(2011/07) July 2011

jas> i oso finished my avocado once reached office...hahahahaa...i hv been walking very slowly...strolling instead....hahahaha...

nice dress but too big ler bahh...hv to wait she grow bigger...maybe ur gal like u....tall type... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tonight i post the shoe n the cap i bot from gmarket korea....hahahaha....

FM, jas, piyo, sorry for missing out on lunch! we shall catch up again ya..

FM, how u buy from gmarket korea? can understand all the language?


no prob!

am sure we'll be having another RP "mini gathering" soon.

we'll catch up then! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i kiasu mah, cos if i buy 3months/6months, very fast outgrown wan.

so might as well buy 9months.

anyway, that's the only size left.

so all the more reason to buy size 9months! hee!

zachmommy> cannot understand korean leh...i find the item i wan, tally with the photo display then i use a local spree to order for me...she will place order....she got spree for other online shop as well...like china site: tao bao...

Hi Mummies,

I am from April forum.

My friend brought me a PHILIPS ELECTRICAL SINGLE BREAST PUMP. I already brought my own pump thus would like to sell the new pump off.

The above was purchased on 07/03/2011 and is under 2 years warranty.

Pls PM @ [email protected] if keen.

Thank you.

Mummies, anyone intending to get a Pupsik Studio Baby Pouch? www.pupsikstudio.com

I am letting go mine. Comes with original plastic packaging and instruction manual. Its used only at home. Have washed and kept back into original packaging.

Letting go for at a low price of only $22 (more than 50% off). Originally bought for $45.90

Colour: Chocolate

Size: L

Do pm me in case I miss out your reply in the thread as it moves too fast for me ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]





yes, that's why after buying one for my gf's baby, i couldn't resist and bought one more same dress for my princess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

w160879> yes, no need understand korean but need to tally the korea wording with the picture...unless u using google chrome, u can translate but again...their model in the pic r in foto format, cannot be translate lol...soo back to square one...hv to tally the item in the selection list n the foto....i wanted the shoe to be pink but choose wrongly, turn out to be brown.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hihi morning all mtbs

finally into 3rd tri liao...lets us all count down together...by the way who is the 1st to pop? shld be mdm khoo or Agnes right...so excited for them

sunshine> not onli mdm khoo n agnes to pop 1st...some mummies gg for c-sect...may oso pop in June!!! i oso hope to pop in Jun...hahahaha...

mi too hope to pop in june. but i doubts i can?? counting dwn for my appt tomolo ;)

Me delivering on 21 June.. but I tink next week I will ask my gynae can I deliver earlier boh.. tired leh! I cant wait to deliver but at the same time hopefully i butt up and get things done first..haha

btw, i hv yet to receive the hospital admission letter leh..wonder y it took them so long. Next week i must pay my gynae's delivery charges liao..in cash summore. sian!

my EDD is 27 june. Same Bday with his papa. but I hope bb pop during the weekend (just 1 or 2 days earlier) so that my hubby can spend more time with me in hospital. If not, he has only 2 days of paternity leave.. so sad..

hahahaa...looks like most mummies in Jul thread...want to pop in Jun??? -,-"

i oso hope to pop during wkend so that hubby no need rush here n there....

sunshine> everyone told me gal will pop early but during last appt...i asked my gynae...he said might not leh...really depend on individual...hahahaa...but my cousin very confident telling me, it will be early!!! =P


not necessary... 2 of my colicks having gals, popped on edd, another one having boy was overdue by 3 days and my #1 (boy) was early by 4 days... so very difficult to predict de...

sunshine: i think is depend. i have relative give birth 3 weeks before. i have 2 frenz delivery on the edd date. all r having boys

wow... counting dwn... mi end of jul too. EDD keep changing. i do hope is 28 june lei. hahaha.... pay day plus my bro bday & my bday is oso in june ;) but could nt be on my bday cos too early lo ;) too bad

just wondering mummies who #1 is natural...does ur water bag break on it own? wht the feeling like...urine can't control 1??? im so anticipating for the AD to come

XW> thats y my gynae told me...very individual de lol...haiz~~~guess those of us gg for natural...just hv to wait n see lol...hahahhahaa...


my water bag broke in the middle of the night when i was sleeping... i was dreaming dat i saw a water bomb dropped on the ground then the next sec i woke up realising my water bag broke... my colick say she can hear a loud pop of the bag breaking... she was wondering wat dat sound was b4 she saw water coming out below... then she realise her water bag broke...

