(2011/07) July 2011

Hello everyone! Mind if I join this thread? My edd is in early July, but I think I might deliver in June as my 1st child came almost 3 weeks before edd.

Re cloth diapers: I plan to use them only if I have a confinement nanny around. And a diaper cover is a must or else your clothes will get wet. When the nanny leaves, I will be using only disposables cos you don't have to change every time your baby pees.


Good morning!! Din log in yesterday cos was on MC and stayed home to rot!! Hahaha..

So what's the topic today? Waiting for maelyn to announce whether world peace or world war? gathering, i wanna join ok!! Hehehe

Nana, diabetes during pregnancy is quite normal. Once u deliver, it will go away. In the mean time, eat healthily. Try to take brown rice instead of white rice. Dont avoid sugar totally cos our body need sugar to function. it is always moderation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei, yap.. i brought from her once.. the material not bad..btu then buying clothes online is abit risky if the clothes dun fit your body built...

tdy me 13weeks liao! hurray! i am now officially passing onto 2nd trimester! hehe..

by the way, do u feel urself more energertic? i dun feel sleepy till 11pm! but my nipple even more pain to touch especially at night.. u all know the aerola part there.. i felt it swollen when i was lying on bed getting ready to sleep...

chujie, enjoy ur trip!

as for gathering, i wish to join..but i need to confirm again!

chujie> thats y i bot the nursing blouse now lol...can wear as maternity blouse...cos the zip is well hidden... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahahaha...u also got influence, wan to buy...

blue_skies> ahhh...abit shld be ok bahhh...as long not the whole fruit itself...when i on diet, i ate the whole grapefruit...Wowww...the sourish....Shiok ahhh!!! hahahaha...my col can't take it, her whole face crumbled!!!! hahahahhaaa...


Thanks for the wonderful link. I'm also thinking of purchasing some already! Agree the maternity cum nursing tops will be esp useful. Cheap too.

syrah/ daph: thanks for ur mail.. wow I agree with u, the blunder is quite unacceptable.. Woody does have the lousiest scanner that I have seen.. But I don't understand how can he not detected the issue for Syrah...

I use to go to Clifton in Pasir Ris Loyang POint, but now moved to Bukit Panjang.. Tried changing my gynae to one in CBD area, and another one in Tanglin, but i still feel most comfortable with Woody.. The tanglin gynae always talk to me like pregnant woman all dumb... and his clinic filled with Indon Tai tais donning Chanels and Ferragamos.. plus a simple urine test (ie. pee on the stick) cost me 30bucks, every scan is approx 200+..

On the other hand, I am always the last patient in Woody's clinic, maybe thats why he is always very patient and always joke with me.. Tell DH to curb my shopping, tell me wat to take note of, answer all my questions tat I have.. I go to him really bcos of the famous stitching skills. I don't want to be stuck with horrible scars.. Will still stick to him though (like Daph say.. bought package alrdy).. jus have to take note and get 2nd opinion when something crops up...

Lynn: i read in other threads, one MTB bought the doppler from Mustafa.. can hear very clear and only 39bucks.. U can try...

morning mummies.... hw's everyone???

im feeling sick. down wif sore throat... next will be flu & fever. Hw to get it cure w/o seeing a doc????

feimei... thanks the link is useful. i might wan to buy too but nt so soon ya... ;)

chujie.. enjoy yr trip. take care ;)

Pillow... gathering... i will nt be joining. both date are being book eariler for my ex-co. & sch gatherings ;) soli ya... u all enjoy. take more photo & post on FB k.

Waiting for alicia add mi in FB!! Or anybody else can gv mi the link???


for sore throat, i buy Danzen from guardian pharmacy.

Lozenges will be Trichisan, the purple/white box.

These were given to me from my gynae when i had sore throat.

Subsequently when i have sore throat, i go Guardian and buy myself.

you can try also....


shall we make it at town area?

more central for those staying east/west/north/south to go home...

crayon_mami, dun worry. i dun think we will be shopping. i think like what the rest say... talk till the shop close. no prob in gg back early cos i am sure we will meet up again..

px22, really? mustafa sells doppler? they also have the gel? i wonder whether will it be harmful for bb if we listen to it like every few days...

tks for trying to get info on CDA, crayon mami,

I used CDA to pay for my son's cordlife fully!

Oh, dun have, this time will need to fork out $ for cordlife...


I'm sure there's a good side to Woody. Since you r comfortable with him, then it's not an issue.


