(2011/07) July 2011

px22, really ah? wow tks for the assurance. cos i really feel my symptoms are not tat strong now and i am only at 6 weeks. haha burst like balloons. btw think u suffering fr water rentention. drink lotsa water. dun skip even though u always go toilet.

yaya, no leh. i dun have ms. tats y gotta keep pinching nipples. haha.

happy, good to know. my energy level is recovering though. just tat i cant stand long. i do yawn but i dun feel like very sleepy.


feimei, tks. cos there are mums who reported tat hb will stop one le. so scared lor... ya, i must believe in God. he has already created a miracle for me...

pillow, u v funny le.. anyway, i read ur post about ur visit from gynae. thanks for your help! my bbt is jumping up and down... now i am taking it easy as i know my nipples/breast sore can liao. i always start feeling my breast/nipple from time to time.hahaha!

i also dun have MS lor. but just that after certain food, i will feel like vomit.. the sysmptom comes and go...and i dun like the sour plum..finally. prefer lor mee instead!


my EDD is 7 july, please help to include thks.

Also when is your next appt? mine is on 6 Dec hoping to catch up with u in person [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yaya, i dun even hv e vomit feeling. but nvm, i trust in bb. he/she will be just fine.

anyway my next appt is 1 dec. cant wait


yes, that's mi!! my previous preg, bb hb stop at wk 6....but dun look back....what is over is over...now here's the 2nd chance...soo only look forward, dun look backward...!!! :D


my next appt is next wed, i will be quite freg due to my diabetic...soo my doc n gynae will wan regular chk on me till i pass my 1st tri....which ward r u in? i m assigned to Ward 52A, i will be gg there for scan...if we r in the same ward, we might meet!!! hahahaha.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi happy, congrats. You have the same date as me hehe..

Girls, yeah.. try to be positive and bb will be all good. Reading too much sometimes not very good as well.. haha.. then we start to think the bad ways. So, do get affected wor! Take good care. Today, i am feeling so much better with very very little nausea. Hope it stays like this so i could work properly. hehe..

hihi Morning all MTBs

Just tested +ve this morning (actually got a +ve last night) but just wanted to confirm as they say we shld use do the 1st first thing in the morning where it contain the most hCG..

M very happy but worry....cos i had a MC during June (10weeks)...till now my heart still ache.

so just shun qi zi ruan ba....

Congrats to all who just joined! Always good to read a happy thread.

I finally made an appt with a gynae on coming Tues, it'll be my 1st ever appt with a gynae. Dont know what to expect :p

Btw, i have ZERO MS at all.. see all u girls 'feeling' smthg makes me feel unusual..guess my mind will never be at ease till i see the gynae to get some confirmation first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Saw this quote online which i thought totally describes me now:

"1 missed cycle, 2 positive tests, and still not entirely convinced!" ha ha...

Ixoral - Zero MS is good right? MS is terrible feeling.. I've been wanting to vomiting but nothing seems to comes out ...eeks


yalo....i oso gg blk 5, O&G for scanning...but dunnu y the nurse assign me with Ward liao....hahahaha...but usually my appt is on wed...becos my gynae clinic on wed nia~~~


aiyoooOOO~~~we r here to encourage one another....we r all in the same 'sampan' mah....soo mus work together then our sampan will row smoothly n to our destination....(sound like i m christian horrr....but i m not la...hahahaha)...as long as we r here...we will hold hand in hand to achieve our Goal!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


after one day break, like not enuff...came in to office, stupig boss already bombard with tons of things...Sian~~wan to go home...~~~ :~(

congrate n welcome, sunshinebb!

dun look back...now another chance given to us, we shld be +ive....n move on...!

sunshinebb> Congrats to u!

yes i was...hee used the same nick. Which thread were u from? I was from the Nov09 BTB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tze> ya i hope zero ms also gd sign..hence cant wait to see gynae for confirmation first..

Hi ixoral, my friend have zero symptoms and she is in her 6mth now.. haha.. So, i think all these symptoms really varies and some women just dun feel it. =)

feimei, actually i am on MC on Monday and Tuesday as i come into contact with something and develop very terrible rashes that i need to take injection to stop it. The rashes are so itchy and my whole body turns red with bumps, had to take an injection from my gynae during my visit. Today, back at work and trying to clear my work asap. I just hope i dun come into contact with that "something" that i am allergy to again. The injection makes me sleep throughout Monday and Tuesday.

yes, feimei, how i wish i had take leave and go holiday with my parents! they are now on the way to genting liao. Envy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i oso hope saturday...but i hate sunday...cos mon hv to drag myself to work....hahahahaha~~


do take care! but rushing to finish up ur work, oso need to take a break to rest worrr...dun over-stress urself....i hv been telling myself not to get stress up too!!!


hahahaha...envy ppl gg on holiday horrr...but nvm la...as long our lil beanie doing well...it's more happy then gg on a holiday, right???

Hi Ixoral and sunshinebb, no wonder ur nicks looks familiar... i am winterpolaris @ NCQ thread too LOL :p

Wendy - dun tell me u are Jan 2010 Thread one!!!!?!

aka Winterpolaris

feimei, u same as me. i like saturday but i dun like sunday.hahaha..cos knowing monday has to go work.. lol. yap, i wish to accompany my parents go ...but then i think better not at this time..i am so looking to visit my gynae next sat (nt this sat!)..


