(2011/07) July 2011

janice> yala...i shld not hv move to west lol... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] at least in east, i can find reliable nanny but nt in west!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] nvm, told dh tat he cann interfer wat i plan for lil bunny since his mum nt gg to take care n no qns to be ask...make sure she shut her mouth!!!


syrah> abit regreted quitting my job to join him last year, resulted me in jobless now. but if i didnt join him, i believe i wont get pregnant. last time keep flying to see him, also didnt get pregnant. i guess nothing is perfect in this world.

syrah> u can't guess the best part! She dote her 2nd DIL mre than me...she told me unless her 2nd DIL gt bb at the same time, she will quit her job n we share the cost of a helper to help her look after the bb...wtf~~~i m soo pissed off after hearing this lol....but i din vent out lah..dun wan put dh in difficult shoe...i jus brush it off...i makr clear to dh, even if her 2nd DIL hv bb n she wan to look after my bb, i will nt wan...wo bu si han!!!! Pui~~~i dun like to look at ppl face to do work!!!

feimei> think positively, childcare also not bad. they can learn alot of things. as long as both of you can afford and got govt subsized, its ok. like wat i said nothing is perfect in this world.

janice> my CL did nt asked me to fetch her or pay for her transport leh...she jus asked for my add n she say she know how to come lol....

feimei> oh thanks. i tot CL shd be like this, instead this auntie Bi Ai CL is asking me to pay for her cabfare. i m definitely not hiring such person. how shall i say? she is behaving like a queen, how do i expect her to care for me when she is really here.

janice> yalol...lucky gt subsidy...ar bo die liao...will struggle/slog to dead....ya...i agreed, nothing is perfect in this World, be contented w wat u have!!!

janice> u haven cfm her, rite??? If she call, jus say u gt someone liao lol....she realli tink she is a Queen!!! Hahhahaha...ask her need to fetch her in personal jet??? Hahhaaha

janice> one mre thing, CL will look after bb in the nite so tat u n dh can rest...i was soo innocent to tell my CL tat bb will sleep w mi in tge nite n she say No, bb will sleep w her...i ask her y she said mummy need to rest, at nite no need to latch, i can wake up to pump milk lol but she will look after n feed bb...

MdmKhoo> she asked me to pay for her cab when she took e cab from e malaysia checkpoint to my house (at tpy). sure its a bomb!

feimei> yeah i m not hiring her. just be careful of this auntie bi ai. its a ridiculous demand i would say.

feimei> yeah i know this. but i believe we will still hv to wake up once in a while to pump milk. for me, no choice, baby, CL and me sleeping in e same bedroom -_- thanks thanks!!

Jan - aircon we pay ourself de.. Still Hiam y never buy mitsubitshi electric ... Think they totnthey come here =enjoy life de bah.. I bought 7 boxes of durians.. Ate 1 box.. Wait her back To eat the rest of the 6 together.. She come, open my $20 box to eat.. She eat 7 i eat 2... Very fast right..

End up I left to eat those 3 for $10 de lor... She still eat faster than me... That's my mil..

Zzzzzz ...

She left the last piece for me.. Cos my hubby diao her...

hi gals,

im fr aug 2011 thread. see u gals here talking about CL. my CL also requested for washing machine to wash her clothes and baby's clothes. and to have her own room. can only use diapers, no cloth nappies allowed. sometimes i feel like she is the boss telling me what to do.

Gd morning to all! I'm so happy to share the gd news that my amnio result turns out normal and BB is confirmed a girl! Next up will b my DS on 03/03. Been guilty that I din communicate much with this BB no.2 coz was worried that the result will turn out negative so dare not get too 'attached' to her. Will make it up to her and start yakking.:)

hmm e freelance CL i called all asked for cab fare to b paid from checkpoint n msian..

bunnymummy.. i used cloth diapers on my boy until now e CL did not dare to say no.. i told her to hand wash e diapers n his clothes too .. it's a request u make to her upfront.. show her who is boss ba..

all these talk abt who to take care is a headache.. my MIL not working dun wan to take care also.. my mum working but to b fair to my bro she doesn't take care of both our kids currently.. but she will help me with me more in a way.. my bro dun dare to say anything also lah he got his MIL to help with his...

i m most dependent on maid.. Feimei if i may suggest u get a maid to help u look after then no need to send to infant care ur dad can help to supervise the maid also.. ? wat u tink?

