(2011/07) July 2011

Just came back from gynae.. the naughty girl still havn't get to head down position.. I also need to check for plascenta location in next visit..

gynae said maybe I got lots of space inside.. just now can see her head downward then in mins she lie horizontal again.. to much space to turn turn turn.. haha.. lots of fluid.. not sure good news or bad news.. lots of fluid is good but so much space for her then she hardly engage.. fainted..

I break my record this month.. put on 4kg myself.. gynae said still in range and baby is estimated as 1.6kg

regarding breastfeed.. hospital will give you some FM as spare..

I would said still need to pump.. because even if you fully latch on.. pump will help to release all remaining milk.. then our breast will think baby need more milk and produce more.. that is a good cycle..

Make sure you all feed one side till baby let go till you switch to other side.. then baby can take the fat milk which after the fore milk.. again.. this also help breast to know how much milk more they need to produce as you clear all stock in one side.. then you switch side.. baby might not finish.. so you pump afterward..

hehe.. jas.. I am on 29wks + 1 day (gynae said to me today)

though baby weight is estimated 1.6kg.. she still moving like crazy lor.. my MIL so scare turn too much stem cord will go round her.. :p

I told her not to worry.. baby knows how to take care of herself inside..


Should have colustrum, it comes by nature! Every mommy by nature should have enough milk to feed the baby. If not enough milk, human would have extinct before the creation of formula milk.

hmm lucky3 u bf when pregnant mus watch ur diet ba coz make sure enuff nutrients for foetus n ur bb .. iron intake esp.. jia you good on u to endure so long.. i stopped at 16 mths lol

feimei u r rite indeed sharin allows us to know more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chujie, ur bb ger very healthy wor..1.6kg! means more than 3kg at birth.. but m sure ur bb will turn n engage soon lar.. tink by 32-34 weeks bb head will turn down and then by 37 weeks start to engage..so mean time let ur bb turn n turn bah..hehe

maelyn> thanks...thanks...maelyn!! kekekeke...pai sey for my silly qns...but when date get nearer...feel like more worry on this n that...n keep hoping i can handle her when she is out...hope i wun 'caught' 7hands-8legs!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chujie> congrates...ur gal healthy is most impt...jus let her play her turn n when nearer...she will auto engaged de bahhh...now bb all very smart de...i think my tum tum oso too much space for her to turn...these few nights...keep feeling her doing somersaults...realli too boring inside till she finding things to do....hahahhahahaa...but during last scan...i tink she lying horizontal leh but gynae said her head downwards ler...anyway...my appt coming wed...see what is her stunt on that day!!!!

Thank zachmommy and feimei for encouragment..

My gal.. healthy.. and also heavy.. haha.. I got a shock when I found out that I put on 4kg last month.. lucky the past didn't put on much then gynae said still within range..

My boy that time also over 3kg.. so think the gal about the same..

Next visit will check my plasceta location.. if still low then gynae will opt for c-sect.. mean I might not experience labouring again this time.. *Sigh*

Hmmm~~~i dun wan bb to be over 3kg leh...too big??? i dun wan her to be like me...soo FAT...next time cannot wear pretty clothes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but MIL keep saying bb mus over 3kg...then chubby...then cute...ohhh...pls...i hv been 'chubby' since born n till soo old, hv not shake off the FATs yet...i dun wan my gal to be like me leh....

feimei>> 3kg is not too heavy.. the healthy range is 2.8kg - 3.2kg

In fact, I once read a research said that a lot under weight baby end up obese when they grown up.. not sure if it is because parent worry and overfed them.. haha..

hihi all mtbs

thanks u all for the birthday wishes

yesterday gyne visit...my boy was sleeping, but he did not cover his face so can see his feature clearly. i love his nose and lip, now make me feel to do the 3d scan

zachmommy...me hv the same thinking as u....no intention to get any FM...will try to BF as long as possible...my boobs size also nv increase alot so hope will hv enough supply for my boy.

chujie> tink i saw this report on news before as well...under wt bb tend to be more prompt to be obese when grow up...i m big sized + fat becos i followed my father side, all big size n my mum is very small in size...imagine how she squeezed me out...hahahaha....not to mention my elder bro...he lagi big size... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif] but y i m fat becos i not picky in food n wat ever food i given to eat...i will eat lol...i oways say i m rubbish bin!!!! but hope my gal wun hv my genie...hahahaha...so that she can be pretty n slim when she grow up!!!


