(2011/07) July 2011

sunshinebb, super fast right? i had hard time catching up. haha... i also siao mani pedi one. before preg, i also have it on. else feel naked. now few mths no colour on feel so auntie. everytime admire those young gals with nice nails. very tempted to apply for cny le. apply myself... dark red.. can or not ah? dh said BIG NO [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wend, yaya it is really a blessing that we have kids. healthy can liao. now so many young ppl also have difficulty producing eggs... scary... must be all the stress.

Thks Wendy & pillow for the welcome.

I used to be a regular of this forum as well..but sobsob..due to the heavy workload, cant afford the time to even loggin to read..glad to be able to do so..in fact, learnt a lot from all the ladies here!


when is ur EDD then? Same like u..hoping for a girl cos at least I can 'da pan' her mei mei...cos honestly, felt rather left out when my #1 plays fighting w his dad..but most imptly, like what u said, health is more impt.


My detailed scan also 4 Mar leh..where r u hving ur scan?

Hug hug Modisch bebe..u r indeed a strong lady & I salute u for your strength despite what ur hub is. Take heart..dun think too much abt the unhappiness but rather, focus on what u hv..

Yes, pillow4! My menses r very irregular since young. After ROM i took contraceptive pills to regulate my menses & it came every mth.. So after customary I stopped taking as want to hv bb asap then menses came 2 mths later twice, & it juz stopped!

As we were planning to go europe last year so din really bothered. Went to see gynae when back fr trip & thk tat was like 9 mths after my last menses..

oh modisch...hug hug...dun cry...how can ur hubby say sure thing...u r alry trying ur best wht

b4 married i alrdy told me hubby tht 1) i not gg to stay together 2) he wnt to give his mum or i give my parents $$$, dun interfere 3) we can't fight if we dun wnt to go each other family side for dinner for dinner...i also dun give face...who even dare to talk anything behide my back...i dare to go up their house de...haha like mu lao hu...LOL

welcome ivfamily

modish- hug hug. pls be strong ok.i feel sad for u and my eyes watery too..hope n pray for the best

babymanja- oh dear...so sad to hear ur m/c stories

btw,m/c can happen anytime during that 9 months or only durinf 1st tri?so like most of us now into 2nd tri,no chance of m/c??

Modisch, big hugz to u..'hv a gd talk with hubby.. Explain to him.. Make sure he understand n nt misunderstand u or yr action.. U t currently pregnant with yr first child.. . Calm dwn.

wah... looks like i married the earliest... ROMed on 031203, customary on 171105 but conceived a mth b4 when started going unprotected... but MC in dec05... conceived again in mar06... #2 started trying in jul10 tio in oct...

emily, when we are young we so happy when menses seldom come. now so worried when come to producing bb... hai...

audrey, infection or dry eyes?

karen.. hugzz... relax k. seek for 2nd opinion. wat did yr gyne advise u? take care & cheer up. all mummies here r here to support u & praying hard for each other ;)

modish... hugzzz.. dun swore k. wat god give us is a gift. wat we r nw is a gift to god. wat had happen already happen. we gals nw r more independent dan guys. therefore we care more for ourself & precious now. wait til both cool down & eveything will be fine k. cheer up mummies ;)

jus like yest. til nw i did had a conflicts wif DH regarding $$$ matter. im hurt too. trying to save more but he is a spendthift. his reason was CNY let him spend more. piss off & had make my self so sad with tears. i find it no pt therefore i think of little precious & had take a deep breath telling myself must stay hapi instead grumble otherwise precious will nt be beautiful/handsome ;)

mi start dating feb 2003, wanted to hav bb asap. cos both DH & mi loves bb. but waited for so many yrs. still no news. therfore ROM on nov 2005, customary nov 2008. aft counting i have actually waited for dis precious gift for almost 7yrs. N found out my body was weak.

