(2011/06) June 2011

Claire, Ashley, Altariel,

I am going to be week 16 tomorrow. I have lost 7 kg because of bad ms and till now I haven´t put on any weight. Still have ms (vomit) and no food craving at all.

Hopefully all of us will soon get over this terrible ms.



I'm expecting fraternal twins. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone attending mumsfairy breast-feeding workshop in Jan? I emailed them asking abt the next one and they said it'll most likely be end Mar/ early Apr. The lady recommended that I attend in 2nd tri so that can sit comfortably. Now I'm wondering which one to attend. Just afraid Jan may be too early.


Anybody heard about ARDO Calypso breast pumps available at Kiddy Palace. I have thinking whether I should invest in Medela, Ameda Or Ardo Calypso (swiss brand).


7kg, gosh! Is your MS easing up already? I heard lots of mums lost weight in first trimester because of MS, dont worry, u still have 4-5 months catching up to do on your weight.

I heard Medele pumps are the best, only thing is they are so ex! My galfren got one from one of the motherhood sprees though, i think she paid $400+ compared to $799 at departmental stores. Only thing is because its shipped from US, theres no warranty. Im also thinking if i should take the risk.

Morning mummies!

Syrah, wah feternal twins. High chance get 龙凤胎. thinking attending d mums fairy talk too. Despite d long time bf for #1 i feel i still lots of things dunno. Refresh abit also gd. Jan might b too early for us. But mar or apr will it too late for u? Cos ppl say twin normally born earlier. Although I do hv frenz tat can 'tong' till bb full term, both 3+ kg yo.

Matahari, u lost 7kg aiyo.. Regards ardo, I no heard tat brand le. Gd?

Ashley, the voltage for US Medela is different, you will need a transformer too. I heard one of the Medela spree organiser is quite good, not much issues with her stock unless its wear & tear problem. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah, my ms is really very terrible, I almost got hospitalised because of dehydration.

I have used medela before for my first child. But the pump is quite old now (my son 8 years old liao) and it was passed down to me from my SIL, so I think its not in good condition liao. Plus if I have to re purchased all the spare parts, also add up quite costly. So I am thinking of getting a new pump as I managed to breastfeed my first child till he is 13 months.

The Ardo promoter demostrate the pump to me and I find the pump not bad and not bulky. But since its quite new in Singapore, I am not sure about the suction and durability. The cost about $400 +


I dun know whether I should be happy or sad for the 7 kg weight loss. because my arm and my thigh cellulite are so much slimmer now.

good morning everyone...

i'm still undecided about getting a CL but since i am going to close factory after this one, think i might just spend the money and do a good one lor...

matahari, i also feel for you... do ensure you are taking sufficient multi-vitamins so that the nutrients are still there ya... not to worry, at the moment, baby is not gaining fat yet, still in formation stage.

morning all... just called up a friend's highly recommended CL and apparently her number is no longer reachable. remotely disheartened, but i'm sure things will work out fine =) I heard we need to find infant care/nanny earlier? who has recommendations? i stay in yishun..

i was blessed enuf not to have MS (not gloating here i promise). I was on a planned holiday trip and knew I was pregnant only 1 week before. so glad no MS while travelling. however lost a lot of appetite, didn't sleep well. Already having backaches! isn't it too early?

I'm just into 14th week today =) happy happy. Though in the end from the weight lost from no appetite and then suddenly huge appetite this week, my nett weight gain is 1kg =.=" Hope it's acceptable. Next US is next Wed. can't wait to see that little fella again =)

Hope you all are doing fine today! TGIF!!

Ann get a cl if possible. I feel my body is much better compare to b4 preg , so I personally think gd confinement is imp. N I c my Sis or frenz health r bad cos they doesn't hv cl .

Matahari, now I envy u cos cellulite is really tough to get rid!

Chillipadi, backache for me too, but I blame it to my old injury. Try sleep on alternate side or put a pillow under yr thigh when lying flat. it works for me.

Later going for my scan + review of my ntscan result *finger cross. Wonder how tis lil' now.. It been near to 2 wks I last seen .

Matahari,I m sure ur MS will be over soon..try to think positive ^-^

Christine,Thanks for the info!

Chilli padi,Sama sama!!I m going to see my bb next wed also..hehe..hopefully our little one will be guai guai n let us see the gender..hehe...I m telling my bb now everyday,please be good n listen to gyne n open ur legs big big ah...wahahahaha..

Mummies,might want to start kegel exercises if u feel better..A mummy of 3 from a previous thread recommended me this exercise,n it is really useful..can try ^-^



Thanks Clare!! how many weeks are you? i'm in 14th but not hopeful to know gender yet though a lil' anxious. gynae told me 4-5th MONth loh.. eheee.. you hoping for any gender in particular?

uhh i heard about the kegel.. wanting to do some light exercise too.. like yoga coz indoors (but need to travel to classes and expensive), swim (but scared of cold waters scarli ganna flu) so left with walking only. hahaha..

