(2011/06) June 2011

Hello all! Its been a long time since I joined the conversation! Been busy with classes! I will be going to check out the gender of my baby next week!

BTW, anyone worried about the lack of weight gain? I don't seem to be putting on any weight..really wondering if baby is growing..



I think it's really hearsay. My indian colleague was saying that the part near to the seeds where it's very light in colour will cause miscarriage. I find the whole thing so funny.


actually we should eat everything in moderation.

for papaya and ginger causing jaundice, I don't think it's true. I tried to control my diet to make sure I don't eat those orange or yellow stuff like papaya, carrot and pumpkin but still my 2 girls had to stay behind for 1 day extra to go under the light. I think it's all in the genes.

mongs> ya thats why I say not too much by not over eating certain food. Just eat anything you want and not like everyday can already...

Christy & chin ling,

Thanks! I'll go buy a papaya later then. Really feel like eating it. Previously someone also said no jackfruit n I also ate it before I saw the post. I agree that we shld just eat in moderation. Besides it's 2nd tri. Prob there's no better time than now to eat.

Ann01jan & Christy,

I have been dreaming of black pepper crab!!! All along thru out the preg Ive been eating prawns too. It's hard to avoid that. But I find that I don't like it as much as I used to. I've been eating crabstick too.

Syrah> Eat food which you are comfortable... like my MIL cook certain food I dun feel comfortable with it I just dun eat. Most of my dinner is little bit of rice and a small bowl of soup thats it... I get my MIL to throw in some veg in cause I only take veg in the soup... really dun like eating the fry veg.

Heheh there is once the family buy chilli crab I wanted to eat so much... when the food was presented to me I totally cannot eat it the smell stink... hahhaha

Couldnt sleep last night cos kept thinking of tuna mayo. Y the food I crave are not really healthy. Hmm

After u ladies mentioned about soft serve cone bacteria. I think I better not eat too much and eat more other ice creams instead. Hee

Hmm. Wonder if milk shake will b better.

morning ladies

now i m down with flu,cough ,eyes swollen

still need to work shit job


any mummies bring ur kids go for the kids cover look contest


Oh I know what u mean abt the crabs. I told my hb I wanted to eat black pepper crab. In the end he cooked crab bee hoon soup for dinner. I could only eat a little of the bee hoon n a small piece of crab. After dinner I kept real quiet for a long time as I was trying to keep the food down without hurting his feelings. The fishy smell just hits after eating.


I've been contemplating abt milkshakes myself. But I dare not drink Mac version cos I believe it's made from their soft serve ice cream. However if it's those in restaurants like Billy bombers etc I think it's fine cos theirs will be from those tub ice cream blended with ice n milk.


Do take care. It's really hard to recover from cough esp. Try drinking warm lemon n honey. It worked for me.

Qiuen> I everyday think I am not eating healthy food too LOL cause most of the time cakes & bread... than lunch food court and dinner rice and soup...

Eliomummy> Oh take care...

syrah> hahahaha no choice... okie now I am hungry... time for my morning bread again :S really scared until I so afraid to eat bread....

good morning mummies !

i think food wise is really moderation lor... although i do think the shelled seafood is a no-no cos of the effect on bb skin. anyway, they are not healthy to begin with, only high cholestrol content...

still thinking how to get my durians today...

Morning mummies.


same. I oso think of unhealthy food everyday, macdonald, otah otah, rojak........ but try to retain from eating them.

talking abt crabs, old ppl say cannot cos if eat oredi next time bb come out will be very 'jian' that means like to touch this touch that. But I dun really believe cos my fren when preggie nv eat crab her bb oso very 'jian'.

Jay mum,

Yeah, I also surprised when Dr Koh told me about my baby gender at 15 weeks. But he said its 90%. Will get another confirmation with him when I see him again in January.

hi mummies

talking abt durians, i started eating during my

first trimester aldy..wahahaha..shiok cuz cravings..

juniorrain: i have been eating unhealthy food all along..especially mac..i tink bb love mac fries..but bb dun like hot cakes..last week i vomit the hot cakes out..tried to eat healthier like fish..buy liao..eat liao..cannot take the smell then vomit out..then somemore nw still have to take fish oil..arghh..

anyone ms over aldy??

