(2011/07) July 2011

hey everyone, I find it really hard to swallow plain water these days. Is it ok to add sliced lemon in my water for some flavour?


morning tze,

try make something hot n drink...to subside the MS....throughout my train journey, feeling nausea n giddy, soo force myself to close my eye n catch some ZZZ...

i oso can't take leave nor mc....soo many things to do...

hey ladies...when u mention spotting,it means blood or those brownish discharge?

coz i've been having those brown spottings on and off...especially if i walk too much,it will come

pinkyrose, better go see gynae and get medication lor.

Dear all, its friday already! happy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkyrose: my gynae says even brown discharge also no good.. must go see them immediately, regardless whether its brown CM or brown blood..

pillow4: yes I also have nail polish since poly days.. now i feel so auntie-fied... Think as long as no spotting its fine to wear heels.. Just don't trip.. The pregnant angmors in my office still wear 3 inch heels everyday..

And my bb is 5.8mm at 6w4d.. yours not too far off from mine..

feimei, thks for the tips..

Also, i found this online hope its useful...

Pregnant women

Yes, pregnant women can take lime juice regularly since citrus fruits like lemon or lime is a good source of vitamin C that acts as antioxidants and helps body fight colds. It is also a liver stimulant which controls irritable bowel movement and control conditions such as constipation and diarrhea.

It helps prevent heart burn, bloating and subsides pains. As for pregnant women, this also proves beneficial because it helps build the bones in the unborn child and at the same time helps the brain and nerve cells due to it’s high potassium level. Lemon juice also contains calcium and magnesium that treats ailments like asthma, colds, scurvy, fever and heart burn.

Morning ladies..yesss TGIF!

Tze> hope u'r feeling better already...take some hot drink if possible to calm down the stomach..

We really really cant put on nail polish anymore?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I intend to do another round of mani/pedi just 1 wk before xmas. Still got some toe nail polish on.. shall remove them after a wedding on sat..hee.

And also these.... taken from babycenter

1) How can I tell which herbal teas are safe to drink during pregnancy?

Although no U.S. regulations specifically address herbal teas, most of the herbs the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers safe for food use are presumed safe for teas as well. For example, teas made from ginger, lime blossom, peppermint, roasted barley, rose hips, and thyme are probably safe to drink occasionally in small amounts while you're pregnant or nursing. However, drinking excessive amounts of any teas can cause health problems for you and your developing baby.

2) Which teas are not safe?

Many of the herbs used for teas, when taken in large or medicinal amounts, can potentially stimulate the uterus and induce miscarriage. These include anise, catnip, chamomile, comfrey, ephedra (called ma huang in traditional Chinese medicine), European mistletoe, hibiscus, horehound, Labrador, lemongrass, licorice root, mugwort, pennyroyal, raspberry leaf, rosemary, sage, sassafras, stinging nettle leaf, vetiver, and yarrow.


spotting might not mean blood.

Like me, i got brown discharge on and off.

Better go gynae early to check n get medicine.

My m/c in july started with brown discharge which i ignored n it turn to full flow blood with no tummy pain at all.

Thats why my gynae said if i strike again to come see him immediately n not wait so something can be done.

Not to scare u but its better to play safe.


not big lah..got others here have bigger rite?

I saw someone has 1.2cm or sth.

Its ok to wear heels but dont wear too high.

We avoiding heels so lesser chance of trip n fall.


thanks for the info.

I always put slices of lemon in my plain water that i store in fridge..hehe.

during first tri its better to avoid nail polish, colouring or treatment of hair as the embie still forming.

After first tri has passed, should be safer.

I did mani padi and even rebonded my hair during my second n last trimester when i was with no 1.

Hehe..cant stand the state of my hair at that time.

I'm avoiding heels cos I'm beginning to feel the strained on my lower back. Does anyone here also having this problem??

Also, any recommendation for nipple cream to ease the dry-ness and the itch-ness??

Ladies, I managed to finish a packet of chu chang fen. Feel great.

feimei, audrey, my hubby told me not to eat fast food. Only eat Mac once.

Happy & ixoral try not to drink too much ginger. I heard from my friend too much ginger will put bb on risk of having serious jaundice. Mayb a little will help us with the wind.

elch, u mean u start paying for ur package? I thought packages are available only after 12 weeks.

