(2011/07) July 2011

yup they said ginger tea helps.

I tried various things already.

I had mandarin peels since i dun really like sour plum. Then i had enuff of those, i move to lime juice. Helped awhile then again got sick of those.. feel like kum gek!

Now I am on ribeena. so it helps now at least is sweet and sour at the same time. But the sour is not as bad as the lime juice which is better for the stomach.


oh i like ginger tea..guess i'll start to drink more of that now.

pinkyrose: since u staying in north-east, Dr Woody's clinic in sengkang shd be more convenient for u. Heard his charges are v reasonable. I'm gg to see Dr Geraldine Tan (under Thomson Women's Clinic) at east coast. Made an appt for next tues. Can't wait too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey happy, me as well. I am feeling really terrible all day and night since week 5! I am hoping it will be over soon. Really lucky for some woman who does not have ms. I feel hungry all the times as well but dun feel like eating.. Haiz.. All my meals are light as eating too much makes me vomit and it must be really plain for me. Nothing fried or strong smell!

Hi happy, i heard from eelynn yours is accident.. haha.. Mine is actually planned but it was too quick for me to accept it initially haha.. cos we are just back from honeymoon in September period and we start to have unprotected sex a few times in October and now i am pregnant! I cant believe it in the start as my friend was telling some women ttc for very long and ask me to better start trying.. So it is like a big surprise for us. =)

I am very excited to see you here as well!


I paid $210+ for my 1st visit to Dr. Woody as I was prescribed 2 boxes of Duphaston which is $25/box. Other than the Duphaston, the balance can be used to offset the package price of $580+ on the 2nd visit. Meaning I only need to pay $400+ for the package.

pinkyrose: I go to woody's cck clinic, scan is 80, consultation 80, multivits 6, folic acid 6, incld GST, first visit is at least 184. I had Duphaston as well, so thats additional 50bucks.. So i signed the package 588.50.. more worth it

Mummies, Dr Woody told me no KOI, no tea, no coffee, no coke- ie. anything that contains caffeine is a no no. Feel like dying without coke.. And no pineapples too.

px22, huh, no bubble tea ah? i still drink when i was just pregnant wor.. ..in fact, yesterdae i took 1/4 of it and pass the whole cup to my hubby to drink up all.

laura_yaya> me me! got recommendation for Geraldine Tan from my best friend's colleague. Decided to go to her for my 1st visit cos i stay in the east as well and i value travelling time alot. hee.

How do you find her? Did you sign any package with her yet? =)

Wendy> omg your story almost echoes mine. My HM also in Sep. Then tried a few times in Oct, and didnt expect so fast tio in Nov. I also read that TTC can take awhile, so thought try try no harm. Didnt expect so fast :p

Worst thing is, i'm only in the 3rd mth of my new job. Hence i'm really very worried on what my coll will say of me when i announce after 3mths. Even though most of them are really nice ppl. But u never know, ppl's tongues will still wag. Hai. HB kept saying dont worry but i cant help thinking abt it

ixoral, i have been with Dr Tan since my 1st pregnancy. this is currently my 3rd time getting pregnant and i am going back to her again. I find that she is very sincere n friendly. u will sure be comfortable with her. and most important is she is willingly to listen to ur problem and advise u.

by the way, i am staying in Central and nearest gynae is TMC Tiong Bahru Dr Woo Clinic. but i always die die want to go back to katong to look for Dr Tan. hahaha... n she is getting very popular!

i didnt sign package with her cos dun think she or any clinic will allow u to sign package till ur 1st trimester is over.....

i do hope my 1st baby will be delivered by her!

Hi ixoral, hi-5! hehe.. Ya lor.. i also try try and tio. Didnt expect it cos i heard from my friend her colleague tried for 3 years le and she tell me to start trying. =)

yaya: Ya no bbt.. Cos thats made of tea too.. contains caffeine and my gynae say no. He even drew a big tea cup on my card to remind me.. And I am dying to drink coke and KOI everyday...

I read online.. Caffeine can cause premature births.. Not sure how true though

my gynae told me only 1 cup a day is fine. And after that cup of kopi, no tea no coke no other coffee. Just once a day.

2ndly if u want coke, get coke light. at least get the gassy feeling. or get decaf coffee.

px22, oic.. i will try to keep bubble tea away. i had already drank 3 times (including yesterday) as to date. my mum told me nt to take cold drink oftern as it will 'cool' my womb.

usually i will drink 1/2 cup of tea O in the morning accompanied with breakfast.

oh no, i just found that the vegetable cracker (biscuit) is very nice!! jialat!

Laura_yaya> thanks for your assurance. Now i'm just looking fwd to the visit on coming Tues. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I must have my teh at least once a day as well.. ok now i shall restrict it to 1 cup a day. Thanks all for the advice!


