(2011/07) July 2011

Hi sunshine, I have the same prob too, feel hungry bit I can't finish my food.. But got push myself to eat for the sake of beanie!

Going for my 1st appointment tmr! Excited! Btw, do u girls know if check up like this will doc give MC or we have to take leave?


Gynae will give MC. No need to waste your leaves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi IcezJo

i oni know if u r gg for the oscar test doc will give MC. as for normal visit think unless u inform them of any uncomfortable or exp spotting whereby doc will give u MC n advise u to rest on bed

Thanks thanks! I'm going to 'take' an mc from my com doc tmr first. Then I go see gynae. No more leave for this year le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I also constipate for 2 days liao. Sit in toilet but nothing come out. My family also has a history of piles. Just went to buy some peel fresh and sunsweet prune. Hope later can do 'biz'.


Gynae will give mc for normal checkups even if you feel perfectly well.


You may like to consider taking Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. It is safe to take for pregnant women according to their website. I take that 1-2 times daily and I visit the toilet more frequently than before pregnant.


I am about 5 weeks plus now. I will feel more secured until i see the baby's hb which will be in another week or so. During my first visit, my gynae asked me how come i looked so nervous and worried like a pri sch pupil going for exams (btw i am teaching). So i told him cause I failed once. Both of us just laughed.

For MTB who are experiencing MS, just bear with it as it should clear by the end of first trimester. During my first pregnancy, I had MS from the 5th week to the 20th weeks. It only stopped when I had to go to the hospital to put on drip. That weekend, I was throwing out so badly and everything including water which i drank. My gynae told me to admit into the hospital for fear of dehydration. I actually lost weight during the first trimester but put on everything plus a lot more in the second trimester!

opps jamie sorry.

Yes ladies if u need MC just tell gynae.. here MC machiam free well although it is deducting our own MCs.

I wish the first tri quickly over! Really dislike the feeling of no energy. Last time if i feel lethargic, i will go for a 5km run to refresh myself. Now walking is like using every ounce of energy i have in my body [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Boo hoo miss this yr standard char marathon run.


the sac is not a dot, it's like a yolk sac u will be able to see the dot ard 6th wk and the dot is like blinking star...and that's ur lil beanie heartbeat lol....

Suying - doc adv that there is nothing I can do to my cramps.. Advised to rest.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's due to the muscles relaxing/expanding at e abdomen area for the baby..

Update on my visit,

Doc found not a single trace of blood.. And lotsa white discharge :p

Could be my discharge dried up and turned brown?

I saw my twinkle twinkle little star!!!!

I was so happy, almost cry le..

I m at 7w 0d today.. Beanie is at 9mm..

I m on cloud 9 today!!

Took my flu medicine and going to sleep le.. 2days mc for today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no worries la...u will be able to make it this time...i also failed for the 1st time....this wed, hope to see lil beanie hb...if so, i oso feel more secured!!!!



Heart warming is the word to describe...

Jer -

dun worry so much okie? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jerjer... no wolis be hapi ;)

sunshine, i always ask gyne for MC instead of i taking leave. gyne will approve so no woli.

hihi audrey, thks for yr info. hmmm.. feel much better aft u have update. i gt to rest more too!! hard for mi since im at wrk. so long the discharge stop i will bear wif the crump;) jia you jia you.... so hapi & envy u. wow... 7weeks liao dats fast ;) hw i wish i could have the same mood as u nw. hopefully everything will be fine for mi too. lolzzz... anyway u rest more k. so when's yr next appt??

hi all, just to let u all know, there's a motherhood fair at expo this coming weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do drop by if you ladies are free!

Hello Mum-to-be…

I tested positive this morning and I still dare to believe totally. I have been trying for almost 2 years! Last month I saw a faint 2nd line and got disappointed after a 2nd hcg test kit. That’s why this morning, when I see the first test got positive, I din get excited (plus it’s a cheapo one). But I still take out the better one – guardian. Almost as red as the control line! So quickly test again using a cheap one, another positive! Gosh, im soooo happy and cried. Last nite I just had a discussion with my hubby that in 6 months time we will make IVF appt. But this morning I actually see postitive lines! Hope my little bean stick well..

Anyway, im still in shock but have lots of questions… can someone help me??

- I was taking B-complex 50. Can I still take? ( I heard some vits / herbs we should not take after successful) . I took my folic acid today, separately. Those I got from guadian.

- I can and should be taking double-boiled chicken essence right? I noe preggy woman should take. Last time my TCM doc ask me to take every month during 2ww. Just so happened that I tot this month wun strike and I conveniently “forgot” to make.

- I can swallow big pre-natal multiVits. I just bot chewable gummies for kids… :p should be ok?

- I called my gyane’s nurse. Dissapointed cuz she abit rude. Told me 7 weeks than see doc, what for see now. I do noe the reason, but can be nicer right?? Anyway, my question is where can I do hcg blood test and get result fast? Can just go any clinic rite? I just wan to double-confirm.

- Im thinking of chaning gynae. My current one is famous, but also a bit disappointed by his “coldness” last sat visit. Thinking of gg to Dr Adarin Woodworth. Any comments? His clinic at Sengkang is quite near my house.

I have not told my hubby yet. I intend to use the digital clearblue, keep in a box, give it to him as a present! :D

Congrats Dolphin! That is REALLY good news =) Since Dr Woody is near your place, and with all the positive comments abt him, it's gd to see him to make yourself comfortable. As for your qtns on supplements, sry me not familiar so cant comment.. All the best for your checkup!