Cactusnah good news tat u hav ur results n happy happy for u ... i din realli talk to #2 too.. coz i dunno boy or girl i jus kept on sayin bb bb bb i can't even intro my son (#1) to bb.. hahaha

hope everyone will hav a great day ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also realise u ladies sleep v late leh..

sleep more good for u n bb..

less aches n pains .. trust me on that hehe.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

w160879> no la...hub dun like the idea of maid too n my dad is the cannot stay home type...mus go out jalan jalan one n if home, sit anywhere, will sleep...how to expect him to supervise the helper, the helper will supervise him mre....hahahahaa....

CingratZ, cactusnah on the gd results n ur lil princess!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nw a big stone down n can relax mre!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i c coz i gettin my dad to supervise my maid for me he will b ready to drive my son if sick to clinic while i rush there .. my maid was trained by me n my CL n my mum so since my boy is 22 mths liao i dare to trust my maid to b alone with my boy already for now.. a few hours only though .. i tink it's also e extra pair of hands to help with chores hehehehe :p

hi cactus,

happy to noe dat your amnio results is normal! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wow wow, a princess!!! I'm doing my FA scan this Thur, hope i can noe gender too! I'm hoping for a princess too!

hee, toking abt mums/MILs taking care of bb... if mum is taking care of bb, shld we gv her the allowance dat is equivalent to infant care centre? my mum has just tendered n said she might be able to help me take care of my bb, but worries no one help her when she needs to cook or do housework... thinking of getting a maid, but i dun think i'll get used to hvg one stranger at hm... plus it'll be additional cost to me....


Congrats on your bb girl! So nice, you've got a pair now. I can forsee you will have a lot of shopping to do, remember you showed us your son's wadrobe during the gathering.. I can imagine your gal's wadrobe ;)

Cactus> congrats on ur lil princess! so nice to hv 1 B 1 G [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahahah yaya! i rem cactus show us the wadrobe... I think she's gng to hv even BIGGER 1 for her princess! gal got so many cute stuff to buy!

Crayon Mami,

For a start we give equivalent, unless she say reduce cos is her grandchild after all.

Cos if not, she may tell others that not fair etc...

Money still talks....

But if really tight with maid, then let her know a sum she is comfy with...


Congrats on your baby gal and the good results!


If really no choice, will have to send to infant care i guess. Personally I'm not keen on infant care. But I do agree that childcare is quite beneficial. They do learn quite a bit there from what I've observed.


Your MIL also one kind one! Isn't it tough all staying together in such situations? Poor u. Btw, need to control your durian intake. Sounds like u r eating a lot. Too much is not gd for both u and baby too. Durian has high sugar content. Also baby can grow really fast, maybe too fast at times!


I realised Alicia changed the group settings to SECRET group. That's y cant be searched for at all. In order to join now, needs to be invited. Your pm is off. Can u pm me instead? I add u to my FB then invite u?

For those who r trying to join the Jul FB:

I've sent Alicia a message asking the thread settings to be changed to CLOSED instead of SECRET. This setting will ensure that contents/postings are private but yet able to search to request to join the thread.

pinkyrose> DS on thur...not tmr...u more gan chong than me...hahahaha...u feeling better??? stay home rest horr...dun go shopping ahhh...

syrah> yalol...no choice...hope n pray bb can adapt to infant care environment...tink starting will be tough but everything got it's start...will see how lol... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope bb hv my 'yi chuan'...will learn to be independent!!! hahahhaha

Thanks mummies.

Wendy: When is yr DS? I always refer it to my son as "our baby". U shld get to know yrs real soon.

Crayon: Gd luck on yr DS. Sprinkle some bb girl dust to you!

