(2011/07) July 2011

feimei, mine is the the first skool at amk area..the center is rather new, operational since Jan last year. Their teacher-to-infant ratio is 1:5. However, as they only have 5/6 infants now, so the ratio is abt 1:3 only.

As for the payment using CDA acct, u will need to fill up the form which the center will provide, just let them know that you wan to pay using the kid's CDA account. It will take 4-6 weeks to process which is y I need to pay the 1st mth fee of $630 in cash. My application is surprisingly approved within the same mth, so 2nd mth onwards, we are using the CDA acct.


ST> wat i heard is multi-vits n calcium shld not be 2gether nia~~fish oil + caclium shld be ok bahh...becos y calcium need to be seaprate becos calcium abit more difficult to be absorb by the body...thus need to separate...fish oil is those gel type, shld be easy to be absorb de~~~

soon-to-be> i see...i will be sending my bunny to 1st skool @ jurong pt branch...the person in-charge oso telling me now their ratio is 1:3 leh...mi n hub gg for skool tour this sat...n will meet the principle as well...hope everything will be smooth, i m ready to pay upfront as the person-in-charge already mentioned through phone...but seem like mine is more ex than urs...after subsidy, mine is $730+ leh...maybe is location issue...there's another branch which oso within my area, it's at neighbourhooh but quite a walking dist compare to jurong pt branch...soo i decided on jurong pt branch in the end...easy for me to send n fetch!!!

thanks for sharing urs!!! will mention to the person-in-charge regarding the use of CDA acct. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ST, an tai = 安胎... Hope I get e word correct... Guess it's to stabilise pregnancy... I'll b seeing my gynae this Thur, let me ask him abt e taking e supplements tog! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi, just to share that, the parmacist who issue me the multi-vits adviced me to wait for at least 2 hrs before or after when taking multi-vits.

CDA a/c can be used for infant care/child care... If i really let my mum take care, what else can we use the CDA for? If nvr use, lugi hor? :p

feimei, fee for infant cares will differ by location even though they may be under the same network. Urs is more exp, which I presume may be coz it's at Jurong Pt? Mine is at the neighbourhood which is jus 5-7 mins away from my place...

Couple of things u may want to check...which I did for mine....where do they sleep, how often do they clean the toys and the place, am i allowed to bring my own food for bb, wat kind of activities will they be exposed to.....etc...i even check the qualifications of the teachers...hehehehe...determine a list of things that you are particular of and check during ur visit.

Crayon, you can use it for medical....vaccinations.

soon-to-be> thanks for sharing some of ur qns to the ctr....i guess the neighbourhood one is cheaper (thou also 5-8mins walk fr my hse) but i will need to run to skool if i gg to be late to fetch bunny lol...soo JP will be kind of convenient to me as i can alight at boon lay station.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do ur #1 skool got so-called certified nurse ard to help out or jus onli teachers???

feimei, ya, i wld have preferred the other infant care near the mrt station so that I can spend more time with him before I drop him off, and see him earlier when I fetch him. however, to think of it, my son which is quite heavy now (opps) is easier to ferry to and fro in this current centre.....

certified nurse? nay....only teachers..y do u need a nurse to b there?

baby...you mean they give us 4K into our nominated acct. then how about the match $ to $? let say i put in 6K...they will give another 6K?the 4K & 6K is two different matter right? sorry if i caused any confusion....

ST, $4K is cash gift..the matching portion is $6K + $6K by govt which will makes the total CDA account to be $12K excluding interest..

like wat baby say, the $4K cash gift is given in 4 instalments of $1K each. That can be used as money for immunisation. We have the option to save the CDA till our child turn 6 years old, which means u can put in $1K each year and govt will top up $1K a month later. If u never utilise ur CDA it will be withdrawn and transferred to another account called PSEA for ur child's primary education..if u oso never utilise the PSEA monies, after they finish their primary education u can transfer the money to ur child's normal savings account.

feimei, what time must we pick bb up if send to My First Skool??

Now my 2nd thought is to send #2 to infantcare at the same area as Zach's school so that I dun hv to travel to 2 area in the morning. The thought of leaving home at 7.15am every morning is scary..not sure if I can stand the lack of sleep (cos will prob need to wakey at 5am to prepare n express)..the logistic is just too much of a nightmare now..

My goal now is to save n save from april (after my trip) so that by next April I have enuf savings to last me to become a SAHM for 1.5 year with enuf $$ to pay for Zach's school fee :'(

feimei, soontobe> seems like the infant care ctr which i've enquired with is much more exp than what u girls got. I am actually looking at the Learning Vision branch at changi biz park. Their infant care cost $900+gst after working mom subsidy, which comes up to abt 1k leh. How come so much more exp! So i actually thought all infant care is abt 1k de.. but seems like not after looking at the rates u both got.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ixoral, yes, the LV at Changi Biz Park is more expensive. My gf had placed her bb there for a mth before she decided to be a SAHM. She has a positive experience there, saying the teachers gave her a lot of assurance on taking good care of her bb....the only flip side is they will use marker to label the bb's name on the clothes to avoid any confusion and mistake...

LV is generally a more expensive brand and their teacher-to-infant ratio is only 1:3..so u r paying more to get more attention for ur bb......


