(2011/07) July 2011


oh... i like to listen abt other MILs... hee... mine is still ok... except she likes to spoil my boy unknowingly... btw, wat is oscar scan?


little skool house and my first skool is from the same umbrella but diff category.. lsh is more expensive cos their location is always at 'cbd' area whereas mfs is more heartland type.. but the price for infant care at all lsh location shuld be the same and the price for mfs for all location is the same

feimei, called aunty irene liao.. kinda got 'scolded' by her saying that she got group of ppl to work together not onie her etc.. :p then she hang up.. haha

Saw a post on the maternity pillow..

I hv been using it for a few weeks and I love it!! I dun think I can ever sleep without it anymore!

I can hug it to sleep and maintain that position for about 5 hours till my arm cramp or have to go visit toilet coz it's so comfortable!! I used to wake up alot before but not anymore :D

That's why I feel that the $120+ is worth every cent. I also use it to support my back on the sofa while watching tv :D

oscar is the scan and blood test u do during week 11- 13 to test if baby has risk of getting down syndrome..

ya sunshinebb, rem the time we had a whale of a time gossiping abt our MILs with mdm khoo also? Tat was sooo fun lol

Staying with MIL but moving out once bb is out- my BTO is complete liao other blocks are getting the loan approvals- mine the slowest..

alicia> ya...shld be less than 1k...but guess will be cheaper if i go neighbourhood one...becos they got one across my street but walking dist abit further than fr Jurong point lol...but from JP, i can shun bian da pao dinner lol...or bring bunny to walk walk...hahahahaa... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stylomilo> u r right...when saw cute clothes...hand itchy...wan to buy...buy all of them...hahahaha...

sunshine> yes, for newborn, get those unisex one becos will not be gg out soo often, staying at home, no other ppl to see....when abt 3-4mths ler...can go kai-kai liao...then mus wear mei-mei to fashion show to other ppl....hahahahaa...

so far...i got hand down cloth napkins n stroller nia~~haven ask abt clothing yet...but my col ask mi go bugis...there got wholesale...selling those casual wear type...very cheap...i will pop by to see...we can share...if u dun mind...i meant share the quantity...not the clothes...hahahahaa...

modisch> ahhh...soo rude of her...u r her customer leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] anyway...u oso can 'fang xin' that she will be doing for u lol...u dun worry liao!!! dun angry w her la....not good to bb!!!

modisch: from bukit panjang to bukitpanjang SIAN

now staying cashew- moving to segar.. so near to MIL! LL bo pian.. DH dont like punggol, so in order to claim near parents priority we had to stay near MIL... eeeeeee

yes, MILs always bring up the excitement in everyone.. I once read a novel which quoted- "There are 3 types of humans in the world: Man, Woman, and Mother-in-laws"


oic, i m not going for the oscar scan... n little bunnie's gender not known yet... still small i guess... btw, me not seeing specific gynae, only see grp of MOs in KK...

ok ok feimei can share share the quantity...hehe

m thinking average how much to spend on bb stuff...start to plan

Px22...yes best to stay alone....me staying alone no need to see those ppl i dislike...hehehe

px22, near MIL can go visit her daily? i oso dun like to stay near MIL..i m even worse leh!! in order not to let her take care of my #1, i rather ballot for new primary school in the future rather than going to my hb's primary school..haha


Jurong Point u goto call now ask le.. tat time i put my boy on waiting list at 14mths, now he 30 mths le still not his turn yet! Not sure abt infant care...


Haiz.. to solve my babysitting issue i even offer to shift back stay with PIL.. and agree to give in as best as i can.. for sake of my children.. now its my hubb who oppose all the way! He says dun wana be a 'sandwich' in future.

My PIL is cook fried fish everyday. Not a day break, since i date hubb. Everytime go back was forced to eat fish.

Argh.. now having tummy ache with menses feel alike backache...

haha... pros n cons for staying near MIL... i can juz pop by anytime when i need anything... hee... save a lot wor... all on MIL account... hee... bad~~~

modisch: u must be kiddin me.. visit her daily for wat? Now i am afraid she would want to visit ME daily after i moved... DH does everything in the house from paying bills to drawing the 4D slips and fixing the tv n changing lightbulbs.. When we move i cant imagine wats going to happen..

px22, i oso scared of that..my MIL kept coaxing her youngest son to buy a flat in punggol so that can be near her 2sons..all her sons so happy to be near each other but i throw cold water by saying "we may not stay punggol forever cos ppl always think of upgrading..who knows 5 yrs later, i strike it rich, i move out.." lolz

my IL called my hb at 12.15pm everyday!! hahaha


I just called Ocbc centre one, they will get the principal to call me... But the lady said the waitlist is long n the priority is given to Ocbc staff first... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

for Cherie hearts at Cecil, there is slot for oct - nov... I will be gg down n see see... But very exp hor.. After subsidy, 1k cash outlay.. Somemore not 1-1, might as well find a nanny to give my bunny 1-1 attention... Haiz... Fan ar fan

So many MTB working around RP area... Anyone working near AMK? Im in a manufacturing firm around the area...

