(2011/07) July 2011

Let me add some:

Things to avoid:

- watermelon

- wintermelon

- cucumber

- pineapple

- rojak

- Lamb (Chinese believe its related to fits "YANG dian feng"

- Sashimi ( my fav )

- processed meat: salami, ham, luncheon.. (forget about your fav subway)

- Unpasteurised milk

Things I added are things which I wished I didnt know I have to avoid, so I can act blur and eat...

anyway.. just a lil update on my most recent problem.

Usualy i do not sleep with my bra. Yesterday i was sleeping on one side, and was chaging position when i felt a sudden strteching pain at my boobies.. It felt as if my hubby has accidentally hammer them.. pain pain...

does anyone has the same encounter?


Hey mummies.... Hw's everyone??? Thanks feimei for the update ... So I'm the 1st huh? I thou got few mummies same LMP as mi?

Wow 11mm at 6 weeks ready big leh.... Mine 3.11 cm my gynae already says it's a gd size... Haha

I just finish catching all the post... I was on course today... Wow half way I 1 2 zzzzzz.... So slpy...

Yippee... Is Friday.. Hv a gd weekend...

Hi, mummies to be with Dr Adrain Woodsworth... can I check his package of $580+ does not include the detailed scans, medication, and delivery fees right? So normal check ups and scans are all included in the package is it? Then for the 1st visit, does he do the vagina scan or just on the tummy? Thanks...

oh..i must add one more to the list.

Things to avoid:

- watermelon

- wintermelon

- cucumber

- pineapple

- rojak

- Lamb (Chinese believe its related to fits "YANG dian feng"

- Sashimi ( my fav )

- processed meat: salami, ham, luncheon.. (forget about your fav subway)

- Unpasteurised milk

- duck


u are the one in NIE rite?

wah..really peifu u leh.

i taught in pri sch for nearly 6 years.

resigned after i came back from maternity leave..cannot tahan the hours already..haha.

the pain in your boobs could be the boobs getting swollen due to more blood flow.

my boobs also quite sore the past few days.

today i got bad backache on my left side.

wah piang..i feel like pasting the medicated plaster.

if not very hard to sleep leh.

can or not ah?


eh u cute lah..11mm is only 1.1cm leh.

your 3.11cm is very big!

Hi Mummies,

I visited my gynae today. It was the first time I see my bb. My bb is 7 weeks and 5 days, 14.4mm. At first I did not see bb heartbeat. I was so anxious.. Then my gynae zoom zoom zoom the picture, then only can see the heartbeat. I was so relieved!

My next appointment will be on 17 Dec and I will be doing OSCAR test by then. Eh.. I didnt know OSCAR test that expensive leh. I better call n ask the clinic tmr. If not I wont have enough money to pay.. hehe..

OSCAR test

According to my gynae, OSCAR test is also known as First trimester test. It is done in between 11-14weeks. It includes a blood test and a Ultrasound Scan to check the neck thickness. This test is mainly to detect Down Syndrome BB. The results will tell you whether you are at high risk or low risk. If high risk, then your gynae will most probably do a Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) - which is to get a sample of the placenta to test the possibilities of having down syndrome bb.

For my #1, my gynae did not have this OSCAR test. I did the Triple Test which is conducted in week 15-20. That also includes blood test and ultrasound scan. So if you are detected high risk, your gynae will advise you to go for amniocentesis - which is to draw the amniotic fluid to test. These tests are also for detecting down syndrome. My SIL went for the amniocentesis becoz she wanted to skip the triple test. The report shows very detail info especially on the chromosomes.

For me, I prefer to do these test in order to make sure my bb is a healthy one. I believe in "长痛不如短痛" . If your bb is out and not healthy, its a lifetime that you need to look after her/him. Both parents and bb will suffer. Since the technology is so advance now, these things can be avoided. Anyway, this is totally my personal opinion. No offense to anyone.


Can help to update my info?

EDD: 4th July

gynae: Dr. Henry Cheng

Hospital: Mt. A

Child no: 2

Hi clarissagoh,

Dr.Woody's package includes those standard medications like folic acid, prenatal multivitamins and 'simple' medication for gastritis, cough and flu. Medications that are too ex like Duphaston will be charged separately. Normal check up all included. Dr. Woody scans tummy for 1st visit.


Thanks for correcting.. Real a blur mummy loh... I keep thinking 11 cm! So big!

Half boil egg oso cannot eat rgt? Y duck duck cannot eat?

Hi Ladies

Sorry to interrupt. I have the below item for sale below cost price:

1) Brand new Clarins Body treatment oil (Hulie Tonic) bought it at Tangs for $80 with price tag on it now letting go at $55.

2) Brand new Airflow Sleep Positioner from The First Years bought it at Kiddy Palace for $29.90 with price tag on it now letting go at $15

Pm or e-mail me at [email protected] if interested. Thanks

tze, will check with my gynae during second visit on 1st dec.

mummies, i also know we must avoid shellfish.

maelyn, ur bb is so big at 7 weeks 5 days. hopefully mine can reach tat size cos mine is only 5mm at 6 weeks 2 days. quite hard to double in size in 1 week right?