emily... i had same case as u. mense very irregular. maybe 2-3 times a year too or nt even once a year. only til my frens intro dis gyne to mi i gt conceive within few cycles via colmid & metformin. thanks god/ frens & to dis gyne. rite nw nothing is impt to mi as i really care for my precious nw. but my sugar level is damn high so nw oso gt to control my food intake ;(

hei... mummies here. having details scan eariler dan mi. do update mi the detail scan cost ;) thanks in advance. other dan detail scan i got to take OTG(sugar level) test oso ;(


aiyah..tot can meet up..I'm doing at TMC in the morn. Sad tt hub cant accompany me for e scan as he might need to be outstation :p

RE: In laws

I also dun fancy staying w my in laws but bobian ..got to do so after I gave birth as I will need the help frm them to look after bb..in fact, they stayed w e 4 abt 2 yrs when I gave birth to #1. Now, it will be noiser..cos beside my 2 bbs, still hv my sil's 2 kiddos coming in as well as my sil is due 2 mths' earlier than me...wonder how my home will be like after this

Ya lor, pillow4! I was never bothered by my menses when young as tat time dun wan to hv bb mah.. Actually DH & I hv been together for almost 20 yrs liao!

modisch - ure one strong woman. take care ok!

pillow4 - the topshop maternity jeans is $93 but now on sale at $59. go get! i bought the denim blue one but i was soo tempted to buy the purple ones as well hahha. i havent confirm if i'll be joining the aquarobics..dono if i can afford the time. but i'll definitely go for the yoga.

nono XW...think me ROM the earliest...heheh

i courtship with hubby when i m 18yr old 1998...got ROM in 2000 when im 20yr...bought our 4rm flat in redhill...no intention to customary or planning for children...then suddenly one day both of us think is time...so 2009 Nov customary wedding...immed we TTC...then aft 2mth i conceived..but too bad fated is no my bb...i M/C...then we try again...aft any 3mths i conceive..my bunny now

my GF hubby was telling her...why ar all ur friends so funny de

1) ROM 10yrs then marry n plan for kid (talking abt me)

2) ROM liao...kid 3yrs old then customary marry(her another friend)

emily, 20yrs? wow... pei fu...

ivfamily, ur home will be like childcare centre [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no lar..last time i m not so tough. it is over the years i began to protect myself tat over quarrel i will not shed tears in front of him! I will not let him see the weaker side of me.. actually i wish i could be more 'xiao nu ren' or learn 1/2 the trick from his mom to 'manja' him i.e. hand pain lar, leg pain lar tis n tat juz tat my ego is too huge to bow down to any man! Haha...

dont worry..i m juz looking forward to celebrating cny with my family next week and then come back here to quickly find a lawyer n get a divorce proceeding. I do not think family matter can be resolved! though he said he will not bring tis up again but knowing him each time he said that 2 mths later sure problem and then come #2 is born, another big fight will ensue!

i tell u ladies, our argument is all through SMS! No talking at all..imagine if we talk, it will be disastrous! in the beginning after our rom during my first pregnancy i oso got this problem. that time stoopid lor, his mom never steam fish for me or cook spcially for me i told my hb he not happy, he push me! n then he throw things on the floor n i cut my feet..from then onwards, i do not talk to him abt his mom. all our past argument is always through SMS! We don't talk abt anything personal at home.purely complaining abt work..and general stuff! now i really regret getting pregnant cos this child is not even conceived out of love..


I tio without clomid, cos i miss the date to take after HSG.

the doc allow so many retest? What to do if still fail, control diet?

Pillow - is read le Modisch de story I feel so sad lah...

It's my free day today.. Going to see 注生娘娘again .. Raining heavily... Dun how.. Can't get a cab everywhere

Emily..wow..20 yrs..me & hub hv been tog for 13yrs..so are u two childhood sweethearts?