No subsidy one... only what govt gives... no payout and maternity also the std... so sad... well also too late to change jobs nw...

Just very glad that my dept is very pro family and can arrange to work fm hm where needed...

I also hope that will be able to see gender this Fri during my scan... that time bb will be 13 wks...

Ur posts all got me craving for prawn mee... Going down to Bishan S11 to get my dinner... Still have a rpt to finish than Prawn Mee here I come !!!

I bought baby clothes from carters.com during their sale. I think gap/ old navy also having sale, not sure if over already.

If not wrong the poloralph sale is still on, some items quite good prices cos now having additional 25% on top of the already discounted prices.

simone, cannot use credit card? at least get to earn points..hehehe

cherie hearts at cecil not bad leh..u can go see. their infant care space is very huge with special room for younger baby to sleep. hv 'gym' area..their lighting is oso very good..bright n airy

jus like last night, I nan de feel like cooking dinner.. jus stirred fried pork, vege with garlic, sesame oil chicken and radish soup with pork bones.. MIL say "can can good good.. cook then I no need cook"

when i was preparing the food, she started heating the wok and oil- she say FIL n BIL nothing to eat, must fry something for them.. ended up deep frying eggs, chicken cutlet and nuggets. Tats on top of my 3dish 1soup! No wonder FIL has clogged artery.. jus went for ops last mth... zzzzz


Me! Me! I am working in AMK industrial park 1. Manufacturing too. Yar, my benefits also quite standard.. Maybe jobs in CBD area more competitive, so many big companies there, so tend to offer good benefits.


jumpsuit == rompers rite? rompers can wear with or without shorts. If the weather is hot, then no need to wear shorts lo. Next time when bb out grow the rompers, can wear with shorts. No need to button the lower buttons at the diaper area. For me, I prefer to use 2 piece for new born babies, especially those shirts with front buttons, easier to wear. New born babies are quite fragile. I am not too good in wearing top head down for new born... hehe..

wendy> not sure if consider secure anot leh....this CL is siew ling recom one...she say she can't meet me cos she working for her boss now...then she gg back m'sia...she trust me, no need to give her deposit....if i got anything wan to buy when date nearer, give her a call, she can let me know what to prepare...so like tat consider deal???

berrycarrot> Wowww...the one at JP oso soo hot ahhh...btw, where is the ctr??? i can't find leh...at JP 1 or JP 2???

Nanamum: wow sounds like you're having a great time with ur maternity pillow! What brand did you buy? What's so different about a maternity pillow btw, it's like a big bolster is it? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

going off liao..

dr gave me mc for tmr..cos i hv this excessive gastric juice that causes me to throw up all the time.. even now oso i kept rushing to toilet to throw up.

Thanks Maelyn! You have a good point, alamak I think I bought mostly rompers, my poor baby's head will be squashed! Hmm I guess this means I have excuse to go buy separate tops and bottoms soon hehe. DH is going to flip!

Btw all the people who are already mummies--did you all use cloth or disposable diapers for your kids? Any feedback on which is better?

Star Night,

Yes, I remember you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] In fact my EDD should shifted earlier to May too cos of twins. So now I browse both May & June thread. Came in here to see if there's any familiar names and realise this thread very active!

How r you btw? Which gynae u seeing now? How many weeks r u already?

Sunshinebb - I'm one that does not have any hand me downs from family or friends... Now only hope colleages will have some available for me... But the last one in my dept gave birth more than a yr ago so also diff... Keeping my fingers crossed...

Maelyn - Agree im around AMK industrial park 2...

Well also just found out that my company if take any mc or hospital leave 4 wks before maternity leave will be included as part of maternity leave... Any MTB out there HR policy like mine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

IFC - My First Skool infant care ratio is 1:5 which i find is very high... Imagine 1 adult to 5 crying babies... Going to look for alternatives around AMK/Bishan area... Wish me luck....

Wanna settle all these before telling my MIL that im preggy so she cannot tell me she wanna do my confinement or take care of bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunshinebb> i'm 12w5d as of today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] edd 20jul. what abt u? wanted to shift my oscar scan to next week but gynae's nurse said will be too late le.. The nurse only called NUH for me today, and for this week, only tomorrow morn got avail slot. So bo bian got to take that.. where u doing your scan?