Chilli Padi,I m 15weeks this week.

I think by next week you can also see gender,but bb must be co-operative lor..I will get my gyne to shake bb..haha..n bb will move more..thats what my gyne did the last time..lol

my last scan at 12weeks was said to be 70% boy.My dh abit xianz..haha..we want girl..

He prepare to buy "yi liang" of gold for bb girl every year till she gets married n preserve a jar of chinese wine for her till she gets married.haha..if boy?nothing.He even joked if boy can follow my surname...

but at the end of day..a healthy n happy bb ...

what about you?

Try kegel,but maybe ask ur gyne can start doing exercise anot before starting any.kegel really good..haha..my husband did say my v is tighter after I did before this pregnancy..hehe..good..

I was also thinking of yoga but also think of the $,hehe...I also started to do 1 hour of slow walk in the gym everyday.

I think the adrenaline during exercise clears our emo thoughts lor..

Hey mummies,

im from dec 2010 thread.

im consolidating orders for raspberry leaves tea which aids in a smooth delivery and breastfeeding, also helps in digestion and water retention. esp good for pregnant women with big swollen feet. i drink it continuously for 5 days and my swollen feet really went down alot! its recommended that we take 2-3 cups each day. these raspberry leaves tea are organic and are selling at $9.50 outside. i can get it at $8.00 (60g) which can make bout 30 cups... if ure interested pls email me at [email protected]


hello mummies,

any mummies taking Ironyl capsules. it's Carbonyl Iron with Vitamins and Mineral. I find it very diffcult to digest. I keep burping and the smell is terrible.


ur hubby so funny! you sure he will want to drink the wine when the bb gal marries or not. scarli he emo and cry how? haha.. kidding.. well not yet confirmed so dun worry loh. healthy can liao. =) me ah, kinda hoping a gal but also think health more important.. my sis and SIL all have boys so guess it'll be kinda nice for a gal =) my first preg anyway.. yup gynae gave the go ahead for yoga/swim/walk. looks like left with last option ahha..


nope, just take pills from clinic. heard with Iron, it's harder to digest, may cause constipation too..

syrah: oh, next class at mumsfairy is March/April ah, think i will sign up for that instead. Jan, think by June i would have forgotten everything with this pea brain of mine. haha

for 2 days in a row, i have forgotten my watch

so excited for all the mummies who are seeing their babies this/next week.

I have to wait till early Jan for my next appt

Good afternoon mummies...

qiuen> jan is coming soon.. =) i m going for my 1st appt with a new doctor tomorrow. hope it is doing fine in me as i had been eating junk food & tummy dun seem to be good.

any ladies here, going for pre-natal yoga classes? i m thinking of going to build up my breathing. but i have not got the green light from doc yet.

Mongs.Is it the same as normal Iron?my multi vits have the normal Iron in it..I know I get bad constipation taking the multi vits..coz' Iron content is high..

Eilomummy,it is 一兩黃金..sound very cheena right?...haha..my hubby very traditional chinese kind lah..

How was ur interview?ok?jia you!!

Chilli padi,my hubby is a worrier..my last preg was suppose 2b a tiger bb,then he worry liao coz' he say if girl,his daughter cannot attend her best friend's wedding next time?!?!(coz of taiwan's tradition)I m like duh...see so far for what....

yah..at the end of the day..healthy bb is the most impt..

Can do Power walk if u have the stamina..

Qiuen,Jan will come very quickly..now mid dec liao..with all the festive celebrations,time will pass fast..

Haha Clare yr hubby really cuute. Now gold damn expensive. I envy yr future SIL cos he will hv a loaded wife!

Quien, ya festive season coming soon. B4 u realized, we need to write or type 2011 under date

Mongs, drink lotsa water to flush out d weird smell or heatiness!

Excited mum,thinking to try out prenatal yoga too but I can only afford lunch time. After work need to sumon back home for my #1

Excited Mum to be,

I want to leh. but dunno where to go and think a bit ex.

Clare, so surprising, ur hubby is traditional chinese but yearn for gal! haha ur hubby is far-sighted mah.. =)

hee true, time passes quite fast, 2 more days to the end of my 1st trimester.

excited mum to be: dont worry, lots of mummies here are eating junk food. Me too. heee.

Quite interesting. A gf suddenly called me last night, saying that she just had this thought to call me. And i was there laughing, cos i have intended to call her next week to inform her the news. Well, she is a step ahead of me.

