(2011/07) July 2011

Hi pillow4, yes! i think maybe too tight so you cant breathe well.. U go see k.. later i check if there got brand name and let you know if have. =)

p2xx, lol!!! haha.. yeah! =)

kimifin, yeah! can est earli! Girls, enjoy ur weekends as well.

Are you guys posting while working? haha.. the thread really move very fast!

xw, mothercare hv. spring maternity too

stylo, mar is good but 12 mar i planning to celebrate my dh bdae with frens. what time the class starts? not night right? i'm waiting for kkh to email me

XW- i bought mine at a motherhood expo sale

but they hv a shop in novena square but i cant recall what is the shop name.

i saw at mothercare in paragon.but only 1 box.so duno they restock or not

XW> kiddy palace oso hv it...$29.90 but after i bot...seldom use leh...becos most of my pants fr G2 n the hooks r those smaller type...n the belt come with std size hook...soo it's too big for my pants...end up i use only a few times nia...consider 1st before buying!!!

indeed this thread moves sooo fast..i can only catch up when I'm in e office w nothing much to do..hee..

RE: Nursing bra

where to get affordable ones? I used to get mine from online & kiddy palace..regretted throwing them away..cos tot not having another one mah..somemore breasts shrunk after stopped bf.

XW: I also sold my belly belt..not v useful cos my hips expanded slightly so cant even fit into my old jeans..

btw..any of you ladies felt yourself getting cold easily after being preggie?? I cant bath late at night liao..cos I will shiver until i turned pale..so terrible

wendycsk ya i post when working hahaha but mayb when v busy toughie .. my peak period v soon .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

actually nursingbra dun hv affordable ones..i tink all easily cost > $20!

i m using belly belt leh..bought from mothercare.still using the smallest button for my Dorothy perkins pants..still quite ok. can still fit the thigh. mabbe later stage, that belly belt will be useless

modisch> i m so sorry to hear this. this is e worst thing tat can happen to us woman. but seriously nowadays in this 20th century, marriage is very fragile. we have to learn to stand up strong and protect ourselves. i think need some of his guyfrens to talk some sense into your hb's mind. hope you are feeling ok.

modisch> i cant do much to help you but i am here to lend you my listening ears and shoulder (if needed). i seriously hope you two can work things out happily. how about trying to pray for your marriage? have you tried this before?

feimei/ivfamily, thx for the advise... all my pants all button type... shld be able to fit... will see properly 1st b4 buying... till now my hips have to expand much yet... still can fit into pants only tummy area too tight... in fact think my hips shrunk... jeans become a bit loose at hips area...

ivfamily, ya, me too... cold till cant bathe at night... got to wear long pants n cover w blanket while sleeping... sometimes cant walk barefooted too cos tiles too cold... gotta wear bedroom slippers...

Wendy, Px22 - Mine also April 8, den follow by the weekend class on saturday 4pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

modisch> i believe we all have our family matters (especially involved with MIL or PIL side) one way or another. we have our own set of issues, nothing is perfect in this world. so please try not to be upset especially now you got a bb. most important is having our baby close to you and taking care of you when they are older.

lynn/ wendycsk> think we should wear name tags with our nicks so we can identify each other! lol

Just threatened my hubby 2 days ago not to piss me off (cos we were arguing over wat baby stuff to buy) otherwise baby surname will follow MINE in the birth cert.. And he knows better than to do that cos I am crazy enuf to do wat i say..

XW: I wonder whether its becos of the weather or becos of the pregnancy...but then again, when I had my #1, I dun get cold easily..in fact, afraid of warm instead..my hairstylist told me its becos I didn't do a good confinement then..dunno how true

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ?? city hall??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn (novena/cityhall also can)

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

8) cary

9) XW

10) Jan-ice

11) jgwee

12) sunshinebb (TBD)

13) Lizzie (sugarspunlily) (Halal food pls =D )

14) jas

15) Cactusnah

16) pillow4 (novena/cityhall also can)

Hi lynn and px22, great! hehehe!! Yeah, i think if we go for gathering in feb, should know each other le! So happy to know we are in same class!

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ?? City hall??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn (novena/cityhall also can)

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

8) cary

9) XW

10) Jan-ice

11) jgwee

12) sunshinebb (TBD)

13) Lizzie (sugarspunlily) (Halal food pls =D )

14) jas (prefer City Hall)

15) Cactusnah

16) pillow4 (novena/cityhall also can)

My hb threaten me again!! Saying since my plan is to clean the fridge tmr he'll help me to throw the whole fridge away!!

N he said I can go get lost so that the world can be a better place to live!

He oso said he'll fight custody for both his sons.

I hv no choice but to SOS my bro n dad to come down SG tmr to pick me n my son back home. Then come following week I tink I need to move out liao!!