I think hub will laugh when he sees what I wear out today. So lazy nowadays that I just throw on a slightly baggy top n jeans n my birkies to work. Family biz sobi can wear whatever I like. Hee.

High heels in hibernation. N I miss them. Sob

my colleague keep saying my tummy small eh..am into 15wks..make me also worried..haha..still cant get a seat in mrt..oops..

every nite i will ask hubby to listen to baby heartbeat and talking/singing with him/her..

i wonder if outside got sell doc's (wat's tat thing ah) for listening to heartbeat..haha..so i can listen to it also myself..whahah

Hello. Back frm my cruise trip. Tired but happy.. The thread really move fast. Will try to read through so I won't miss anything. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes I love mac fries toooo n the big breakfast. I have not start to eat fish oil yet lei.


ya i feel ugly oso, missed my normal pants n high heels.

christy & syrah : thanks you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

durian oso cant eat too much ..

if not bb will have heat rash

my friend keep eating alot those spicy n hot food , durians la...

then when her gal is born .. then she has alot of heat rash all over her body


My colleagues didn't notice until I told them that I was pregnant when I was 20 weeks into my 1st pregnancy. Plus, I always wear loose clothing and there wasn't much change in my wardrobe. but my tummy started showing when I was around 13 weeks into my 2nd pregnancy. The skin is already loose. Now into my 13 weeks for my 3rd pregnancy and I thought it's not so bad but today someone let me see in the MRT. I was really surprised. maybe my clothes is baggy.

Anyway, dont worry about your tummy showing, some mummies can really hide the tummy well. as long as gynae says that your baby size and weight is comparable to your pregnancy stage, there is nothing to worry.

Eliomummy pls take care. Pear works miracle for me when I down w bad cough.

Agreed w eliomummy. Try to avoid Heaty food. I do heard of ppl ate lots of heaty food during preg, their bb r very heath like need to hv fan on while sleeping in aircon room or often very high fever when sick.

My tummy also grown quite abit lately. Wonder r they due to d bb or d fats left over frm #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

JuniorRain> Talk abt fish oil I ask the clinic for fish oil and they did not giving me. They say got eat normal food is enough no need the fish oil and did also mention that taking in excess qty will cause bleeding..... I am not sure on what bleeding lor...

qiuen > my mum carry me and my Bro and xiao mei eat alot durians so now we love durians... only my da mei... she carry her that time she dislike durians now she dun eat... my da mei will buy durains for the whole family she not scare the smell but will not eat...


i also seldom get seats, prob coz' still wearing normal but baggy clothes and heels.


i dunno if this is a conincidence or not, but my ILs brought fresh durians to my place to feast. after eating, i delivered my kid 3 wks early. gynae intially said watch my diet otherwise bb very hard to come out. in the end my bb was so small...2.8kg only!


i'm prob getting one coz' the plan is for my hb to bring maid and #1 to my ILs to take care, and i'm at home with #2. for 1st month, since i'm recuperating from childbirth, would be nice to have CL ard to help bathe the bb and cook for me, although i think $2k is really ex to pay for such help.

krex : yup yup .. sometimes the weight not accurate one

when i go for my last check up /.. my baby weight is 2.8kg like tat... so plus/minus will be 3Kg la

in the end . he jus 2.475 kgs =_="

Ting : get a CL better .. so that she can take care of the bb at night .. n everthing

at least u can rest well

Eilomummy,take care,hope u get well soon.how is ur son's fever?n his photo shoot?went well?

chil,welcome back.how was ur trip?

Hi Josephine,welcome!

Mongs...hehe I think everyone knows I m preggie coz my tummy very big..haha..coz I gain a lot of weight Liao..haha..

Yeaps..I also think everyone is different..we all have different body types..

clare : thanks u .... my colleague asked mi to go back n see other doc .. becoz my eye like goldfish hahah going to pop out .. hahaha

my son fever already drop back to normal juz that his cought n flu still hvnt recover

he cried cried until no voice.. sigh ..all becoz of teething ..

yestday photoshoot .. totally no mood ... didnt get his best shot....

only take abt 18photos


i didn't get CL cos mil, mum & hub take turns to help. during confinement, i need to look after alone from 8am - 1pm on weekdays when everyone is at work or knocking off from work. it is quite tiring esp when u r unsure of what to do. for this one, i'll be getting domestic help or a CL, i doubt we can handle 2 babies in the house without help.

