(2011/07) July 2011

suying> tried not eating too much kangkong, even not preggie, normal ppl who ate too much kangkong, in old age, will encounter 'jiao ruan'... :p



NOoooo.... i dunno gender yet. My next appt is 2 weeks later. Detailed scan. hopefully babies cooperate on that day and can see their gender.


Yaya, sometimes baby movement can be that kind of rubbing sensation in your tummy. So good, your bb can react to your voices. My #1&#2 never response to my voices, they move as n when they like.. Haha.. Action sia..

thanks feimei... noted yr msg ;)

syrah... 2weeks later will be 20weeks. wow... dat's fast. when yr EDD??? no woli... by dan yr little precious will open big for u to see ;)


How does the ultrasound looks like when having twins? Are the babies sleeping side by side? Or hugging each other? Can u differentiate which is which?

feimei, paiseh ah... i dunno anything. cos i saw in home discovery before and the couple apply gel then hear hb. and one of the mummy here (dunno who) said the package incl gel. nvm, hopefully can get it this weekend... then i test test... my dh said i crazy liao.

maelyn> arrr...i got in those big bone structure type, got broad shoulder... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but if get bigger size, shld able to fit in...Woww...ur DH dote u...those shop maternity wear quite ex leh...good la...he buy for u...he pay...u jus wear mei-mei lol...kekekekee....

really ahh...that's the movements??? i oways dun belief myself...i tot i imagine too much sooner or ltr will go into depression...but the feeling with cramp is diff...hahahaa...ok, now i know...will tok more to bb...even sitting in mrt...i will hold my tummy n tell bb we r on mrt...soo crowded... :p

feimei, okay. i will surely cater for expansion. hehe..

I dreamt of a doing a baby scan last night and saw a "big" banana! haha.. really wait to wait for 24th lor!

suying, maelyn, sunshinebb,

Yes I'm expecting fraternal twins so they are in 2 separate sacs. So no dressing alike hahaha. My EDD is 19 June but for twins usually expect them around 37 weeks.

Position wise, they can move wherever they want. 1st scan, they were top and down. Then at the last scan, one was right in the middle and the other tucked at extreme left. Doc couldn't even measure the fetal length of the left baby cos of the weird positioning that day. I believe they are still holding that position cos there's a hard bump on the left still and another near to the middle. It's still early stages so position will still change.

We are hoping for a boy and a girl. Then can happily close shop!

wendy, wa... hahaha... i didnt get to dream any..

dear all, i think all of us are having appointment before CNY... mine on 22nd Jan 2011.


If can do natural, I'll opt for it. Decision lies with the doc and not us. If he says cant due to whatever reason, then no choice have to do c-sect. C-sect likelihood is quite high generally.

wendy.. dreaming of banana too. lollzzz.... i was hoping a ang ku kueh but somehw oso feel wan a banana ;) mi so greedy. hw i wish i gt twins too. can close shop.

feimei.. means yrs & wendy is on 24 & 26 jan ya??

syrah.. twins ya... woo hoo.. congrats. i like twins ;) can dress alike lei.... yrs is DIY or via IVF?? soli to ask abt dat. jus curious ;)

sunshinebb, i also have..yesterdae night. but i didnt stand up, just sleep away.. hehee..


No problem. Mine's IVF. My previous ectopic pregnancy ruined my tubes already. No choice but to do IVF.

suying, hehe.. saw that "thing" sticking out haha..

Hi feimei, your app is close to mine. Update us hor.. haha.. Been counting down!

woohoo..... just finished lunch.

Chix hor fun again for the 2nd time this week.

This time, i added tou kwa to my chix hor fun, and also ordered bittergourd + tomato soup.

I also bought fruits. keke.......

I am just so hungry!!!!

swallowed everything.

realised that i can eat more for lunch then dinner.

