(2011/07) July 2011

mine is 8 july...i m now 30 weeks..baby is 1.4kg not sure is it small or medium size. I CANT WAIT!!! =_='' going to deliver at MAH. anyone going there? maybe we can chit chat while waiting for bb to come out.ahahaha


hi pipi...me with KKH 2...last vist at week 27...next appt 4wk time wk 31...following by 3wk time wk 34...then 2wk time wk 36...last is weekly

that what the nurse told me.

sunshine: I dunno if I can request to see my gynae every 2 weeks or 1 week...I scared my bb grow too big lol.

He was 1.5kg at 28 weeks...now Im wondering whats his weight at 32 weeks.. lol

sunshine: I'll be seeing her on 19th may, maybe I will ask her then if I need to make payment by then?

weird leh, my friend paid for his wife only when they came in for delivery...

so now, im also not sure....

thanks mtbs...

When I asked my gynae, he says he will see me 4 weeks later...then I ask him can 3 weeks or not. Cos more checks better than less checks. Just want to make sure everything is ok as I am first time mum.

wow Lizzie..my boy oni 1.2kg at wk 27 ur is 1.5kg liao...hmm think ur will reach more than 3kg leh when due

mine next appt on 18 May

but the nurse told me we can book and pay from wk 31 onward leh...lastest must pay by wk 36

sunshine: ooh is it? Maybe by the time, I can pay liao le...cos 32 wks...

yeh!! 1.5kg! lol weird thing is that time i put on 1.2kg in 4 weeks and my boy took 500g....

so even distribution LOL....

hihi... mine was 1.2kg @ 29weeks+ le. N gyne seeing mi in 3weeks time again. by dan i gt to pay the deposit. anybody have any ideas of hw much it will cost??

My bb gal weighs 940 gm when I went for checkup last Sat at ard 28 weeks. Is she too small in size?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm a bit worried....

karen> eat the 'xian dan' that all mummies's favourite!!! DURIAN!!! my MIL keep nagging...eat abit...must eat...bb mus over 3kg point than good!!! +.+" i dun wan my gal to be like me....giant size.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] anyway, i not a durian fans...soo no craving for it...

hello girls all ko liao rite?

fm then ur brown shoes how? i din know so tough to buy at gmarket korea.. i still buyin at gmarket sg only..

eh.. i was told to c doc at 2 weeks interval i m now 28w4d.. hmm but i "bargain" i said 3 weeks first then nxt one then 2 weeks he said okie.. save me some $ hahahaha ..

My bb gal weighs 1.287kg at 28 weeks 4 days, consider slightly above average. gynae said she is very chumby and wont be small. use mine as a reference ba.

Month 8 downpayment is for partial payment to my gynae, not to the hospital. wondering how much will be the total cost come out to be. ~worried man~ -_-

feimei> how i wish i can eat durians, but cant.

wendy> me having e same thinking, 1 month then see my gynae also good coz of $$. if not too siong. every trip costs me close to S$200 (including my 1 mth pills). ~faint!

w160879> brown color oso ok la....hahahaa...oso can match w her clothes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TGIF mummies

my bb boy 1.37kg at 29 weeks 1 day...and next visit is still 1 mth away which is my 33 weeks liao... less than 10 weeks to countdown, it's suddenly so fast!

feimei> big big...my gal is big. serious! never mind, still have another 2 more mths before we 'unload'. then we can start eating watever we want after our confinement. Yeah!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cant wait man!! but now i start to worry not used to working. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

long time didnt work liao. scare to go interview. ~Sigh~

hi all mtbs...long time never come here liao...my bb at 29weeks weighs 1.48kg! Doc say a bit big...ask me to cut down on my sugar...i am seeing gynae every 3wks now.

by the way i am sorting out my maternity leave with the company. just want to check how many days are you all taking in advance before EDD? Do we need to take like 1 wk before edd?

feimei - I did had durians on and off... sometimes once or twice a week...

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] seems like mine is the lightest.... although gynae said the weight is ok, but I am still worry..

I put on 3kgs for the past 4 weeks and my bb only put on like 300 gm...

i think all the bb wt issue...dun take it too seriously, jus a guide...becos diff gynae, diff advice...but usually...(always the case), gynae will quote u more heavier wt just that dun wan mummies to put on too much wt....but after birth, when weigh our bb, the wt is actually lesser...sooo dun frightened by ur bb very light or very heavy...jus eat healthy n stay healthy!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ST: Mine is about the same as yours...1.45kg at 30 weeks. My gynae says bb's weight is normal but mummmy has to cut down on milk intake & no more durian.

babybunnie...how much weight you put on? i gained 10kg...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but i though it is never enough of calcium so why doc ask u to reduce milk intake? or u really drink alot of milk? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ST: Ard 13kg lor...In fact, I hate the taste of milk. So didn't really drink much but gynae thought my weight gain is from the milk.