Seriously, zero MS symptom is a blessing! I feel nauseous too and had to make myself vomit so as to feel better. I had to call off many lessons, phobia of going to teach. Trusting God that MS is gone and baby is well and healthy.

just to check any MTB exp spotting b4 ur menses....i hv it 6days b4 my next menses(light pink/brown abt the size of 50cent)...that why i hv a very strong feeling i will get a +ve test(cos nv exp anything like this b4)...n true i got a +ve result..think they call it implantation bleeding

I totally agree... no morning sickness is a blessings.

Now like me... lying on my bed still thinking of work, emailing clients and answering phone calls..

*green face*

Wonder if u gals start to have food cravings?

Found that foods & drinks that I don't usually love, I love it so much now. Jus went to buy bubble tea. Feel that it taste so good (previously don't even drink it).

Anybody wearing contact lens 1-day Acuvue Moist at -7.50 degree? I have 44pcs to let go. Done LASIK and thus contact lens not needed anymore. Selling at $40 for 44pcs. Price negotiable.

Please email [email protected] if interested. Thanks!



not sure if mine is craving anot leh....keep wanting to eat Mac breakfast....hahahhahaa...

My appt is nxt tues. Hopefully will be able to see something.

My MS is bad... nauseous yet nothing is coming out.

My #1 was smooth sailing all the way so abit taken aback by the MS.

Can I be added to the list? My gynae is Dr HK Ho. He is at Mt A.

sunshinebb, happy: so qiao! Yes i def rem seeing 'winterpolaris' and 'shirley' on sgbrides. Ya me from NCQ thread & nov09 btb...hehe. So it's gd that i didnt change my nick and got u guys to recall smthg. haha!

sunshinebb: same as u, i schedule my 1st appt nxt week. Wanted to get the next avail saturday which is early Dec. But then thought i dont wanna spend the next 3 weeks thinking if i am doing ok not.. so better go chk first!

Smurf- U are not alone.. I am eating double cheese burger for the past 2 weeks.. almost every day.. and not sick of it

feimei = Yes.. everyday must have coke! the burp is just so satisfying...

Oh, its soooooo good to have craving! My MS is driving me crazy!! When I am hungry, I eat something, I merlion, then I feel hungry again, then try to eat something, then merlion again.. Dun feel like eating anything at all!

:_( And guess wat, my MS is especially bad at work. Whenever holiday, I dun get MS at all.. Looks like I have a lazy BB, dun wan mummy to go work.. hehe..

Tze, Yar, I agree with you.. the feeling of wanna vomit but nothing to vomit is really bad..

In addition, my HB is off for business trip these 2 months.. and i am all alone by myself.. suffering in my lonely cocoon.. :_(

Anyway, tmr afternoon will be my first visit to my gynae.. Will keep you gals updated on my progress!

Hi girls, me too. I can't find my fav food now.. Used to love eggs and toufu.. Now whenever i think of it, i wanna puke.. haha.. I can't take fried food as well.

Anyone got any good tips to curb the nausea? does sour plum really do the job? HK TV shows always shows it does, haha..

I recalled someone in the thread here says take ginger tea.. Anyone made ginger tea b4?

ladies,i need advice...

i called sgh to make my gynae appt..but that dr,earliest date avail is 6dec..by then i'll be 7+, 8 weeks....

is it ok?

i now very kan cheong to see my sac alr....should i go somewhere to do a scan first?

feimei- i thought i read that u went to do a scan with woodworth then go sgh for normal gynae visit.. is it?

or i read wrongly?heehe

pinkyrose: why not go to a recommended gynae nearer to home first since it's the first visit and an initial scan? i believe 7/8wks for 1st checkup is still ok.. matter is will u want to wait?

if u stay in the east, i can give u the gynae contact which i'm gg to see at katong. They have weekday slots for next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i will add u, when is ur EDD?


no, i not Dr woody's patient...is it other mummy?

not too late for scan la, it will be better becos by then, u able to see twinkle lil star...greeting u...isn't that more contenting? understand ur worry now, but really can't wait, u can always pop by any nearby gynae clinic to chk it out 1st lol...


yes, ginger tea will subside the nausea abit but still it will come back de....no long term cure...i hv this nausea thingy whole day....i really trying to force out something but each time, Nothing, end up my tears drop...hahahaha....

hey ya i changed my nick cos i cant use my old one here hmmmm -_-"

i m feeling terrible now :S weep. when is this going to be over.

My cravings are random and only when i am hungry. usually my day meals are very light i dun have strength to eat. Then dinner i will eat something better. I also feel better at night but will feel very tired.

haiz hate this ms thing. Wish is not here at all. So count ur blessings if u are the lucky ones who dun get MS!


coke got high sugar content, do watch it...not too much ya~~~

i no need gassy drink n hv been auto burping n farting like the orchestra....hahahahaa....


ixoral-thanx... ya i cant wait that long...i nervous now already

im staying in north east...what's ur gynae name and where?

btw- anyone knows how much is woody's first consultation fees?

