(2011/07) July 2011

jaz/piyo> can sure!

feimei which asian kitchen? the one at ORQ basement tunnel one is good but dont sell fried rice.. sell chicken rice and the salted egg sotong is super super yummy


zachmommy> hahahaha...sure u got previlage to shake ur butt in even if u r late!!!! :D i oways do that... =P n whenever raining...my boss will call n say, u stay put where u r...we will conf u in...dun leave the building....hahahahaa....

px> yea...i tot i ate before??? or i rem wrongly?? ahhh....salted egg sotong....yummm...*drooling*

i onie ate fried rice @ asian kitchen raffles city..their duck oso very nice! the taiwan food @ ion sucks esp their braised meat rice..yucks!!

nxt fri? ok..

fei mei, my butt very big hor! Like duck nia..haha

hi all,

looking to sell some brandnew clothes



Brandnew Disney baby pyjamas Set. Selling each set for $10. retails at $18.90/set.

size 0-6mths. i have 2 designs (ladybird or stripes)

Take 2 sets at $18. (Free postage)


Brandnew CottonOn Baby pants.

size 000 For 4-6mths. Selling at $6. Retails at $10.


Brandnew Mothercare mittens.

Selling 2 pairs for $7. Retails at $10. free postage


Brandnew (washed but not worn) Max-kool baby sets

(Top/bloomer in pink or Top/skirt in white) size 3-6mths. Selling at $6/set. Retails at $6-8 per pc.


Brandnew Combi Socks with anti-slip soles. length measures 9-12cm unstretched.

Selling 4 pairs for $10. or $3 per pair.


Brandnew Mudpie Seersucker socks trimmed with seersucker ruffles and grosgrain bows.

Selling 1 pair for $7 only. retails at $11.

giving away free postage if u purchase $10 and above.

pls PM me if interested. thanks

StrepB Test

I will be doing on my next gynae visit next month. Yar, its for for vaginal birth.

Bravado Nursing Bras

Any mummies used this brand of nursing bras before? Any comments? good? is it worth spending the money for better nursing bras?


Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



Natal Care Triplus (625mg) : Each box of 30 capsules at $28.00 (U.P. $32.10)


All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

feimei > I checked with my gynae on the brazilian waxing. He advised against going for it. Reason given was that it might cause reaction/infection to the V..

jas> i shld be ok but i pass by ORQ at 12.15pm ytd...all full hse ler...guess mus go early??? or we will hv to queue....

zachmommy> hahahhaa...ur butt big...then my butt is like watermelon lol....hahahhaaa... =P

piyo> no worries, u can oways find us at the eating place, we will go find seats 1st....

maelyn> gynae will ask u to do the StrepB test or u ask for it? shld i ask my gynae?

xinyue> ohh...u went for ur appt liao??? i guess will be more to individual concern bahhh...kekekekee...i tink i not doing leh...i will jus 'self-service' lol... :D

feimei > my appt was ytd.. so shun bian ask lor.. think i also not doing, in this case. let them do the shaving already..

feimei> The nurse in my clinic will auto arrange the Strep B test for me. Maybe you can ask your gyane?

Sunshinebb > HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have fun today!

zachmommy> how long is ur lunch?? or u gers go ahead.. then i go find u all asap when the clock strike 12.45pm..? btw.. u gers are referring to the asian kitchen at RP am i rite?

生日快乐日, 太阳宝宝![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zachmommy> we can find seat n order 1st, piyo can find us at the eating place!!!

xinyue> hahaha...yalol...DIY n save cost.... =P

maelyn> ok, will ask my gynae next wed appt...thanks!!!

mummies, if we BF, need to standby one tin of formula milk at home??? will bb not hv enuff BF n ask for more??? if so, do we BF again or make formula milk for them??? i scare hv the formula milk at home...then if MIL come by...scare she will make formula milk for bb often leh....

sunshine > happy birthday..

feimei > lock up the tin of formula milk inside ur room.. so she cant make it for baby..

feimei> i standby 1 tin of formula milk for my son when we discharge juz in case not enuff BM... thn i set a schedule tat is mrng will express whn i wake up thn give him tat... if not enuff thn give FM after tat... dun worry if need to give FM cos it will also be good for them... I do not hv enuff BM so no choice...