Clare your hubby is really sweet to the nuts!!! I am starting to wear the maternity clothings i bought today even though my tummy still small. Shall see whether it will come in handy when i go to take mrt today. Ok off to go have lunch!!! Yeah =)

talk abt junk food, my mum bought my fav Lays sour and cream chips. YUMS! can't wait to get home for them ahhaa...


that's so cute! i think somehow there's a link, i wonder how! my US counterpart dreamt of me (I only met her once when i as there!) and that i was having a round tummy! (she said I looked cute btw.hmm). she had to tell me her dream coz she thought it funny, and she has the email title with the date i missed my period. so I was wondering 'my, is that a sign' coz we were trying and hoping the big P don't come =) so in the end she's the first person who got the news. LOL. who else have cute dreams alr? =)

Princess Christine, hope the best for you! my friend waited 5 mths before ple in MRT gave way to her. tsk tsk. my hubby ask me to put pillow, sigh. *slap his head*

Hi mummies,

is TGIF again! I oni see my bb next week, seem like so long to me. Recently feel so tired and also bodyaches, feel like doing pre-natal massage.

chilli_padi> well i dunno if this qualifies as a 'cute' dream, but last wk i dreamt that i have this parakeet that can say things like "how are u", "bye bye" and "your head have lice!".. haha i have no idea why the last crazy phrase is in the dream and i dun think real parakeet can talk anyway.. its parrots that can talk right?

anyway the thing is, since the parakeet is so smart, i was like, "oooh u so smart!" *rubs head* so as i rub, the parakeet will get bigger and bigger, then when i stopped rubbing, it'll go back smaller smaller to normal size again..

so when i told my hubby abt the nonsense dream the next morning, he immediately super happy cos he said its a sign that im having a boy! he said baby inside tummy playing wif his "bird" so ahem, when he rubs its gets bigger and when he stops it gets smaller again!

excited MTB> haha i also juz finished half a big bag of doritos nachos last nite.. eat until very happy.. i think if u're taking all the mlti-vits then eat some rubbish should be ok la

im tempted to put pillow when i go on mrt too haha

so many posts to catch up!

chilli_padi, we are just one station away! for infant care, my sembawang already full for next yr, but my kids' cc not here, their cc is just near to mil's hse, choose there cos mi and dh's office very near to mil hse, so we reckon it's be easy for us to pick them up and if we work late, my mil can help to fetch them. as posted earlier, my #3 place in ifc is secure cos of the older sibilings but mil seem to want to take care so we will see how when time to come.

Qiuen, my next appt is also in early jan, was supposed to be in end dec but colli is going long leave, got to cover for her so postponed mine.

Altariel> hahaha ur dream made me laugh out loud. Lucky no one around. Haha

Anyway nowadays my appetite lost already. Feel very funny. From super hungry last week til no appetite this week. Are pregnancies this weird on the stomach? Getting swollen feet too.

Those completing first trimester soon, jia you!


ur "your head has lice" rocks my socks!!! trying so hard not to laugh out loud at my office comp =)=) made my day! ur hubby's interpretation also so creative.. he must be so excited!! thou it sounds wrong about the *ahem* bird with "head has lice" WHAHAHA *cough*.. LOL


wah we're near! =) ya convenience is of importance.. we have a cc just right at the voiddeck.. so it's the infant care/nanny that we need help with.. my mum seems enthu to help but she's taking care of my sis's baby which will arrive 3mths earlier than mine.. so ya dun wanna tire her out.. look and see..

Uziela, the first day i stepped into wk13, i was suddenly so hungry until i couldn't wait for hubby. had to have dinner else will feel like pengsan! and just a few days before then, i have completely no appetite. so by now wk14, i'm eating normal. but sometimes no appetite one. it swings funny. dunno what's going on inside =)

haha... once i start on junk food, i jus cant stop. but got to control otherwise will not be able to have my proper meal.

chil> it will depend where u work if is lunch time. for my lunch time, i NEED my lunch cos cannot afford to go without it. hee...

chilli_padi> i m checking out Pure Yoga & True Yoga which they have sat classes. i only can make it on weekends as weekdays r quite tight for me.

princess christine> for me i will try to push my tummy out as much as possible. some nice one will notice u & give up their seats to u. but some bad one will look at u from head to toe then go back to sleep.

Clare, i dont uderstd hw to do pelvis flr exercise same as kegel. i just cant hold for more than 3 sec and i can't do it without stop breathing...

excited mum haha now i feel like i'm stuck within preg & "big belly". can't really tell myself so i guess i cant expect ppl to give up seat anyway bus crowded qt hard. usaully i get seats from uncles in my 1st preg.. seldom ladies..

Createjoy,When I do floor exercise,I will lift my butt abit so as to hold the squeeze better.at the same time tighten butt area..I think when u practice daily,I m sure u can hold longer.


Altáriël,wahaha...ur dream funny leh...

My "cheena" husband bought rocky road ice-cream for me to celebrate my mil go home today..hehe..

It is 11 degrees outside now.We switched on the heater at hm,wear full gear with socks n sweaters etc..n eat Ice-cream..hehe..

Mummies,Happy Weekend!!

