(2011/07) July 2011

crayon, wahahaha! really funny le u!! i think we will confirm really get the saggy breast if we did the manual squeeze! -.-''

actually hor, i rather buy certain things and not everything is hands-me-down lor.. want to enjoy buying things for baby this time.. hehehe..but then again, saving more $$$ is better cos in case need it le... u know hor, my sis in law pass me all her clothings and books lor. pengz le..cos never expect sooo much! but most of it hor, i can only wear now.. when tummy bigger, think cannot fit. cos she is M size de. me le, xl size.hahaa!

my hubby hor, now planning on hw baby room shd be like.. we even went to ikea to look for ideas. once confirm gender, i think he can work on it real soon liao...

lizzie, so u planning to go now?



I also have lotsa hair on my tummy! Mine r black [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so I look like a man with hairy beer belly.. Luckily the hair is nt long and curly!!!

I also have the dark line and mine extend from above pubic area to just below my boobs!! Today my bump stretched alot.. I think bb lying sideways or stretching, so my dark line near the belly button area is a bit slanting~~~ so funny looking!!

By the way, dun peel or try to pluck out the whitish stuff on nipple.. I pulled out the whitish stuff (look like an oil plug) and it bleed.. Blood just literally oozed out.. And I finger-itchy did that twice summore.. Nw don't dare already

Nana-mum - Bleed? Oh.. Beta don den ya...

Pinkyrose - Every evenin eh u merlion?

Lizzie - Yup, both are fun!! Actually most of de branded gds there are way cheaper den Sing.. Chanel, Dior, Ferragamo.. Esp wen they have sale! Hee...

nana> r u hairy on ur arm??? r they visible or transparent? mine is transparent so expected the hair on tummy will eventually be transparent too...hahahaa...my own logic...kekekeke....i dun hv the line yet or i didnt realli realise it's there liao?? my tummy quite fair lol...hahhahaa...if got line, shld be obvious!!!

yaya- so good can plan on baby room

my bb will hv to share with us coz our house wun be ready til 2012...

now i headache where n how to put bb cot/playpen coz my room now small

hi mummies,

I got a medela swing single breast pump to let go off at 50% discount. Its bought in Jan '11 but I gave up on bf-ing, thus have no more use for it. Do PM me for details.

wa, they so qiao same company!!

pinkyrose, ya.. hubby said should start planning now. he hor, been happy le. i also havent start planning anything yet.

my room also not big either.. baby cot has to put in another room. i got thought of chasing hubby out of masterbed room for baby. hahahaa.. what an evil thought!

liz- yes....

my first tri was smooth.no MS

but 2nd tri,i merlion every afternoon/evening [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I am super hairy everywhere since young.. Hahaha.. Nw became even hairier!!! Esp tummy! Dunno whether it's becoz of the oil and cream i apply there.. Like fertiliser for the hair!!

Maybe u r fair that's why don't hv the line..I read from the "what to expect.." book that darker skin ppl r more prone to having the line..

my MBR oso very small...dun tink can push the baby cot in either...unless place it half way...at the passage way in the room...hahahhaaa...but not accessible leh...haiZ~~~headache oso...

nana> ahhh...i c...i c...my skin tone is actually tanned but onli tummy area is fair...hahahahaa...soo i got two tone color on my body...kekekee...ur bb mus be enjoying alot in ur tummy till ur tummy got stretched till the line go slanting....hehehehee....soo cute!!!!

nana-mum... so funny. fertilizer for hair. haha...

btw, mummies - I am gg in to jb this weekend to get Bio-Oil. Anyone needs? if want I can get for you and then can pass to you during our gathering...


feimei answered for us already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you're rite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas> good la...be contented!!! @ lest u gals got something...i totally nothing...haiz~~~my big boss still say they will review our basic and see how...i totally dun giv any hope la...review....who noes review to kana pay cut??? hahahahaa...soo betta dun put in any hope n pray to be in the safe zone!!!!

headhunter called me at this time...cannot run with a tummy...haiZ~~~another sad thing!!!

pillow> i still not finished with my clarins oil leh...hv not been discipline enuff to apply daily...been very good to apply daily for one wk...then following wk on n off...hahahahaa...when i see stretch appear on my tummy...then i will cry....

jgwee, bkk hotel booked leh. it's under company so all staying at Radisson hotel, near Sukhimvit.