there are so many brands of formula milk out there. how do you know which one suits the baby??

thanks, Jazol!!! but will bb becum addicted to FM if given too often??? then they will refuse to take BM.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

xinyue> i jus scare the discouragement fr her if she see no BM fr me and if bb crying for milk...then u noe old ppl...will sure rush to make milk for bb mah....they jus dun understand how impt is BM to bb...they jus wan bb to grow chubby...i dun wan my gal to be boost fat n chubby by FM....as long as she is healthy...no need to be chubby or fat leh....

hmm try to get some "spare" supply for bb for FM.. usually for e brand wise.. i use e hospital ones.. but this time round i will wan my son n daughter to use e same brand so i will ask for Enfalac :p good to hav spare small tins coz.. realli dunno wheth BM is enuff but stay off it to push urself.. to pump n get more milk.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happy birthday sunshinebb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

w160879> does BM judge by the size of ur boobs??? hahahaha...mine did not grow any bigger leh...scare no BM... :~(

feimei, i dun encourage having fm at home cos then we will be too tempted to give!

we hv to remember that not every time bb cry = he/she is hungry. if wanna bf all the way, then shuldnt hv fm at home.. i never buy any to standby..haha. tat time during 2nd week when i felt he dun hv enuf, i gave him glucolin instead..lolz or keep latching until he 'shuang' lor..:p

i gave my son the FM as the hospital coz dun noe which one to give... tis round i will be getting S26 as recommended by my fren... i will still try to give BM as per what i did for my son..

wendy> i gave my son Enfalac and it seems he doesnt like it so not trying for my girl..

feimei> its more impt not to confuse the bb by switching from bottle to latch thn back to bottle... so need to decide which one.. BM can also be given on bottle so long as we express out and store in the fridge.. i hv frens who hv prob unlatching cos their bb wans to latch cos she gave bottle 1st thn switch in between so the bb will be confuse


i dun have big boobs, but for my #1 and #2 i got lots of supply.

Hopefully this time round also alot.

My aunt got big big boobs, but no supply.

Anyway, I will still standby one small tin of FM at home just in case.

in the hosp when my supply is not in yet, i asked the nurse to feed glucose water instead of FM.

hmm no Feimei not by size of boobs de.. i tink my boobs r pretty big ba.. hahaha i got quite a fair supply of milk in fact more than enuff for my son hehe.. :p

Jazol.. my son has been takin e Enfa series from birth .. but diff bb diff needs so wat's ur kid takin now?

yup bb cry or fuse might not b hungry could jus b a lil comfort seeking for warmth and all..

Zachmommy steady lah no standby i did but end up wasted lah .. u know lah me kiasu my parents kiasu all scare bb hungry.. haha

nipple confusion is big issue.. coz subsequently to wean off latchin is major issue for some of my mummies fren too.. another issue my fren was switchin to bottle introducing pacifier until her bb only wants to b bottle-fed wun latch.. :p

wendy: i had switched my son to Gain IQ at 1yo.. he doesnt yearn for milk so we only gave him 3 times a day.. and giving solid food nw..

oh Gain IQ also v good milk.. my son is a milk junkie he needs his milk weekday at childcare he takes milk 4 times.. weekends where i can supervise his food intake he drinks 3 times but a day will b close to 800ml of milk.. :p he is not v keen on solids v choosy abt food..

Thanks alot for ur precious sharing, jazol/jas/zachmommy/wendy!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

at 1st, i hv same thinking as zachmommy...no plan to standby but silly hubby...keep wanting to buy FM...i keep drilling into his brain...i will BF...BF...BF...arrghhh~~~say till like now...i scare i got no supply...soo abit shaken that shld i standby a tin of FM at home??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hahahaa...i understand that BM does not link w big boobs...hahahaa...jus my silly tinking...after keep seeing mine...actually doesn't 'grow' much...soo start to worry!!! -,-"

can fulfill bb need with glucolin??? will they be full or jus for 'shuang'???

went to OG, bot the Pureen Yogurt shampoo wash from head to toes....2bottles @ $12.50 and oso bot the pigeon detergent power...it state can soak to remove old stain...soo will try on those hands down clothings...OG selling $7.90 for 1 box...usual price is $9.90...