Pillow4, ok will take ur advice. Mayb should switch to ribena, peel fresh drinks or honey

Px22, reading u gals talk abt half boiled eggs make me feel like eating it.


Avent or Medela nipple cream is recommended. Personally prefers Avent as it's easier to apply. Medela's good but too thick hence more difficult to spread.


Depending on gynaes, my gynae's package can start anytime. Fees paid on 1st visit can be offset from package when we sign up on 2nd visit.



Re: Nail polish

Seems like lots of you here are worried. Below is something to share with you ladies:-

If you decide to use nail polish in pregnancy, we suggest you follow these guidelines:

1) Apply the polish in a well-ventilated room. Maybe stay next to an open window or door. The less you smell it, the less exposure you likely have.

2) Try to apply only one coat, not several different ones.

3) When you dry the polish, don't blow on it and inhale the fumes. Keep your hands far away and stay in a well-ventilated area.

4) The same precautions as in polishing apply when removing the polish.

5) After removing the polish, wash your hands well with soap to remove any residual polish and polish remover.

Read more at http://www.babymed.com/lifestyle-and-beauty/can-i-paint-my-nails-nail-polish-pregnancy?ktrack=kcplink

hello mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today feel abit better. Yesterday before i slept i puked 2 times -_-" sigh..

This morning was hungry and decided to have 2 plain prata and soy milk. ahh feel so good.

Hopefully i gt strength to clear some work. Yes is Friday finally!!!

My sister said put lime or lemon in water helps if you find drinking plain water a drag.


My package is $588.50 including GST. It includes scans, urine tests, folic acids, prenatal vitamins, unlimited visits and etc...can't remember what else. However if we are ill from flu, cough or whatever during pregnancy we can visit him FOC as well, medications will be FOC unless it's those medicine that are more ex. Medicines like Mylanta for gastric and etc are FOC.


Yup. Very very reasonable. Even checks for post natal is FOC. Just have to pay for pap smear if needed. Dr. Woody, Dr. Lawrence Ang, Dr, Woo Bit Hwa are the few gynaes I know which are very popular and yet have very reasonable charges.

oic.. i didnt know that Dr woo also. too bad he is nt my gynae..

by the way, anyone experiencing dry scalp? i dunno hw come i got itchy n dry scalp.... wonder is it result from pregnancy?

gals, back at ofc for few hrs for work though on MC. stupid boss even request me to come back for meeting on Mon if i am well. argh, he dunno what is MC isit?

feimei, tks. at least i dun have to rush to buy flats. hb keeps asking me to stop wearing heels. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tze, i have the same problem as you. i also dun like the taste of plain water now tat my buds are tasteless. can we take ribena to replace plain water. not sure whether will it be too sweet.

tze, i thought lemon and lime too liang for us?

px22, ya i am trying to wear heels all the way then dun have to waste money to buy.


thanks for the info..very useful.

I just had lontong with super good rendang n sambal goreng..so satisfied.

But now i feel like having koi..cham.

Yah Dr Lawrence Ang also has the same package as woody. I went to Dr Ang once but i guess i dont like those chop chop kind..hehs. Plus Dr Ang didnt respond well to my threatened m/c at that time.

Hi ladies,

Just wanted to thank everyone here for your advice and encouragement... those of you who had read my previous posts, you know what's been happening..

I went back to the doc on Thursday morning, took another the blood test..

Doc says that the HCG levels weren't too optimistic... on Sunday midnight, it was 360, but on Thursday morning, it was 404. By right, the numbers should be doubling every 2-3 days, and 10x more every week at this stage of pregnancy.

He did not do another vaginal scan on Thursday, (nurse later told me it's cos he doesn't want to disturb my womb now) but said that i could try taking the duphaston and progynova for another week before one more blood test next week. He wasn't too optimistic, but said sometimes results could be a one time mix up.. he said there's no harm waiting one more week to do another test to see how things go..

He said, 'so near yet so far'.. the levels are rising, but not enough...

I just hope and pray that the HCG will quickly just rise n rise.. and the baby will grow.. though my feelings don't move in the same direction..