For dinner i can only eat like a bird, else everything will come out.

maelyn, went for ur checkup alr? so it's a boy boy or girl girl? Excited for u!

i had tomyum claypot noodle for lunch..din finish! somehow no appetite. Darn leh..how come no cravings ah..

oic... syrah. u under which hospital & who's yr dr??? care to share. i was actually planning to do IVF if i still cant conceive on jan. who knws i gt a gd news eariler. so hw much u had top up for IVF??

wendy... haha... no matter wat.. so long bb healthy will do ;)

feimei > ok, thanks. I also got those big bone structure type, got broad shoulder... :'(


ooo... i like uncle sam.

and yes, after that you'll smell like a walking kitchen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

spray some perfume lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas, it's the hair that i cant stand!! hahaha.. i must go home earlier today n wash my hair. Wonder m i up to baking butter cake for my son's breakfast tonight.. still hv some eggs that i need to finish using..haha


We can't choose the gender for IVF huh? I wonder if any medical centre in SG has the technology to choose bb gender? Not by natural process but using methods such as IVF that kind??

No offense to those who has religious believing, but it was a topic brought up by one of my cousin..She has 2 gals already but does not want to go for number 3 unless it is 100% guarantee it's a boy!

maelyn, did u read the newspaper article on Straits Times over the weekend? A couple fr Australia aborted their twin boy conceived via IVF cos they wanted a baby girl badly - they alr have boys at home and they had a girl initially but passed away after birth. Poor thing..got condemned lar of course.

Frankly, i oso wanted a girl badly so if my #2 is another boy, i dunno if i shuld go adopt a baby girl or alternatively wait till i m older to have #3? There goes my early retirement plan..haha


I'm with KK under Dr SF Loh. There's government grants that you can use up to 3 times plus medisave. The average cost of each fresh cycle at kk ranges from $9-12k depending on the amount of drugs needed based on individual. If based on the lower end of the cost, govt grant + medisave can cover almost everything.


Gender selection is not allowed in SG. We cant choose which embryo to transfer. Can only choose how many to transfer. If taking govt grant, max to transfer is 2. Those with pte usually will transfer 3 to maximise chances since they can't use the govt grant and can only use their own medisave.

Hi mummies,

Can give me some advices? Some of my gfs swear by drinking lots of birds nest during their pregnancy and said baby skin came out firm, white and beautiful.. How true? And what kind of birds nest to buy? Do we consume daily and when do we start drinking?


hello mummies,

for those interested to get doppler (me included, gynae visit must wait so long), below is an article of its safety.

According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), ultrasounds have been cleared for continuous use, meaning they deem them to be safe to have done routinely. Similarly home Doppler's should be used in the same manner....routinely. Using a Doppler for more than a 10 minute session and more frequently than once a day, is probably not a good idea. In fact, I personally wouldn't use mine more than once or twice a week just to be safe.

Why do you ask? Because the way a Doppler works is by sending small sound pulses into your body, then pause to listen for returning sounds. The sound waves may be irritating to the fetus. But besides simply annoying the poor kid, there is no scientific proof showing it does or doesn't cause hearing problems. For this reason alone, it is probably not a good idea to over use your Doppler. They are safe to use, according to the FDA, but as with everything you do during your pregnancy, moderation is probably best.

Syrah, you will be the envy of so many of us if you have one boy one girl twins, that's my dream!!

Maelyn, it's illegal in Singapore (and many parts of the world) to choose the sex of the baby. But it's permitted in the States, they have specialised clinics for this. For a cheaper alternative, I heard Bangkok also does this although I dunno if technology wise they will be as good as the States.

There are apparently things you can do to conceive a boy/ girl naturally--to do with timing of sex, acidity of the woman's thing down there, diet etc. But of cos these are not 100% guaranteed.

wow... syrah. im wif him oso. i see him less dan 10mths & take medicine which he given i conceieve. he is a nice dr. super hand ;)

just back from lunch. beef brisket noodles...

modisch, maternity shoot? ya i am thinking of doing it. Will be nice if all of us can take one shoot tog... so funny.. with all the tummies sticking out.norm must wait till which mth then do ah?

maelyn, do update us.


