(2011/07) July 2011

icezjo, u are welcome. i went to see doc on my 6th weeks too. can see heartbeat flickering.

yes, i also get cramps when walked or stand too long. it is a signal that u shld not walk too much. when i lie down or sit, i am ok.

nana-mum, i dun have iphone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Thk Nana m I download the app Liao it is very detail just need to enter our last menses date it will tell u ur due date n wht wk we r in it also hv pic n video

hihi.. sorry the med. which JW gyne given mi shld spell as utrogestan 100mg. he say is for an tai. i would like to confirm & get more info ;) kaisu ma.. lollzz.. im seeing Doc. John T Lim @ JW st 41

Nt really comfortable wif him as Hubby dun like too.

But i will go back to my actual gyne at KKH which i have been seeing him less dan a yr & im pregnant nw ;) So will fixed him as my gyne. Im comfortable with him compare to JW wan lo ;) opss.. no offence.

Re: babycenter app

Can use on itouch too!

Zachmummy: I haven't told my girl yet. Lol! N I jus told my mum today. Do u use a carrier to caary ur boy? I'm using ergo bt its front carry so when I gt bigger, its gg to b quite a problem. Wonderinf if I can use pupsik to hip carry?

Re: nausea

I feel so sick for the past 3 days! I'm only 4+wks preggers! Morn sickness come so soon?? My #1 no ms at all. Only hurled once at the roadside of tanjong pagar. Lol! Anyone else feeling sick so soon??

Suying, I was given tt med too by dr kee at jp. Also said its an tai yao. He says gg by my LMP, my bb shld b 10mm, abt 6wks old bt gg by the size of the bb, its only 7.5cm, abt 4wks+. Which I tink mks sense!! Cuz ever since I stopped bfg my #1 abt 3 mths ago, I've only had sex once. And preg liao. Hahaa! So anyway he gv me as a precaution if e bb is growing to slow. Says will see again in 3 wks. =)

Hey suying,

I just read that u asked about utrogestan. Sorry, I am abit slow coz I use my iPhone to surf the net (coz I am getting so lazy nowadays and i can use it lying down) and it's v diff to scroll n read everything.

I am given utrogestan too !! It is a brand of progesterone actually [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] many mummies to be on this forum are using another brand but it's all progesterone. So don't worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi jamie & nana tkkqs for yr reply. like dat i have no doubts to take the an tai med. le. but somehw i still feel crump on my tummy area ;( really makes mi woli.

jamie.. wow dat's power. congrats on yr #2

gals, just woke up from my 2 hr nap. feel s o good.

jamie, pity ur hb... one time enjoyment and kena quarantine for another few months... haha


Could u be moving around too much?

Try lying down with ur legs propped up on a pillow. It helps for me.

I read somewhere that it's normal to have cramps and aches as long as it's not severe and not accompanied with bleeding.

Now i am feeling nauseous everyday all the time, especially in the evenings n night. I find it super difficult to cook nowadays because the smell triggers vomiting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I think my neighbors probably think that someone in my house has a bout of food poisoning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am starting to wear the anti-nausea acupuncture wrist band.. Hope that will work..

Hi All

I am a Sep 10 mummy and have the following magazines for sale: -

Mother & Baby 12 issues (May 09 to Jan 10, Mar 10, May 10, Jun 10)

Young Parents 8 issues (Mar 09 to May 09, Jul 09 to Sep 09, Nov 09, May 10)

Motherhood 5 issues (Sep 09, Jan 10, Apr 10, Jun 10, Aug 10)

Today's Parents 1 issue (Apr/May 10)

Baby Chic 1 issue (Jun 10)

All magazines are selling at $1 each, except for Baby Chic $0.50

All magazines are maintained in good conditions.

If purchase all will be $26.00

Collection at Punggol.

If you are interested, please drop me an email at [email protected]

Thank you.

Hi.. Nana,

Thkqs for advise. will try yr method. Could be i walk too much & oso in office gt to walk oso ;(

So bad... last few days i have piskish spotting & today a bit spotting it comes wif the crump & dats y it makes mi so woli. I n HB hav been waited for dis day so long....

Pillow4, lol! Nt jus him! Shocking for me too lor! Ur having #2 as well rite?

