.haha.

audrey, so this is a migic baby cos it makes the cyst disappear to make way for the lil pea. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]pls sleep early, cos my last m/c i everyday night sleep ard 2-3am cos was studying then and i think it may have attribute to it. so now i scared. force myself to sleep by 12am. like cinderella. haaha. hmmm shld i congrats u on ur ms? since it signalled healthy preg but i also know it is very miserable.

pillow - the obb did tell me last month that if i conceive, the cyst might be gone.. but i didnt know it will be gone so fast.. u are making me worried.. a few days this week, i sleep at 5/6am.. and wake up at 8 or 9am.. Assignments due.. no choice..

starry, it is not even hosp. it is just a clinic. think it is theres* women clinic. not sure whether i can write in full. it is in amk near courts. so gals, if can dun go cos she very rough one. and will scold u.

wow now at the rate i am replyin in this thread i am even more active than i am in fb. haha

feimei, forgot to reply u. nope, am working today. took half day leave for tue and wed oredi. tell myself this mth cant take anymore. must save my leave.

hey!! KK called me.. blood test result confirmed i m pregnant!! but the weird thing is- doc did a v-scan yest. she said nothing in the womb. i m getting worried now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



Maybe too early to see???

MUack Muackz!~!~

beta HCG zui zhun de.. !

maybe too early too see it bahh?

did the doc tell u about ur thickened womb?

was it an ab u/s or a V u/s?

Cos that doc did mentioned that Ab u/s cant see my baby.. and she did a v u/s instead.. =)

thanks Audrey! wow. this thread is really fast.

i dont know what kind of blood test KK did for me. she did a V-scan, she said nothing in the womb, no indication of pregnancy nor menses.

I m puzzled. Blood test confirmed i m pregnant, but is it accurate or not? Alamak.. worried la.


same as what happened to me.

the v scan showed nothing in the womb, that's why it got me panicky and scrambled to another gynae for 2nd opinion.

but the 2nd gynae told me it's prob cos it's still early stage, so not to worry too much.

i can't wait to come back from my trip 2weeks later and go for gynae visit again.

audrey, i am not trying to scare you. but it is really impt to sleep more in order for bb to grow. tat is y after the m/c i put off ttc till i grad. cos i always sleep late in order to finish assignments. and i read a few books tat say expectant mothers must have plenty of sleep in order for the baby to grow.

serene, congrats! it should be accurate. maybe yours still too early so cant really scan. maybe wait for 2 more weeks?

audrey, ya u shld. i dun wan u to regret like me. i kept thinking if only i sleep early and less stressed then maybe i could have prevented it. i was very stressed abt my results then.


i in the worst line n industry....i working in off-shore bank, IT support...meaning shit-picker... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

u r soo funi, pillow4!! no need ur hb see la, u can feel the diff. Ouch~~dun pinch, it's painful!!!


told u...blood test is the most accurate...as Audrey said, maybe ur womb abit thick, soo not easy to find the sac...my 1st preg oso like that, the normal u/s didn't manage to find anything then doc ask me go urine, she do v/s for me, dan we saw the sac...but again, if v/s also c nothing, it may really due to too early ler...dun worry too much, u passed the 1st round, now wait for 2nd appt and see how...

Rem, cannot be too worrysome as it will affect bb...look forward n be happy....


we been through the same journey, dun look back anymore, let's look forward n move on...hope to c our lil ones healthy... :D

all mummies shld be taking lunch now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

too lazy to lunch out, so da pao fish soup mee hoon back n eat at storeroom...my gal is out, so i m eating alone n reading this forum...i guess all mummies r out lunch-ing...!!


oh ya...if can, take 1 serve of fruits ya~~~to make ur meal balance....i really hv to hv tight control for my sugar, so i got not much choice, so i m eating papaya... :D

feimei, cos sometimes i think cock-eyed. cannot see the diff. i rather feel the pain than no feeling at all. ya, i also tell myself that. now just pray hard that this one will be the one! feimei, lets jia you tog!

mummies, anyone of you considerin doing a preg/baby journal for your lil one? i thinking if doing it. went to kino to see but they seal everything! how to buy when i dun even know how it looks inside? and it is not cheap le. anyone has any idea where to get cheap and nice one? thinking of documenting my journey. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello px22,

hahaha...so we r in the same industry!!! good, good...ya...we can lunch together...which building u at? i hv 2 building, one at capital square and OCBC centre east...but i m at ocbc now...just change support role mths ago...