Not all clinic only allow us to sign package after 1st trimester. Dr.Woody's clinic allow us to sign package anytime! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yaya: haha I don't really avoid cold drinks.. Cos Dr says nothing with caffeine.. so I can't drink coke, then I start loading myself with Kickapoo.. Joy juice makes u filled with Joy hahah.. Just like he didn't say no chili, so I am eating tons of chili padi otherwise no appetite to swallow anything..

ya so far i think oli Dr Wood got package since 1st trimester....haha

Px22.. i oso cannot stop the in take of chilli! but my gynae did tell mi not to take too much...

elch, wow.. thats good! at least no need to spend so much!

ixoral, yeah. she is really nice. dun worry. her nurses, jasmine is also v experience. the other nurse called jenny also v nice also. but she is getting better (in term of experience) liao. heehee. i will be seeing dr tan next sat.. cant wait lor.. I am feeling v anxious/worry/looking forward at the same time. mixture feeling! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Px22, i also like chilli! but i try not to take alot this time. hehe...

and i don have much appetite this time. eg: eat half way then dun feel like eating liao. is it normal? my colleague said it is...


can request the EDD to be arrange accending order? so that we can see who gif birth the earliest... and mayb can mit up ... if gif birth in the same hospital... hahaha

Lawrence Ang also allow pple to sign package at the very first appointment.. He's the very famous gynae at SunPlaza

ya i hv stop myself to drink cold stuff...lucky i dun drink coffee or tea

just to check should we try to rest (in bed) as much as possible??? cos i just can't stay at home...super active

yaya: yes I was like that the past 2 weeks.. Craving for ramen, then eat half bowl I wanna throw up already.. Now in my 7.5week, don't have so strong nausea le.. The hunger starts coming, but can't eat much... So Woody said eat 8 small meals a day... Then won't feel like crap..

my gynae told me i could take anything just in moderate portion will do. no sudden large intake of any beverage / food. just moderate will do.

px22, oic. i dont have strong nausea.. only sometimes feel nausea only. but my appetite is not really good like before this time round. i had good appetite during my last 2 rounds.... nw eat abit and find it sianz then dun want to eat liao. feel 'men'(in chinese) and not nausea lor.

i wun feel nausea unless i eat until damn full, i think ( i havent try this before yet).

got one time, when i saw my colleague eating half boiled egg and i really feel like eating it! ( those toast box, ah kun roti one)but then i have to endure.. i missed half boiled egg especially the egg yolk.but i think we cant eat that at this moment hor?

yaya: ya i heard half boil egg got bacteria that might be harmful to baby.. Dunno how true but always good to be kiasu abit.. That's y my frens dragged me to Toastbox la kopi after dinner- can't eat half boil egg, can't drink coffee or tea or coke, too full to eat toast, I look so weird drinking only Honey Lemon there..

Even nail polish/ hair dye also might be harmful so now I look so dishevelled


we hv to revert back ourselves to 'kampong gal'...jus for the sake of our lil beanie....jus bare with it lol....natural look oso good la...down to earth!!!

px22, i am into nail polish last time lor! now i dun apply. lost interest in nail polish and move on to cake baking n decorating instead! hehe.

I do hope i will be able to make nice birthday cake for my child next year.. hiak hiakhiak..

i hv been painting my toes since i start working...haiz~~not yet to remove it....hahahaha...but will be removing it as it's not good...!!!anyway, can't wear heels anymore, soo jus wash off n wear covered flats... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies!!

been some time since i came in.

busy with the visiting yesterday.

spotting stopped tues evening but came back yesterday when i did lots of walking and moving around.

so today decided not to go work and went to see gynae.

goodness the q today is super super long.

i waited nearly 2 hours but i guess the wait was worth it.

saw my lil beanie and it is growing well...11mm now at 6w1d.

and we saw the heartbeat..hubby was so amazed as if its our first..haha.

so now doc said my spotting could be due to the placenta forming.

he gave me the hormone jab and up my intake of duphaston to 3 times daily. got 2 days mc too.

he said it should stop within these few days.

if it doesnt then i have to come back again for a jab every 2 weeks until the spotting stop or the placenta takes over.

hope lil beanie will be strong, sticky and healthy.

wendy, happy,

u gerls know eelyn see?

now im enjoying my curry chicken with bread and beancurd with salted egg..hehe

plus im doing up my excel sheet on the gynae expenses.

over 3 visits we have spent $530 in total..gulp.

going to go penniless at this rate..sighh.

maelyn, tks for the advice. but how do we know those sold outside are safe? cos now when i eat out i dunno wat drink to order since i cant drink ice lemon tea or cold drinks.

px22, i also feel so miserable cos i have been having nail polish on since in tertiary. not once will anyone see in none in more than 2 days (to let the nails rest). after removing all few days ago. i feel so naked. like so ungroomed.

u all mean we cant wear heels now? i tot only when our feet start to swell n tummy bigger?

lynzi, ur bb so big? mine is only 5mm at 6weeks 2days le. another u just gave u good idea. maybe i shld do a spreadsheet also. then i know how much have spent.


as long as u r comfortable with the shoe u r wearing n no issue, u r free to wear heels at all times...most important is comfortable n no contraint...

i oso feel naked after i removed my nail polish...feel soo funi...hahahaha....

Hey feimei,

My edd is 2nd July and I have been seeing Dr Fong Yang at Fong Clinic Paragon. My Chinese physician recommended him to me..

Have not confirmed my hospital yet..

Am thinking of mt alvernia.. But then I stay in the east.. So it might b better to gonto eastshore as it's nearer.

By the way.. When do u mummies think that it will b an appropriate time to do hospital tours ?

Oh ya I forgot to mention.. My little beanie is my number prince/princess :D

I think pregnancy makes me very blur.. And forgetful.....


hi, how's everyone this morning??? Think my MS is getting worse... puke 1st thing I came into office... feeling terrible yet cant go home and rest... haiz..