Regards cl. I wanna book my aunt who is a cl n she really helped me alot during my #1. cos I was csec plus bb got colic n nipple confusion, very cranky day n nite. But she gave me a piece of mind when I Noe she is capable n knowledgable compare to us as new parents. But tis time I heard her own DIL is preg too so I need to look for someone else le..

Hey Clare. Tks the trip is great, tired n rushing esp my #1 travel w us. We travelled w my families as well, total 4 cabins. My gal had great fun, holding hands everywhere w one of my niece who is born 3 wks earlier than her.. Everyone tot they where twins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome Josephine , our edd is juz one day apart [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah eliomummy, quickly go home. U deserve a gdrest plus yr boi need u now.

Eliomummy: do take care and get well soon. Drink lots of water.

Regarding CL: must remind hub to call his buddy to check if their current CL is good. His wife just gave birth 2 weeks ago. Both our parents are working so will definitely need a CL.

Have not seen a few mummies for quite some time. Hope everythings fine

halo mummies, not been posting for almost a week. busy at work. Yeah! i got my wish! i got a bb girl! yday scanned. was so excited & happy over the moon i can finally go shopping spree! anyway talk about durian, is it season now?? dun think so right, i love durian too!

So far only 1 female colleague asked if i'm preg wn i was wearing a super tight dress after a heavy lunch haha. i dun mind ppl giving up seat to me haha..

Chil, my sis delivering july 2011 haha think my bb girl & her bb will look like twin, hope she get her wish , she wants a boy badly.

congrats createjoy. a bb gal. Was at MS shopping yesterday and saw a shop selling accessories, they are so cute!!! Hub still say buy and wear yourself lor

Haha Ann u berry cute, i 1st heard got durian reporter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Createjoy, happy for yr wish came true ! Gal really hv alot of stuff to buy.. All so pretty all so cuute. Yup I bet yr Sis kid will like a twin w yr gal . Cos normally their height r quite near [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

createjoy> congrats on getting ur desired gender! i'll know mine next wed! cant wait to go.. see whether the doc's 70% girl accurate or not.. hope 30% wins! and hope bb will cooperate and be in the right position to see!

syrah> wah 7 wks is a long time! i wait 5 wks for my next appt already wait until super anxious.. dunno wat is happening inside cos tummy not growing at all!

eliomummy> hope u and ur boy get well soon!

ting> my hubby tries to listen to bb heartbeat often too! but he always say cannot hear anything cos i have too much fats on my tummy so block all the sound -_-''

christy> my gynae told me to eat fish oil leh.. mayb cos i dun like to eat fish so not getting any omega thingy haha.. plus a lot of the fish and seafood nowadays dunno got a lot of mercury or not so better not to eat too much also.. i've almost finished my first bottle of fish oil liao.. need to get more soon.. spend $ again.. sighz

my hubby finally caved and let me eat black pepper crab last week haha.. one small crab i ta bao back and eat for almost an hour haha.. slowly nibbling and enjoying lol.. i think reached crab quota for the month liao so will try not to take anymore till mayb feb haha

welcome josephine!


Ooo... So fast u know it's a girl! Congrats!


U going for interview? R u changing job at this stage? Isn't it difficult to do so now?

E'leen Lau,

Im also not thinking of getting a CL. Will prob engaged a maid instead n get my mother to help out. CL very expensive especially in my case as it's almost double the cost since it's twins. Really hope I'll be able to manage somehow. Were u tired out taking care of 1?


I tried newbaby confinement catering before when I did mini confinement. Quite good. Natalessentials is slightly more ex but heard many gd reviews too. Btw we'll still need to boil our own confinement tea as those that is provided is insufficient for the entire day.


i don't think i rested much even with CL coz' i was BF bb. he didn't want to suck then, so i woke up every 3 hours to pump. xian.

