(2011/07) July 2011

when i had my #1, i did mani n pedi every 4 weeks without fail1 Till the final week of delivery then stopped for a mth. After confinement, immediately went again. Hooked! Haha but dye-ing my hair is not a must lar cos as long as i feel my hair is neat i will look awake so see wat my stylist said.

I remember i dyed my hair before pregnant, during pregnancy, my hair is so discolored - 2 tone! UGLY!!!

pinky, we rom-ed in 081207 - went mini-honeymoon to BKK in March conceived on 05042008. That's fast..we did not even hv customary till my #1 turn 1..


px> ha...no need close to in-law la...since u moving out soon...hahahah...(so evil of me!! =P ) ya...since ur mum taking care of her...close to ur side...good!!! hahahahaa...i wun let mine clsoe to in-law side as well....already tell hubby upfront liao...

Hi all mummies, i just got back my detailed blood test. Result is 1 to 120 ratio of down syndome. Wat should i do? Should i go for e amon test? Im lost..

feimei and other mummies> i also plan and do it only during my ovulation period. who knows? sigh...

in fact i m conceive 1 day after my ovulation period (count 14 days from my 1st day of menses). so i m wondering not 100% accurate.

I got married in 2007, but only plan to have bb in 2008.

Tried 3-4 mths, no result, cos my P not regular.

Doc gave clomid, saying the side effect is twins...

tried 2 rds, no use. Go do HSG while hub do his set of test, TIO on that mth of HSG..i was worried that the X ray has an effect on my egg, luckily no. So it is about 6-8 mths for #1...

#2, i try early, this time, hhaa, 1st time tio.

Doc say cos my factory is operating n running mah! I did do homework to try for gal, so i hope to share if it works.will let u know which method i try if its a gal.

karen: what did your gynae say? maybe get a second opinion before you go ahead with amnio?

janice: you may not have ovulated exactly 14 days after menses, that's just a rough gauge based on the average 28 day cycle. to be very sure of when you're ovulating, the best way is to use an ovulation test kit.

i bought preseed and ovulation kit during #1 time...but since tio...so tot wanna use the kit for #2, though expired but nvm cos not used on body..end up also no need.

coopie> oh but my menses is very regular. always on same date or miss by 1 day. but if i m sick then of coz it will miss by a few days.

me and my hb only started trying early last year. but coz we are staying apart, we can only do it when i fly up to go visit him. only last year sept, i quit my job to join him permanently, that i got pregnant in nov. i think stress-free works for me.

hey mummies i have seen the mtb july 2011 group but have not joined coz not many ppl know abt me preg yet.heee

how do some of u make that display pic that has a cartoon of u pregnant and hubby and kids?

feimei, dun speak too soon abt not letting ur child close to in-law. My 4-yr argument with hb is always revolving his family n mine n how close our kids shuld b etc. My mom feed my son once his mom must oso get the same.

To tell the truth this is the one Tat causes our relationship to strain. For #2 I told him last night since he got prob, juz divorce I'll take #1 n he can gv his #2 to his mom n best of all can ask him to call her MOM too since his mom

So hardup on taking care of grandchildren. Sighz.. I rather my son grow up in single parent environment than him growing up to see his parents quarrel n shout daily!' I m praying he dun grow up to b like his dad. Places his mom on top of wife n son(s)

Janice, yes yes!! Considering my age alr >30. Can conceive easily is luck.. But #2 took very long n I was contemplating too. Guess the urge to hv a girl overcame my hesitation

hi mummies, these few days has been busy busy days for me. was rushing my work to clear before cny.

re doppler - i can listen to bb hb very clear and loud. it was very fast. i can even imitate the sounds myself now. haha. dh was the one looking for it, i cant find. he expert liao. after he found he pass me the headset. so cute. mine is somewhere below the naval on the left side. bb dun really move. think like to sleep.. so even when i shake shake the position is still the same to hear. haha...

Kim - I got married in 07 too! 070707 in fact.. But only hold my customary in 21/12/09... This is 1st time trying.. And got it Liao..


mine in May07. Rom March 07.

actually find the the time to have kids is impt, cos so much things to prepare for wedding and home. Got some couple time in 08 n i can take up hobbies/course.

have to stop my singing class when #1 comes cos tummy affecting my breathing techniques.

hmm my mil likes boys too i believe but she is closer to her grand-daughter (my BIL's daughter) than her grand-son (my son)... so let them get close to ur child u will b okie de..

maja a bit ask ur child to call AH MA next time loud loud they super happy one.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

notice all v fertile mummies ah.. unlike me.. long history after marriage to conceive sob sob but not complaining finally my prayers r answered.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

True... Couple time is important ...