Know my hub since 17yrs old..hahah..1st love for both of us, after which then rom in 2001 followed by customary in 2005..conceived my #1 only after 2 mths..*fast eh* & waited another 5 yrs b4 deciding to hv another one..cos we tot we will stop at only 1 lah

now i hug Audrey .. coz she same as me so emo ..

modisch .. i cry coz emo but realli lah i not as strong as u ... but hang in there u r realli v strong ..

ivfamily my edd is 24 Jul hehe.. hmm my son is more sticky to me den his dad but i still like girl ba .. coz i feel they more filial ..

sunshinebb v steady "yue fa san zhang" first ..

me snacking on walnuts now..cos heard its gd for bb's brain..not sure gd for my weight a not..cos nuts fattening..


Yesterday test was totally no food/drink from midnight.

Next test is take normal bkf & muz test 2 hrs later..

Thk if fail again, they will recommend a specialist as wat my sis did when she was 2 times pregnant last time..

ivfamily....me too bought walnuts yesterday...it gd for bb brain...but i got 1 is with the shell...LOL so had a hard time to open...eat until i very piss off

Haha! Yes, ivfamily! Childhood sweethearts.. We knw each other since sec 1 & been together since sec 2... Very young right?

We married late as i need to wait for him to complete ITE (2yrs), army (2yrs), poly (2yrs) & finally uni (2yrs).. then i still hv to wait for him to save up for wedding leh!


my boy used to stick to me more..but becos of my work which requires frequent late nights & weekends, the daddy accompany him more..sighh..so now, prefers daddy to mummy..sad..


I take my hat off u...waited so long for ur hub! hee,..at least its worthwhile lah...v rare to see a couple can b tog 4 soo long..


I got the walnuts from Hockhua..no shells..just eat them rare..actually quite tasty..

so worried, this am when i put on my norm bra with the extra extension that i bought i realised that it is at the max! so i must buy 2 extension? cos i trying not to buy maternity bras... save money...

and also when i sit down, my tail bone area hurts. i hv to sit real slow... any prob ah?

ah ivfamily .. u can "recover" e love soon during ur ML lol

hmm alot of long life love stories also ah.. so sweet ...

hehe walnut healthy snack leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey pillow4, i am wearing nursing bra. The shop lady told me if buy maternity bra right , later need to buy nursing bra, so i got the bra which can do nursing as well and can be wore now.. haha..

pillow, agreed with wendy... i oso bot nursing bras... cos the size most prob will remain the same right after birth... so can wear when nursing too... n juz to share, all my old bras all cannot wear after i gave birth to my #1...


yah, can wear it like normal bra.

I prefer those with padding or slots for cups.

The only thg is those i buy come in thick shoulder bands, dun look nice.

Anyway, got nursing tubes...


not sure leh..cos i read that its walnuts..not sure abt almonds though ^_^

where do u get the extension from?

I also want to start to buy nursing bra..but worried wait buy wrongly cos dunno how much the breast will expand to leh..


Hopefully bah...but attention will be split oredi..hee..

i just buy extension. and squeeze into my existing bras. I like the cleavage line ma.. never see such a deep line before leh must enjoy while it lasts!

one colleague from another dept shouted "u r preggy! ur boobs are so big!" hahah dunno to cry or laugh

gosh, i still have a dozens of new bras that I have not worn! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ok new year must take out and wear all... we can buy the nursing bra anywhere? isit ex?

Px22, we are in the same class!! Mine also April 8, den follow by the weekend class on saturday 4pm. =p we can see each other on our first class!!

Hi pillow4 and pinkyrose, mine is brought from Suntec, that Toy'sR us area. A few shops after Spring MAternity, i dun think mine is expensive. I think about 30 for one (promotion). The strap is like normal bra and to me, it looks like normal bra.

pillow4> the more the merrier, so won't be so bored in class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] there are 3 classes that will be starting on:

12 Feb

12 Mar

9 April

we are suppose to choose one of the dates and the course comprises of 4 sessions that cost $111.30.

zynnie> wat do you ladies think? shd we do the march class?

