(2011/07) July 2011


i confirm closing shop by 30... hee... cos after little bunnie comes out i close shop le...


ya, u look young... tot u look famiiar tho... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha..thanks for the compliments! I hv to maintain the look else i will look older than hb since i m really older than him by 4yrs!

starnight, 32 not old lar..can hv another one at 33yrs old then one shot lose all!

px - ur huby wan take cpf when kids grad.. my hubby wanna wear his uniform go his son de commissioning parade lor.. o.0" if u know what ir is lah..

Kath - i must say... u seriously look younger den me .. =p

me 1983

Mummies, u all know if there is any local shop we can get the llubaby music from?

i just placed an order with amazon for llubaby music under spree.. i think will takes quite a while to reach me.. anyone know where else can i get it locally?

i tot we cannot withdraw cpf at age of 55 alr?

onie partial withdrawal is allowed right?

Anyway, no intention of using my cpf $$ for my kids education..haha..

i m going by the how-I-was-raised methodology.. i will support u to local Uni (if u can get in) but if u wanna go overseas, u better earn ur own expenses and work part-time! Haha..

Mummies who can't see MTB July 2011 Group in FB App on iphone......

I just realised that we have to update our FB APP to the latest version. Then in the latest version, there is a "Group" Icon. Just click on the Group Icon, then you can see all the postings for the MTB July 2011.

yes audrey i know wat is tat hahahhahah

heng DH is not ocs.. and i always tell him not to count his sons before they are born.. skali i same as my mum.. 3 girls!

zach> ya partial.. same we also thinking of raising kids the same way.. but MIL didnt.. she made all her kids use her CPF for loan when she got 6 figure cash in her fixed D (i know cos she ask me to read them cos she doesnt know english)

Then now she's 55, DH ask her if she wants them in cash rather than him repaying her CPF account... to him he still pays the same amt but at least she has more cash to use each month.. her reply?

"no. u continue to pay my cpf. Who knows if I signed the letter then u dont pay me how?? At least now u dont pay me, the govt will chase u for it. I dont mind not holding the cash"

She is sucha monster..

zachmommy, nah...think my engine already slowed down. Have been feeling so tired having this one so I doubt I have the energy for #2...

so many of u all planning for #2 & #3 liao ar..


for me.. my #1 still not out yet.. dun dare to think so much.. skali.. #1 also cannot handle liao.. then come #2.. i peng san... hehe

zachmommy> ur age n look doesn't tally...i tink my look more tally w ur age lol...hahahhaaa... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

zachmommy> did ppl comment that zach is ur lil bro rather than ur son??? hahahhaa...my frenx, when she bring her lil bro out, ppl tot is my frenx's son....hahahaha...becos her look like me, soo aunty...

FeiMei, of course not lar! My son is soo young ppl will noe i m his mom cos when i m with him usually on weekend, i m very sloppy! Summore i will be there shouting "Zach, wait for me..dun run so fast" while running after that boy.. so u can imagine that scene lar.. usually i hv to carry my own bag and then his barang barang too..

px, ur MIL scared own son dun pay her back? Haha..even if dun pay, oso nvr mind, own son mah.. anyway, my cpf $$ is for my own retirement. I alr settled #1 education fund till he is 21 so the rest he gotta find his own way liao. No way I m going to work n support him when I m in mid-50s unless some miracle happen and I managed to be my own boss ..

15mins to off work!!!! count down count down~~~ my bunny so excited... moving around in the tum tum.. Dinner dinner!!

tmr on leave.... coz my hubby on 2days mc... got to take care of him...

i oso cant wait to leave! it's sooo hot that i m having headache even when i m in air-cond room..and i m wearing sleeveless without jacket or even scarf! Cant imagine how it will be when it is our 3rd tri, our body temp supposed to be on the rise and during confinement when fan is not allowed!