Suying: thx! Btw, cld e cramps be ur uterus expanding or getting ready for the fetus to grow? Cuz I had it before too. I tink I read it in babycenter b4 as well. =)

jamie, i stop using carrier on my boy after he is 6mths old..heard not tat good to use carrier on baby boy.

i asked gynae, cramp usually related to expanding uterus so could be the reason but if u r unsure, go see gynae is the best!

My morning sickness is quite bad for this pregnancy..i dun recall ever throwing up so badly for my elder one except when i ate fried fish soup..hehe but this one, any time of the day i will throw up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Last time when I had spotting, i called my gynae and he told me to take two protesgerone pills and lie down for an hour with my legs propped up. If the spotting stops then it's ok if not I had to see him immediately at the hospital for progesterone injection.

I had spotting that time because I walked too fast for quite a distance. After that, I had to be on mc for 2 days and restrict my movements.

Spotting is quite common. My friend who gave birth this year told me that she spotted almost throughout her pregnancy. But still, if u r worried, maybe u shld see ur gynae asap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take care n try not to walk too much if possible

Hi all,

thanks for concern. aft found out have a bit spotting. i dare nt walk. so nw the spotting has stop but stll crump on n off lo. hopefully it is the expanging only. yes my next appt will be 30 nov @ KKH wif Doc Loh SF. hope everything will be fine for mi n all MTBss...


Saw your message for Jamie. Looks like you're not gonna have sex with your hubby for the next few months? Not to worry, pregnant also can have sex one. I had it from day one till I gave birth during my last pregnancy. It's ok one. Dont deprive your hubby. Haha! Unless he doesn't like the idea of doing it when ya pregnant la!

hi modisch, my discharge was a bit & stop. haizzz.. yr msg noted. will be more careful ;) hw i hope to see my gyne asap.


are u feeling better today?

i hope the spotting has stopped.

I'll be taking a trip to see Dr Woody at cck later =)

hi audrey,

thqks. yes, better no more spotting le. my next appt is 30 nov @ kkh. but somehw the crump on n off feel so unconfortable. hw u gals bear wif it??


I think the golden age for down syndrome is 35 Years old. IF you are below 35 years, then your risk is lower. If you are above 35 years, then your risk is higher.


usually i drink alot of warm water and i lay down on my bed..

i am with kk too (cos m a civil servant mah).. but cos my appointment is on 6th dec, which i think too far and its making me a lil worried.. i'll be taking a trip to woody and leave my option open.. haven select a gynea yet..

I'll tell the gynea i have cramps.. and see what he advice.. den i kip u posted okie =)

morning gals, hope you all r feeling better.

Today i am much better and hopefully this will improve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes i tried the babycenter iphone app. Very precise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Suying!

Hi everyone,

This thread is moving really fast. I went for 3 blood tests last week to check the baby's growth and my hormones level. I can finally do a scan tmr which is really good news to me. Cause during my previous m/c, I didnt have a chance to do a scan and the 4th blood test results showed my baby stopped growing. So this time round i was very worried when the results were out. Worse still, the nurse made a mistake when she told me my baby's growth was slow when the 2nd blood test results came. My heart really sank and I thought why this is happening again. But less than 5 mins, she called back and said she saw the wrong report! Imagine how my emotions went through a roller-coaster ride.

morning all mummies....

rem ur pills parade after breakfast worr...!!!

BabyBump also quite good...it got daily or wkly update....

Morning all MTBs! wow so many posts on a monday morning already!

Daph: as this is my 1st preg, my hb also scared to BD leh..he worried it'll affect anything since 1st tri is supposedly not stable. So i'm kinda depriving him now..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Felt quite giddy this morn when i woke up.. puke some unknown stuff out and felt much better le. Dont know why these days i dont like to drink plain water anymore..very plain and tasteless. So hb bought 1 big bottle of ribena concentrate for me. I made 1 bottle of ribena drink and bring to office today. hee like the taste of sweet drink in my mouth :p


how come the nurse soo blur....but anyway, good news meaning good start....u shld be able to see ur lil beanie tmr....how many wks r u now?


Same! I'm also intending to drop by cck to see woody today. But hubby not free in the day, so will only drop by in the evening [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you?


I can't afford to deprive hubby leh, so he better love me more. Haha. He's not scared, so I'm ok lor. I just asked him to be gentler!

audrey: I am having the same pains too.. Felt like I got punched left right, and it hurts so much that I can wake up in the middle of the night. And last night was so bad I thought I was having a heart attack.. Felt like needles being inserted into the heart and the boobs muscles being squashed

Medela PISA backpack style for sale. Machine only, please get your own spare parts from

Robinsons/ BP/Sprees. Hygiene is most impt

Bought last jan n used for 3 months around 1-2 times a day cuz had 2 pumps (at work n at hm).