House and wedding stuff takes up crazy amount of time...

Plus I m studying and

My hubby constant flying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

modisch > Hi^5.. our rom date is the same. 081207.. still lived apart till customary on 021010. then ML and kenna on that day..

stylo - thanks for the aquarobics contact!

modisch - i bought maternity jeans from topshop yesterday..my 1st maternity purchase! they're the skinny jeans type n even hv the smaller sizes. very comfy n they're on sale now...so u might wana get them! oh and the leggings actually dont need to buy maternity ones. i bought some from cotton on in bigger size - only $10. think at the moment i overestimated the size so it's quite loose right now..hehhe

oh Karen seek ur gyn adv on tat result .. my fren had similiar result for scans but she went for ammo test n e result is okie .. but last resort though..

hi all,

i've not participated much in this forum cos hv been really busy...but i read the archives religiously n feel like i know most of you already :D

leme share my story since we're on this topic now. my wedding was in dec 06 but we only started trying from june last year. hubby was overseas most of the time n we wanted to 'enjoy' our couplehood first. plus i always feel like i'm too young to hv kids even tho i'm in my 30s liao! so thankful that we've been blessed wif a bunny baby now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

modisch.. ur mood b realli affected by this .. my situation same .. my DH alwaz accuse me of not letting my son get close to his mom .. i tink he is jus sensitive..

I got married on 11/08/07.. Got pregnant right aft marriage but was shortlived as i m/c. 2 mths af m/c i got pregnant againt but also short/live as i had to go thru abortion bcoz baby is abnormal.. Aft the 3rd try i finally gave birth to my precious boy on 22 may 09..

When he was a few mths old, got pregnant again but m/c again.. I go into depression and started on contraceptive pill till last year sept.. Stopped for only 1 mth n i get hooked again.. Hubby and i were very active.. Hehe..

Nw thAt i am pregnant again, i prayed hard that it goes well.. As gynae mentioned that i might hv a girl this time round, i am so happy.. As i hv lost my gal before.. Hopefully this time round will be a blessing..


welcome! I wanted to have kids b4 30, but got so many other matters that came b4 family that time.

oh, just now heard a mummy fail glucose test. Do u thk is cos of the recent diet over the week or just the day b4?

I failed my 1st test last time too cos ate too much cakes the week b4.

hi baby, hope all will be well for you and your bunny girl! =)

Hi zynnie, welcome to the thread!

karen, dun worry k. Get your gynae advise and i heard alot where everything is fine even oscar scan shows negative results. So, dun stress too much and get to your gynae first!

Kimifin - i m in Nie now.. So kinda paid to study bah.. Still okie.. Better than last time have to teach tuition to payoff my school fees =D endbup also never finish my degree haha ...

my turn to share...

Got married in Dec 2006... Planned to have couple time for about 3-4 year also to focus on our career... Started to try fm June 2009 but had first MC in August and 2nd MC in Jan 2010...

So took a break to "bu" my health than started trying fm June/July and here I am nw in this thread sharing my story with all :p

You girls are so fertile compared to me! and I am only in mid 20s...

Customary in Dec09.. wanted to have a switzerland baby during honeymoon so tried immediately... and never stopped since. So in all I tried almost a year. Prob was due to block fallopian tube so hard to conceive.. Tats y telling myself regardless boy/girl I am thankful that i finally have a baby of my own..

Feimei/ Modisch> yes heng i moving out soon.. and DH was the one who say his mum doesn't have the ability to help us take care of our kid.. dunno english, cant operate a simple handphone, too naive.. So he don't want our kid to learn nothing and be gong gong like her hahaha. Thats wat HE said.. not I say one.. Heng I have a husband that is not blind to his mum's faults..