Mabbe I m as stubborn as a donkey..no one can really tell me what to do with my son except myself and since i told myself that i will do a complete breastfeeding for 1 year, i really breastfeed for 1 year, though my supply is not alot..1 of my fren gave me some frozen milk when there was a period my milk ss was really low i still never succumb to FM. I dun express out so that I dun disappoint myself when seeing how little the milk will be so I latch all the way for 6mths! After that onie i start expressing.. :p

latching is tiring cos it is really long, can be up to an hour to 1.5hour and then by the time u finish cleaning up urself n bb, drink a cup of milo to replenish supply, it's time to latch again..haha

zachmommy> that is determination, not stubborn!!! i oso hv determination in the things that i wan to do but other ppl see us as stubborn, dun listen to advice n i hate to hear all these...really demoralized!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i m prepare to be tire but which mummy is not 'wei da'??? all mummies wan the best for their kids nowadays...soo be prepared for all these things when u plan to hv kids....

hugz feimei!!! My parents alr knew my character so they will not say anything, my grandma will..she was shocked when I latch my son till 8mths :p haha.. with my in-law, if they comment, they get it lor. if they smart they better zip their mouth. :p

But Zach now not interested alr..if he happen to lift my shirt up and saw my boob, he will say "milk for didi.." n i will ask him "if didi drink milk from mummy next time, will Zach want the same?" he will say "No..." haha.

such a clever boy, zachmommy!!! when ur kid can reply u in such way...u really hv the heart-warming feeling...he is Truely for 'ming gen zi'....hahahaaa....

ya...i will hold on to my determination...dun bother w others...anyway...my hubby knew i m a stubborn cow...hahahaha...soo be it lol...for the sake of my own child...i will hang On~~~ :D

yes hold on to ur determination to endure urself thru ur BF journey.. i had it bad when i started out with BF ing.. din latch v long for #1 cause had to go for 2 surgeries but hey i m sure u can do it..

latchin is tiring in e beginnin when e demands r v strong.. :p

feimei dun need to so ke qi n thank me.. i tink sharing info is gd.. n also can allow u to dispel all e ill advises u get here n there tat influence ur wei da behaviour towards ur precious child.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe Zachmommy is like me stubborn i din allow anyone to dictate my son's lifestyle hahaha :p

w160879> np la...i rather find the info here n pick up the knowledge from here rather than listening to those 3gu-6po words...somemore, their era diff fr us...how can follow them but of cos...some old n long lasting myths still need to listen but subjectively lol....

i guess all mummies oso dun like anyone to dictate our own kids lifestyles....ppl might jus say for the sake of saying...they r our kids, we know them best...hahahahaha...

feimei dun need to so ke qi n thank me.. i tink sharing info is gd.. n also can allow u to dispel all e ill advises u get here n there tat influence ur wei da behaviour towards ur precious child.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe Zachmommy is like me stubborn i din allow anyone to dictate my son's lifestyle hahaha :p

sorry to disturb...

any mommy here keen to buy over my dhaxtra fish oil? expiry 02-2013..

selling it at $40 inclusive of postage. pm me if keen!

Hi, I would like to join in the topic for breastfeeding!

No need to keep spare formula milk. It's demand and supply. If you have less milk, just latch more often. It is true that breastfeeding is very tiring. Sometimes latch for an hour, you put him down for 1/2 hour, and he's hungry again!

I think the so call low milk supply happens to many people after engorgement. So you wait 2-3 days for the milk to come in, then you suffer from engorgement which is so painful, then your body starts to adjust to the demand which reduces your production. This is the time when many mummies think they do not have enough milk and give up breastfeeding.

Hang in there even if others say that you have no milk. It's the way of mother nature.

I'm still breastfeeding for 18 months and 25 weeks pregnant now, still going strong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Steady la, lucky3!!! wei da de mama!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


And dun forget, although the first few days dun have milk, but we have colustrum! very very important for babies. It helps to build antibodies. The fat reserves in the baby allows them to survive for 1-2 days without milk. Just keep latching until milk comes. This will send signal to your brain for more milk production and this will also prevent engorgement too!