I had 2 fish burgers for lunch!!

i wanted to eat only 1 then keep the other for tonite.

but i was still hungry after the 1st burger and 1 cup of soy milk.

so decided to wallop up the 2nd one.

and after that finished a platter of fruits!

so scary...........

jas> that was my dinner last nite....2 fish bao bao + fries...after the 2nd one...i feel soo FULL but still squeeze in my fries...hahahahaa...jus dun wan to waste it.... =P

i wanted to get the filet last night.. mcd at compasspoint no q at all..but then 2 filet, dunno how to finish so end up din get.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i cant eat too much else i get heartburn..

haha Feimei u can't b as fat as me or fatter i m realli FAT.. Zachmommy can vouch.. lol.. anyway bb slightly over 3kg is a good weight.. dun tink so much they will lose bb fats fast de.. if it's jus chubbiness n not coz of bone structures..

eh.. fruits healthy mah Jas.. hehehe..

alot of wei da mummies here to jia you for bf ing! YEAH!

yest went Giant, saw the durian guy opening up durians, yellow flesh and smell damn nice.

so very tempted to buy, but resisted.

cos i dunwan my girl to be too big.

also heard that too much durian will be heaty and baby's skin wun be nice.

so, for the sake of my girl, i must REN!!!!

feimei, zach dun eat burger! dun ask me y..he got very weird eating habit..food that kids will like, he will not like. lollipops, ice cream, sweets, chocolates, i hv to force him to eat..then he will taste and then say "dun want"...my sister chase him ard the hse feeding ice cream to him..can u imagine that!! siao one lor

but food that old ppl eat like kueh, rice, glutinuous rice..ah, he love it!! totally opposite..damn sian to bring him out for food esp weekends. Eat western he dun like, eat chinese zhi char, we cannot order variety cos cannot finish.. knock head!

w160879> i m FAT + heavy bone structure ya~~~sooo overall conclusion is FAT!!! hahahahaha....i tink i m over 3kg when born leh...that's y i m like that lol... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

zachmommy> zach really got special taste....hahahhaa...good mah...he dun hv sweet tooth...then u hv less headache, worrying for his tooth....nowadays, kiddos very diff de...not like us when we were kids...everything oso sui bian....anything...hahhahahaa...easy to raise up!!!

i oso hope i can BF as long as possible.... :D


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feimei i tink i was also over 3kg when born.. hahaha well bone structure strong so heavy ba.. dun tink so much.. we all got ppl wan no matter wat's our size hehe..

Zach is a unique boy.. v interesting taste buds.. at least no worries abt him indulging in junk unlike my junkie boy.. so Zachmommy mus b happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning all mummies!!!

Brand new wk....Monday again!!! hahahaaa

Into my 30wks this Fri....finally seeing the number 3!!! Excited + gan chiong~~~~ :S

hihi morning all mtbs

yup feimei...another fresh new week...so sian when is my Maternity leave coming....

any mummies feeling super super hot ar...even in aircon room also can sweat

Realli wan to praise my lil princess: Valene!!!

She really brightened my Blue Monday!!!