I have used cloth diapers and disposable diapers before.

Cloth diapers


- Need a lot of patience to change the diapers

- diapers get wet easily due to urine and poo

- great advantage is cloth are breathable, less rashes

- If you want to use cloth diapers, use nappy liner, this will save alot of trouble when poo poo

- save alot compare to disposable diapers but you have to consider the amount of water and time needed to wash the cloth diapers, plus you have to consider if on rainy days, what happens if the cloth diapers can't dry up as fast..

- recycle and reusable, good for mother nature

Disposable diapers


- It's damn convenient!!

- costly, depends on which brand you use

- sometimes causes diaper rash

For me this time, I will use disposable diapers for the first month. Then later from second month onwards will use during night time. Maybe day time will use cloth diapers. I used cloth diapers for my #1 becoz he had bad diaper rash, and it was really taxing, just imagine almost every 2 hours he will cry, and you need to change the cloth diapers. Even at night! very siong!

hi feimei, yes. Some CLs dun take deposit de and based on trust. Hehe.. My tenant's CL is like tat. I will also called Siew Ling when it is nearer to date to check what things to buy and i can share with you. =) I just hope baby dun popped out too early or else she will still be in her last assignment. hehe.. I am thinking of the options of delivery and C-sect normally is 1-2 weeks earlier de.

Thanks Alicia! I always assumed I'd use disposables too, reusing the soiled diapers sounds gross (no matter how you wash, surely cannot be 100% clean right?), but just found out yesterday that alot of people still prefer the cloth diapers cos they say less chance of diaper rash, no chemicals etc etc...so I can't decide.

Wonder if my CL will agree to wash the shit haha.


JP2, 2nd flr, near the foodcourt, must walk in towards the toilet, very well hidden frm public one..

I use cloth diaper with liner on top, if poo poo, just throw away the liner. Then i use toilet sprayer the spray off watever residue, soak with baby detergent then throw in washing machine. Also apply desitin cream to prevent rash.. Would say no experience any rashes, untill switch disposible at 12 mths..

Hi coopie, i asked my CL and she dun use cloth diapers.. haha. She told me to use disposables and she say is much cleaner and as long as we change when soiled, i think will reduce diaper rash ba. Just that it is expensive lor.. haha.. So, better check with CL if they agree to wash not before engaging them.


The maternity pillow is like a super long bolster that's curved. It is filled with small beads instead of cotton so can retain shape very well.. Feels like sandbag when u first use.. The long long curve allows me to put my head on one end and straddle it with my feet on the other end very snugly.. Whereas normal bolster would be too short

The middle part can support my tummy well too, so I feel very safe :D I got mine from mothercare.. The brand is theraline

Thanks Maelyn, berrycarrot and wendy! I think I will check with my CL before deciding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fyi someone also told me if boy should try to use cloth diapers to let his "thing" breathe more, duno whether true or not!!

Thanks nanamum, you are a great salesperson, making me feel like going to get one too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have been having horrible backaches everyday, feel like old woman, even in public gotta stretch here and there if not the pain is unbearable. Can't imagine when tummy gets bigger!

hi coopie, really.. hehe.. i can see how it goes, may use cloth diapers at random days to let it breathe ba. haha. but since CL is not washing it, i have to make sure maid cleans it properly or else i will stick with diapers.

Hi coopie, me also thinking to get one as well.. haha! The brand is quite a popular one and it is about $149 or $139. hehe.. Can use for breastfeeding as well!

Yah I think if my backache continues I'm going to get a maternity pillow this weekend. Although I was just given 2 breastfeeding pillows yesterday, one big one and one for travelling. Both brand new cos my friends never used, very happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw just saw my Carters brochure which came with my parcel. Additional 20% off online if you use this promo code: NEWBORN. Feel free to use this, gals--happy shopping!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hahaha i was doing sales after graduation before I joined teaching.. So having done sales + teaching currently kinda made me talk like a salesperson~!

Heheh.. But the pillow really good la.. Go try


Hi Ladies,

Can i ask if anyone tried the traditional cloth diaper in which u have to fold then use? For those I understand will have to use together with diaper cover to prevent leakage too. There's so many different types of cloth diapers available in the states when I googled online. But over here in SG, seems to just be picking up recently. I'm contemplating using cloth diapers too but can hardly find anyone using it for advice. My friends around me all say just use disposable to save trouble. Will appreciate if someone here can share more on their findings or experience.