feimei & px22, think u all shld go out to lunch more often. cos your tastebuds shld be similar and can lookout for each other. 2 preggies lunch out tog with big stomach in future so cute.

feimei, i also too lazy to lunch out. so later eating in. ask colleague to tapao. so now foruming... hee


ya, let's jia U!!!

i saw some at Harry's bookstore n Times, also not cheap...ard $30 - $40+...u may wan to check them out becos they got open sample leh...i think Mother Care also hv...i saw it once...


yalol...will be good to do lunch 2gether...hahaha...cos will be toking the same topic as well...

i went to dapao myself...jus opp building nia..lazy to walk far too!!!soo many ppl...see liao headache....

let me consolidate all mummies EDD n upload here...so, pls let me know ur EED, which hospital n which gynae.... :D

ooo gd idea... thanks feimei...

i will update u once i c my gynae on sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei, tks for the info. will go check it out. u bought already? my nearest food centre is like 7 mins walk. so lazy.

wow, feimei. that is a good idea. am thinking of doing that but u start the ball rolling man.

i start with mine. expected edd between 5-7 Jul. can pnly confirm after gynae visit on next tue. will be in kkh. dr tan thiam chye. over to you!

feimei, px22

me also banking industry.

let's arrange for lunch soon..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello jgwee,

sure, no prob...i oso pick this fr the previous MTB thread...so that we know each other EDD and no need to keep repeating in the thread... :D

jgwee, u busy whole am? din see you here.

btw mummies, why do i keep having like the gastric juice is in my mouth? like bitter taste type when i swallow it... isit norm? been having it on and off since ytd


hahaha...Ops, i say out ur idea 1st... =P it's ok, let's hv a start n going forward, everyone is free to update, i can send u the file to change n upload here. :D

ahhh...soo we hv a few mummies here who in banking industry... :D

haha.. i bz reading the thread.. today's thread v fast!! vv gd! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pillow4..u got vomit anot? normally after vomit den got bitter 1 leh... hee hee... hw u feeling today?

hi starry, i'm in finance, traveling to Jpn to meet bosses so got to be extra careful.

I do hv a qn, is it a must to get confirmation from GP first before going to gynae? While reading all the posts, i think i'm the only one with the least pregnant symptoms. No MS, no extreme hungry-ness ( just can eat a bit more), breast soreness is like PMS... basically if nt for missed period & BFP i wont think i'm pregnant.

no puking feeling. just got the bitter taste. i dun feel miserable at all. tat is y i am blur. do we really have to puke in order to classify as morning sickness? or am i starting to have? ???

Cool, Lizzie! will input ur info.


not a must to go GP, if u tested +ive, u can call up any gynae n make appt lol...diff mummies varies, not all mummies will hv MS, boobies sore, or other preg symptons....soo dun give urself too much worry!!!


u feel nausea??? i dun puke too but i feel nausea till i hv the feeling to puke, but nothing come out....dun be stress by the word 'morning sickness', sometime, it not only happen in the am, it may take place throughout the day...and preg symptons not only got MS, got other things too...

In terms of MS, I dont really have very prominent ones...Just that I do crave for certain food from certain places.

Nausea, came and gone, maybe will come back bah..

Bloating is quite evident...hence, i let out quite a bit of gas lol

Breasts feel the same, nothing much..and I cant really see or smell nasi lemak, but its once off incident. Maybe I try look at nasi lemak and see if it puts me off or not cos before this, I used to be able to eat nasi lemak hehehe :p

Sianz, now i feel so sleepy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

see, Lizzie got diff encounter...soo all mummies, dun worry too much if u dun hv this symptoms or that symptoms...just accept wat is given to u...our mother when hving us, also hv diff symptoms mah...as wat i know...when my mum hv me, she still piggy-back my bro n go to work....she dun hv any pain or any MS...and here i m now...hahahaa...

ya, my mum told me when she was having me, even when in her third tri, she still have to wash a loadful of clothes for my father's family. total of ard 20ppl! she gotta carry water from well and squat to wash. now her daughter cant even carry a pail full of water with 2 hands. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


u have enuff for #1 and #2, so now #3, u can sit back n Relax....hahahahaa....hardwork did pay off!!!


gd 1 feimei [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry relax liao for No. 3