I'll be visiting my gynae every 2 weeks from now on...how come yours is every 3 weeks? Btw, when's your EDD?

sunshine>> my appointment is 2pm.. need to go ADC for growth scan first this time.. check size and water level..

yours so late ah?

i m experiencing terrible backache now. any cure for this?? any1 experience same thing as me? me at week 29 this week.

heard tat most mummies will give birth at week 38.

Janice>> I also have backache.. but not as bad.. Try to sleep side way if possible.. and when at home.. try to lend back on pillow.. don't stand and walk too much.. I found that helps..

Hi mommies

Sorry to intrude. If you need advise on coverage for you and your loved ones, please do contact me for a discussion with no obligation.

I will also provide a free service to do a financial health review with you.

Thank you & have a smooth delivery.

Gyan Tan

AIA Financial Service Consultant

H/P: 8233 3254

Email: [email protected]

I've some anmum sachets to give away foc. Self collect at Rivervale Crescent. Expiry dates are near. Please PM me if interested.

2 original - expiry june 2011

2 original - expiry aug 2011

2 chocolate - expiry aug 2011

Hello mummies! Happy mothers day :D

I went for the antenatal course at mt alvernia last week.. The nutritionist also don't recommend too much consumption of maternal milk coz they are high in fat content.

Normal milk that r low-fat like HL will do.. But if mummies don't eat well, r underweight or require additional supplements, then maternal milk will be good.

I finished 2 tins of enfamama halfway thru second trimester and my weight shot up alot when baby's weight was still normal.. So i gained instead of baby and doc warned me that I might have prob with overweight babies in later stage of pregnancy..

For calcium, we must take the calcium supplements given by gynae coz food n milk alone won't be sufficient.. Still drink milk, but choose low fat milk lor..

hahahhaa....i Stopped my powder milk since 2nd tri...somehow...dun hv the urge to drink n very LAZY!!! did drank those commercial low-fat milk but not too often also....full tin of Mamial Mum still in the cabinet... =P gynea said drink on n off lol but i tink i can't tahan the powder milk smell anymore...during 1st tri, i Love it....now...wan to puke!!!! >,<

morning All mummies!!!

Monday again~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] weather soooooo humid n HOT...buay tahan leh....sweating while in train somemore...n soo hot that slept late last nite...then when on board train...i ZZzzzzz....but told my gal...'wake mummy when reach Raffles plc'....indeed, she kicked hard after the broadcasting of Raffles Plc....hahahaha...realli good gal!!! :D at least she keep my day Bright today!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihi morning all mtbs

hi feimei...me still on fresh milk everyday...oni can take in fresh milk...also still hv 1 new pack of anmum nor drink yet...but i prefer fresh 1

think my weight gain is due to the milk intake

sunshine> choose the low-fat de lol....fresh milk may be more tasty but tink oso fattening...i drank the Nutri-soy milk w almond, not bad....starting, i tot i might hate the almond smell but somehow...it taste ok worr...then i love it...becos hi-cal n oso got the magnesium n vit E...u can try the one w Omega too...not bad!!!

my wt not much increase...each review is like 1-2kg....but consider...i already FAT prior to preg lol...soo i dun wan to put on too much wt too...gynae said the most, i can only put on 10kg....hopefully i can cope within this range...hahahaha...

yesteday...very funny...cos me and hubby lay on bed then he place his hand on my tum tum...suddenly he laugh happily...i thou wht happened...hubby say he can feel bb hand popping out

Babybunnie...dunno leh i am still on every 3wks see doc...i am in my 31 wk today...i drink maternal milk every day 1 glass but sometimes weekend give myself a break...maybe thats y i gain so much weight? but i am underweight b4 pregger...now i gained 12kgs...gasp!

i have very bad tailbone pain now...sianz

sunshine> my gal doing that every nite... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m sweating in office...what a joke!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

WTS: One night stay at Marina Bay Sands Grand Room

Hotelclub/Zuji rates at SGD459 - 479

Letting go at SGD360!!! Expires Aug 2011. Free access to Skypark and swim in the world's highest infinity pool!

Enjoy some romantic moments with Hubby before the Big Day comes!

SMS me at 9005 8165