Stoopid.. I shuld hv looked for a lawyer today now gotta wait again!

arghh..... modish. y yr dh like dat. is he crazy. he will regret in future for nt cherish u. do take care... pls seek for yr family help to settle off yr problems. otherwise i think u will go depression. jiayou jiayou... mummies all here support u.

Oh dear modisch.. U both are very angry right nw n tends to say things unintentionally.. Give both yrself time to cool dwn before u both hv a gd talk.. U all really need to hv a gd talk.


My gynae booked a scan for me in my 19th weeks, which is this 8th Feb.

Now, I read many of you mentioned about detail scan. Am I right o say that the scan I'm going thru is the detail scan? Cos my gynae did not mention.

Or is this scan just meant to see baby gender?

Any idea how much would the detail scan be?


modish> i think baby is right. you two probably in angry mode now, thats why say all the ugly words. i think its good you and your son go back to your parents house first to cool things down. in anyway, he will at least miss his son. cool down first, my dear. poor gal.

Audrey, me staying with him nia. Now I'm outside. He's prob creating mess at home juz like last time. He threaten me n I ran away with zach. At home he threw my stuff n broke them too! Stoopid one la

I alr ask them (my family) to come but they onie can make it Tmr nite cos my dad's biz is running at peak b4 cny. My bro say take flight tonite. I tink I'll b dead by then. My hb sure kill me b4 I can leave the hse!!

Actually the whole of today n yest after 5pm I nvr talk nor reply his SMS. It's him who started the whole thing again juz now asking me to die!

modish... i feel sad & bad for u. he dun understand u well. he is creating & venting anger on a pregnant lady. hw can he like dat??? i think u r tired & feeling disappointed nw. do u have any relatives or close frens for help. at least a nite for u to stay safely!!! both of u r still in boiling mood. y nt cool down 1st. anything wait til cool down dan settle. if need help maybe parents is the best choice to speak out on behalf. do take care & dun affect yrself/ little boy & bb....

To Wendy, Jgwee, Coopie & Feimei

Thank you for your encouraging words. Doc leave it up to me if I want to go ahead with Amnio or not. But at the way he was saying he kinda discourage me to do it cos he gave an example of one of his patients came out high risk whose ratio is 1 out of 30 only but baby still come out normal. Another scenerio is he also did Amnio to some of his patients that request for it and so far *touch wood* no one miscarried.

Thus I have decided at the moment to do my detailed scan first than decide from there is I am going to do Amnio or not.

I am already coming 36this year lo and 1st child so i'm abit more worried and more paranoid than other people

Karen> i got a fren whose oscar scan result also not good. so she went for the next test, i think its amnio or cvs. then it turns out to be ok. she has given birth to a healthy and very active son. i hope this will help.

Karen - do the detail scan first before making other decisions bah..

My hubby and I have come to an agreement that in event our baby deem unfit during the detailed scan and it's survivability will be jeopardize when both of us pass away.. We will choose not to keep the baby ..

Kath - fly back tonight bah? Both of you need time to cool down... I fear for your safety too.. Your hubby see like a drama king.. For zach, you have to be strong..

I realize u and fabbie very close.. Did call her for help?

I know her thru my hubby de

modisch> fly bah tonite...but ur passport at home??? Is he at hm now??? Or report to polis n let polis accompany u home to take passport....u n zach safety r important n oso dun let zach gt frighten by his crazy daddy!!!

Pls stay strong n we n our bunnies here will give u full moral support!!!!

karen> do seek for 2nd opinion before ur detailed scan bahh...a least hv some assurance before gg forward!!!


I pray that Zach n u r safe.. Be strong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Find a safe place for the night like maybe a gd fren's place or a hotel? Don't go back to the house k.. Hope that everything will be ok.. The mummies here are all behind u!!

Btw, I went to mum&babe just now and bought a medela freestyle!!! Quite impulsive but they r having a January promo. Usual price of freestyle is $988. Now promo $799 with free nursing pad, nipple cream and milk bags. Includes the carrier and cooler bag with 4 bottles! And rechargeable battery. I consulted my mummy fren and she said is good buy so I bought !!:D she said usually fairs also not so cheap?

Surprisingly I don't feel heartache at all when I swipe my card ! I feel so happy and motivated to breastfeed nw~~


Mum&babe (or issit mums&babes) at tampines one~!!

Their maternity clothes having 50% discount too!! I bought a nice nursing top for about $30.

nana> wowwww...issit??? I gg back this tue n wed, will pop by!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!!!


Kath - Feimei is right!

I was so upset about your hubby I told my hubby about it.. He say report police to protect yourself.. He cannot even throw your stuff de... Hugs..