I m dreading the thought of turning air-cond 24x7 and seeing the utility bill!

yaya>> my office hour ends at 6pm... so if nothing much.. try to leave on the dot... plus my hubby sick.. at home.. so got to rush back.. buy dinner for him.. take care of him..

zachmommy>> this few days weather are really warm and humid... but my office air-con is centralize.. full blast.. so is quite cold.. got to put on jacket for the whole day except for lunch time.

zachmommy> yes, i can visualise the scene becos my frenx oways do it infront of me....hahahhhaaa...i will be in the same scene soon...but do u know...ur look really like xiao mei mei...maybe is becos of ur china doll hair style.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

these few days...my headache back n i can sweat like out of nothing...i tot i m something wrong...hahahaa...the weather really KILLs!!!! keep pumping water...make sure not to get sick...scare hving sore throat last wk...but after tons of water n stop those heaty food...finally back to normal...but headache can't cure leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

we having wendycsk doing DS today, right??? no update fr her yet!!!

anyone still rem berrycarrot having princess or prince???

zachmommy> yes MIL is tat kind of woman la.. and his son is so filial i wonder y she so scared and so money minded...

eh i tot youngest was the girl sitting opposite us in Marche? the one tats 21yrs old.. was it shila??


U look really young! Must learn from u. I don't want to end up looking huang lian po when kids arrive.


True that twins can close shop earlier. But the strains on body is really challenging. Start backaches, feet swelling etc all earlier. Not to forget the extra med & higher risk involved.


U tried searching for MTB JULY 2011 in FB?

wondering how you mummies can cope with #2 or #3 or #4 plus a car? hmm...

me even worst, weather super hot and i m staying wif my parents. my bedroom has no aircon. talk to several confinement ladies, most demand for a room for themselves. how can it be for my case? the other bedroom i already planned to put my 2 dogs inside. where got extra space? wish my new flat is here. ~~super sianz~~


Totally agree dunno how to budget kids, living expenses, education plus car. Everything is so expensive nowadays!

I'm also barricading my dogs away from my bedroom where the babies will be. Going to hunt down bargains for safety gates at the upcoming fairs. I didn't get a CL partly due to the dogs too. Dunno if I can even find a maid who's willing to handle twins & yet have dogs at home.

Jan-ice > I'm staying in 3 room flat w my mum too, did ask my CL if can share room w me and bb then my DH sleep living room, mum in the other room. She say cannot coz bb will disturb my rest during confinement.

So I goto ask my my mum to sleep w me lor.. I'm waiting for my new flat too..

Regarding CL how come we gotta sleep separate with the baby if every 2 hour we gotta latch on to feed?

I have 2 dogs at home too.. 1 is my own son..

Another one.. Is I take over from my SIL when she couldn't handle the dog cos she was having a hard time coping with her son and the dog..

Now I m just wondering who will save me if I cannot handle them.. Cos her dog (18years old le) every now and den pees on the floor and just act blur.. Even now.. I m lying on the bed.. I can smell te urine on my parquet floor Liao..

Wake up to clear will sure snap my temper... I dunno how I am going to handle it when my hubby say the 2 dogs are going to be with me and the baby and the CL Wen I am doing my confinement.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Feel so

Sad now.. I help ppl and when it's my time I gotta bear with all these nonsense [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

today just done my DS. baby is very cooperate. finish in 20 mins. is a baby boy! And everything was good! only thing is that my placenta-slightly low. but gynea say is common. when later months it will be higher. My baby has long hands and legs. so cute! when doing scanning he is playing with his feet. Going taiwan on 1st march for my honeymoon. Finally!

feimei - the long hair mini dachshund is mine.. the silky is not.. but seriously.. all along i treated it like my own son too.. thats why i see him so ke lian.. SIL no time for him, i suggest them to bring over to my place.. den both are boys.. so its their nature to do marking.. so sm1 came up with the brilliant idea to put in my room.. instead of allowing them to be free roaming...

my boy can pee in my toilet cos he is toilet trained..

but the silky will just pee anyway.. and imagine.. pee as he walk de.. cos he cannot control bladder liao.. (now think about it.. also not his fault)

my room really very chow le..

cos my floor is parquet de.. sibei sian..

i save ppl.. who is going to save me.. =(

audrey> tink saw ur post before of the traces of urine on the flr b4....can u 'trf' him to the living rm??? Living rm nt parquet flr,rite??? Ya...older dogs r like tat...lost control ler...but 18yrs old, realli old ler!!!

i'll leave this prob to my hubby bah...

i cant imagine myself waking up form the nap.. smell the pee pee..

i go back and hide under my blanket..

I also have a chinchilla... DH racking his brains where to place in our house... Well going to leave it to him...

I'm planning a shopping trip during 2nd tri... But cannot decide where to go... Haiz...