Mummy really 'ai si ni'....*muaks*

Wanted to kunning in train just now...so while my hand on my tum tum, i told my gal, wake mummy up when reached Raffles Place...then i dozed off....after awhile, i felt kicking...then i open eyes n see which station, it's Dover!!! hahahaha...then i tell her...only at Dover, we only drop off at Raffles Place, gal!!! then i kun again....sleep...sleep....sleep....(i slept more for 7hrs n i still can sleep...hahahhaha)....this time round, i felt kicking....left side n right side of tum tum...then i wake up n see...Tanjong Pagar....ahhh....she 'really understand' horr...n her kick last fr tanjong pagar till Raffles place...hahahahaa...realli amzing leh....!!! maybe no one will believe me but i tested this a few times and it worked each time, only this time she kicked abit early at Dover...hahahahaa...maybe ppl might think jus coincidence bahhh... :D

sunshine> i can even sweat when raining soo heavy ytd lol...no choice...hv to on the fan n blow directly on me....i can sweat like nobody biz....hahahaha...i HATE the stickyness...very 'gao wei'....i can tahan COLD but not HOT....that's y i scare of my confinement...dunnu how to pull through.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PX> np la....go settle ur hse thingy....we shall see if others still wan to continue....if not, we shall arrange again....

piyo, jas, zachmommy> how...how...how???

wow feimei....that really amazing...i beleive bb in our tum tum understand us de

my boy is whenever i fight with his daddy...then he will "AN WEI" me....keep kicking n rolling inside...trying hard to cheer me up

ya lor feimei super hot till i follow Lizi go topless at home...haha


ya lor... very hot these days... i m scared of cold n dun sweat much... but these few days really very hot... aircon the most only cooling... used to wear thick jacket in the office cos very cold... now have been walking ard in the office wo jacket in the last 2 weeks... siao liao lor... confinement definitely have to bathe liao... n gotta walk ard w towel...

sunshine> hahahahaa...i cannot go topless leh...cos i always open my main door big big otherwise whole hse will be stuffy!!! n when sleeping...oso mus wear becos i dun cover w blanket ler....soo if go topless...will be quite uneasy...hahahahaa...


shld we buy latex or foam mattress??? i know the Good points on Latex but quite ex leh...soo thinking if foam will be good enuff???

XW> during confinement can bath la...but w boiled water n herbs lol....is the herbs smelly??? my MIL said the herbs smell...soo i might not be soo Onz to bath...i told her i rather bath lol...dun care herbs smell anot...i jus wan to get rid of the stickyness!!! Yuckz!!!!

i oso feel very hot.. i drank a cup of milo this morning and i alr sweating and my office air-condition is supposed to be quite cold!

I m in my 30th week today! 8 more weeks to go and I can feel the tiredness liao - my feet start to swell at the end of the day, i walk slower than usual cos if i walk too fast, i get slight sharp pain at the sides..

but i cannot show my tiredness cos my #1 really need my attention alot!


if u can tahan the smell of herbal soup think this shld be ok... my mil will boil w rice wine and ginger... so still got wine smell... n after bathing will sweat oso lor... cos gotta bathe while the water is still quite warm... at least 40 degrees lor...


my #1 quite old liao so lucky me dun have to give too much attn... but once in a while he will like to "sa jiao"... hee... sometimes he oso very gal lah... hee...

Hi mummies!

I'm a January mum.

As my confinement lady was very good, I would like to recommend to u all. I was very satisfied & well taken care.

Her cookings are nice too

If interested, pls pm me


Dear mummies i got a qn.. I receive Mount Alvernia letter asking me to fax or mail back at least 1 day before admission. So i cant submit on the spot on the day of giving birth?? Sorry im 1st time mum so unsure the hospital procedure can any experience mum help..


dunno wat is the feeling u toking abt... but mine likes to kick my bladder... oso very painful... but these few days seldom liao... dunno if he has turn liao anot cos his kicks shifted to upper ab liao...

Feimei after ur #1 when u hav #2 u will know how to cope de.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also believe ur lil bb is v smart.. can tell u mrt stations coz they realli can hear de :p

ya e weather is terrible like no need $ like tat super hot! i tot i can tahan hot quite well but i m also burning..

eh marico mine is at KKH but we did pre-admission also select wards n all n e whole pre pmt first.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Yeah, sometimes my boy also do stretching inside, which makes my tummy feels like gonna stretch till tear, hehe.. I guess bb is changing position and rolling around inside the womb bah!