Thanks Ixoral! i think i saw ur postings that u just got BFP not too long ago. Congrats to u! My still not confirm until blood test ba...

who is your gyane?

hi welcome dolphin...so happy for u

actually i also did the test 3times

1st time on the night b4 my menses (shld wait to missed then test but too keong chong) the T line show fast but the C line show very slow...so was wondering wht it mean...then i took a 2nd test immed..this time it show the 2 line very fast and very dark line

but i m still not very sure...so decided to wait till next morning(1day aft my expected menses), cos the hCG is the highest...and sure enough still 2 lines...thk god, been ttc aft my wash in june

my menses r quite at the dot...n i did exp some drown col discharge (like dried blood) abt 50cent coin size n 20cents coin size clear red col 6days b4 my menses...therefore think shld expect some gd news cos my gf say some pregg will have some blood b4 menses this is call the implantation bleeding

dolphin: no need to do blood test. if u tested so many times on the otc ptk.. i'm 100% sure u r pregnant.. take it easy on the supplements. just continue folic acid. i heard adrian woodworth is good. but i don't go to him so i'm not sure. if u r not comfortable with this current gyne, then change.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks, suying!!!

all mummies 'Huat' together ahhh~~~all mummies will able to see their twinkle litter star greeting them....

but a bad day for me....feeling realli bad, nausea is soo bad + migrain 'join' in the torture.... :~(

jamie, it is my #1.

daph, no lah. only for 1st tri. cos of my history doc asked me avoid. the last time, we dun care did it even when in 1st tri, thinking dun go so deep lor. but end up m/c. so now we both scared. tahan lor. 1 more mth only ma. haha

maelyn, tks. i thought its 30 and above.

ixoral & happy, i also cant take plain water now. just bought ribena concentrate. yummy. finally i start drinking water. it is ok to replace water with ribena right?

sunshinebb, i also hv the same thing as u. when food in front dun feel like eating. eat a bit, then hungry liao. kinda hate eating now. cos dunno eat wat. and feel so fat now. u so cute, achieve ur goal, dun need him liao. haha shall try that. kakakaka

happy, u run marathon? i also but only AHM. haha. but i stop 2 years ago to prepaRE body for bb. everytime wanna sign up hb will say need to prepare... hai.


Dr.Woody can appear quite cold to some too. So don't be shocked if he seems to 'heck care'. It's his style. He'll warm up nearer our EDD and even crack jokes. In short, he's a straight to the point gynae, he's not the kind to 'pacify and coax' his patients. Hope you get what I mean.


can try doc yvonne chan from tmc. Very experienced and nice lady. Answers questions very thoroughly and caring and her nurses are very nice too. But she only takes in limited no of patients and is pricey compared to woody. But so far i haven't come across any serious complains about her.

Hello Pillow, try to increase water intake even if u dislike it. I find drinking warm water easier to swallow compared to room temp water. Cos now i am suffering from constipation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Aim at least 2 litres of water per day and replenish with other liquid things like soup, fruits juice and etc.

Ya lor 3 years ago i started running marathon, i was preparing my last 10 km this year and next year will attempt to run 21km for the addidas night run now cannot lor!

Actually exercise helps to strengthen the body and better prep for child birth esp when comes to giving birth. I missed running alot.

elch, where did u get Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar? How does it taste?

Congrats Dolphin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Dolphin,

Congrats to u. Yes u shld put in a box to surprise him...

Share wif u. I have waited for 7yrs. And was planning if still unable conceive will go for IVF during Jan. But happen to tested positive on my hubby bday. 1st urine test during am. I cant beleive dat!!! Wat a big gift i given him. I inform him and he was shock & happy. But we still cant believe. So i told him y nt test again. dan late evening aft his wrk he went to buy a clearblue digital kit. Omg... N really it stated i was 3+week pregnant. I knew my hubby was happy but he seems dun care. lollzzz.... Dan we went to the private gyne to get it confirm the 3rd day. The gyne done a scan & confirm im pregnant. He say to see him in 2 weeks time. But will nt go back to him as i & hubby nt comfortable wif him. therefore will be gg back to my actual gyne at KKH. Which i have been seeing him less dan a yr & nw i gt gd news. We went to teh private gyne is becos we was anxious & wanna get things confirm. kaisu rite.... N Next week will be my bb scanning @ KKH. hopefully can see bb hb. ;) Dan my mind will free from woli ;) Lets all huat & jiayou jia you..... ;)


It's sold in most supermarkets (E.g. NTUC, Cold Storage & etc). Organic stores carry it too. As it is vinegar, hence it's sourish.


I've drank almost 4ltr of plain water today!

elch, are u sure? u drink cos u are thirsty or force urself to drink. wow i cant imagine e number of toilet trips u make... haha

wow... elch. u so power ya... 4ltr. Mi hates to drink plain water. Today nt even 2 glass. so jia lak... ;(

I been sneezing non-stop the entire day.. Does anyone know if we can take normal flu med or issit better to c a doc?


And I have so much work to finish up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I use a 1000ml water bottle in the office and I'm into my 4th bottle since this morning! I never keep track how much I drink till I saw the topic on water here. Haha! I'm feeling very thirsty hence I drink. I was like that during my 1st pregnancy too. I've made countless toilet trips...hahaha!

suying, drink ribena. i also cant drink plain water. add little ribena. do wonders. after hearing elch routine, i quickly gulp 500ml of water... haha

nana-mum, dun take the norm flu med. not suitable for preg mum. c doc, tell her u preg, then she will give preg safe med. when i had flu, though she give me i also dare not take.

nana.. better see yr gyne k. dun take the risk.

Noted yr msg pillow... add ribena in water. Hopefully i could drink more ;)


Hahaha!!! Don't get pressured by me to drink. I drink because I'm thirsty.

I'm thinking of what to eat for dinner. However, etched in my mind since hours ago is the unhealthy McD!!!