Japan is my personal trip, guess it is more going there for sight-seeing n hopefully not shop too much! Haha..

Congrats to those that hv gotten bonus! I m still waiting for mine but alr given up hope of getting alot since bosses alr asked us to lower expectation..i still hope it will be more than what i used to get in OCBC though..

Hi ladies..

Went for detail scan yesterday. All is fine..and I'm expecting A BOY!!

How do I update the chart?

Nana-mum, have u found out your bb gender? Its a boy if tummy is hairier...

Mine is..



During my 15th week ultrascan, doc says most prob 80% is a girl coz no sign of anything there. But nw the signs seem like a boy lei.. Will know on Saturday during my ds!! So excited!! I got a whole carton of hand-me down bb girl clothes from my bff already!! If really boy then I gotta return the whole box........

I just asked my mum about the dark line coz mine is from above pubic area to below boobs.. Old wives' tales believe that it's a sign of a boy.. And my mum only had that long line till her boobs when she had my brother but none when she had my Sis n me~~~~~~~~~

Hmm.. I dun hv any line on tummy & not hairier but gynae told me 90% is boy leh.. My nose is still the same also..

U thk mine might be a girl when I go for FA scan on 23feb?

yaya, yup really coincidence as we realised we were from the same co after chatting about our office location here sometime back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas, that's great. At least u r happy with yours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hehe both possible? :D

I read that if the gynae says is a boy, most prob the lil'wee-wee is visible and most likely confirm will be boy.. But sometimes the girl can also hv protruding organs at first which will disappear inwards after a while..

But if gynae says if girl, most prob cannot c lil'wee-wee and will be a girl.. Unless the lil'wee-wee is blocked or decide to spring out later...

Soo.... All's possible until detailed scan...... Dunno what to expect nw even though I am happy with either one~~~~ hahahahah

My last scan 2 wks ago at 17wks showed got something protruding out but the scan pic was not very clear..

I'm fine with either one too but tot boy can save a lot on clothes.. Hee! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Feimei!!

Yeah, I'm ok with either one too...It's my first baby so anything also can.

BTW, wondering if this Feb budget talk will include topic on Paternal leave??

Hope we are all in time for the benefit. Cos I just realised there's really no paternity leave.

Does your husband's company give PL?

nana> tink ur gynae cfm too early tat time during 15wks scan...will c this sat bahh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bella> news jus said tat Aware gg on petition to govt tat our last mth of ML shld be share between hubby n wife becos they tink father n child bonding is impt too!!! Let's c whats the verdict on next fri bahhh!!!!

We might be able to get mobile updates on the budget during our gathering... Let's keep our fingers crossed that we will get to benefit fm all the new perks...

DH also keeping fingers crossed for paternity leave as his company dun offer and he is saving AL for delivery... Hence currently as much as possible all normal gynae visits since he make it a point to attend with me have to schedule over the weekends..

Just got bb first insurance policy... More to come... Kiasu hor...

Hi girls, been disappearing for a while as i am on shopping spree! hahahah... Brought alot of items already and i am KS enough to buy play gym and rocker already.. hehehe. Can't stop buying.. I also got a very new second hand cot. bunny clothes are all brought!! Now buying bottle warmer, sterilizer etc as i can predict it is hard for me to move ard in 3rd trimester and shop ard while i can walk and during this mini-moon. I will faint if doc tell me he see a stick at 20weeks. =p

Oh, i am thinking whether to buy medela freestyle as well.. but it is not cheap.. And US set dun have warranty.. so still thinking.. Any advice?

Nxt fri is the announcement? I dun welcome the idea of sharing the 4th mth. Comp may force us to take 3 mths n asked daddy to take 1 mth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lynn, bb not born can buy insurance alr?

