(2011/07) July 2011

ladies, u heard abt the fitflop slippers right? does it reali helps n works?

i heard its good for preggos.duno true or not.i tried but feels hard though.


Nana mum, yah, v good buy!!!

Me now tend to feel bb kick other than the usual position.. I can sense this rabbit is hopping a lot, even when I was lying down to pat #1 to z, can feel.

modish- not right for ur DH to do this to u. he forget that u are carrying his son ah?

pls find somewhere safe n update us.i feel worried for u.and yes i think u both need a cooling off period.if gets worse,get PPO.


we r all behind u.

Oh Modisch

So sori to hear wht happened, think as wht other mummies said move out temp to cool down if he getting worst to very very worst then maybe as wht other mummies advise u can report polis n apply for PPO ( personal potection order) so he can't lay hand on u...for ur boy n little bunny must be strong k jia u jia u... We r behide u


Yes u got my name rt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry for not being able to follow up on the thread here these few days. Having really bad ribs pain, not sleeping well & rushing work. It's easier to follow FB for me. Will try to catch up on the reading when I can.

heading home tomorrow.. no more sleep late (video conference with home & 1 hour time delay) and wake up early (to work).. haha... pray for smooth and save flight..

Modish.. take care.. is your husband happy knowing you are preg? Did he have the attitude problem only recently.. hope you guys can sort it out peacefully.. honestly don't wish you guys to break off as that will be very hurt to the two little one.. take good care of your health too..

Gals, I went back ard 10pm cos went to cut my hair.

My bro in law was thr. Itold him Tat if his bro cont to harass me with threatening SMS-es like asking me to die, throw the fridge, push me I'll make sure he sits in jail for reunion dinner. I reached home quickly shower n hide in another room with locked door. Tat mad man chased my bil away after that.

I alr engaged lawyer fr my frens firm. Monday shuld noe when's the appt.

Audrey, I noe Fabbie but I din tell her yet. Dun wanna impose on others.

Gals, dun worry abt me. I'm generally very strong-willed woman n will not succumb to depression the most can't sleep nia. All these saga I dun n will not shed a tear! No point wasting tears on men.. It makes me hate them more.

My parents coming down tmr to pick us up back to kl. Hopefully by march I can ask tat man to leave while proceedings take place. It'll turn ugly but I'm ready! Tink my son is too young to understand. If the man is agreeable I can still consider joint custody but if he curse at me again I'll not let him see any of his sons!!

Ltr gotta bring my boi to see pd again!! Still not recovered fr cough n flu.

Happy news!! I can feel so much movement fr #2 juz now. Mabbe he could sense wat is happening. Felt bad for using him to swear but I dare cos I'm not guilty as charged. I may dislike my MIL but I dun hv time to devise schemes to go against her. Siao meh, got time I rather work or zzzz or think how to grow $$$

Hi Modisch,

Be strong..even ur #2 is giving u his full support [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keep a distance away if there is violence, nothing is more Important than safety...hang on...

Take good care.


Kathleen - i was so worried about u i nearly go ask Fabbie for ur number =X I didnt do that in the end cos just in case u didnt tell her.. (heng ahh ) Remember to keep those SMSes okie?

I think it is an consolation that your BIL listens to you =) I am sure he gave some advices to him and thats wy he got chased away.

You have us behind you..

Chujie - it will definitely be a smooth flight =D update us when u are backie okie =D

Hey Kathleen,

Hope u r ok now.. Ur parents picked u up yet? Be safe~


Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt this thread.

I'm selling my nursing pillow @ $35, bought in Dec 2010, use only 3 times, condition of e pillow is stl new.

Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Pasir Ris/Tampines MRT.

Kindly PM me if u r interested.

Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

Shu Hui


gals, still here in SG! Flying back onie tmr..dun worry ok! I m a survivor..will not easily be bullied by men..haha

today the mad dog prevent me from bringing my son to the PD so i got angry n threw his phone away.then i called the police and ran away with my son. Drama man..if u gals stayed beside me would hv seen how I bite him when he stopped me from boarding the bus! Worse thing is none came forward to help me when my hb keep shoving me! in the fit of anger i scratched his face till it bled..serves him right! Seeing his face makes me wanna puke now! I m one fierce lady rite

modisch> u hv shown woman's POWER!!! But fight back is one thing, be careful ur #2 n lil zach safety ya~~~when is ur parents arriving???

modisch> u oso must be careful, eat well n stay strong...both ur sun need u!!! Jia U~~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Modisch, u r really a strong woman. If u thk tat yr DH & u really can't get along then I see no point of u 2 being together. Chang tong bu ru duan tong. Meanwhile separation of 2 yrs can give both of u time to cool down & reconsider of yr marriage.

Pls take care & yr 2 little ones..

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ?? City hall??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn (novena/cityhall also can)

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

8) cary

9) XW

10) Jan-ice

11) jgwee

12) sunshinebb (TBD)

13) Lizzie (sugarspunlily) (Halal food pls =D )

14) jas (prefer City Hall)

15) Cactusnah

16) pillow4 (novena/cityhall also can)

17) syrah

aiyoh Modisch .. sorry wasn't loggin in on weekends to read abt ur hubby's mad spree.. hope u r doin okie n hav left SG by now..

let him chill a lil ba coz he seems v v worked up.. poor u.. poor Zach.. comfortin ur #2 also rallying behind u..

take care k ..

nana mummy good for u .. gd luck in ur bf ing quest!

This thread moves really slowly during weekends... Suppose MTB usually log in fm office?

Happy Birthday Chujie...

Modisch - Back at ur parents place yet... Take this time to think things thru and enjoy ur CNY k... Looking fwd to hearing fm u... Take care of Zach and bb too... We will be behind you to lend a listening ear when needed...

hehe Lynn ya unless i m realli v bored at home then i will log in during weekends .. :p coz loggin in from office easier.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies. I'm on leave today cos realise need to buy nursing bras and undergarments liao. everything is too tight. cant breathe and my panties r hugging my womb area till got one deep line. scared no good so no choice then gotta buy. shub bian buy cny clothes.

i remembered 2 mummies here bought some checkered cheongsam at BHG BUgis isit? how much? can preg woman wear? Cos my tummy quite big liao... pls advise. it will be good if can...

modisch, hope you are safely home/on the way home. i din realise the situation is so bad. but i am glad that you are a smart, strong and independent woman... however, pls try to cool down if u can, cos not good for bb. whatever decision u make, we will always be behind you...

pillow4 i tink kimifin is talkin abt e cheongsam..

hmm for nursing bra i adv u to buy those with possibly for ur boobs to expand..

hmm i wearing maternity panties realli big hahaha.. but v comfy.. jia lat it's grandma style de.. :p

Because later on, tummy bigger, will get in the way of the bra...

for underwear, i wear low waist triump type with thicker bands at the wasit. Find is ok.

morning girls....

Its a very wet day today..my god, took ages to drive myself to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lizzie wet weather u hav no choice but to take a long time to drive to work lah safety first..

my clothes r not drying .. coz of e rain sian hahaha.. :p

chujie... hapi bday ;) stay healthy & pretty always ;)

it's raining... so cold weather ;( wondering my CNY clothes will dry on time ??? feel like eating steaboat nw... yummy yummy....

Hi MTBs,

How's everyone doing? I've not have the time to do much reading /catchup on the thread due to work commitment. But I'm certainly happy to learn that most mummies have know your bb's gender by now.

I will be going for my detail scan on Valentine's day hopefully my bb will show us whether its a boy or girl as my previous scan was unsuccessful in finding out Gynae said bb is too shy to show haha..

Chujie ~ Happy Birthday

modisch.bebe ~ Although I may not know the full story but be strong and stay happy for your boys. I'm sure all the MTBs here will give you our support. Jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkyrose it is not.. unless u wan more assurance towards ur oscar results..

Lizzie even if got ppl pls take ur own time lah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tze good luck in ur detail scan.. hehe i m greeting u for e 1st time..