Hehe Yah I m the one from Nie..

Got about 7mth of no work next year.

I am graduating in next year ma

June holi..

Edd July.. So July to oct maternity leave

Nov Dec school holiday

I think by jan2012 I go back.. Super Nuah Liao..


Sure, will add u in...

Thanks for the info but if do, another thing to worry, dun do, oso worry....jus can't help to worry!!! ;(

Feimei, sorry I left the number out! Hehe.. It's my child number 1 :D so edd 2nd July, gynae dr Fong yang, hospital tbc.. Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Audrey n lyn:

hey I am a teacher too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] These few days it's been crazy in school coz of prize-giving day.. I was advised not to walk too much as I had brown discharge 2 weeks ago (6th week) and I was so afraid that the discharge will come back.. I can't wait for work week to be over so that I can really rest....

By the way, is anyone on progesterone? I see alot of duphaston here.. Are they similar ?

I have been on progesterone since my 4th week and it knocks me out in half an hour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone visits www.babycenter.com.sg?

You can look at how the baby develops and how ur body changes each week of the pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

There are also lots of useful information on that site.

Do check it out.. I am practically addicted to that site after a colleague introduced it to me. I love reading over and over again how the bb develops every week and then visualize how bb is growing like inside me!


Its our job nature to walk and walk... And walk and walk... And it's a taboo to take MC cos colleagues will see you as a sinner once u are back..

Cons of this job [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow Audrey n nana 1am still hv not slp??? Must try to slp earlier

As for the Oscar test will cost abt $320-$350 ba, whether to do it really depend on

Mtb,but if over 30yr think better go for it cos the risk increase with mummy age


Dun worry, I think your bb can grow twice as fast within one week.


I use to visit www.babycenter.com, without the sg.. hehe.. this US site got alot of videos especially the growing of baby in the womb, delivery videos if you are interested, as well as post natal care.


I just called my gynae's clinic, cost for OSCAR test:

Blood test : $160

ultrasound scan : $130

Blood test for hospital admission : $60

consultation : $50

Total : $400

PHEW! Lobang in my pocket!

Hihi... Im new here.

Here are my symptoms:

- backaches when standing or walking too long even when sitting

- feeling hungry easily

- feeling some light cramp in abdomen

- need to pee during midnight

- tummy bloated at times, lots of gas, if not fart then burp

- starting to feel abit nauseous

Is it normal??? N is the crump Normal?? Pls advise

Hi all... Can I check with u, how many weeks r u all in now?

I just tested positive this morning n I think I should be in this thread...


Ur symptoms are normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U need to see when your last menstrual period is in order know

hi welcome suying and loke

suying...ya me too exp sharp pain on my right side of abdomen...i read from some bb website...is normal no worry

i dun hv any craving at the moment...

i just test positive on thur (1day aft 1 missed my menses)...so i did a online due date calculation...i m in week 4 also due on 24 July 2011.

i did the test 3times just to double confirm..the test state is 99% accurate...so shld be confirm right????

actually called my gyne 4 appt next wed (week 5), but think will change to end of next mth whr i m wk 10...aft my previous MC...really scare to visit the gyne...scare to rec bad new.

till now still remember when my gyne broke the new to me...but he console me by saying that 1 in 4 pregnancy will result in MC...it just like tossing a coin this time u get a head does not mean u alway will get it...so the MC rate will decrease

So sorry to say it here


Thks... Hiera for yr advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunshine... yes the sharp pains makes mi so woli;(

Let's pray hard & hope everything will be fine n smooth for us. Huat ya... ;)

hi ladies!

nice weather to sleep in today.

audrey, nana,

i have resigned from teaching in 2008.

after that taught part time for 6 months until my boy turned 1. then i got bored so now im back to work but no longer teaching..still in civil service though..hehe

welcome loke and suying!


u will need to calculate based on your LMP.


your symptoms all normal.

yah mild, dull cramps are normal.


oscar so ex yah.

which gynae do u go to?

Ladies, i m actually having redddish discharge. Worry me to death. At this hr, what shd i do? Go n see gynae? I think alot close nw. Really scare me nw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yaya - u wanna go KK 24hr women's clinic? they will first do a preg test, once it is positive, they will direct u to the gynea room, which is rather fast one.. =)

hope u are fine

Audrey n lynzi: mensus irregular. I'm either 5th wk or 6th wk based on symptoms.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunshine: If u r in week 4 means I'm in the right thread[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tmc also got 24hr clinic.

Just go to either tmc or kkh 24hr clinic n they will be able to help u.

U not yet on duphaston rite?


Duphaston is a hormone booster to stabilize pregnancy. It's not a multivitamin. Multivitamin will be prescribed normally on 1st visit and to be taken as early as possible.


I visit babycentre website very often when I had my #1 and now. Very interesting website indeed.

If not wrong, Duphaston is the brand of the medication, which is progesterone.


Call your gynae or head to KKH. After which, please have complete rest in bed. Take care!