WORLD WAR 3 is coming to my house !!! My Gynae found a machine gun in my womb!! Hur Hur .. It's a boy again.. My Gynae even joke n ask me if I want to cut the stick away.. Anyway DH n I had a great laugh in the room.

Pillow, I called liao. Best to shoot at 33/34 weeks n must wear tight fitting clothes so Tat can showcase our tummy. Shuld I do nude shoot? Imagine my #1 oso naked with me. Haha

Congrats Maelyn!! Save $$ this way.. Toys clothes n best of all ur boy hv new playmates n buddy!!

Happy for u.

I hv a feeling our thread will hv more boys than girls. Lucky bois


here's the link to the FB group. U have to add urself 1st before I can add u.


im 13 wks, and can feel my bb movements too! fluttering sensations, muz obvious when u r lieing down....

modisch: I did my maternity shoot at Studioloft when I was wk 37. check out my pics here...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will be doing another shoot with my no. 1 this yr.


maelyn, oh no think u gotta build nucleur shelter in your hse le. WW3 is coming!!!! haha....

modisch, do nude shoot la. i oso want le. but a little paiseh.

ya lor, so many boys...

alicia, tks for sharing. i love the one where u in long gown... so classy... btw do they do makeup for us or just take pictures only? then they dun provide clothes right? we gotta bring our own?

maternity shoot... my DH disagree lo. He scare i gv ppl see. rubbish rite ;)

maelyn.. congrats. so nw u hw many weeks. since like lots of banana appering ;)

alicia... the page was not found. wow... u look so beautiful & wonderful in yr shoot. envy envy ;) i have added u in my FB. maybe from there invite mi to group??

Alicia, nice pic! how much u pay for tat session? I think this time round i MUST take oso... since i 1 2 close shop already... hee hee

Feimei, think u got to bz update the table already

Congrats Maelyn on knowing your baby's gender!


Oh you're with him too? Yea...he's known as having 'magic hands'. Never regret going with him and still sticking with him now despite the long waiting time.


My MIL believes in bird's nest too. You cant eat everyday. Once a week is more than sufficient. Some pp say to only eat in 2nd tri. Best time to eat is on empty stomach so do it ard 11pm-2am.

pinkyrose: the big bubble feeling very hard to describe.. U know sometimes u can feel a fart coming? Then u can feel the gas bubble moving thru ur intestines and reaching the ass bfore coming out? The baby bubble feeling is like a bubble, but instead of travellingleft to right, it stays at the middle of your womb near the pubic area and then u can feel it POP like bursting bubble. I thought I was dreaming hahaha

Modisch: really ah tats my little one hiccup? Sooo cute.. shall try tonight see can feel bb anot.. wats the movement like? kicking or tapping or wat? I have no hard tummy.. everything is soft fats...

And recently cramps and backaches very jialat.. so bad tat I had to talk to bb and say mummy very pain wor.. then my cramps will subside haha

PIllow: its me.. I read in June 2011 MTB thread that the mummy bought the doppler n it comes with the gel..

Was telling bb last night to bless mummy with good luck for the coming 5mio and 10mio toto angbao draw (starts 28 Jan 2011 FYI).. if mummy strike then can buy nice nice cot and nice nice stroller for you! hahahah DH was laughing and agreed with me totally..

syrah, eat in the night? i thought when u wake up? i dun think 11-2am my stomach is empty cos almost every hr i am hungry n eating


maelyn> Gong Xi...Gong Xi....no WW3 lah...3 boys make up good buddies!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ohh...then all the boys in ur hse will Bully U...cos u the only gal!!! hahahaa...ur #3 is god gifted...soo be happy....who knows #4 is gal!!!! yea~~~

as alicia say, u say alot...most of the things can re-use...save $$$....