Audrey - Yeah fm pru... the only one available in mkt right nw for bb which cover fm the day they are born... Piles also coming to haunt me... very itchy at times, have to control the urge to scratch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynn, u buy the insurance coverage fr prudential? I m keen le. Wats name of this insurance? Want to look into more details

lynn, the insurance only cover from birth? may i know what is the name of the plan? so i can go n check it out.

audrey, it is funny that doc allow u to work when ur piles are bigger. when i had it last time doc actually ask me rest and try to air it...

wendycsk, u can wait till baby fair to buy. think abt $800 with lotsa free gifts. many of us are waiting for it including me.

modisch, i have the same thinking as you. I also dun favour sharing.. we need the 4 months to really take care and bf bb. govt shld just give dads 2weeks paternity leave at least to help us and bond...

anyone noes when is the taka baby fair?

among the baby fairs - taka, mothercare and expo, which one shld we get the cot/pram/car seat from?

Gd morning ladies.. Hope you all well during and after Chinese New Year..

pillow, liz.. we are not suppose to squeeze out the white discharge from our breast yet, to do that you will just simulate more of the discharge to come.. but you are right.. they are kind of milk discharge.. the reason why we don't want to simulate now is that, when it get to later stage.. it will really become liquid milk even before you give birth.. last time my gynae also ask me not to squeeze them out.. it will not cause the blockage after you give birth..

1st.. troublesome as you need to make sure you are dry

2nd.. the simulation of breast is not good for our womb.. kind of cause small contraction.. ( i read it from so baby site in my previous preg)

Regarding saggy breast.. no matter we pump or not.. squeeze or not.. even breastfeed or not.. breast also will sag somehow.. cuz imagine they expand so much now and later will shrink back.. so will sure sag after given birth..

in fact.. my own experience.. we will still do some hand squeeze to express milk after given birth.. my reason was the pump was too noisy in the middle of the night when i use it in the bedroom... haha.. so after baby drank and wanna clear the remaining.. sometimes I just use hand to clear them.. :p

ying, if i am not wrong i heard that one is in mar and one in jun.

chujie, dun worry. i nvr squeeze. i just scrap out the leftover... haha. chujie, it must be painful to use hand right? and tiring too...

btw mummies, i forgot who wanna order the traditional rice wine from my mum liao. feimei, is that u? cos my mum is gg to start doing for mine. so she is asking me...

mummies,i dreamt that i had a scan and baby really open big2 and can see the wee wee..i woke up and ask hubby ours is a boy is it?see la think too much alr

pillow- the bio oil for wat purpose?

pinkyrose, u think too much ah... haha.. but mummies premonition mostly right de. anyway the bio oil is like clarins oil. for stretchmarks. i read fr somewhere the thread that the mummies said are good. so i am now alternating between elancyl and bio oil lor... save cost. haha

Hi mummies

Good morning! Just did detailed scan yesterday at KK. All's well. Baby looks ok. My gynae was a bit worried because I had been on medication when I was 5-6 wks pregnant so he recommended I get a detailed scan done by a second party just in case. I didn't know I was pregnant then and only knew when I was 7 wks. So cham! By then had already been on medication for 2 wks. Medication was strong painkillers and muscle relaxant coz I had a slipped disc.

Anyway thank goodness everything looked good during the detailed scan yesterday. Feel more relieved now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think I'm going to have trouble cutting my own toenails soon.... got difficulty bending over my belly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then have excuse to go for pedicure... hahaha!

morning mummies....

got a call from nurse again...she managed to find a slot for me on 24th feb for my DS...hahahaha...but not seeing gynae on the day cos my clinic onli open for wed...nvm lah...as long can c bb 1st...no harm gg 2trips...hahahaa...bb mus feel my sadness whole of ytd...that's y this morning i got the good news!!! Yeah!!!!


blue - u have slipped disc as well?

are you on celebex? cos i was on that b4 i was preggy... till i have 4gotten all about my celebex.. =D