Lynzi & elch, suddenly saw the red n make me worry! Then i call gynae n i guess it connect to thomson medical. The gynae there ask me to increase duphaston dosage loh.

After lying for few hrs n taken the pills, it seems better. I hope it will b okay.. Sigh

audrey, 7mths of no work? wow super shiok lor. envy envy... and audrey, why are u still sleeping so late? no good no good...try to sleep early. force yourself.

nana-mum, i am also addicted to that website. i go in almost every 2 days. so at least i know the growing process. so amazing right?

yaya, make sure u do bed rest. dun walk... rest rest rest.. and tell your bb to hold....

hi lynzi thks for yr advice. aft hearing lots of comments saying the crump is normal i feel more relax ;)

i went to private gyne @ JW to confirm & he have given mi utrogstan to consume. by the way anybody can advice wat is it really for??

i will be gg to my fix gyne at kkh end of nov. instead of the previous wan @ JW.


can u add me too?

EDD: 4th July

gynae: Dr. Yvonne Chan

Hospital: TMC

Child: #2

feel so tired!! Cant wait for 2nd tri to start..babymoon period!


high chance will do the test lol....but again, kiasi to face the result....haiz~~~very contridicting....

I am worried for not seeing my doc leh

Those with woody...

Can I check when is he open for package

Does he off set the 1st appointment $ if I decide to sign only at the 2nd appointment?

Meaning 588 - $(1st visit $)

Pillow-sleep late cos I wake up late de.. Semester ending le.. So very few lessons going on de

Hi fellow mtbs! I'm expecting #2 and my edd is 27th july based on the fetus size. =) currently only 4+wks preggers.

Feimei, can add me in? Thx!

Nick: jamie_nov

Edd: 27 july 2011

Gynae: kee wei heong

Hospital: tmc

Child: #2

suying, are u seeing dr kee at jw?

Re: 2nd time mummies

My girl loves me to carry her and also loves to lie on top of me. Is it ok for her to lie on me nw at tis stage? She's 18mths old tmr and weighs abt 10.6kg.. Also, a lot of ppl say dun carry her too much bt she's very attached to me, as I'm her main caregiver.. She still co-slps with me, but tt's another story altogther.. Does anyone else face tis problem too?

Hi Mtbs,

I am not sure if i am in the right forum? Normally i shld be in the Car or Watch forum. My wife has tested postive for the 1st time and projected EDD: 20th July 2011.

Can any 1 advise on a reputable and confident gynae near Tiong Bahru Area?

Do i need to bring her to gynae so early?


Adrian Tan

Hey Adrian!

I am seeing dr Fong yang at Fong centre for women and fertility. He has 2 branches, one at paragon and one opp tiong bahru plaza, blk 18 jalan membina.. It's good to see a gynae early..

Dr Fong tested my hcg and progesterone level when I was in my 4th week to check if the embryo is developing at a healthy rate to rule out ectopic. He also gave me progesterone pills to keep my progesterone level up.. It prevents menstruation which in turn can prevent miscarriages which is quite common in first trimester.

I think that he is very gentle, patient and answers my questiona professionally. I even call the clinic emergency number sunday night at 9+ when I had spotting and freaked out and he called me back personally in less than a minute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As this is my first pregnancy after trying for more than half a year (and having a famous gynae tell me that it might b diff for me to be pregnant unless I go for surgery), I feel that I am in safe hands with dr fong.


my son is turning 2yo soon and he is also very very attached to me. still co-sleeping wif us too and like urs oso wants me to carry, hug etc all the time. As long as she is not jumping or stepping on ur tummy is still ok!

My son will sit on my thigh at most or my chest..he used to jump on me but i kept reminding him thr's a baby inside so cannot jump..but he still dun understand y i cant carry him so if i can still carry, i'll try to carry him still.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi morning all mtb

Suying u thinking to go KKH??? Any gyne in mind???

Adrian I stay in tiong bahru area b4 the nearest u can consider as wht Nana say is Fong clinic or thr also Thomson woman clinic beside tiong bahru plaza

Hi! Im going for my first appointment on next tues, anything i should note for that? should be almost 6 weeks by then, can i see beanie via ultrasound? anything i need to bring along with me?

FYI, i went to TCM, the sinseh listed out a few things that we should not consumed from now onwards.

- food that are taken out directly from the fridge (eg.. fruits should be taken out and put a room temp for a while before eating)

- pineapple

-barley (china)

- crab

icezjo, remember to empty your bowels and drink lotsa water before u going to scan. it will aid in the scan. can see better.

thanks pillow! hopefully can see coz my sinseh told me sometimes too early cant see and have to go back again. i wanted reassurance from doc too, coz i get cramps when i walk to much.

Pillow, elch and all iPhone users:

I just found out that there's an iPhone app for babycenter called My Pregnancy Today!!

It gives u daily updates on ur pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So cool!!!!!!


nana-mum, i've already downloaded, its very good! its come with videos and pics of how baby are growing inside of you weekly. actually, i've downloaded a few apps, duno which is good but just download and see. hehe! abit kiasu!