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px22 we r all thankful for our blessings .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but hey u r fertile too .. coz u conceive despite havin blocked tubes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i like ur DH's thinking..

wendy, my hb is those tat even after i tried to be nice he still tinks i hv bad intentions behind my action! I m so disappointed.. yest had dinner at McD alone and crying..dun even hv appetite. Why would i walk under the rain carrying 4kg of bak kwa n all packed in boxes? Y i wanna rush to bake cookies for his mom and grandma? i hv ill intention i will not do all these. N when i told him all these, he cant be bothered he onie know how to say i always hv excuses not to go for dinner wif his family! So yest i swore on his unborn child tat he will die tonite if i ever purposely find a reason not to go for dinner wif ur family and he is still not satisfied! really dick head! i moved out of our room last night and now i sleep at the other room on the floor with my son. Stoopid man will not even let me have the bed nor the room with toilet ok. N he dare to question me how i was being brought up, evil towards MIL!

px22, ur dh so funny. but at least he auto cos scared his kids become like his mum. haha.

zynnie, how much is the maternity jeans? I wanna buy also. and I thinking of getting cotton on leggings too.. hee.

stylo & zynnie, u all joing the aquaaerobics? I also want! Cos north side cant find any prenatal yoga. and i need some exercise...which class u taking? so i can join u all

modisch, dun swear on ur unborn bb. bb can feel one. wow ur dh also one type. how can he occupy the room alone and let both of u sleep on the floor! so angry. ask him to marry his mum as his wife la... *pat pat modisch*

Realised that I forget to add myself in even though i suggested the gathering. stupid me.. oh yes, can we incl in our preference beside our name so that we just follow the majority la... easier to make decision. i go first...

at the rate we gg, we may need to book the whole restaurant! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ?? city hall??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

8) cary

9) XW

10) Jan-ice

11) jgwee

12) sunshinebb (TBD)

13) Lizzie (sugarspunlily) (Halal food pls =D )

14) jas

15) Cactusnah

16) pillow4 (novena/cityhall also can)

Hi Ladies

I hv been reading this thread for a few days liao..but no chance to come in to intro..finally hv the time now..as work is getting less busy..hopefully, wont be so again..:p

Anyway, shall do an intro of myself..my EDD is 12 July & this will b my #2. Expecting a bb boy again as my #1 is also a boy..inf act, only got the news yest after gynae visit cos my bb open his legs so big for all to see his little 'didi' kekek..

aiyoh i hear ur story .. modisch.. firstly hug hug.. i hope nothin will happen to ur child .. e 1st n unborn one .. hard to stay v happy .. hope we ladies here can support u...

secondly i m crying liao .. coz i m v sad for u .. but pls b strong .. okie .. i will try to calm myself down but i realli can feel for ur situation ..

pls take care ..


i failed my glucose test yesterday.. had 3 round of tests & i failed my first 2.. need to go back next week to test again.. Think bcos i ate too much sweet stuff, esp sweet cold drinks wic r my favourite! So now need to stop all these.. so sad!

I conceived through clomid too as irregular menses. ROM on 28sep07 & initially customary supposed to be sep08 but my dad passed away suddenly in apr08 so postponed my wedding to 10may09. Been trying since but no luck as menses came like 2-3 times only for a year so started taken clomid in jun10. Finally conceived after my 4th mth of clomid!

I always tot i will not hv kids so i'm thankful to god for giving me a bb boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya..i m so furious at him! i said for the past 4 years all our arguments are abt how fair we shuld treat each other's family. we agreed to go back each others place for reunion but u decided not to come this year and let ur pregnant wife to take a flight with ur 2yo n the reason u gave is because u wanteed to chat wif ur bro n accompany ur mom? in the first place, ur bro hv time for u or for his gf

then he q how i will bring up my son if we were to split! I said i will teach him to respect me! but love his wife because 60% of his living life is with his wife n kids and not me!

u noe, when i said give his #2 to his mom n get his mom to stop working n better get the boy to call his mom Mom he din disagree as well! SToopid one lar

wow this thread is running super super fast sia...i had a hard time to catch up...it like the bullet train...LOL

Feimei...haha me me...i did caculate when is my ovalution...when to ML...n the chances to conceive ect....so when it time to ML i will ask hubby to ML....once i achieve my target...he is out of the picture...LOL....yessssssss

XW and w160879...i also totally banned by my sis to do any mani, pedi n col hair....sob sob

px22...congrats on ur princess

my detail scan on 4 Mar...anyone ard the same date?

hi ivfamily .. welcome .. i was new here also .. but like u reading threads then i felt i wanted to make some comments ur EDD is earlier than mine .. i hav #1 boy now hopin for #2 girl but i'll leave things to fate as a baby is already a blessing ..


wendy, y u cry? dun be sad! I dun tink abt it alr..so he dont put his own family as priority is fine with me! i just dun like he form impression on me though it is not true. the more he does that to me the more i resent his mom n family! Otherwise, i m ok to swear on my unborn child because i hv nothing to hide and i can safely say all that i hv done, i hv done nothing wrong!

