(2011/07) July 2011

feimei: haha ya right hard to predict our baby size LOL!! So better dun risk! hahaha..

ixoral: Welcome, as i also going to go mount a so gathering info thus can share with those also going mount a..

zachmommy: Y not consider going to agency for CL?? I book with GPLS the agent told their nanny can wash nappy with request.. But i nv coz i already bought diapers. Their price quite okie $1950 then plus levy $168.. If u dun like the CL can change the most 2 times. Then if still dun like the third one you just have to pay pro-rate..


Feimei: I bought Goon becoz big pack n cheap. Seen nid to change a lot in 1 day.

At 1st dun wan to buy cloths diaper but my mum say buy n tell the CL to wash.

ya feimei...saw fr some thread the CL very damanding de...bb cannot slp aircon...but i saw is the CL request air-con lah haha seem like they r here to enjoy themselves

feimei>> don't buy too many NB.. surely some friend will give that as baby present.. i got NB, S, M and even L size from friends when they come visit me in hospital..

anyway.. hospital also will give a pack.. so don't get too many NB.. end up.. out grown

sunshinebb: I bought tommee tippee.. But one thing abt tommee tippee is that the bottle warmer must get the same brand coz the bottle is veri fat fat de so i also bought the same brand sterilizer & bottle warmer set..

zachmommy> Wowww...ur basic is even more basic than mine...hahahhaa...but of cos, my hse is pretty small in size...less than 15mins, can vacume whole hse ler...nowadays, CL really hang up n sell...i called one oso...she oso use bb as excuse...say depend on bb lol...if bb guai guai...she will do hsework...Woww...sound like i pleading her to do like that but that's the most basic thing i request mah...sweep n mop flr lol...if i knoe bb will be guai guai...i no need CL lol...i can do confinement myself leh...Wah Kaoz~~~ :S

chujie> i only bot 2pkts of Pampers NB nia....2pcs of foc Goon...hahahaha...tot buying small pkt of mammy poko to try out lol...

ixoral> ohh...custom-make got xtra charge??? sofzsleep got discount till this wk only leh...u may wan to call Rina by this wk if u cfm wan to get Sofzsleep brand....i oso dunnu leh...which brand do u think???

sunshine> so far i got Avent...want to buy pigeon but during Mar show, avent got discount, soo bot Avent lol n my cousin said she got un-used teats for Avent, will pass to me, so end up i got Avent lol n MIL dunnu go where, got one pigeon glass one...Wowww...biangZ~~~glass de...i very clumsy one...wait slip hand...bye bye the bottle lol...haiz~~~

chujie> can bb sleep in air-con? hubby not a air-con person...hahahaa...i scare my gal like me...sweat easily...if starting put her in air-con...ltr she get used to it, then how??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sunshine> u will let urs sleep in air-con?

my #1 didnt sleep in air cond room during his 1st month cos my CL then said bb shuldnt sleep air cond room.. we onie got a stand fan and she oso rarely turn it on. But last time was in Dec so it is cooling..even i sleep without air cond but i have a mini fan!! Hahaha..

Mabbe i will go back home n ask my mom to help me do confinement.. save the hassle!! the most employ part time maid to come n clean the clothes so that my mom will not lose her freedom too.. means the first day bb is born i need to submit his passport and then when discharge go n collect and go back KL

zachmommy> if u feel easy that way....i oso tink ur mum can help u n save ur headache in finding CL now...if come one, make u peh chey...ur confinement will be stressful...but if u go back...zach leh? follow u???

zachmommy> oso good horrr...at least in KL got ur sis n ur dad to play w zach n u can concentrate on ur confinement...if in SG...u hv to look after zach urself plus hv to BF....more stressfull!!! maybe u can discuss w ur mum....if she ok, u shld go back then!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei>> not really recommended to be under aircon.. but singapore so hot.. esp the time they are born is the hottest of the year.. just make sure the temperature is not too low.. and they are well dress.. we also bought a moisturier(cool steam) to keep the room moist.. too dry not good for their breathe.. etc

so far he is ok.. but really can't sleep without aircon lor.. haha


it is to keep the air in the room moist and prevent bb skin from drying out... esp in aircon room... i would get one too if there is space in the room... its quite heart pain to see bb skin drying... how much i dunno liao... can get from major electrical appliance stores ba...

chujie, not very long lar.. max 4 hrs nia! last time i oso travel after discharge from hospital..for bb i tink is no prob cos they will be either sleeping or latching..

that will be the best arrangement..cos i hv more hands at home to help :p

feimei> not aircon might not be necessary.. cuz u will open door or window..

zachmommy> ya.. more helping hand would be good

feimei u can call bb safe side to give them measurement to ask how much they will quote u directly then u need to go jln peminpin to collect..

hmm for me my #1's bb cot which i was made to throw away i also custom make e mattress to try to let it fit coz e size also a bit smaller..

sunshinebb i had no choice but to take elective c sect wor.. coz my nottie boy was a breeched bb.. sob sob..