Pm me or SMS at 97322389 with a fair offer.

Hi Audrey,

Ic... u r with KKH too. Ya lo.. appt so long so bo pian go to nearest gyne first to check it out. Thks for sharing. Will wait for yr update. N noted will drink more warm water. Understand dat my yolk is too much which is nt gd. haizz... woli ;(

Hi Happy.. Im feeling better. But on n off still crump. & nt forgeting the nurses inform mi my yolk(egg white) is too much nt gd ;(

Jerjer... y the nurse so sotong. My JW nurse oso sotong they nearly mix up the urine test of mine n others lo. anyway... gt gd news is a gd start. no woli ;)

hey ixoral, haha ya now i am drinking ribena too is the new drink.. i hate drink water ... and now constipate like siao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] feel so uncomfortable


Me too, constipate....i m a daily basis person to report to toilet for big niz but now...is like 2days once....really make me very 'xin ku'....

hi morning all MTBs

feeling nausea (MEN in chinese)this morning and the body feel so heavy leg aching...moody

hi Audrey

u r with KKH 2??? me 2 my gyne is Dr John Tee the did the wash for me pervious time), m comfortable with him. My ex colleague intro Dr Ben Thiam from TMC, but his clinic is office hr...m working so he is off my list

hi ixoral and happy

is normal to feel tasteless...hmm ribena is a gd choice.

Px - yours sound serious leh... See doctor pls...

I was at woody's clinic.. But seem like a alot of ppl..

I ended up in kkh -24hr women clinic.. Hubby seem to like this place more..

Actually woke up to some bleeding.. Plus I m having the flu.. Keep ah Choo ah Choo ...

Gan jeong.. See doc lo..

ladies,i went to see my gynae on sat..he said spotting is normal...

as long as it's not RED in color... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tze...u went to see Dr Tan right...i went to see him on sat...and saw the sac...haha

did he give u the ultrasound pic?

he din give me and i also din ask for it...coz too eggcited liao

yes, hungry but no appetite to eat....but tink of lil one, still hv to eat but then, eat liao....feel very nausea...wan to puke, nothing come out....i m now in the stage after my breakfast....really no mood to work....feel like lying flat on bed!!!

pinkyrose: happy for u! So u manage to see the bb heartbeat too? i'm gg to have my 1st visit to the gynae tmr.. hope everything is "normal". =)

ixoral-no...too early to see heartbeat...i saw sac and its in normal position.which was a relieve...hehee

next appt in 2weeks time

enjoy ur gynae visit k..which one u choose?

hi sunshine, i have the same feeling as u lo ;( feeling so bad. worst is at wrk.

audrey, so u r in KKH now. okok do take care ;) It could be the ah choo.... makes u feel bad. when i ah choo... my tummy will pain too.

pikyrose, all well gt a gd news from u... but my JW gyne say if have pinckish, brown, black or red spotting must see him urgently lei??? my JW gyne oso nv gv mi the pic which he had scan the waterbag too.

Nvm i hope next week KKH will gv mi 1 for keepsack;)

ixoral...ya think heartbeat can oni see in abt 7wk onward

pinkyrose: u mean see the sac...that mean is just a small dot is it??? cos me seeing my gyne this wed...wondering wht will i see on the scan

pinkyrose> Thanks! Hope i dont get too nervous. i'll be seeing Dr Geraldine Tan from Thomson Women's Clinic. Her clinic is at Katong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunshinebb> thanks for the info.. i might be in wk7 but cant be sure too. Hope can see heartbeat on my 1st visit tmr..to feel more assured. All the best to your gynae visit on wed too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunshinebb, im feeling sick too. kp feel like puking bt no puke yet. and yes, also hungry bt no appetite..

daph, during my #1 pregnancy, my hb nt very keen to hv sex w me, he say the tummy so big in front of him, bb knw wat we doing. lol!

happy, when i read ur post abt u puking ur breaky, the nauseas feeling came bk. urgh! -_-"



ur hubby so cute...mine say is ok to hv sex lol...but sometime i reject him saying that i hv achieve my goal, he is useless liao (joking with him)