Thanks for all the support girls. I'll come in to update again next week :0)

All the best to you all and have a wonderful pregnancy!

brainysmurfs> thanks for that valuable advice. will keep that in mind!

elch> so means if i do mani/pedi at a well-ventilated nail salon is still ok la hor.. ha *trying to justify*

lynzi> yr food description makes my mouth water already...gosh. now i wanna have lontong too. ha.

Hi lynzi, yes both me and happy knew eelynn see cos we are all from BTB Jan 2010. Haha.. We met up several times before as well. I heard from eelynn she knew you as well. =)

Hi rosegal, i will pray for you to have a strong bb to stay with you. Do take care. Stay positive.


All the best to you! Good thing that the HCG is still increasing.


From the website, should be no problem. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Wendy n eLcH!

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yes, I will do my utmost to stay hopeful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Wendy! Talking about comedies, Due date is really funny!! If you're looking for a funny show to watch this weekend, give that a shot!

Ixoral, if can dun do. Cos our nails are porous. Somehow the chemicals may seep thru our skin. Better be on the safe side.

rosegal, no matter what stay positive. must believe that your bb can make it! your bb will make it!


go have one..hehe

im bad..been eating non stop now.

first the lontong, then had those chilli tapioca crackers, now eating nutella roll.

and im still hungry..oh gosh.

thinking of having hor fun now and i so want to eat orh luak.

anyone here knows whether we can have orh luak now?

seeing kf seetoh had that making me drool.


all the best!

the hcg still rising so should still be good sign.

lets pray and hope for the best.


hehe yah..we went out a few times.

i helped her and some other gerls get cheap opk and hpt that time.

going to meet eelyn again for a xmas party next month..cant wait for another pigging out session.


all the best for your gynae visit.

im sure its nothing serious.

as long as we get help early is good.


your info on the nail polish there make me itch to do mine..haha


You're welcome!

As for orh luak, better avoid it now as it is not thoroughly cooked. If you want to satisfy craving, just order a plate and you eat the egg and flour and hubby can eat the oyster. That's what I did previously! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi girls, i really envy you for having cravings for food. As for me, whatever i eat, normally will result in vomitting and at most times, the think of food already makes me sick! I can't eat anything oily, fried and rice etc, i will definately puke. So now, i am only taking in soupy stuffs. Also, i skipped all cold drinks, bubble teas etc and keeping to one cup of coffee per day. Though i am always hungry, i just cant myself happily eating away.. haha.. It always ended up puking or afew mouthful! I tried cheese prata yesterday night and i puke as well. Haha.. So, had to buy soupy mee sua.

I hope my appetite will improved. Food makes me so sick.


I detest rice too!! The smell of rice especially. But I've been taking cold drinks. Help to curb MS! That's what I did in my previous pregnancy. No choice, so as to make myself feel better.

Wendy: don't worry I was like tat last week. Don't need to smell, just looking at food on variety shows makes me wanna puke.. But this week appetite improved tremendously.. Although still got certain smells and food that can put me off, but at least I am eating properly now.. Feels uber satisfied.. and looking like 4 months preggers now hahah

rosegal, try to rest more and take ur medicine. Will keep u and ur bb in my prayers.

elch, think ur package is cheaper than mine. Mine starts after 12 weeks. Near to $600. Think ard 11 visits+scans but I don't think it include medicine.

Hi px22, great to hear that your appetite is improving! I really hope it will soon be my turn.. haha.. Though i didnt eat much, my kgs are same lor and i am looking like 3 mths pregnant! Haha..

wendy: i was worse, i didnt have appetite in first 6weeks and couldn't eat, was constantly hungry, yet I put on 2kg!

hihi all MTBs

hv been busy in the morning, till now then can come in...just finish lunch....super tired omg i can't concentrate how to tong till 6pm...any MTB hv this slping spell gg on 2????

pinkyrose: ya dun play play with discharge...agreed with Iynzi my MC in june also start with brown discharge...think better c ur gyne for advise


Daph, brainysmurfs,

Yes Dr.Woody's package is that cheap. I was with him for my #1 too. Back then was even cheaper at $550nett! Ask Px22 or sogo! They're with him as well.