Hi! At least u are hanging in the right thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My EDD is in June but most likely delivering in May and I started hanging out here instead! hehe.

ya pillow.. The June 2011 mtb bought it in mustafa and she said "The fetal Doppler comes in a pink box and comes with the Doppler, headphones, a transmitter (to place into any recording device) and gel to put on the Doppler."

I also heart itchy wanna buy alrdy... lol

px22, lets buy! then we can listen to bb as and when we like. my dh has been urging me to get one cos he is so irritated with me trying to feel the hb almost everyday. haha. i thought it is like few hundred plus.


Drink warm honey with lemon. If you have manuka honey would be better. Boil some water, cut the lemon into wedges and squeeze in the lemon juice then dump in all the wedges to soak for about 10 mins. Add honey and drink while it's still warm. This works for sore throat, flu and cough. If you are getting phlegm though, not ideal to drink.


If your sore throat is the type with just losing the voice without a sore throat, boil water till just-boiled then crack in 1 raw egg white. Stir it in and then add a little honey or rock sugar for taste.

ya pillow, i heard other places selling 100+.. not sure the quality of the mustafa one good anot though... Tonight i go ask DH.. scared he think i siao.. Ask him to go Dad & Mum congress this sunday he also say i exaggerate why need to go so many things..

I too much fats, cant feel bb heartbeat one.. the only way i monitor is cramps.. if got stretching/pulling/cramps tat means bb is still growing inside..

thanks jas & syrah...

no phlegm at the momet ;)

huh!! raw egg?? really words?? lucky nt dat stage. lollzz

suying, get more rest! Having flu, sore throat need lots n lots of rest..

px22, lately i oso abit siao..keep placing my hands on my tummy to feel baby's movement. sometimes i cant feel, i will press like what gynae did to 'wake' the baby up. Luckily, i get to feel baby's movement once a day. usually day time i will nto be able to feel mabbe cos daytime busy surfing net, chatting and working at the same time, not putting attention on baby. night time when everyone is sleeping it's peaceful, then i can feel better. Now i cant wait for next Friday to find out abt bb's gender!


that raw egg white method was taught to me by my TCM doc. Since it's added into boiling water, it'll be cooked. The mixture will look like the dessert, beancurd gingko.

hihi morning all MTBS

Suying...must take gd care n rest well

think i gg to be like u liao...starting to get paranoid again...cos Fri scan...afraid of the result...m thinking this 2days = wht if the result no gd ect ect...i oni know how to AN WEI ppl...cos really no feeling at the moment...wonder how is bb growing inside me

modisch: feel? how many weeks are u now? so early can feel already ah? I in week 15 still nothing but cramps.. First kid so dunno wat is considered movement..

Ask u hor, last night when i was trying to fall asleep I could feel a huge bubble in my womb.. and it felt like the bubble burst "blop!" so i was wondering is tat a movement or my imagination? I felt it 3 times...


No la. Cos after going through so much, i start to really learn about how to improve health. So just pick things up along the way. Some things also learn from other sisters on the forum.

feimei > Thanks for keeping me updated! woo~ tempted to get some too.. the dress u bought is nice. any issue with sizing?

oh ya, pls also update me on the gathering. I am interested, but felt that meeting somewhere in town area would be better..


px22, if u feel bubble, it is probably bb burping! Haha..our bb now can burp.

I m in week 15 now. Bb movement is like fluttering sensation. u juz lie down on the bed, either on ur left or right and then just move ur hand to touch which part of ur tummy is the hardest. place ur hand there for a while, u need to concentrate..u shuld be able to feel baby's movement. I always try lying on my left first, and then lie flat face upward and then place my hand for abt 5minutes.. can feel bb moving/kicking.

another method i read is shining a light at our tummy. Bb can now 'feel' lights..so if u shine a light at ur tummy, bb will move away so higher chance of feeling the movement.

so funny hubby ask me wht gender i prefer...cos this morning he dreamt that he went to buy banana...and the whole market all selling oni banana...banana everywhere...LOL

feimei- see la u post the link,now im shopping online instead of working.haahaa...skali we all wear the same clothes durng the gathering.haha

lynn- i also must eat before sleep or else i will wake up in the middle of night to throw up bile juice.yucks

abt doppler- really ah its $39..i thought it cost hundreds...i dun mind buying too coz after every gynae visit,i always worry if bb is doing fine inside or not


regardless of #1 or #2,i tink can still feel. ppl say #2 can feel earlier cos we have experience before with #1 so more or less know how the movement is like.