ST> wat i heard is multi-vits n calcium shld not be 2gether nia~~fish oil + caclium shld be ok bahh...becos y calcium need to be seaprate becos calcium abit more difficult to be absorb by the body...thus need to separate...fish oil is those gel type, shld be easy to be absorb de~~~

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>u mean cannot all take together?

i everytime take all together....my doc never tell me cannot take together leh

soon-to-be can check with u for registeration is it after child is born for ur 1st child? Coz i call up 2 infant care and they told mi that we cant register now need to wait for 1 month after bb is born then can.

Marico, I only put my son in infant care when he was 7mths old...but as far as I understand, for those popular infant care, u must register urself early to secure a vancancy.....some parents actually do that once they know they are preggy and are placing the bb into the selected infant care....

soon-to-be> ehhh...dunnu leh...my frenx pop me this qns leh...maybe need some certified nurse to be ard, so that when bb is sick or wat...they can take act immed lol...but i guess it's not a neccessary bahhh....but i will try to ask...kekekeke...wait the principle sure find me very lo-soh.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

zachmommy> fetching time is 7pm...not sure if there will be late charge anot, will ask that during my tour... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sending in time is 7am but i no need to send bunny in soo early oso...cos i start work at 9am...soo will probably reach sch ard 8.15am...still got enuff time for me to go work lol...

crystal_cloud> i never take all at one go leh...becos tat time on 'an tai' med...i haven start on multi-vits n that onli short period...now..i onli on multi-vits n folic...i take these two 2gether n calcium...i either take during lunch or dinner...but always forget...kekekekee...i hv not take fish oil becos tat time during the brain development stage, i got take n finish all then did not buy again till now...hahahhaa...but since ur gynae did not say need to take separately, i guess is correct to take all in one bahhh~~~ >,<

feimei, err...same logic, wld u have a nurse at home if ur bb is going to taken care by own family member or a nanny?

well, in my first skool, every day, they will take my son's temperature twice a day, 1st time in the morning, 2nd time in the afternoon...and sanitize his hands before going into the infant care area.

ixoral> ya...i checked LV before...quite ex leh...thats y i start searching other ctr...n came across 1st skool lol...u can try find if there's any branch near ur area...

soon-to-be> true la...i will be sending bunny in after my ML lol...either 3rd or 4th mth lol...hope bunny can get use to it...did ur #1 get sick easily???

mummies.. do u know where should we buy good and reasonably priced 冬虫草? I know Eu Yan Seng is good but i heard its more ex.. How much should we buy and approx how much will it cost? Both MIL and my own mum are clueless too.. and i heard 5 - 7 mth is the best time for us to BU..

Px22 - I heard from my friend her mum bought at bugis area but im not sure the shop name & the actual location. The price her mum bought was $300 plus i think close to $400.

How much is hock hua selling?? Dun tink will buy that since I nvr buy for my #1. Cordycep with chicken soup is soooo yummy!! Now I feel like drinking herbal chicken soup


I bought last Dec from Hock Hua when they had a sale. Normal price $350, reduced to $250+. About 13-15 gram in a box. They have different grades, but I think mine is the small ones.

hi ladies, went for my detailed Scan yesterday and it went great and baby princess is at 21w today! EDD is pushed forward to 5th July, princess is weighting 367grams now and about 17.5cm. =) Baby is jumping around and scratching her head several times. I am feeing her more now.. Also, doctor says baby has a nice shape nose.. hehe..Got a pic of her nose. I signed up my gynae package as well at $670 (include gst). Got fish oil as well.. hehe..

feimei, my boy has gotten sick once after enrollment but I think he has gotten e flu bug from my hb and myself instead..coz none of the other infants or the teachers were sick then...

hi feimei, haha.. the doc is funny saying luckily is not jacky chan's nose.. =p when is your checkup? so sad that didnt get a chance to see you guys, we should have one soon!

hi feimei, haha.. the doc is funny saying luckily is not jacky chan's nose.. =p when is your checkup? so sad that didnt get a chance to see you guys, we should have one soon!


You got fish oil too? the fish oil is included in the package? or have to pay separately? I got the fish oil during last visit, this visit nvr give liao..

soon-to-be> i see...ppl keep saying sending to infant care will be very prompt to get sick...but hv to see lol...if bb realli got weak immune system...oso can't blame the ctr ppl mah...hope my bunny will be strong...hahahaha...

wendycsk> Wowww...ur gynae sooo the good leh...record down n give u CD...mine this coming thur lol...hahahaha...dunnu the sonographer allow hub to take video anot...using mobile onli lol...gd to keep as memory...hahahhaa...but tink hub will be busy...looking at bunny, no time to take video...he is counting down since this wk...every morning told me...how many days left to see bunny... -__-"

hi feimei, ya.. i think will be busy looking at bunny also the scan is quite long.. haha.. the hands will be tiring! Yes. i am trying to play now..

feimei..dun worry, ur bunny will definitely be strong n healthy......8)

My son actually fell sick twice at home in Dec before he went to infant care in Jan.


hi all,

just had a rest after tiring DS scan in the am. everyting is ok except that the kidney tube on one side is a little dilated.... had to get second opinion with the prof in another room. prof said as long as heart is ok, the rest is not a bog prob... but i am worried... cried in the room till my eyes all red and swollen. cos the swollen kidney is abt double the size. seen my gynae. though he said it is on the high side but it is still minimal. need to monitor at 7th mth - another scan. hai.... y my boy so kelian... gynae said as long as it does not continue to dilate shld be ok. then will continue to monitor once bb is ok. doc said most cases, within few months when bb start to use its kidney, hopefully the tube will be clear,,,, hope my son is strong enough to go through this with me.