XW> hahahaha...ur dream came true...related with water....my cousin oso telling me last wkend...she was sleeping n heard the a balloon burst sound...then she got frighten n sit up...she tot she press on something...then she realised her water bag burst...hahahhaa....realli can be a joke leh...soo funi...

Hi Mummies,

I have BNIB NEW BORN SET, selling at S$15 NET




Collection point: Tanjong Pagar MRT/ Paya Lebar MRT

sunshine> shld it be interesting or scary?? hahahahaa....i oso dunnu leh...but i dunnu to hope for water bag burst 1st or contraction come 1st...very contridicting for me...haiz~~~


according to my exp, i would prefer contractions to come 1st... ideally shld be contractions 1st the water bag burst naturally then labour will come very fast... previously, my water bag burst 1st but no contractions... then gotta induce... then contraction pain for >24hrs... in the end gotta do e-csect... hope this time everything comes naturally wo inducing or csect...

XW> alamak~~~is like tat ahhh....then i pray for contraction 1st....becos my cousin told me...water bag burst ler...contraction will come in lol...seems like it's better the other way round....ok-ok...pray the wrong way...now shld pray for...contraction -> water bag burst -> labor....hahahaha...

talking about waterbag burst.. if burst when u are sleeping.. meaning the whole bed will be soaked rite? like tat 3 days later when go home.. the bed will dry??

haha feimei...think i siao alrdy...to me it sound interesting n im looking forward to it...cos this exp can't avoid de so mind as well look forward to it n enjoy the process ba

piyo> unless ur bed kana abit 1st...becos dunnu the water coming out in large gash or small gash 1st...if large gash...ur bed confirm flooded liao...i oso worried abt this...i told hubby if my water bag burst...pls call 995 to send me in...i dun wan to flood the car...my frenx hubby...need to send the car to vacumme dry the car leh...imagine how much water??? i oso read some article that preggie water bag burst in cab while on the wat to hospital n flood the cab...cabby found his cab flooded...hahahaha...but such thing...cannot control de mah...at least if u flood the ambulance...nvm la...not ur biz...kekekekee....

piyo piyo...haha that a very gd and cute qns..i nv thou of it leh...hmm or maybe when abt our EDD we shld borrow fr our bb waterproof mat to slp first....hehe

ehhh....the waterproof mat...heard not soo useful thou....soo can forget it...still will get wet or flooded...

sunshine> yes, enjoy the process but when things happen...(we 1st timer) sure to be 'kallang-kabo' one...gan chiong her n there....hahhahaa...then i dunnu to luff or cry...

sunshine> if realli emergency cases, no charge...soo...flood it lol...no need us to clean up...hahahaha... (very bad of me)...becos vacume dry a car, tink not cheap leh...y i wan to waste that $$ myself??? somemore ambulance got previlage to speed n dash traffic light leh...if hubby driving...die liao...cannot chiong...plus he will sure gan chiong w me...then will be even worse....

yalo.. i was thinking also what will happen when water bag burst on the bed? will it 'kena' the mattress?? haha..

My experience with my #1. First I had a "show"-meaning spotting menses, then went to gynae double check, gynae said can admit hospital. Gynae put me on induce coz bb head not engaged yet. Contractions came becoz induce. Then, when its time, the nurse break my water bag. I felt a gush of warm water coming out from down there. Then, start to push when contractions coming until bb come out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