MIL: My MIL is a super nice lady. She stays with us on weekedays and go bk to her house on wkends which is only 2 blks away. She is the hardworking type and takes up wkend job to kill time. When i told her abt my 2nd pregnancy, she said she wanna quit. At first i thot she said wanna quit taking care of my kids and almost teared. She laughed and said she wanna quit her part time job to help us care for the bb so that we can have some couple time once in awhile whenever we need a breather. And yest when i told her confirm girl girl, she said she's gonna be bankrupt soon buying pretty dresses for her precious. I'll be very lost w/o her.

Syrah: Can u add me in to the fb group? Thanks!

Cactus: congrats in having a princess and the gd results too..

Audrey: yr MIl is also 1 kind.. If she help to contribute something at least not so bad..

A question to ask. Hw do u all break the news to pil that u r pregnant? When i was was pregnant with no 1 we break the

news to them when i was 4 mths.. But nw coming to 5 mths,

we r yet to tell them To me, telling them or nt does nt make a

diff.. They don't care abt me at all when i was preg that time..

Only concern abt my son whrn he is born.. He is their first

grandchild but they don't really care for him tat much..wat

worries me is that they will get to knw that i am pregnant fr

other people rather than theier own son. My husband is the

first son..scared that they will make an issue abt it.. As mil

love to go around gossiping.

How to break the news to them? Really in a dilemma..

cactus> realli a very nice MIL U have...soo fortunate!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby_manja> when u go to their place...they can't see that u carrying a tum tum already??? now 5mths, obvious liao, they still can't tell???

my mil is oso very nice... she was a promoter b4 i had my boy... when i delivered, she quitted her job n help me take care full time... once in a while she will oso volunteer to take care over the weekends so me n hb can have time tog...

when she knows both me n sil oso preggy, she alr make plans on how to take care of 3 kids, 2 bbs n my boy...

me too, wo her i will be lost too.. hee...

Feimei: no, they nv notice or even asked at all.. I don't always always go n c them.. Usually twice a mth or sometime once a mth.. If they really cared abt me, they wld hv noticed But obviously no..

my mil also never ask alot on my pregnancy.

but i like it this way.

probably coz she knows mine is a girl?

anyway she did not even brew any tonic for me..and i dont look forward to it anyway...my aunties and mom kept making birds nest for me..i have more than enough from my own kin..dont need hers

glad that she is one who dont like to take care of kids..so i can ask my hb to send baby to my mom's place

kimifin: yap yap, money is a sensitive issue. I love my mum, so dun wish money will ever become a problem btw us. :p

Syrah: I've pm-ed u! hehe...

cactus: tks!! Grab your bb girl dust!! hahaha! :D

Cactusnah - Congratulations! =D

baby - i like the part u say tell MIL also make no difference.. she only knows how to compare..

- "my dotter tummy bigger.. and will always be so big... I am sure the baby is also very big one"

- "my dotter dun eat much.. poor thing.."

- more more more..

Audrey> Sorry no offense, but i feel tat ur mil is a bit selfish. as e older pple, she shd care more for u guys esp now u r preg wif her grandchild.

crayon_mami> how much is enough? i also feeling headache once my mil helps to take care of my kid, we need to increase her allowance. but how much more? can be a headache. i mean i dun mind paying for all the extra food or medicine (touch wood) my kid is incurring. tats extra amt.

baby_manja> if u didn't go down often then maybe can ask ur hub to call up n tell them lol, at least u no need to face them when breaking the news since they oso not soo keen to know abt ur pregnancy!!! discuss w ur hub bahh n c which is a better way...

i oso seldom go down PIL place thou we soo near...they oso din really care abt my pregnancy...soo be it lol...i can take care of myself...oso better this way as crystal_cloud mention...less conflicts!!! hahahahaa...

hihi morning all mtbs

congrats cactus...now can close factory liao...1 boy n 1 girl....can't imagine how the size of ur gal wardrobe will be like...hehehe

yesterday...my mum told me she gg to buy birdnest n boil for me...still own mummy is the best...till now my MIL...no sign of anything...forget it