Zachmommy my SIL's CL did wash e cloth nappy with e help of my maid e last time but she also dun like so she toilet trained e boy to pee n poo so each time e bb wanted to pee or poo will cry.. if u realli need to buy disposable to accommodate CL then i tink u gotta get those realli cheap housebrands n let e nanny diligently change ur newborn.. so u mus decide bb #2 name soonst already to make passport since u r keen to go home to ur mum's for confinement.. i tink being near mummy during confinement is great my mum did my 1st confinement.. but tis time round with my son she offered to take care of #1 while i concentrate on nursing myself back to health [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my #1 from day 1 sleepin in aircon all e way jus like me when i was young hahahaha i need e sound of aircon to sleep + it's so comfy.. :p hospital also got aircon mah.. jus dun turn it up to a temp to experience winter shld b okie ba.. :p

hmm recently i tried using ntuc brand for my son to go childcare it is quite thick but childcare nvr complain.. i tink if i use pamper at childcare it'll b v siong..

Finally today is my date with my lil girl to take her 3D/4D shots.. exciting.. still mus thank e girls at FB MTB for sharing e great deal!

oh yes feimei bb safe's customer care line is +65 6356 1258 hope u can find some help there .. n i hope ur bb sleeps in e cot guai guai .. i m also hopin my #2 will sleep in cot guai guai ..

zachmommy> Wow you are super! I remember during my first delivery, I needed 2-3 days to recover. Maybe I lost too much of blood?? Each time I get up and walk, I would feel dizzy.. Can't imagine if I had to travel during the first day. But going home is much better for you.

I am totally different, dun like to do confinement at my mum's place coz she is so damn strict! keep me confine upstairs, just imagine no TV, no Radio, no Internet, only the baby and me 24 hours. I eat, drink, bath, sleep 24 hour all activities upstairs! -_-""" So I decided this time wanna do confinement here myself.. haha

feimei- i went for my financial counseling yest.got all the medisave forms etc etc.

they have the labour ward tour everyday at 3.30pm..u must go to counter 1 to tell them and they will arrange for u.

if u got time today,can go ba. think i will go during next visit since my appt is at 2pm.and the nurse also tell me they will provide free parentcraft session for us(those basic need-to-know info on taking care of baby) during our stay during delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zachmommy, I am also gg back to jb to do my confinement. so now stress. cos gotta think of bb name fast. bb out, dh gotta quickly give date n time to master then choose name then make passport. stress ah.

btw, how long can our bb stay in msia ah? 14 days?

mommies, guess most of you have done up the nursery..

have you all also thought of where to bathe the baby? in your room or??

baby sleeping in ur room??

hihi xinyue...will bath bb in the master bedrm toilet with the window closed so bb won't catch a cold.

still hv not done up the nursery...will let him to slp with us..

w160879> appreciated the number to call, will call up n chk!!! Thanks!!! Enjoy ur scan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinky> i m at joint clinic waiting for appt...will go over to c if they hv the tour today....i forgt to ask tat time, do we need to make any deposit??? I walked over jus nw but the nurse nt in...

sunshinebb let's pray together.. but alwaz do wat's best for bb ba..

hmm xinyue i intend to bath bb in hall.. lol then carry to room to dress.. :p

sunshinebb let's pray together.. but alwaz do wat's best for bb ba..

hmm xinyue i intend to bath bb in hall.. lol then carry to room to dress.. :p

pillow, can stay in malaysia for 30 days, i tink last time i exceed to 60days plus and I forgot to renew..lolz but din get it lar..mabbe cos still infant :p

wendy > oh ok, thanks. was told, to bathe baby in my room and then immediately wrap baby up in towel once finished bathing.

hmm xinyue will depend when i bath bb no wind will b blowin they r usualli pretty clean too so no need to worry abt catchin cold coz wun bath too long.. :p

i might wanna get those bath tub with stand for bathing bb my neighbour sellin hehe.. :p


so today lunch meet at Republic Plaza Asian Kitchen eh?

whoever reach there 1st chope seats.

any preference? to sit inside or outside?

yummy... will order the pork chop noodles.

jas/piyo/zachmommy> if zachmommy can't make it today, will be 3 of us...anyway, jus ask for 4seats bahhh....no pref...but inside will be better bahhh if available....

Hi Mummies,

I'm from the April 2011 thread and would like to seek your help.

For those of you who have not given birth and have the Medela Freestyle, can you please help me to charge my battery? Coz' the battery needs an initial charge of 24hours but I've delivered and need to use my pump every 3 hourly. I am willing to pay a token sum to whoever can help me and would arrange to pass you the battery at a place of your convenience.

Thank you very much!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok, will prob reach there by 12noon.

in case we need to contact each other, i have your no. you still have mine?


you can only join us at 12:45pm?



this is the dress i bought.

sweet rite? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