if u suddenly felt a bubble burst or a 'blob blob' sound..it is bb hiccup..haha. Sorry. just now i said burp! How can bb burp when they are having liquids..haha. it's hiccup.. :p

chujie: Enjoy ur trip to Japan!! update us when u are back! Take care!

sunshinebb: so ur hubby is telling u that is a baby boy. So cute


I'm hitting 18 weeks and still cant feel any movement. You are feeling it really early. *envy envy* But it's obvious where the hard bumps on the belly are. On Xmas day, 1 of them was really protruding and giving me aching ribs. Hubby said they are having their own party in the tummy.

px22- how does having bubble at womb area feels like?

i now have very bad cramps + backache.jialat..haven even reach 2 or 3rd tri...

if cramps= bb is growing than ok i dun mind the pain..haa

just to check any mummy...exp cramps on leg while slping??? it happened to be 2times liao..so painful...started yelling till wake hubby up to massage for me

thanks modish.... ;) wow... u 15weeks nw... i think next week u can see little hotdog or ang ku kueh liao....

syrah... oic.... so means cook we can eat ya ;)

thanks sunshine... no woli. everything will be fine for u too. stay positive k. eat healthy too ;) bb will feel it... yr DH so funny.. banana everywhere.... he miss banana so much...

mummies... no wolis... i oso jus started to feel a bit movement when i was in 13 week. i will lie flat & feel it.. really must concentrate. i can feel something punching my tummy or etc... hopefully wat i feel is bb movements. cant wait to see bb next week ;)

sunshinebb: i havent experience leg cramps. but sometimes my right hand will have cramps. I will start shaking my hand in the night

sunshine, getting cramps during pregnancy is normal. it will get worse. to reduce the occurence, u need to prop ur feet higher than ur tummy. When sitting down, prop ur feet on a box (i use photocopy paper box in office). At home, I will lie on the sofa and prop my feet on the arm rest..at night, i hug my Woody softtoy between my leg. U can try putting pillow under ur feet.

Try to reduce eating kangkong or too 'liang' food. If u swim, better swim at the side, incase cramps occurs.


I experienced leg cramps in my first pregnancy, last trimester.

I get it whenever I walk too much during the day.. Hehe.. It's normal to get leg cramps during pregnancy. Do regular exercise and don't exert yourself too much during the day.

syrah.... wow.. u 18weeks le... so knw the gender le ma!!... really so anxious hoh. cos some mummies 13 weeks only can knw the gender. i cant wait for mine on end of feb ;) hope time fast forward nw.

i do get cramps too. my kelics say cos blood circulation nt smooth so like dat. i do feel suan tong at my meimei there too. heard mummies here say is normal so long no spotting ;)

modish.. kangkong my fav. ya. hmm... think gt to control le lo...

hahahaha...good things mus share w mummies mah...esp we now into 2nd tri...more energy to shop n mood is back...if dun do it, by 3rd tri, back to like 1st tri...dan sian liao...

xinyue> the size fit me thou abit big but meaning can cater for further expansion mah...hahahaha....

pillow> using the doppler, no need apply gel de...not doing ultrascan...u very cute leh!!!!

not sure if it's bb movement this morning...becos every morning when i change clothes, i will rub my tummy n talk to bb, saying that mummy gg to work work liao, hv u wake up??? then i feel sudden rub (i very bad in describing movements or feeling) on my side tummy (jus abit away fr belly button)(the feel is like u using ur knuckles to rub against ur hand, that feeling), then i rub my tummy again, i say to bb, "ok-ok, i know u awake ler, gg work work with mummy!" then immed the sensation stop!!! @.@ is that bb movements? even when walking, i will rub my tummy, telling bb where r we, sometimes i get same response leh...hahahahaa....is it i imagine too much or really bb movement???

thanks modisch and maelyn...ok will try to rest on leg on pillow...i knew kangkong very liang, hv give up my love samba kangkong liao

Hi mommies to be,

Our new stocks will be coming next week, do check out our updates at the business forum/website or why not come down to our showroom to try them all? We provide a comfy environment meant for preggie mommies.

Our ongoing tees promotion is valid till end of this month. This tee can also double up as a nursing top.




Thanks for the link. The dresses are really nice.. Really envy.. Unfortunately the sizes doesn't quite suit me coz I have broad upper body. My shoulder width is almost 50cm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I had to get those Ang Moh maternity wear. DH bought a few from motherhood maternity when he was in the states. Anyway will recommend your BP to frens who r preggy.

